It's The Weekend Edition
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It's The Weekend Edition
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I have some bleak thoughts. Which is strongest argument against suicide if I make it look like an accident. I go climbing and fall. Accidents like that happens. I am blissfully touched by reapers cold hand and my suffering is gonne, my loved ones get over it because such things happens and I remain in their memory as faithful boyfriend, loving son, great student. Everybody wins at the very end.
Cattle die, | and kinsmen die,
And so one dies one's self;
One thing now | that never dies,
The fame of a dead man's deeds.
T. Repressing tranny
there is a /sig/ thread over at /fit/
full of rolls for some shit tho
The flag in your png needs to be changed OP there is a reason the flag reads don’t tread on me and not ‘us’. Individualism is important.
Try shooting up a mosque or synagogue and going at with some honour you disgusting freak.
Don't do it dude, don't waste the life given to you. If you are really thinking of giving up, just go do something amazing instead. Sell all your stuff and go travel the world, seeing everything you ever wanted to see and doing everything you ever wanted to do. And if you still want to end it all after all that, well then, honestly, you still shouldn't but...
maybe you're completely the opposite, and you need more structure and good habit in your life. /SIG/ can help you with that.
Also, if yours trans that';s fine, don't listen to the shitheads on Sup Forums, but make sure that's how you feel before you decide to transition. Some people will treat you differently.
I was extremly succesful person before lately when dysphoria and depression went into overdrive. Like, really, path to great career, great gf, social doing well and so on. Then decline happen, I guess kali yuga fucked me lol. Now I barely function, actually.
I know I feel dysphoria, I just think transition isn't option for me
How do I deal with becoming bored while self-improving? I went out tonight even though I shouldn't have, because I was bored. Now today and tomorrow is totally ruined.
/sig/ doesn't work. if i could self-improve, i wouldn't be here.
the horror of the real world is that selfishness and dishonest struggle in a free market is what creates greatness long-term. but i am genetically incapable of the level of selfishness required to prosper.
how can one acquire the intent to kill? (meaning, to "kill it" in the pop culture sense)
and how deep shall the bodies be piled when the white man ceases to care for his neighbor; ceases to sacrifice for the collective; ceases even to tell the truth?
Daily reminder that the steak and eggs diet is the most redpilled diet.
You're probably overthinking. Take up mindfulness meditation. It will seriously put you in a better headspace.
Overthinking what? It could put me in better headspace but could get dysphoria better?
I guess I need to vent here, but guys, I don't know what to do. I'm a young guy. I'm in a long distance relationship with a girl down south. I'm almost done with community college and I wanna move down south to where my gf is, but my family thinks that I should stay up north. I have a plan. I wanted to be on my own and take up HVAC as a trade. Sure it'll be difficult being on my own, but my family thinks that I'm making a dumb life choice. I wanna follow the trade thing, and I'll have about $8000 saved for a move. But I'm discouraged by my family's reaction to me moving from the nest. They still think of me as a kid when I'm 22.
Sup Forums, to be honest, I have a strange trust towards you guys. Not on everything, but about self improvement and doing trades. I just feel weird because I don't know if I'm falling for a dumb meme or my family really wants to keep me close. They tell me that when nobody else is there, family will be, but you guys.. you anons are like the friends I never had. Idk, there's more to the story than just this one thing, but I wanted to get this out.
that is what TheRedPill teaches: to become a full-on pirate. Never to build -- for paid work is dishonorable and low status. Never to be honest -- for women prefer dishonor. Never to sacrifice for the common good -- for only idiots do that.
Nope, it's time to get huge, get rude, and create systems to extract maximum profit from others without regard for their good. In particular, it's time to do finance (making millions unemployable), fuck clueless women (making million unmarriageable), and enjoy social violence done toward lesser beings. Narcissism, Machiavellianism, Sociopathy, and Psychopathy, chained to a high-IQ and relentless work ethic. Engines of destruction, who work within the law to fuck the world apart.
I cannot ignore them. For I am not a cuck.
I cannot fight them. For I am not powerful enough.
I cannot join them. For I am not evil.
I have no options that carry hope of success.
LDRs mean she's cheating on you. Ask her to move in with you + your family. If she does, then start having babies right away. If she doesn't, then find someone who does.
Do it, you've got nothing to lose. If it doesn't work out you can always go back.
/sig/ is a nat soc/odalist thread.
Gadsdens, get out!
just a bit of advice based on personal experience - even if you do your best to make it look like an accident, the true will come out eventually. Plus your mother is going to have to identify your corpse, and that sight will stick with her for life.
your family only wants whats best for you, if you really think you can make it on your own then do it, your family will come around when you are successful. A word of caution though, never move for a girl you dont intend to marry, like youve put a ring on her finger already.
Maybe, maybe you will realize there is no self so whatever dysphoria you are feeling is ultimately stemming from you recycling the same thoughts over and over again, trying to get to a state that doesn't even need to exist because you are perfect as you are. Or say that's bullshit and responsibly decide to transition. Or just become a femboy trap. It's your call.
t. guy who likes to imagine himself as a little girl in his head but doesn't feel the need to transition because it's far too expensive, obtuse to my social situation and unnecessary, I also have no dysphoria (wait, do you mean dysphoria or dysmorphia, I've been assuming you meant dysmorphia this whole time.)
Fuck her get a job and make bank. You should find a house where you are at if she's worth any of the attention you gave her she will move to you.
Sure, but scrambled? What are you, 12?
scrambled is best
>4 responses (now 5)
>0 responses
Fuck this "general"
>i dont have self control, give me your secrets, i just want to eat my favorite foods and lose weight, i want to look like arnold doing bodyweight once a week
you fail some times, but you stick with it to achieve your goals, if you think there is some checklist you complete and get a prize you are going to be disappointed and quit
No I mean legit gender dysphoria, I fit into diagnostic criteria from DSM - V. Imagine freaking out when seeing dick, I can manage sex only after intense foreplay with cuddling and pussy licking, and even then doesn't even feel realy good - like my arousal is enourmous and then fell when pussy licking came into being. Or when your reflection feel just foreign, having urging need to be female etc. Fucked up shit, but I also don't want to transition, for many reasons, and I can't really continue living like this, I mean, I am deeply fucked and showing symptoms of ptsd despite nothing ever happened to me (stabble middle class family, quite popular social and so on).
>just a bit of advice based on personal experience - even if you do your best to make it look like an accident, the true will come out eventually. Plus your mother is going to have to identify your corpse, and that sight will stick with her for life.
I guess it would be hard on whoever will see it, but I literally see no other option. And how truth came out? What is extraordinary at hiking accident.
Well that's the thing guys. I am going to marry her. None of this kissyface crap. I've known this girl for 3 years going on 4. I'm gonna visit first, get my own, and then marry. It's interesting you guys bring up family still being there and having my best interests. I know other anons have to post, but on a positive note, I've been doing push ups everyday and I'm gonna start biking tomorrow to lose some pounds tomorrow.
best way to quit the booze? i drink about 6 beers equivalent worth of vodka a night
I'm no Chad but I think the best thing you could do is keep the course for today and tomorrow despite going out. It will blow doing it without good sleep etc, but if you keep the schedule then you can take a lesson from it. Let the consequence of your choice shape you into the man you should be not the one you want to be when you're "bored".
Something that is inspirational and helps me.
Like to listen to when I'm making a meal.
when you die your family is going to go through everything you own, you mother is going to read every single word in every single diary/book/school paper/ etc that you own, she is going to get someone to hack into your computer and she is going to go through everything and she will find out everything. Just be honest with your family, they love you and will help you get through it.
goodluck, but seriously if you havent put a ring on her finger you are making a mistake
find out why you drink and solve that problem. Are you sad? lonely? trying to forget? just bored and it fills up some time?
Maybe this'll help.
>when you die your family is going to go through everything you own, you mother is going to read every single word in every single diary/book/school paper/ etc that you own, she is going to get someone to hack into your computer and she is going to go through everything and she will find out everything. Just be honest with your family, they love you and will help you get through it.
Don't have diaries, all my books and notes are just academic stuff so nothing to see there, only intense computer searching could gave her any info. And no I will never let my family know I have this tranny desires, I can't have anyone irl know this.
Do Alex Jones water filters actually work?
Are they a good investment?
I've started drinking a fuckton of water, I want to get up to a gallon/day (I'm 75% of the way there), but I'll admit I'm slightly concerned about what I may be ingesting with the tap water.
This lab results sheet looks pretty concerning:
just trust me, the truth always comes out. Why cant you tell them that you want people to see you as a female? is that really so hard for you to say? Honestly your family probably already knows or suspects, everyone knows more then they let on and it usually only comes out in fights.
When all improve themselves, they collectively improve their communities, families, and societies. Men are the building blocks of society. We improve ourselves, we create good and decent families, we build anew.
Great source of Info from the Strategic Initiative.
What do you guys use for scheduling your days?
>just trust me, the truth always comes out. Why cant you tell them that you want people to see you as a female? is that really so hard for you to say? Honestly your family probably already knows or suspects, everyone knows more then they let on and it usually only comes out in fights.
I doubt they know, I'm mid twenties, with Thormund like beard, I was never really femme (well I can name few small accidents from childhood, but hell even when my mom didn't want to push me gendered toys I chose guns), I was a literal skinhead in highschool, I was succesful student, I have long term gf, how could she guess that. Why is that hard to say? Come on who want to be lesbian tranny?
Getting Things Done is an amazing yet simple system. It's comparable to freeing up RAM on your computer, so you are free to think about deeper topics.
Bro, you're not a woman. You just have some feminine tendencies. It doesn't mean you were born in the wrong body. Just embrace yourself, get fit and see a counselor.
What was that drug that Black Pigeon Speaks said was tried and made a crossdressers' tendencies go away?
thanks, now im on another watch list :^)
my routine mostly, special things i keep in my phone calender
well i cant say for certain that your mother knows, but im 95% sure she does. But seriously, your family loves you and only wants whats best for you. If you are struggling with something they will help you, its better to be honest and let them try to help you then to take your own life and have it destory theirs, and it will too, trust me.
>Want to find a qt 3.14 to have children with
>Have no idea where to meet qt 3.14's.
Tomorrow I will do a good walking trip, like 10 or 15 km, good for the legs.
youre not ready yet
Guys I just fell for my ex-wife's trap and went over to her shitty pigsty house after her rebound left her and I fucked her but I could not cum... Her little girl (not mine) was a few rooms over, I feel so fucking unclean I feel like I just raped myself and kicked my own head in with a boot labeled (KEK) in raised letters on the sole
I feel like this is rock bottom, I feel much shame
I am on Nofap day 62.
Counselors aren't here much helpful - you fit into dsm - v here you go hrt.>well i cant say for certain that your mother knows, but im 95% sure she does. But seriously, your family loves you and only wants whats best for you. If you are struggling with something they will help you, its better to be honest and let them try to help you then to take your own life and have it destory theirs, and it will too, trust me.
I am quite sure that neither her nor girlfriend have any idea. Idk, this is too big shame to admit.
That board for just exercise, I suppose this thread is for general self improvement, not only in the physical part.
Reading more Sup Forums on my free time and will face the challenge of redpilling more shills at the local re-education/concentration camp
I was where you are years ago. She was cheating. Hope u do better m8. That's why i said she should move to you.
dont lose heart, admitting your faults is the first step, do better tomorrow
im sure they both suspect, if not they will look back and see the signs they missed. People arent as dumb as you think they are and youre not as good at hiding things as you think you are. Its not shameful to admit what you really feel, hell maybe he just needs to say it out loud to get it out of his system. He should tell them, they have the right to know.
You don't know how impossible it is to NOT go out on a Friday night. The only "friends" I have are bartenders.
Such a waste of two good days, though...and I only get so many...
> man has worked for years getting his life together
> gets lots of replies
> fedoralord is too unmotivated to do shit
> gets ignored
welcome to the real world. enjoy your stay.
I like to wash it down with da Bone Broth.
>says he's a young guy
>"man has worked for years"
Yeah, nah, you're a CUNT. Go try growing some hairs and then shave them, faggot.
i can't do it. by week 2 i am grabbing strangers' asses uncontrollably
sounds like excuses to me
>†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease
Leave it to Sup Forums to create a nihilistic /sig/
Hai, sensei
I made a promise to myself and broke it-- it won't happen again!!!
Who the fuck are you?
good luck
no one
>im sure they both suspect, if not they will look back and see the signs they missed. People arent as dumb as you think they are and youre not as good at hiding things as you think you are. Its not shameful to admit what you really feel, hell maybe he just needs to say it out loud to get it out of his system. He should tell them, they have the right to know.
fuck he feel bad. Anyway, I can get your point that gf need to know, but why parents? I don't see sense telling them If I'm not becoming tranny
did you do a lot of drugs? maybe something messed with ur brain chemistry
>12/69 posts
Obviously, you think you're someone, fucking faggot. Either give constructive advice or shut the fuck up. Even platitudes would be better than the two-second thoughts you're spewing.
No never. I smoke weed few times and that is it, I actually also drink very little, my only druggie habbit is chainsmoking
So I'm supposed to go to church to find good women, correct? But I'm not quite sure how to hit on girls in church. I've never hit on anyone at all before and it seems like I could get thrown out if I do this wrong
"Hitting on" is the wrong framework. If you have the right stuff, the equation should hinge on them coming to you
Sometimes I really wonder if people geninely want to be edgy so bad they would kill for it
Well that's simply unrealistic. Girls are passive creatures (when they're not tinder thots) and we both know this.
he wants to kill himself because he is ashamed and fears what they will think of him. Telling them will take that fear away, they will want to help him. If he does kill himself they will spend the rest of their lives wondering what they did wrong and why their son didnt just come to them for help. Thats going to eat them a live inside.
you are you so mad? were all friends here
dont go to church to find women, there are no good women in church at your age. You should have found a good one at church when you were in high school or early college. The only women who are in church past there are either married or roasties looking for forgiveness and betabux. But if you insist, most churchs have a singles group that ends up being a meetmarket
There's a lot of subconscious legwork to be done, I'm not Sean Connery so I can't teach you in words-- the art of magnetizing women is like Zen: it can only really be passed in real time from master to pupil
> But I'm not quite sure how to hit on girls in church
At the coffee hour after liturgy
I'm more asking how I do it without making a total ass of myself. I already have the when, where, and to some extent the who worked out.
>he wants to kill himself because he is ashamed and fears what they will think of him. Telling them will take that fear away, they will want to help him. If he does kill himself they will spend the rest of their lives wondering what they did wrong and why their son didnt just come to them for help. Thats going to eat them a live inside.
Why are you writing in third person lol. Also, my mom said I'm kind ''convincing myself'' when I rtold her I'm depressed, so yeah very supportive Beside that, tranniing myself means dishonoring everything around me. That said, I failed all my previous successes, there is not point of wasting air.
"So... How 'bout them white birthrates?"
Do you want to be a tranny or not?
Simple question.
You probably don't, but feel you have no choice. Am I on the right track here?
start with hi, im _ and then be yourself
thought we were talking about another user, my bad. But my 2 cents for whatever it is worth to you, tell your mother, tell your girl friend, try to explain it as best you can, tell them exactly what you are feeling. Maybe they will disown you, but more likely they will want to help you. Why kill yourself and deny them the chance? They will find out the truth eventually, that i can assure you. Remember there will always be a police investigation into any death, they will get your phone/internet records and they will read this.
might be the drugs. maybe u need to go to church
I have desire to be women, I hate my body, I feel so gooood when one use ''she'' pronouns etc. However being a tranny is against my deeply hold believes, and when I read (a lot) about threatment for gender dysphoria consensus is hrt (outside of pimozide, one case meme study), so yeah, I am kinda fucked here.
>thought we were talking about another user, my bad. But my 2 cents for whatever it is worth to you, tell your mother, tell your girl friend, try to explain it as best you can, tell them exactly what you are feeling. Maybe they will disown you, but more likely they will want to help you. Why kill yourself and deny them the chance? They will find out the truth eventually, that i can assure you. Remember there will always be a police investigation into any death, they will get your phone/internet records and they will read this.
I thought you are trying to provoking me with pronouns lol. Idk, I feel like there is no point. But last time sound worrying, will police really check internet records for climbing/motorcycle accident? Sound unlikely.
Go before I tried weed, sadly :/ Belive me or not, I actually spend once whole night praying rosary in church in fucking latin.
Anyone got some books that are genuinely helpful to read? Not a meme selfhelp book that just tells you how to be your best self but a book that actually helps you learn new skills and grasp new concepts?
Get a blood test and get your testosterone levels checked before you do anything, literally anything.
Once you do that report back here, and we will help you with whatever the next steps are.
Seriously, I recommend meditation again. You seem to have a lot of stuff going on in your head, mindfulness meditation will help you sort all that shit out. Trust me, you will thank me later.
yes, they will if they suspect foul play, which they will because killing yourself is much harder than you think. A climbing/motorcycle accident is not guaranteed to kill you in fact chances are pretty good that you will survive your first attempt. You could seriously maim yourself as well, and you risk doing all that for what? Because you are too embarrassed to tell the people who love what you really feel? Why dont you look up what unconditional love is user.
look up guides for what interested you online
go to confession, talk to a priest about it.. and as some other user said, check out your testosterone levels, that is a good idea
Must be worth a try, but I doubt it could cure dysphoria..
>yes, they will if they suspect foul play, which they will because killing yourself is much harder than you think. A climbing/motorcycle accident is not guaranteed to kill you in fact chances are pretty good that you will survive your first attempt. You could seriously maim yourself as well, and you risk doing all that for what? Because you are too embarrassed to tell the people who love what you really feel? Why dont you look up what unconditional love is user.
Come on, unconditional love is a meme. Also, why would I betray my deply held believes?
Info: I did stuff to raise my test, if now is bed then was living and utter hell.
maybe u need to raise it some more. dysphoria IS a mental disorder. something ain't right in your head. that's all i'm saying. you want to be a woman because ...unknown reasons to me. but you can still live with those desires. you just have to figure it out man
i had a friend who suddenly developed gender dysphoria and he ended up hating me because i refused to treat him like a girl.
First official wrestling practice of the season is monday. Wish me strength bros Ill need it
I said get it tested. Not "lol just raise it faggot"
Very different things.
if unconditional love exists, its between a mother and her child. You already have betrayed them, admitting that you have to other people is the first step in fixing things.
(ps look up the icelandic magical staves and put them in your shoes)
How do I stop being a bitch and implement structure in my life? I have all these delusions of how I'm going to sort myself out but it never happens, and as a result my time management is fucked to the point that I take a week to do an essay that takes two hours and if I'm given a week to prep for an exam, 6 of those days are not spent studying
adopt a "do it now" principal: whenever an idea of something that you need to do pops into your head, get up and go do it right now.
I can live, I am doing this right now, but at expense of being wreck - depressed and unproductive - and I am falling down at everything. At career, at relationship, at my general mood and so. Why do I have this problems ? God If I know..i can tell that it is constant since puberty with various intensity. Like hell from 12 - 18, then better till 23/24, last year utter living hell, and that I know my "girl name" since I was small kid. And so listen to this absurdity, I was never feminine, outside of few small mannerism, like nobody took for anything else but a straight male, and when I was kid I preffered boy's toys, but I still played with sisters Barbie's few times just because they were girls toys lol. Like my personality, my attraction to women made no sense with this at all.
Ok I will give you point about other people, but how I betrayed my principles is a mistery to me.