Brit/pol/ - Are Joe tbh Edition

>Teachers are "brainwashing us and our children into thinking the bad guy was Hitler. What have the Jews done good in this world?” - Labour candidate Nasreen Khan

>If you voted to leave the EU, don't bother wearing a poppy

>Father goes against state wanting to kill his brain damaged son, is banned from hospital

>Uk must provide Brexit clarity - Barnier

>Pressure grows on Carwyn Jones to order Carl Sargeant inquiry

>UK prosecutors destroyed crucial emails in Assange case

>Labour Candidate: "What good have the jews done?"

>Britain backs ban of bee killing pesticides

>Plenty of room left to build millions of houses on so the greenbelt can end up like Tokyo

>Alex Salmond to host TV show on Russia Today, Nicola Sturgeon screeches autisically

Other urls found in this thread:



but we ... RESPECt the cleared the LASt .. NO WESTERN NEWS ?????? AGAIN we go .. itch your bollocks .. but the FACT IS WELL DONE IRAQI FORCES against CIA/jew made terrorists .. ! :) RIP THE 370 odd dead Families in the towns that Isis held .. !
How can we still let western Tory govt want WAR =HUGE ££££ kill stuff .. ...we need to step up an FIGHT ! .. OK.. SAUDI at the min TRILLIONS Boboms BY uK ../ kills Yememeni.. saudi taking over an killing them NO NEWS KILLINg ALL REFUGGEES .. NO WESTERN PRESS !! RTN has seen .. ????????

>65p for a freddo

Why all these pro Nazi views on here and the supporting of figures such as Anne Marie Waters and Richard Spencer , Do you guys not realise if the far right had its way we all would have been speaking German

26p at tesco



I posted this last night but it didn't get many votes.

>we all would have been speaking German
Shame it didn't end up that way.

>Instead, we will be speaking Jamaican patwa

You guys see Trump's speech in Vietnam today?

Only an American could go to Vietnam, praise Prime Minister Modi, and literally rile up the entirety of the Indian people in the best way possible. I bet he just jump started their economy and society into the 21st century by simply mentioning India.

Trump is doing things that Obama and the British Empire (both nigger tier) couldn't do in India as leaders of the free world.

Sucks to suck.

t soyboy nazicuck



The absolute STATE of Mark Collett's girlfriend.

Listen to him in the car:

Good God, he's so edgy.

>honestly don't you realize if the nazis won we'd have no nigs, clean streets, white families,a national community and a purpose in state? what's wrong with you?


LIterally Jerrycucks

If you could show every soldier Nazi Germany 2017 vs Britain 2017 they'd all have joined.

I can't stop crying at everything

brits can into european crusades


Better than fighting for a Jew owned Empire.

>Good God, he's so edgy.

It was 2002, everyone was edgy back then.

Cheeky Fashy Karen

>fighting for a bunch of weak krauts who want to execute you all

lmao @ you cucold

>da joos

Just kidding.

Anyone else sometimes ironically churchillpost? There probably are some sad cunts that actually do think WE HAD TO FOIGHT though.

>this kills the jerrycuck

All thanks to him.

It was well known Hitler wanter to murder 100% of Britons and replace us with saurkraut munching huns.

My maternal line comes from Germany. My great-grandmother was nearly raped in Berlin. All you had to do was accept the peace in 1941 and the world would have been a better place. None of the rapes in Berlin, end of Jewry in Europe, no immigrants flooding our countries. A better world.

Paki rape gangs are more of a nazi thing m8, brush up on your history.

Also dont forget the fact The Empire was routinely genocideing shitskins and pakis for around 50 years after the war, unlike BASED Hitler who let them all in

>end of Jewry in Europe
Had that happened though our Jews would have funded degeneracy in Germany, in much the same way the USSR funded it here during the cold war.

He was such a mong to trust that Jewish Channel Four journalist. Utter daftie, getting matey with leftists journalists and running his mouth. I just can't understand how people can be so stupid.

They wouldn't have had a hand in European affairs if the NatSocs had won.

Is it possible to be a nationalist and religious? To be nationalist means you believe the nation to be the highest power.

I think he's a bit autistic too, in a subtle way.

His sister is qt though.

If we accepted Hess' peace the USSR, UK, US, and most probably France would still be Jew run.

yeah clearly has some psychological baggage

Have you seen this one too?

Karen would bring back the gulags for opponents of Nationalism

Lads I'm crying

I'm so glad we have alt-right, Generation Identity, etc now. I mean, a middle-class, clean, no-nazi, youth movement. No wonder the govt weren't scared of the right 15 years ago.

*proscribes you*

So lads I'm playing >pic related When do the feels start? I want to feel again
why lad? in a good way or bad way


your mum just called me round and iv already just cracked one out

I made the mistake of leaving my mental bubble of work, gym and sleep and realised how alone I am without anyone close to spend it with

I basically shut myself off as a teen and pretended I was tough and didn't need anyone and now it's hit me like a ton of bricks.

Stop being a pussy.

I was, then I become a pussy again waking up from my trance I had for years

What medical drugs allow a person to suppress the reproductive urge and emotional need for a partner?

Shit mate that's quite scary I didn't know corpses could speak especially when 6ft in the ground
>MFW I'm realising why Brit/pol/ bumps are getting slower everyday
could you give specifics friendo? just want to see which option I need to tell you, I have an option to salvage if you have something but I also have a nuclear option if you truly have nothing

lol faggot.

The only time I feel lonely is when you get that pretty looking sky as the sun is setting and I wish I had a gf to just walk around with and enjoy the scenery.

Apart from that I feel nothing. NOTHING.

I basically have no confidence around females after ignoring them for years and cutting myself out of competing out of low self esteem, so I pretended I was a lone wolf and that a manly thing to do to cope

I don't know I just hate myself. Otherwise my life is ok. I get money, my own place and work is enjoyable

I'm like that. I'm naturally introverted though so I like the loneliness. I'm completely isolated, I don't leave the house or anything. I would like some company every now and then though. Guess that's one of the reasons why I keep coming here.

Life sucks. I think failing to breed has made me mentally ill and this is the human bodies response trying to self destruct

I autopilot life. Nothing hits me until I get to be alone

Nuclear it is then lad, just before I start mind if I ask your age as well? just so I can give some more accurate pointers


I have some really fucking autistic mannerism, my work is usually 100%, but then a girl enters the environment and she's talking to us in a group and I can't help but avoid looking at her so I make a direct eye line with the wall, looking like a complete retard

I went home and cried after that and it ruined my entire week

>Man throws water on chavs

Am I me when drunk, or am I me when sober?

If the latter, why do I feel nostalgia for parts of my life I hated when living them when remembering them drunk? If the former, why doesn't it occur to me when sober?

>public schoold equal Marxist indoctrination centers

So what's that make a teacher there?


theres a fucking rat under my bed

what do I do

You Know You’re British When… | The December Issue | British Vogue

When your great-grandparents are British.

jesus fucking christ I dont need this when theres El Rato under my bed

You're lucky you're only 21 user fuck me I was worried you'd be 30 right you can fix yourself up don't worry and we'll go post by post okay?
>... I make a direct eye line with the wall
Eye contact is oddly one of those things I can't comment on too much but if there are any rules the six second rule is something to keep in mind

The Six second rule is when looking into someones eyes, in a one-on-one situation to you have approximately six seconds before the other gets a "tick" and feels alienated now you were in a group so this doesn't apply, but if you were and you want to focus on someone and not focus on their eyes, focus on their mouths initially it gives the speaker an Impression you are listening and doesn't for whatever reason cause a "tick" once you get comfortable with that then try to keep eye contact when you can. taking those baby steps will help in that department ever so slightly.

How is your social media lad? and you also mentioned gym how /fit/ would you say you are?
>implying you don't want to kill it
you get a glass and a bit of paper or a massive bowl and chuck it out of the house

>You Know You're a Vapid Londoner When...

Id say I'm pretty fit
I only use Facebook to talk to my old school friends

>using any form of social media

>work with lad a bit younger than me
>he keeps going on about how hitler was right
>said he was going to try make a giant poster to hang in the shopping centre
>manage to stop him

Managed to stop the creation of another daftie.

Somehow I've written three thousand and three hundred words today. Tomorrow I get to wake up and do it all again.

Necking shots rn lads.

I took a nice picture of myself today lads




Settle down

Sorry user. I have just finished writing. I'll try and shitpost half an hour in advance of entering the thread next time.

Not anymore.

Fuck you.

The root of our language is German you twit.

Whew lad the shareleftyblueshariajidf sure are out in force tonight.

much better video title

>when you want to punch anyone who doesn't realise being british is about being a european and a global person

isn't this a complete oxymoron? how can you be both european and global. this guy, whoever he is, is the ultimate in soyboy 'feeling' cognition

I cant find the fucker. Hes just scrabbling around the edges of the room under furniture and shit

Three posts now lad.

It's 2:30am in the morning, have you patted your nearest Mick's head?

havent seen a mick in a while, lass i work with is a mix between Welsh/Scottish which is the weirdest accent i have fucking heard

>He just keeps on winning

There is something incredibly relaxing about disengaging my brain and coming on here. If any one wants to know (in great depth) about private international law and 'the Italian Torpedo' under the Brussels I regulation (recast) you can fuck off.

That was quite riveting, and there seemed to be some genuine bon homie at the beginning.



oh I know user, I've been tempted to nuke my own for a while but then again I don't have any other communication with grills and my Childhood Oneitis crush.
Well my Boy in that case you're golden (enough) as you're fit it might be worth updating your profile pic to something that shows that off, now disclaimer I'm a bit of a fag so I'm a little biased here but, as long as you come across clean, and fairly dashing you could pull one of three depending on how modest you are 1) a full zyzz (Full body shot with shorts) 2) you in decent clothing but still showing your frame (smart casual so collared shirt, nice jeans with a belt and maybe a beer in hand) (that being my favourite choice) 3) tight-ish clothing (Not gimpish but a tight white shirt showing off frame) But obviously you could pick something that you think represents you the best.

With that message and organize with your old friends and flames/crushes the reason I say this is if you look decent enough, the girls need little excuse but with your old mates/people you knew all you need to do is say something like "hey X, its been ages since we've last talked want to have a pint at Y pub sometime next week?" and honestly talk with them, and see if you can do it again and establish a network of friends again. Once you are in a group you might be lucky and one person in the group may already be proactive in organizing shit. If not you need to be saying who "wants to go to Z club on X date?" you're 21 and still have plenty of time to club and etc and that should fix the friends situation. You'll be busy and not alone

With girls clubbing is always an option but stick with the Facebook message and organize for now, the reason I bring up old flames is there is no harm when you are 21 and in a pub to say "I used to have a crush on you back in year XX" as you can talk bants about it and it shows you may still have interest in her, and you can pick it up from there

>Would you like me to continue?

I don't have any mick heads to pat user! I want you to have the real thing its not fair!



oh god how often have I posted about her?

why are you up so late?

Also did I just waste my first trips?