Candidates You’d Unironically Vote for Over Trump in 2020

>Tulsi Gabbard

Other urls found in this thread:

Trey Gowdy in 2024

Trump Jr., but I'd rather he waited his turn.

>Free effective healthcare
>Throw the Jews out
>Knows the sins of man and is willing to do something about them
>Loyal enough to die for us, if need be




Adolf Hitler


FPBP duh

Yes, I'd fugg her. But I'm never voting for a female president. Idc how hot she is.

>Tulsi Gabbard
Fucking Syrian faggot shill, that's literally the only way she isn't like the rest of the Democrats, she's otherwise a standard multiculti lefty

>voting for a literal new age cultist
Because we weren't killing the West fast enough already.

stronk WOC. fuck off kike. women cannot be leaders of men without first castrating them

first bost pest bost

Yeah that's the thing. While its great she is not a CIA shill, she is as regular as your average lefty.

Trump was as pro-Assad btw as Tulsi was, and if Trump is having so much problem dealing with the deep state then Tulsi stands no chance. It makes no sense to vote for her over Trump.

>mystery meat mud person

second coming of Christ when?

>women cannot be leaders of men without first castrating them
>in all fields

You think anyone listed ITT would be able to fight off the deep state and shadow government like Trump can?


Jesus could.

John Miller.

Rand 20/20
A new vision for America

It sucks so bad that Ron Paul will never be president

>Tulsi Gabbard

Wtf is the deal with her? She appears to be a meme. Has she done anything?

Literally Hitler

Jim Webb




So far she seems pretty decent for a Democrat. I've posted some stuff about her on Facebook to let the normies know. The family cult stuff is a little weird though I feel like we don't quite know enough about her yet. There are probably some skellys in her closet. She certainly has something going on though I get the sense like she is destined to be the first female president like I knew Obama was going to be the first "black" president when he first broke onto the political stage. That usually means someone is pulling her strings and handling her. I really hope not. I bet her feet smell wonderful I would lick them for days. Also RON PAUL FOREVER!!!!

Basically tulsi and only tulsi. I hope she waits until 2024 to run though and switches parties

Highly doubt she has a handler. Establishment Dems hate her almost as much as trump


Trump is a once in a lifetime salt opportunity.

Based assadist and hated by her own party


Tulsi Gabbard is a gun grabber.

Honestly I hated Ron Paul in 2008, but that's because all of his supporters I encountered originally were Rick and Morty tier fanboys.

Not that my vote would have made him nominee over McCuck, still feels bad.

>Trump was as pro-Assad btw as Tulsi was, and if Trump is having so much problem dealing with the deep state then Tulsi stands no chance.
You take that back.


>t. Feet locker
>I bet her feet smell wonderful I would lick them for days.

>Trey "all talk no action" Gowdy
No thanks


He's as useless as Darrell Issa.

Hair and make up to perfect for a democrat.

Ayyy that's my local representative

Mr. Dirlewanger. Far better then Trump.

That's Oberführer Dirlewanger to you, Genghis.

George Wallace

Do we need to have another thread about why gun control in America is a pointless distraction that accomplished nothing?

*takes away guns*
*opens borders*
*free abortions*
*mandatory female quotas*

Is anyone else afraid that Donna Brazile is positioning herself to challenge Trump in 2020?

I like Tulsi and would vote for her, but not over Trump. Of she's smart she'll run in 2024. Not that the Dems will let her win the primaries.
Now Gowdy I would actually vote for over Trump. Though I think he would be better off being the attorney general. I like Sessions, but Gowdy would actually go after Shillary.


she is beautiful

>unironically voting for a gun grabber that takes orders from pelosi and schumer
Stop being a gullible faggot

i agree

>On November 21, 2016, Gabbard became the second Democrat to meet with President-elect Donald Trump and his transition team at Trump Tower, after Michelle Rhee. She described the meeting as "frank and positive" and said she accepted the meeting to influence Trump before Republican neocons grew in influence and escalated the war to overthrow the Syrian government.
>Gabbard spoke against Trump's executive order banning refugees from seven predominantly Muslim countries, saying that thorough vetting was sufficient.
>Gabbard did not join the 169 congressional Democrats who signed a letter of opposition to Stephen Bannon's appointment as Trump's chief strategist


She walks the fine line of hating Islam and yet being anti-neocon. She'll never get the nomination, though.

She'd have to sleep with me first.


Shawn Michaels with christian mode activated.

Bernie can still win


Her foreign policy is good, but other than that she's typical Dem. Too bad.

I thought I was literally the only person on Earth who would vote for Tulsi Gabbard over Trump.

Her views are ideal for support across the aile!


The oversight committee doesnt have any real power by itself. They can only really file resolutions for contempt or impeachment, and all of Congress has to approve. Issa is the reason the email scandal and IRS Tax targeting scandals blew up so much.

I would vote for this guy if he was allowed to run in the US

thats clever, user

>voting for gun grabbing berniecrat

Gowdy should be attorney general Sessions has been a huge disappointment to everyone

I would also vote for JFK if they dug up his corpse and ran him in the election.


that stupid cunt's voting record is identical to nancy pelosi's


Yesssssss... the ghost of George Lincoln Rockwell is best President.
(next to Jesus)

He really has been disappointing, I just feel for him because he's like the cute old guy that comes to dinner complaining about the illegals. And he just takes Trump's abuse. But really, all he's done is tough talk and stricter sentencing for drug dealers and buyers. He should have been replaced after excusing himself from everything. He surely wasn't anyone's 1st choice, I was hoping for Gowdy or Guiliani the whole time.

Would vote for him but he doesn't need votes. He's coming to get his kingdom soon

>Not all heroes wear ca-

I'd throw him the vote anyways.

>tulsi. I hope she waits until 2024 to run though

At this time there's no one in politics I would vote for over Trump. But I'd vote Tulsi in a post-Trump world. I don't think she'll live long enough to see the DNC adopt progressives, though.

Wtf is she wearing around her neck?

>unironically voting for a woman at all

beautiful if you get past the acne scars

Vermin Supreme

>no moving parts
Y u do this

just grab a shovel and a pile of mascara. lot of chicks look like this

So you would vote for Bernie over Ann Coulter?

M.Bison inspiration surely?

George Lincoln Rockwell

I'm not sure. I feel like she has the same type of low buzz going on as Obama did when he started making waves on the political scene. Like this time it's real and different ((((hope)))) and I'm pretty sure he had handlers pretty early on.

David Duke

>Honestly I hated Ron Paul in 2008, but that's because all of his supporters I encountered originally were Rick and Morty tier fanboys.

The thing with Ron Paul is I disagree with a lot of his policies but the one area I agree with him most strongly is his foreign policy. He wouldn't have started another war overseas. That already sets him apart from almost every other candidate.

the difference is obama never fucking did anything. tulsi got her ass hammered by her fellow party members for independently going to Syria and talking to people. and shes a anti-war vet

What a Clinton stooge she is. Such an establishment candidate.

She's well known to be a Clinton plant.

I don't "hope" for any circumstance in respect to Gabbard. She is pro-immigration and that is the only issue. Even if you got your based assadist, which no one with a brain gives a fuck about, her hordes of foreigners would vote vote the establishment back in no time, and forever.

>gun grabber
>increase taxes
>open border
>general leftist SJW shit
B-BUT SHE FUCKING SUPPORTS ASSAD COME ON FELLOW Sup ForumsACKS!!!! (even though Trump does now also after "muh airstrike" on an empty airfield)

fucking faggots

back that up with anything. she was the only senator to endorse bernie. the only fucking one