Charlotte air traffic controller arrested for possession of ‘weapon of mass destruction’
WMD in an airport?
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Weapon may not be in the airport. Air traffic controller's access to the airport has been suspended.
Suspect is Paul Dandan.
>pic of weapon
wtf? what izzzit?
Mossad false flag once again.
They planned to blow up vegas with a dirty nuke and it didn't work.
I bet you they wanted to try again,
"""weapon of mass destruction"""
I very much doubt he had a nuke on him.
>15000 bond
Must have not been that serious.
Weapon of mass destruction used in this legal sense is basically any explosive. It's almost assuredly a pipe bomb or some shit not the cbr weapon we think of when we hear wmd.
For those who don't know any better, the statutory definition of WMD includes any explosive device, like a pipe bomb.
The boston marathon bombers who used a pressure cooker bomb? By statute that was a WMD.
What if it's was some biological weapon? Aren't those considered WMDs too?
Ah you beat me to it. I remember bringing this up with law school classmates a couple years ago. The response generally was "Why should someone be able to have a pipe bomb, though?"
Are you serious?
Oh fuck. I have committed far more crimes than I originally thought when I was learning about chemistry.
See It was a pipe bomb.
There are some wrinkles to the statutory definitions, like usually it's possession of a WMD in the commission of an act of international terrorism, or use of a WMD to commit an act of terrorism. This guy didn't commit an act of terrorism that we know of, but it's likely that he was arrested for an attempt, and the pipe bomb is what they're calling the WMD.
I know it says Connecticut and not North Carloina, but you have to believe me guys, it's him.
That's understandable considering it was at his job at a fucking airport. What else was he going to do with it?
I just liked exploding shit on private property because I'm American.
Yeah, I can't tell you that's legal but you're not likely to get brought up on terrorism charges for doing shit like blowing up tree stumps.
>Suspect is Paul Dandan
>A dandan or dendan is a mythical sea creature that appears in volume 9 of The Book of One Thousand and One Nights (or Arabian Nights). It appears in the tale "Abdullah the Fisherman and Abdullah the Merman", where the merman tells the fisherman that the dandan is the largest fish in the sea and is the enemy of the mermen. A dendan is capable of swallowing a ship and all its crew in a single gulp.
>Abdullah the Merman (Arab)
>dandan is the largest fish in the sea and is the enemy (Jew) of the mermen.
>A dendan is capable of swallowing a ship (airplane) and all its crew in a single gulp (explosion).
This guy's pic looks like pure Israeli Mossad too.
Bump because I reside in the general vicinity
again? this happened over the summer
either way based fbi
where did you find that?
guy had a bike rim apparently
since im not a lazy nigger, I actually look this guy up on public records, and not reddit. He is the son of Lebanese christian parents. He may be ex military since he also listed as living in Honolulu HI at one time.
What happened to the CBTS threads?
Do I need to tell you what you can do with an aluminum tube!?
In the article OP linked.
it was just a pipe bomb lol
It was a chipotle burrito.
Thanks user, I wasn't aware of that.