Éire/pol/ - Through The Night edition

Thread theme: youtu.be/WMGvQ2v-ZRM
National Party: nationalparty.ie/
Join the party and spread the word/memes in your social circles online or otherwise.

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Jewtube channels of note:
>National Party: youtube.com/channel/UCxgY69mo_nUGuCDo1yPygng

>The Hateful Gaels: youtube.com/channel/UCDhuG96y6kUT7tcFgHGj1Ug

>The Don: youtube.com/channel/UCMnQHYF2DQ3I0EvrI95P83A

>Gaelic Neoreactionary: youtube.com/channel/UC--Ru-Cve1fxhZ8m8xXxeUg

>Half of Longford to be Mixed Race by 2050

>"Brexit solution cannot create new border" - Davis

>Brokenshire to Move Forward With NI Budget

>North Korea Peace Trip Cancelled

>Unionists Praise Taoiseach For 'shamrock poppy'

>Apple Data Centre "not dead"

>Taoiseach Says Ireland Will Not be Joining a European Army

>Travellers Dindu Nuffin!

>Memorial to Irish People Who Died in Wars Damaged in Sligo

Other urls found in this thread:

socialblade.com/youtube/compare/the national party/identity ireland/fine gael
socialblade.com/youtube/compare/the national party/fiannafailparty/republicansf

Reposting for the new thread

If you don't already you should follow the National Party's twitter (and the Irish language one) and the Twitters of Justin Barrett and James Reynolds. There's some great stuff on there
twitter.com/JamesReynoldsNP/status/929126880393027584 (embed)

>#latelate is now becoming a freak show promoting degeneracy that should be the subject of a mental health debate. Transgenderism is a mental disorder. Why must people pay RTE Licence Tax for this? This is certainly unsuitable viewing for children.

Liking and retweeting also spreads the message.

Also subscribe to the YouTube channel.


Repeal the 8th

My general hope is that they will gradually build momentum naturally through even our small contribution by clicking the like/share/retweet buttons across as many platforms as possible resulting in even more people doing the same.

What’s the mood tonight?

A good strategy going forward would be to capitalize on hot topic issues in social media like that late late interview and use it to shill NP

Every little bit helps. It's working well so far. They've already surpassed Identity Ireland.

socialblade.com/youtube/compare/the national party/identity ireland/fine gael

socialblade.com/youtube/compare/the national party/fiannafailparty/republicansf

We have done well with this sort of thing so far
pic related

Identity Ireland is officially dead, unregistered and all.
What’s peter’s Next step in life?

Speaking of Transgenderism, have any of you been Garda vetted any time recently? I bet you can count on one hand the number of times this has come up.

>p-please don't deadname me to any potential employer Mr. Garda sir, I can't have them know I belong in a loony bin!


Considering Transgenders and their penchant for suicidal tendencies you would think such information would be important for an employer to know for health and safety and especially so they could help intervene if the person looked fit to end it all.

God almighty what a sadand beautiful song

Another one but from the troubles



The pockets of our greatcoats full of barley...
No kitchens on the run, no striking camp...
We moved quick and sudden in our own country.
The priest lay behind ditches with the tramp.
A people hardly marching... on the hike...
We found new tactics happening each day:
We'd cut through reins and rider with the pike
And stampede cattle into infantry,
Then retreat through hedges where cavalry must be thrown.
Until... on Vinegar Hill... the final conclave.
Terraced thousands died, shaking scythes at cannon.
The hillside blushed, soaked in our broken wave.
They buried us without shroud or coffin
And in August... the barley grew up out of our grave.

-Seamus Heaney

Reminder that Dublin was founded by VIkings.

And we sorted them out a long time ago

So that’s where the cuck gene came from

Swedes weren't involved much in the viking raids, it was Danes and Norwegians.


posting gearoid until we get a good fashy 32 county republic

>Speaking of Transgenderism, have any of you been Garda vetted any time recently
I have, pretty painless desu since I'm not some scobie degenerate

>Founded by cuck Scandinavians
>Is a multiculti shithole

Huh. All the more reason to purge it, I guess

Lad tá sé ró-dhéanach is gá dom píosa coladh a fháil slán.

For some reason that reminded me of the time my grandfather went down to the local garda station looking for a gun permit the lad he was dealing with knew he used to be in the RA and gave him a strange look and threw the form into the bin then they both started laughing their heads off, cheered me right up that did.


The police vet you at random?

Nah you need it for a ton of jobs, so some murderer doesn't end up working in an old folks home

Nah, no one beat them, they settled in Dublin and Waterford and other places. They're similar views to Irish.

Is this the week grievance culture went mainstream.

Brian certainly did, while he didn't go full remove kebab on them many of them fled or simply submitted besides the fuckers had become that combination more common in Scotland known as Norse-Gaels so it didn't matter much. They just fell into the category of bickering Irish lords after Brian died.

Oh, i see
I’m not sure how to feel about this

Not all fled b/c you're talking to one.

I never said all of them fled I said "many" did

You will soon, scandiscum

Lol, you gay my man?

Bump! Up the Irish.


Maybe my views are skewed but is this really such a big deal? It seems to me like the type of thin you would ask in an interview. Especially for a government job, which I assume this was for.

Asking a woman if she has kids is a normal question for a job interview


>is this really such a big deal?
Such is life in clown world

Expensive gaff in fairness, property prices are on the way back

lol Nemo me impune lacessit

You're the one hot for pence faggot.


haha, why is 'projection' on your mind faggot. I knew you was closet gay aaahhaaahaahaahhaaha

Discrimination based in marital status is an offense, though I guarantee they got some lefty judge to hear this thing, as it's a bit of a stretch to say that counts

Also, could he not have just looked at her hand for a ring?

Fucking viking LARPers are going too far in this country first fucking Winterval in Waterford and now this faggot
This is the lad that wanted to go on a peace mission to fucking North Korea so don't expect much from him


ah shut your face

OMG you're even using words in a phallic form. Do you realize that user?

Yeah what was the story with the norks? They were basically planning a taxpayer funded holiday by the sounds of it

Literally why would Kim meet them, we don't have any trade relations with nork

Yea whole thing sounds like one big virtue signal tbqh


I don't have a fucking clue why they wanted to go, even if it were a holiday it would be a pretty shit one for them.

yep, got me

>Zip bop mupdadoop, we wiz viKANGZ n’ shiet

Lel, Peter O'Loughlin got absolutely rekt in Cork the last election

NP is the next step forward whenever they get off their ass and register it

Not saying it'll be the final step or anything, but they might make some progress. From the sound of it, they'd get a few seats in Longford county council handy enough if they get their messaging right - lefty Trinners heads are foreigners there as well, so the locals will hate them coming down to kvetch about it.

Basically needs to be a rural effort for the moment imo, they won't make any inroads in Dublin or Galway, far too lefty. MAYBE Cork or waterford but could be heavy going

We do do anti-famine aid work there though. Apparently, all of the aid workers have to have a cover story that goes along the lines of "Best Korea lent Ireland loads of money and in order to repay it we're contributing human labour instead of cash" in order not to mess with the locals' conditioning/propaganda.

There is hope for Cork lad

Anonbro/Burger on the plane to Dublin. Staying for 5 days then headed to stay at a castle. Other than drinking like a fish, how do best fit in and have a good time cheaply? Flying with lady. Kinda broke. How can I help you guys? Love the people so far:)

i want an Irish redhead girl whose entire family are from the far west coast

it would be a step up cause I'm quarter irish but mostly German.

what are the people likelike in the far west as far as facial features and behavior?

Also, other than three people, this plane is all white people. You potatoes will do just fine:)

Good looking, insane and fuck off they are ours
Try and visit someplace outside of Dublin lad while you are here and visit places of historical significance whenever possible.

Eh stay away from North Dublin or go to Bray. Very nice coastal town, cheaper than staying in the city and lots of B+B's there.
Or go to Galway; fabulous city, lots of music. Lovely people in Drogheda and very historic. I'd stay away from the south like Cork and especially wexford. Kerry is isolated but beautiful if you have the time.

If you go to Temple Bar, don't spend a cent there, especially not on drinks. You'll be ripped the fuck off.

I wish planes from America were representative of our incoming guests. we will be fine if we get working quick enough.

>Good looking, insane

need more details

>they are ours
Prepare to be YANKed harder than Barrett’s Privateers

When Irish eyes are smiling


>need more details
Well of course you do because you missed the most important bit, fuck off they are ours

You're not aloud our women you dirty mud blood yankie doodle dandy fucker.

that guy's not right in the head.

i'm pissing around, probably won't visit till late after fecund years if at all. I'm sincerely curious of man-on-the-ground reports (such as from yourself, if you've spent time in the region) of them fro a genetic/historic perspective

Thanks anonbros! We’re stuck in Dublin with reservations. And we’re staying at Ashford Castle for a couple days (thus being broke). I wanna hit up the oldest bar in the world (as a bartender), and see the good parts. Where’s dangerous? Any streets/areas I shouldn’t be walking down? Got a pretty lady and I don’t enjoy getting mugged (couldn’t bring my concealed to Ireland apparently). And do you really piss on the Blarney Stone?

Thanks again guys, the tourist sites avoid these questions like the plague

In Galway, there are dark skinned beauties. They say they are spanish centuries ago. Wexford had an influx of Portuguese back in 16th century I think. You can see them with dark curly hair and sallow skin.

Stay away from Talbot St, Sheriff st ballymun, darndale, and generally the North side of the city. Take a train to south side, moe or less anywhere on south all the way to Bray is pretty safe and nice. Grafton st is nice, again it's south side.

P.S I avoided looking into current politics as I would probably say something stupid while drunk. And why is your craigslist personals full of cucks/doggers/w4m is actually active? The lady and I enjoy a good time, are your lasses ‘adventurous’ as I hope?

Awesome! That’s where we’re staying:) if you ever hit the States I’ll give you a rundown on anywhere!

> are your lasses ‘adventurous’ as I hope?
Nope, they're not really like that. Romanians or eastern Europeans

Sinead O connor has a house in Bray and Bono lives a few miles away in Dalkey (if your into that sort of thing, I'm not personally) Enya live close him and few other people in that area (Dalkey). Buy Dalkey is nice but snobby/expensive. More down to earth places around.


Them 3 cunts would get lost in north korea let them off but asking a woman about her life is small talk and not illegal in any way ever

my mom (half irish) always mentioned the 'black irish', I have no interest in those girls. I understood the far west to be the most ancient? I didn't know that's where the "black irish" are concentrated as you seem to imply?

what time is it over there lads?

Over where? Here it’s 10:22

You don't want to contaminate the purest parts of the island with mongrel yank genes do you?

Yes, that's where they're concentrated. I've been there and seem them. More ancient would be towards bloody foreland and especially Derry.

Yes Connemara is where youre talking about my homeland land of the fucking babes

Is this experience talking George?

Fuck off stupid yank, go fuck a mexican or a german instead and stop praying on our women.

>t. Someone who has never met an Americhad

I'm mostly German otherwise so technically it would be a step up. I honestly see getting with an irish girl as a step down, though some of them are imbued with spiritual and physical beauty transcendent enough that I would consider making kids with them - but only some, and most seem to be rather low IQ which is a turnoff.

what are your personal experiences with and observations of them, if i may ask?

m8, the irish are supposed to have the gift of gab. Give me details.

Fuck a german. They need you anyways.

Northern Irish girls? you see the war in N. Ireland insulated people into tight pocketed communities. There was no large demographic movements for last 50 years and b/c it's so northern, they remained in a kind of bubble. So they're very natural and 'uncomtaminated' because of war and so on. They're very different than southerners who progressed. Northerners are sort of as if they grew up in a garden. It's difficult to explain.

For example, northern irish people are at the forefront of speaking //irish in this country. All hold on to culture very tightly in wars.

Previous to the war in N. Irl., there was not much money and not much movement of people for probably thousands of years.

I'm actually a dixie George
A Dixie that is part kraut

yes this is right
So you actually want a protestant girl from the north east. You can have them.