How's it feel knows you're not going to get any of the sweet hillary voting poon?
How's it feel knows you're not going to get any of the sweet hillary voting poon?
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw you will never win over these wonderful roasties
>dating in your 30s
that's where you fucked up
and if you're gonna do that:
a) have money
b) get with younger women
>reluctant cougar
top fucking kek
this is who gives relationship advice on plebbit
>you will die alone
feminists will die alone*
and will also have to raise a 52% child all by themselves
I'm neither interested in degenerates
How is this news?
Breaking tonight! A date doesn't go well.
No woman who would do that is worth fucking.
They need us. We don’t need them. Get that through your fucking head.
>I wouldnt feel safe
Why do people (especially roasties) say this when they clearly mean uncomfortable
It's one thing to say "our political ideologies have to match if I want to stay with you" it's another to say "I'm physically unsafe because of this person's thoughts"
No woman who thinks that way deserves to fuck a man.
They need us. We don’t need them. Get that through your fucking head.
>breaking news, roasties decrease their chance of getting a husband even further
Why would you ask who someone voted for in a date anyway?
Because you are a sad libtard whose life revolves around what the media tells you
Do they hate trump because he reminds them of the chads that used abused em and then dumped them?
Would she have been regarded as a hero if she did the same to a muslim man?
Bryan Leib, roastie dodger.
He dodged a bullet. I'm happy for him.
their entire world view is based on thought crimes. it's better to import terrorists and rapists than it is to resist it and be called mean names
Sorry to tell you OP, but I have a white fiancée who loves me, & I love trump, we're going to have at least 4 white kids & there's nothing you can do about it.
Yeah, that guy didn't know how to hide his power levels until after he got her into bed. Chad, on the other hand.... m.imgur.com
Obviously he was just an unattractive loser so she used it as an excuse to leave without shitting on his self esteem or crawling out the bathroom window.
It's definitely a good litmus test
>Is Trump racist?
Depending on how they answer in this topic, you can know if they're totally or violently posessed by their preconceptions or not.
>mfw live in Seattle and it’s so hard to find a good conservative boy to love
he got lucky
Voting Republican really affected my sex life and was a huge barrier to meeting women, I'll explain:
This all began in 2012, when one of my only Tinder matches stopped talking to me. After we exchanged numbers, the last thing she told me was that she couldn't see me anymore and to search my name online.
So I searched my name on Google. The second result was from a voter registration database website, and it had my full name, date of birth, party affiliation and address. In huge red letters it read "REPUBLICAN". I didn't think too much of it until it clicked: women don't want a racist, ignorant and bible-thumping Republican as their man. They want a Chad, a Karl Marx enthusiastic, someone educated, intelligent and romantic.
So, the next day I walk into my county election office and say I want to change my party. They give me a form and in big, beautiful font it reads "Democrat" next to a large checkbox. The checkbox for Democrat was over twice as large than Independent, Republican, and Green party. I handed the form with my party affiliation change and the clerk winked at me and said I was "doing the right thing."
Fast forward a few weeks later, and I search my name again on Google. This time, the voter record database is the first result, and it's updated with my new information: I was finally a DEMOCRAT! I felt more intelligent just seeing my name next to that word. I felt proud, I was no longer an old, crusty Republican.
That year was an election year, and Obama was running for re-election. I hated that CIA nigger but I was now a Democrat, so I had to vote for him or I would get penalized or fined. After election day I posted a photo of my "I voted" sticker and hashtag #NoDramaObama. Less than an hour later, my previously disconnected Tinder match from a few months ago sent me a message: "Came to your senses?". She invited me over to a artisan coffee shop called Starbucks and I discussed my new party affiliation.
After that, we had sex.
Back when I was still hooking up with my ex (after I broke up with her), she would tell me that she couldn’t stand answering OKCupid messages from anyone who was anti-Trump on their profile as they stood out like feminine losers to her.
he dodged a bullet, I'm glad for him.
If the cunt didn't leave life could've become hell for him.
>I feel unsafe!
Thirty seven year old woman playing scared like she's still in elementary school god damn what a waste of sperm.
Stunning and brave
>This is News in 2017
Excuse me, am I supposed to laugh at the republican?
He probably had a better girl to date within a Week.
Who the fuck even cares? What is this shit?
Are they getting so desperate they now have to whip out individual cases of cuntness to feel smug about themselves?
major question: did she wait till before or after the food arrived and was consumed
Please decode this OP
--- .--./ .. .../ .-/ ..-. .- --. --. --- - .-.-.-
I live in Portland and I'm pretty far right. I lift 4 times a week and have a decent gpa and am studying engineering.
Wishy washy turncoat KYS
Are these stories manufactured BS? How do these "journalist" get these leads?
She's probably a roastie and will beaten by Tyrone eventually, which is where she will become a conservative trying to find herself a rich white man, only to inevitably hang herself and leave behind a poor feline who will he left to fend for themselves until police discover the suicide scene 5 months later
>carl marx enthusiastic
hearty kek
Some people just do not live in reality.
>They want a Chad, a Karl Marx enthusiastic, someone educated, intelligent and romantic.
Maybe like 1 in every 3 million Soviet Russian men in the 80s fit this description.
gay bottom fags low key love getting manhandled by conservative tops
Lol she did him a favor.
This is good, waste less of our money & time roasties.
No, it's entirely due to Jewish media and their nonstop hate propaganda.
>reluctant cougar
Sure, that's what she tells herself when hardly anyone wants to be seen with her dried up old roastie ass. But of course Tyrone doesn't mind.
Post the article about the slut complaining that she can't stop hooking up with Trump supporters.
She'll regret it later.
>Someone took time to write this for my amusement
>Dating women
That's gay
After that, I decided to fully embrace my new status as a Democrat. I joined think tanks in my local area (I live in a large, metropolitan city). I listened to NPR on my subway commute and began replacing my FoxNews.com reading with more moderate and liberal sites such as fivethirtyeight.com and Salon.com - it was great. I felt like I was brainwashed my entire life to see immigrants, niggers, and those of the Judaic faith as enemies of the state. But instead, maybe I was the enemy?
After being involved in many new liberal circles, I met a lot more attractive women my age. I had a new sexual partner almost every week, all thanks to my NPR and Obama/Biden stickers on my MacBook. Fun fact: liberal women tend to have better maintenance of their bodies, including pubic hairs.
Fast forward to 2017, I was a BernieBro but I voted for Clinton, I religiously read NPR, and I'm a part of the anti-fascist group called Antifa. Unfortunately, because of one of my large amount of sexual parters, I caught an STD but it is curable with monthly medication.
Would I ever vote Republican again? Fuck no.
She wouldn't leave so I had to just say I voted for Trump to get her to go away
Should have been "treatable". Great pasta tho keep it up :^)
if she voted for hillary, you probably shouldn't risk breeding with her anyways.
Like voting Hillary.
>"I-I'm scared"
always count on the list
Seattle user here.
It's hard finding conservative qt.
Wanna fugg?
>implying anyone dates roasties these days
also artificial wombs and sex bots are on the way, donating sperm is also a way to have children without getting with roasties.
because the left LIVES OFF BEING VICTIMS
>Women using their pussies as a weapon of forcing conformity
Color me surprised.
Will you MGTOW losers just kill yourselves already
Thank the maker my wife abhors you fifty leftist cuckbots. If I die it will be with a Spaaten in one hand, and my .45 in the other, while she makes me a samy.
Muh ImPeachMint though right?
insane. lol this is why they lose
I hear Louis Ck is mingling
>Guy dodges future false rape accusations
>Somehow he's the loser
>Somebody actually wrote an articule about this
Leftists are desperate
Women are literally at war with their own sexuality. There is a reason 50 Shades of Grey is as popular as it is. The powerful toxic male, they claim to hate so much, haunts their sexual fantasies.
>likes to mash eating holes together
>I will provide you with many orgasms and sea bass.
>reluctant cougar
Where the fuck am I?
lol this funny cuz me and my friend were just discussing this the other day...
a chick he recently went out on a date with a few weeks ago confessed to her Trump fandom, which was fine with him, but it's certainly a terrible thing to bring up on a date.
Women have always been fond of me, so I can't relate. Maybe you're just a beta-cuck.
Pic related is a perfect fatality.
Being pro-Trump has never stopped Chad from getting laid. Roasties will justify fucking felons and actual Nazis if the guy's a Chad.
Him being pro-Trump had nothing to do with it. If he looked like Chris Hemsworth he could've been wearing an SS officer's uniform and a necklace of nigger baby skulls and she would've fucked him in the bathroom of the restaurant.
nice, saving this shit.
I can't apply it to my actual life but I hope I can inspire some ameriburger to do it in the future by reposting it.
That's funny. His final comment really blew her the fuck out.
Even the guy they’re attacking is retarded. I really hate Reddit. I have only met one Redditard irl and he was married to a fat black women, then came out gay a year later.