George Takei is a rapist

Trump curse is real

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Yes! YES!

Out if all people we hate, seeing him go down like this would fill me with the most joy.

This made my day

so much for being a gay - oh my!


There is film of him molesting a crew member on the Howard Stern show. It was live on air. Fags get a pass

A pede is actualy a pedo?
Colour me surprised.

Takei is a bottom bitch. Who could he assault really?

Duh, haven't you seen the webms of him grabbing other people's penis while camera is rolling?

Also why do people think he is smart because he pretended to be a scientist in a live-action cartoon?

Holy fuck I hope this is true.

wow this is shocking. george takei the reddit hero? this is unacceptable. george takei must be dropped by his employer. i am utterfly disgusted.

my god i hope this is true.

Good. Fukin pervert deserves to be publicly disgraced.

put him back in the internment camps

Learn to read, nigger.

trump sodomy is real



Dis gon be gud. *sharts

So much salt.

Well there are no pictures of Takei with his teeth busted out so the guy must have been a total pussy.


Weinstein was good.

Spacey was satisfying.

Louis CucK was better.

Takei would just be too much. I'd even take the hit with Roy Moore's shit turning out true if it meant taking down Takei.

Of all the people in hollywood to go down for sexual assault ever since this whole thing started, I really wanted Takei's smug DNC cockholster mouthpiece self to go down for this.

The only way this gets better is if people start accusing late night hosts en masse.



>Late night hosts




It doesn't stop!!! Leftard collapse!!!

>Why do people think he's smart?

He is Asian, Asian people are smart, look at the way he pushed buttons on that computer thingy on the ship.

About time

Why does everyone who opposes Trump get BTFO so hard? It's getting scary

I thought he was the Helmsman? Not a science officer.

Oh shit. That really is him in drag. He was younger and the makeup softens the male face, but that sure as shit looks like his facial structure alright.



NOOOO!!! Make a camp somewhere else!

Do not send him back to Topaz: that's rightful Deseret clay.

What's happening to him?


Someone said dementia. I'd say that fits quite well.

I wont be happen till Colbert and Seth Myers go down

all's quiet on the battlefront. Probably dying from AIDS right now. ha ha.

>not animated

>Why are all these self righteous douchebags who hate Trump going down?

Basic laws of being a primate. They yell and scream so loudly about other people to distract from their own failings. So the loudest, smuggest, most self righteous Trump haters all were the worst people in their own personal lives.

Wonder if they will erase his character in books or merch.

To think we get to see them go down in flames no. Feels good, man

Trump curse rolls on.

I want Stephen Colbert to go down, god I hate that smug bastard democratic shill

And that CQ psycho

?????? I thought he was queer.

hahahaha eat shit George

George "From Rape to Gay" Takei

Jewllywood is burning guys. Everyone liberal celeb shithead is going down in a non-kosher fire.

It is like experiencing the gassing in real time

Start searching the blind item gossip sites then. The vast majority of these accusations have been on these sites for years. Just do a site search for their name. There's creepy sex stuff with Colbert as a guess on at least one of them.

My money says the only semi clean late night guy is Fallon.
He's just a drunk.

He can't deny the allegations. They trapped themselves with their "believe the accuser no matter what" campaign. Idiots

P.S. - everyone we hate is on these things. Look at Mark Cuban - alleged to have impregnated a 16 year old. Search these sites and activate those memes. You can spread gossip just as much as you can spread a news article. It'll flush them out.

Yes....Yes! Heh...You're the man now dog!

kek The left really do project. Fucking hypocrites.

Blind items? Do you read your horoscope too?

This nip faggot has gotten away with it for decades.

Exact details on who was going to Epstein's pedophile island. People will go talk to these gossip sites and dish dirt. They call them "open secrets" for a reason.

Looks like Colbert may be attempting a preemptive strike.

What the fuck? How did he get away with this? Holy shit

My local library routinely advertises for local speaking engagements for this guy. Nice to see this hypocrite's dirty laundry coming out. Funny how these holier than thou progressives often seem to be guilty of quite shameful behaviour themselves.

>Websites claim for years that Weinstein is assaulting women
>"Why do you believe this trash?"

Don't be a fucking brick. Hollywood is filled with gay men. What do gay men like doing more than sucking dick? Gossiping. Who do they gossip to? Blind item sites. Which is why so much of what's on there is news six months or a year later.

GIbson, like all red-pilled Hollywood types, hasn't done shit. He disdains the behaviour of the Twatterati and for that I'll always love him

>hasn't done shit.

It all makes sense now why he's only asking for women to come forward with their stories

Sweet isn't it. Watching trash catch itself on fire.


>George Takei's Gay Bachelor Party
>gay bachelor party
Well there's your answer.

Sup Forums's going ape shit again kek

That would almost be more winning than I could take.

Colbert trying to throw a red blooded republican under the bus, color me shocked.

fucking kek

This, but I would kill to see them somehow take down Trevor Noah too. All the former Daily show crew, and I used to love that show but god damn do I realize how awful it is now.

Wouldn't it be great if it turned out the entire Daily show was one big sex slave ring, and the reason Stewart left is because he couldn't take it anymore? I'd love to see that.

It's better than that. Trump has an army of loyal internet basement dwellers that will seek and destroy all opposition. Who needs a curse when you have the power of weaponized autism backing you.

I fucking love these happenings lately, and this disgusting chinaman is the icing on the cake for me. He's one of the people I'll be most happy to see go down the toilet. Even with this though, I have to say, I can't in the right mind get too excited until he is actually convicted, because I'd be a hypocrite if I blindly believed a rape accusation just because I don't like the person. I can absolutely see him being a pervert, but will anything come of this? I kinda feel like this flood of abuse claims is just paving the way to have it normalized. We'll lose track of all the accused and nothing will end up happening, at this rate.
But still, he's an absolute degenerate and I will give him an [S] for shit on grave

fellas, please help dig through his twitter for any reference to rape, groping, and sexual assault made towards POTUS before he goes on damage control.
Spread the screenshots!!!

He can't keep getting away with it!

spread this like wildfire

Same here, and I even used to like the guy, somewhat, because of classic Star Trek, and because he was FUNNY. The minute the election came along he totally lost his sense of humor and became yet another spiteful, full of shit, whining, bitter bitch hypocritical libshit who could not shut his fucking mouth about politics for five damn seconds.

So fuck him. He deserves to be called up for what he did--and I've no doubt he did it, who's got that gif of him grabbing some guy's dick--very much without permission and with the guy obviously not comfortable about it--I think it was on Howard Stern?

Exactly, that! There's a gif but I don't have it...

Tip of the iceberg.


I won't be happy until John Oliver, aka fucking Current Year Man, Spielberg, Alec Baldwin (for underage girl raping and maybe incestuous pedophilia, look at his poor fucked-up daughter), George Clooney, Angelina Jolie and (((John Stewart))) go down too.

Thing is, I am sure that almost all of them are literally guilty. The only ones I doubt are Oliver and Stewart, though I wouldn't be surprised if they were perverts. They just don't reek of it as much as the others do.

Kim Basinger was married to Baldwin AND worked with Spacey on LA Confidential. I bet she knows a lot. Will she spill?

Now is the time to put this webm around the traps

What the other reply said, and also--because Trump and his many friends and allies are scheming, clever fuckers who never forget a wrong, never forgive an enemy, and always exact vengeance. Sooner or later. TICK. TOCK.

>Trump's friends are scheming

Steve Mnuchin and Bannon were both part of Hollywood and have to have heard all the gossip.

I'd agree. Plus he's been generally moderate with Trump, so he's made no serious enemies and probably isn't in line for the curse. I like him, personally. Classic benevolent Irish drunkard.




It's no shock -- most homos are into young teen boys.

They are the new 'hip' protected class now, but there is a reason society has been wary of them basically everywhere, across time.

I'm not saying they're all kiddie diddlers, but there is a culture among them that is sexually very libertine -- it isn't ideal for this culture to be inflicted on kids.


Bump. I hate this faggot so much.

Is he trying to act like saying a few hurtful words is the equivalent of sexual abuse and rape?