Can't argue with reality...
Sup Forums BTFO
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Whatever you say. Spacey is a fucking creep regardless.
Excuse me while I cancel my Netflix subscription.
Silly monkey man.
Literally who
War never changes.
shut up hellgoy
Fuck off with the Trump attacks. Idiots. They are digging the hole.
Nothing to see here
when the pedo admits it and the president's accusers disappear after the election, it might be fake and gay.
He probably knows he's next.
You on holiday OP?
>Liberals can't separate fantasy from reality
Is liberalism just collective autism?
Clinton was impeached for a sloppy BJ in the oval
What's your point OP?
He probably is next lel
He was impeached for perjuring himself, but what do I know?
WTF it’s ok to rape boys now
Liberal hollywood scum getting shamed and their careers destroyed by other liberal scum. No actual trials and convictions, just allegations. Yeah, that's some "standards" to aspire to.
I dont remember Trump being accused of raping 14 year old boys
>one is a pedo homosexual
>another is a chad with a potty mouth
Really makes u think
Who let Lennie Small loose on the Twitter?????
Nice flag saged oh yeah fag
wtf diddling little boys is okay now
It would be under the Hillary timeline.
Yes I am on a Holiday in Cambodia
And I am Chinese businessman
Facts are not relevant.
>man gets on top of non-consenting 14 year old boy among other charges
>man privately giving some locker room talk about women throwing themselves onto him, which all could just be bullshit since there's no way of proving it anyways
Totally the same situation.
>a bunch of women make accusations during the heatest moments of an election and never follow it up once the election ends
>accusations are made and he admits he did it immediately, with underaged individuals.
I can see where the confusion would be though.
>when you defend a pedophile
There is 0 evidence Trump sexually assaulted a woman. Even if there were, it is not as bad as consistently sexually assaulting little boys in private and on movie sets.
Perlman seems like a faggot and, like most of them, doesn't understand why fucking 14 year old boys is looked down on.
He looks like Shaun King and Bill Clinton's baby
>He was impeached for perjuring himself, but what do I know?
He tried some lawyer shit to act like a blowjob isn't sex. It was so bad that they took away his law license.
he admitted doing it though.
@ 2:33.
Awan related vid, spacey is clinton related, clinton to dws, dws to awan.
Hollyjew is the mouthpiece for pedophile congress.
All pedophile degenerate.
Sup Forums is a bunch of batshit hypocritical autistic morons
if you read all the accusations against Trump and many came from respected Republican women, there's no fucking doubt!
I thought the fake president was Trump and he was being held to higher standards. Apparently Spacey played a president at one time or another?
don't respond, idgaf. I don't know why I even posted this
Yeah, you can't lie while under oath. It's against the law. A high crime or misdemeanor if you will.
I'm just gonna start replying to all shill threads with this image.
Quit buying so much real estate here.
He's a filthy fucking kike, so what?
>When a fake president is held to a higher standard than a real one.
So you're saying Trump is held to a higher standard? Did you think this sentiment through or...?
I only vacation on Hainan Island. Much nicer than Cambodia
He was impeached by the house for perjury and obstruction but the senate didn't get the 2/3rds it needed to impeach him on either charge. So he didn't actually get booted out.
I was alive, and an adult at the time. The best moment:
>Can you define the word "Is".
Im thinking, HOLY FUCK...He just pulled the biggest lefty trick in the book. Change the subject to debate some trite nuance....At the time there was 41 various uses for the word "IS" per the random house unabridged dictionary.
What the fuck.
Top kek. Yes, Hillary is the real winner after all (popular vote and shit) and she isn't held to account for her crimes enough.
1. Inbred kike
2. Pic related
No more needed
I will never forget the time we doxed that antifa member who took Ron Perlman's dog out of his van and chunked it into oncoming traffic.
I know, I watched it live. Being 'Impeached' isn't the removal, though, it's the Congressional procedure.
They didn't call him slick willy for nothing.
Pretty sure trump didn't attempt to rape young boys.
Twitter is a fucking cancer nobody cares what these cunts think.....
Can you smoke weed in bars?
>"They let you"
Truly the words of a rapist
Much like other lefty mediums like tumblr, I use twitter for porn research purposes.
Of course not, that is degenerate.
I fucking hate that guy. He looks like a retarded child of a silverback gorilla and a jewess.
>President who talks about sexual abuse
>Homosexual man who bullies young men into sleeping with him.
This is why Liberalism is going to lose in the end. They just keep sticking up for degenerates and foreigners and behaving as if whites are already in the minority.
If he was Shaun Kings kid he'd just be white.
i was on the fence about the accusers until i saw anderson cooper coaching a "victim" through her interview because she was ruining her "groped by trump on an airplane" narrative.
Impossible. Autism is characterized by hyper-systemic thinking. These fucktards have a pre-school level ability to think about systems, which is why it always comes back to muh full communism.
>slutty models throw themselves at you
>talk about how slutty they are
is not
>rape young boys
Good point.
>Is liberalism just collective autism?
No. It is the exact opposite. It is a bunch of people who cannot think critically, and insist that feelings are the most important part of governance.
Didn't know if you noticed, but most of us austist-spectrums are lacking empathy, but are generally above average thinkers.
It’s clever I’ll give him that. However when it’s created and regurgitated ad nauseam by 12 year olds on twitter it’s just not funny and any bite it has it quickly lost in the pile muh Trump did this muh trump did that shit pile
dumbledore warned me about evil people like you
>One talked about grabbing pussy (of women who were probably being flirty with him and like him doing it).
>The other rapes kids.
>OP implying an equivalency
I guess they really did kill all the smart people and educators in your country.
nah he would be le 56%
If I recall correctly, the two-thirds win in the senate would have removed him.
Had to go back and look at the individual votes, surprisingly not a single D voted against him.
Garion, Rand, Kaladin, Frodo and Gavin Guile beg to disagree.
They didn't have the votes, that's correct. So he was Impeached, but not removed from office.
Didn't you know? Sexual abuse for a democrat is a ok.
Perlman is a pedophile
>he literally wants whores to get away with baseless claims that have no proof
Netflix is only covering their asses
>mfw when its ref the failure of the media snd its hypocrisy and it flew right over everyones head
How is /pol btfo exactly?
The loudest are, they have everything to lose. That ((())) mentality actually lets them nelieve that he will be impeached before their card is pulled.
What % face is this?
trump didn't try to fuck little boys.
This it’s bs
These virtue signaling pieces of shit are the worst. Spacey's proclivities were well known. The only reason he blew up is because there were two dozen more issues waiting to burst. He had four verified incidents just on House of Cards. Please.
hes probably missing 6-7 %
le -100% face
It's more like collective schizophrenia
I thought this faggot died a few years back?
When did Trump fuck a kid and then claim he was gay?
he did, however, try to fuck little girls.
Guys, I think Ron Perlman has some skeletons in his closets.
>child rape should be ok because the false accusations on the president have been dropped
actual liberal logic
there's some real abbo about his face
Habsburg Jew face
Takes a lot of inbreeding to achieve
Le 70% Bog face