Why doesn't USA want to educate their young?
Why doesn't USA want to educate their young?
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If we didn't want to educate our young we wouldn't spend so much on education.
Because who wants to pay someone 52k just so they can make 23k a year flipping burgers?
Not everyone can be STEM or care about useful professions
because they major in useless crap like queer studies.
>paying out the ass for marxist political indoctrination
Your kind wormed their way into academia and rotted it from within. Sage.
>Why doesn't USA want to educate their young?
We want them educated, it's paying for it that gives us problems.
Education is the most important thing a country has after army.
If you wonder why your new generation is so degenerate, maybe it's because they aren't properly educated you eternal burger cucks.
>implying college education decreases degeneracy
If you wanted Americans educated why did you replace all their educators with communists?
Kek'd, then saw your flag.
College is free in my state as long as you have a 3.0 gpa from us and household income below 125k/ye so everyone is educated
Why does education cost so much goys..I mean, guys?
Idiots in my town all abuse the community college system. They collect Pell grants and never go to class. They meander through college for a few semesters doing this until they drop out.
Community college was a mistake
>other people are forced to pay for Marxist indoctrination.
It's a scam. They've started to crack down on it lately. The worst part is that most financial aid isn't available if you want to train for a trade at a community college.
Because the ruling class wants the masses to be as dumb as possible.
No education = No peoples movement
Poor people = Crime = More money to be made off of incarceration
Unhealthy people = More money to be made off the diabetic masses
Not to mention we are constantly fed the lie that your nation are our friends. Only stupid republicans and corrupt politicians like Israel.
>the ruling class wants the masses to be as dumb and poor as possible
This is why our college system is filled with Marxist idiots wasting everyone's time with your egalitarian nonsense. The loans they need to take out to pay for the indoctrination are never repaid because no employer pays you based on how well you can feign oppression.
That's the exact opposite of what he implied you stupid americuck.
>implying degeneracy isn't the definition of a "good education" to a kike
Yesss. Good worker. Keep working to save up for that new iphone!
The problem with you commies is that you have no consistent message other than the destruction of the West. Hell, the majority of the idiots with iPhones are the male feminists who call themselves Communists. I could respect your ideology if you taught stoicism and building independent societies. Instead, you all push this divide and conquer bullshit while you sip on your lattes in the suburbs.
>no consistent message
That's literally what Marxism is, it has no core set of doctrine.
I mean no condescendence, but I think you should try reading some Marx or Engels.There is a lot more to leftism than lattes and SJWs.
>Schools make people not degenerate
>Schools are hives of degeneracy
? ? ? ? ?
>there's alot more to leftism than lattes and SJWs
I wish that were true. Modern leftism is a tool of the elite used to destroy the cultures and histories of our individual countries.
Personally, I think there is some pretty strong evidence disproving that. The CIA has been infiltrating leftist movements forever and are still doing it.
Degeneracy tracks very nicely with education. Wonder why that is.
Inconvenience, if their "young" where educated, they would recognize the abhorrent economical state the US is in, and that may result in the jews having to lower their overall "jew factor", to get the country back on track again.
This idea is the scariest thing you could present to the jews, they fact that they may have to give up some finances to keep their country healthy.
>strong evidence disproving that
Between identity politics, egalitarianism, and wealth redistribution, I don't see how communism offers anything to the world. The majority of those making an economic argument for communism are making it out of petty spite for those who have more than them.
Coyote owes the Jews money...must have wandered into Stanford.
It's absolutely staggering how short sighted these kikes are. All they would have to do to appease the Nationalist movements is slow immigration and globalist policies. They'd still get their globalist utopia of beige, cultureless people, it'd just take a few more years.
It's how we punish people who waste their time in uni on philosophy, art, or gender studies degrees instead of being useful.
jewish indoctrination isn't education
if you give college students more money, they'll spend more time in SJW classes and partying
>petty spite for those who have more than them
The goal of socialism/communism is to unite the human race. Having profit as an incentive leads to desensitization and eventually imperialism. That's why anarcho capitalism is so preposterous. Capitalism rose out of feudalism as a direct tool of the state. We socialists are not envious of the rich but rather see them as well to be victims of a broken system.
israle education lmao
>the goal of communism is to unite the human race
Towards what goal? The current system isn't perfect, but no system is. I don't even see how communism would be enforceable. If someone starts a business, would the state come in and stop them?
>anarcho capitalism
Nobody is arguing for that, nor has it ever existed at scale.
It's more indoctrination than education
too much education is a bad thing
most people don't need to speak spanish, known calculus, etc. to live their lives successfully
waste of time and money, actually counter-productive
these uni graduates can't change a tire but they owe 6 figures for learning some bullshit
bonus retardation for lefty degree (women's studies, etc.)
each to his own station. a gardener doesn't need to be able to solve differential equations, etc.
most of it is just wasted. it's a sham, scam, economy unto itself, bubble, pop
>unite the human race
looks like utopian bullshit to me. maybe to you personally that's what you think you are doing, but to anybody else you look like a fucking cult worshiping fag.
I bet some of those people who got crushed by the communist death machine believed the same thing at one point, but if you think anybody is going to look at the track record of misery you commies brought and think you are righteous and good...
well you got to think again pinko. you have no room to talk about uniting anything other than government power and pain.
fuck off kike
There wouldn't be a need for the type of businesses that we think of now because the idea is to get rid of commodity production and abolish markets. Workers would produce for the community, then be reimbursed based on the amount of labor put it.
>Towards what goal?
Towards the goal of ending war and beginning a new age of cultural and scientific advancement.
fuck off Australia
I've been on Sup Forums since 2011, never been a redditor. some people simply prefer to space out their thoughts
>why is the new generation so degenerate?
Look in the mirror nose boy
How do you determine how much labor a commodity is worth?
A lot of welfare moms do this in my town too. Is fucking disgusting. People are getting tired of it to because everyone knows it.
>Get like 10k back on taxes just for having kids
>Get another 5-6k per pell grant to halfass it at some colleges
>work a part time job but have a ton of nice shit somehow
Its pretty obvious. I was actually fucking one at one point that literally paid me to do her fucking schoolwork for her. She was just a plain fucking idiot.
Supply and demand. If there is scarcity of a certain item in a community, then labor to produce said item would be worth more.
And how would you measure this value and make the value easy to exchange?
>ending war
uh huh. its clear you have a twisted, idealized version of communism in you head that you will defend no matter what, even when you inevitably fail to accomplish anything.
i feel bad that you are that deluded.
Oy Vey
Marx talks about labor vouchers in "Critique of the Gotha Program"
Value would be determined by the workers keeping in mind supply and demand. Lets say 2 households in the community are in need of chairs. You produce 2 chairs in one work day and receive labor vouchers according to how much work you put into making those. It took another person the same amount of work and resources to make a table as it took to make those 2 chairs. So you use your labor vouchers to take the table out of the community stockpile.
Herp derp, lets try to tie value to labor and not production. Enjoy your subsistence farming and starvation.
Socialism has accomplished many things. And has brought a lot of people out of poverty. It gets fucked up when the whole world slaps layer after layer of sanctions on them and does things like bomb their crops.
Undergraduate education is horribly overpriced and most (but not all) programs do a poor job of either actually teaching the skills required in the workforce or facilitating students to get into contact with public and private workplaces
What happens when the workers who can provide this scarce item decide that their labor is worth more than the state is welling to give them, you gonna hold a gun to their head and tell them to make computer chips or else?
Its not necessary level of education. I work as material handler making almost 20 bucks an hour. I didnt go to college, you dont need that shit to make money in labor jobs.
Capitalism is responsible for lifting far more people out of poverty than socialism. The labor theory of value is viable in a complex economy. Try crafting a pencil using labor vouchers.
>tie value to labor and not production
I guess this is why millennials like bitcoin so much.
too many jews in the education system siphoning shekels.
You seem to be implying that profit is the only incentive. All necessities (housing, healthcare, education) would be covered so people would produce because they want things and they want to innovate. People like to have purpose and to work towards something. Are you gonna tell me that Neil Armstrong was only in it for the money?
>Everyone has the willpower and passion for their work as a fucking astronaut
How can commies be so naive
dumb aggressive niggers are better murderers
I don't understand. How will the state get the funds for "free" food, infrastructure, and housing?
Of course not everyone can be an astronaut. What im saying is that believe it or not, there are a lot of people out there who enjoy menial labor. Not to mention how many jobs can be automated.
It wont be funds but rather a direct redistribution of food. The farmers would harvest crops and be paid in vouchers by the community.
Tying value to arbitrary units of labor instead of productivity makes no sense.
Because you Cunts won't allow it.
When you have value tied to production it turns humans into machines. Labor becomes a commodity to be bought and sold and thus dehumanizes the worker. Thats what we are trying to change.
remove the hat and replace with a yalmuke he is the picture perfect Harvey weinstein
And i think you proved my point. you will bend the facts and reality to suit you deluded world view. you are a blind, small minded follower. just going to tell you know that no one believes you, maybe your small group of friends but not the rest of us.
also if all it took according to kill millions and eventually topple the soviet regime and communism in general was a few sanctions (also no one was bombing the Ukrainians crops other than the soviets themselves).
well that's not a very stable system is it?
Pretending everyone's time is just as valuable dehumanizes people just as much. At least with productivity being valuable, people have something to strive for.
What did he mean by this?
>What im saying is that believe it or not, there are a lot of people out there who enjoy menial labor.
t. unemployed
Under socialism they DO have something to strive for. They work how they want for things that people actually want. Under capitalism you have production of so many useless wasteful things that just end up in landfills or attics or destroyed to increase the commoditys value. It is a flawed system.
If you destroyed capitalist countries food sources there would be famines too? Same if you sanctioned them.
> They work how they want for things that people actually want
You mean they work because you'll fucking kill them if you don't, or they won't work at all. If someone's quality of life or that of their immediate friends and family is not substantially affected by the effort of their labor, it will be lacking or absent.
It turns people into producers of vast wealth. Your garbage system punishes accumulation of capital, which is the only reason you haven't already died of starvation. There's a reason why people starve in communist countries in proportion to the country's commitment to Marxist economic bullshit.
No. There are enough people in society to get work done. And we have enough technology to automate a lot of work. People are lazy and unmotivated and greedy under capitalism but under a communal society shit gets done because it is important to their fellow peers and they still get paid.
>so many useless wasteful things that just end up in landfills
People demanded those goods or they wouldn't have been produced. I'm not sure who would be the arbiter of what people "actually" want. I guess this is irrelevant in a system that struggles to provide even the basic staples to its people.
>It turns people into producers of vast wealth.
Only a few. The rest of society sells their lives and labor to the capitalists just to provide for their family.
destroyed with what? exactly.
sanctions are not the big boogie man you think they are. even if it were, your precious communist countries are at the mercy of their capitalist masters according to you. hopeing not to be destroyed by some measly legislation according to you.
no i think it has more to do with no one having incentive to work and corruption
sorry to say that the era of communism is over comrade. all you have now is a failing state of Venezuela and a handfull of irrelevant countries. you are a sheep. a dumb , fanatical sheep. and the entire world is better off with people like you being seen as irrelevant losers.
They think they want them because we have a corporate society that brainwashes people into buying cheap useless items that were built by poor people in sweatshops. So much shit ends up in landfills.
You may think communism will never work and thats fine, thats your opinion. But capitalism will inevitably cause these leftist movements to arise that long for a socialist society. I was happening before Marx and it will continue until the mode of production changes. The movement will only get bigger now that the cold war is becoming more and more a thing of the past.
>No. There are enough people in society to get work done. And we have enough technology to automate a lot of work. People are lazy and unmotivated and greedy under capitalism
So let me get this straight. You think that people are lazy and unmotivated even when they're being directly paid for their labor, but you think that they would suddenly become MORE motivated by taking away the financial incentive? Are you braindead?
I don't think it's your role to make a moral judgment about what people "actually" need.
>you may think communism will never work
It'll never work because people want to become better than they are. They naturally strive for more power and more resources. Your meme economic theories will never change this.
Are you just retarded or haven’t heard of BTC before? Move on from the past and look to the future.
Under capitalism you have to sell your labor to survive. That makes people unmotivated and depressed because they have to do the same menial shit over and over again. Under a system where everybody is economically equal and has all of their needs met, people will be more social and motivated to see what needs to get done in their community and do it. The soviet union was not perfect but this is a psychological trait that we saw take place with the soviet citizens. There is no denying that. Russians used to be so much more neighborly and friendly but now that is all gone and there is so much crime in russia.
sorry comrade.
the world will not forget your ideologies crimes, nor will the working class join your "holy crusade against the rich". people have been saying what you just said since the 70's yet nothing is seen. Its just some weirdos with some kooky ideas.
you want to fight in a revolution but that day will never come, you are trying to live a dream that will never come true. you cant not erase the misery and suffering you commies caused. it is forever now, and always will be
we all know better to trust lunatics like you, and you will always be looked apon as just some dumb faggot who never did anything. And we are all better off for it
there is no point in trying to talk to delusional fags like you.
A literal kikes telling whites to spend shit ton of money on useless shit
>Under capitalism you have to sell your labor to survive. That makes people unmotivated and depressed because they have to do the same menial shit over and over again.
Specialization of labor is required for civilization. There is no modern society, capitalistic, socialist, or communist which did not take advantage of it.
>Under a system where everybody is economically equal and has all of their needs met, people will be more social and motivated to see what needs to get done in their community and do it.
80% of them would sit around in their underwear and jack off.
>The soviet union was not perfect but this is a psychological trait that we saw take place with the soviet citizens.
Are you fucking retarded? The soviets used violence to force people to work and suppress dissent.
>Russians used to be so much more neighborly and friendly but now that is all gone and there is so much crime in russia.
Yeah, I'm sure Russia's crime is due to capitalism, and not due to the collapse of the ultra-authoritarian super power that ruled it.
>there is no point in trying to talk to delusional fags like you.
Well then why have you been doing that for over an hour then?
And no, more movements will arise in the future. It's just science. You can not change it.
>The soviets used violence to force people to work and suppress dissent.
The US uses debt prisons to be fair
No it doesn't. The only kind of debt you can be imprisoned for is missing alimony/child support, and even this is an unconstitutional breach of power.
Dude. Is there even any point in bringing up how much crime there is in the US? Countries that lean left like Sweden (aside from the migrant crisis) have much less crime because they are better taken care of.
poor plebians are unworthy of education. I will finish college without a single cent of debt.