Kathy Griffin faints during a live show. KEK
>Recent pic of her. Crackhead?
Looks like she is battling cancer
Why did she took a picture with a beheaded Trump?
This bitch should be thrown in prison
Staged for attention
She looks like a living ventriloquist doll
I would fuck Kathy Griffin
>tfw he broke you
She looks like someone who has a easy time getting prescription meds.
Have you seen OPs picture?
Trump did it.
>Kathy Griffin faints during a live show.
I'm getting tired of all this winning...
Never stick it in crazy, leaf.
She shaved her head in solidarity with her sisters cancer apparently. But her sister probably got cancer from spending too much time close to Kathy.
>Why did she took a picture with a beheaded Trump?
desperate attempt to revive her career.
wouldn't mind a video link.
this deserves another (You)
Women make drastic changes to their appearance after suffering a traumatic experience, especially at the hands of an alpha male
They do it because they think their outward ugliness provoked the wrath of the alpha in question and in turn, change themselves to appear more comely
Of course, women are batshit insane and this coping mechanism doesn't work at all, so when they look in the mirror and see a perfectly reformed princess, the real world sees a bald bitch with crazy eyes hopped up on painkillers
who is giving her work?
>No video
could of worded is a little better - but not bad - not bad.
jews. Because she was a good goy and took a swing at the one person with the balls to threaten their globalist aims.
Shaved head. Monarch reprogramming? Illuminati punishment?
Lets hope she dies
MK Ultra is not so reliable. Killing, Fainting, and fucking old guys are some of the symptoms.
>Why did she took a picture with a beheaded Trump?
Years and years of indoctrination and brainwashing made her think it was the right thing to do.
Satanic ritual. Katy Perry, Britney spears, drew Barrymore, segorney weaver,
>could of worded is a little better
Trump busted their pedo rings and cut off the sex pedo vampires blood supply. Really gets cheese pizza melting when i think about how old her and the democrats started looking within months.
>A memory of President Trump viciously attacked Saint Griffin live on stage this evening. Experts are predicting that Trump will be impeached within hours.
I wanna fuck her and Sarah Jessica Parker
I guarantee you Trump would not grab that stank ass pussy.
Shit nigga u college smart!
FAKE FAKE! Doing it for publicity
hell yeah
Why is she becoming Iggy Pop?
That's a fucking man.
thanks for the laugh, fatty
glass houses Juan
That said, she somehow looks like an Oblivion character.
Didn't Katy Perry and that black bitch from The View (I think it was that show), recently faint onstage as well? Well, the black bitch didn't really faint- more like she stumbled backwards and looked like she had seen a ghost- she was dressed up as the Statue of Liberty, fwiw.
I want this as my ringtone. It's catchy
thought that was andy dick in drag
what's the deal with this creature... did someone invade the zoo and fuck with a chimp or something? Are there more chimp-tier niggers out there? Is it dangerous?
Ask her about the #pissgate tape.
She's buds with the guy who provided "info" to fucktard ex Mi6 Christopher Steele to "produce" #pissgate for Fusion GPS.
Fusion GPS got paid $10 million .... Steele just over $100k.
The NY Times is a joke.
Opening line - "DUBLIN — Every era gets the Lenny Bruce it deserves. Ours is Kathy Griffin."
When did Anderson Cooper dye his hair red?
Jeez she looks like a thallium exposure patient
CNN has it covered anyway
>muh dik
She looks like the puppet in SAW
webm. faggot
surprise buttsex.jpg
I'm going to miss watching her sexually harass Anderson Cooper on new years eve this year.
Jesus... I thought you were trolling with that opening line. Despicable people, with absolutely no respect. Lenny would spin in his fucking grave if he knew he was being compared to this no-talent sellout. Stupid cunt should have stuck to squatty potty commercials.
cunt dies so what
She looks Danny Elfman in that photo.
That's good, user.
she kills her self in less than 18 months.