Science paper documents the depopulation chemical covertly spiked into vaccines
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If they're trying to depopulate Africa why do they keep sending shitloads of food over there?
If they are trying to depopulate Africa why are there still billions?
Criminally underrated post
My question is: Was this secretly being used on Europe and the rest of the Western countries to try and hit our birth rates too, justifying this absurd push for MORE immigration?
>why do they keep sending shitloads of food
soy is not food and is rejected by most africans.
>what is damage control?
Probably fake, all African countries have high birth rates.
Because they started in the west first and are moving to other places once the west is a smoldering ruin.
>send free food
>all farmers can't sell food, go bankrupt
>no one farms any more
>aid runs out, no more free food
>starving nignogs
>Destroying what little agriculture they had to sustain themselves and replacing their food with soy
At last I truly see. Thank you for this high quality post.
virtue signaling
>Science paper
That's just how they sell it to normies. Really it's about destroying the agricultural sector of their economy and replacing their traditional foods with the poison they push here.
This has happened with other free shit we give to Africans. Like this company that sends a pair of shoes to Africans for every pair sold in America. They ran the local shoemakers out of business and they all became homeless. Handouts destroys the local economy.
Imagine if an alien came down and handed out free gasoline and food in the first world nations. Oil companies and all of the food industry would collapse. After 100 years of this no one would remember how to make gasoline or food.
>be elite
>want population to gain dependency
>flood markets with free food (ebt, charity, etc)
>drive food prices way down
>local farmers can't break even with crops
>region becomes completely dependent on gibs
that's not all. look into all the holistic docs that have been murdered while investigating vaccines in the last few years. RE: GcMAF and Nagalase.
FACT: Israel has been doing this for years.
Were they killed with homeopathic poisons?
If greatest ally does it then it must be ok. Just like their big beautiful wall.
>everyone gets just one annon(spiderman)
So why do people have question annon? Its the timeless question of our species, and no it is not really for the survival of the species but more related to an immediate mechanic. Economics
Before the degenerate LBJ and the other faggots with the continuity of the welfare system im the US(The New Deal), people going into old age required care, and economy to survive or have economic security and stability.
In nations where people have none, where mortality is high because of economic instability, ie famine, lack of trade, lack of infastructure/sanitation/clean food supplies its been noted that in the British Empire it was common for poor women to at least have a lot of children. Often though a majority of them would perish before adulthood.
In Africa this situation is multifold, and the women with no education require the usage of a mass of children to provide old age economic, security and stability.
This is why Feminism is lethal to population rates in the US. Women have a biological reproductive instinct called hypergamy, means they strongly do not want to reproduce with men less in status(Education) or in earnings, oddly the later being more important. This means the available pool of men available when these stupid dumpster get hit with baby rabbies is none existent. Which means they are often unable to reproduce.
So the factors are economic, and the reproductive instinct in a Feminist Environment. Made worse is the enormous fucking taxation usory in the West that is intentionally draining the pockets of millennials. This economic lewl also aids to destroy the domestic birth rate while enriching the pedophile establishment here. So it can also be seen as economic mismanagement causing mass social degeneration as well.
What do you recommend plebs, CNN? "your trusted news network"
>you got an actual source that is a serious fabricator of bullshit?
Its time to open those low IQ vaults and start exploring
>natural news
Got any REAL sources?
That's literally Globalism 101.
Make every single country dependent on handouts and gibs.
Eventually everyone is just a slave wage cuck.
Better than CNN
> tfw your pseudo-sterilization chemicals interfere with reproductive hormones
> which go on to interfere with sexual attraction
> So you have to legalize ssm
> And the cover gets blown
> So you shoot up a concert at las vegas
> And the cover gets blown
> So you run over some people with a truck
> And the cover gets blown
> So you shoot up a church
> And the cover gets blown
Where does it end?
so what? the planet can support 1 billion ppl tops. #abortchina #abortindia #abortafrica
I love how anyone that calls out a bullshit source must always prefer CNN to it. I see this response all the time with RT and Sputnik links. I think I'll make a smuggie out of it.
Yes,look up "gmo" fertility. Even tyt did a piece on it and noted that it only affects white populations
GMO food causes sterility by the third generation.
For all the CNN morons, the paper was literally linked in the article.
neck urself
This is about kenya
This is good news
>get idiots to breed
>get them dependent
>grow them to a vastly bigger size than your target
>kill food supply
>point them in direction of your enemy
>natural news
So America will be dead in 40 years?
We’re fucked. In every way we’re fucked. The world will be nothing but niggers and (((jews))) in 100 years.
the normies coming here are all brainwashed, they think a propagator is different then the other based purely on the brand of the propaganda.
Chinks wear their brands on their clothes like a gospel for status, these nu-faggots do it with their faggoty liberal staples.
>to bad modern liberalism is regressive and for pedophiles and bronies
>somebody came up with the idea of putting sterilizing drugs in the vaccines and sending them all to Africa to keep the population in check
>vials got switched and ended up in Europe
Wow, what a real true real thing.
mike adams is a credible reporter
I find him more credible than the faggots and kikes on CNN
gotta keep the wildlife healthy.
You whats also in some vaccines? Mercury, but don't worry Mercury doesn't effect fertility.
It just makes you insane and retarded. What an improvement.
On one hand
On the other
>even a broken clock is right twice a day
I'm too lazy to read can anyone do the work for me and see if it's legit?
I truly pray that anti-vaxxers die a horrible death of polio, small pox, and whooping cough
Well it is an actual paper and it does seem to say what the NN kooks says it says. Too be honest it sounds like the sort of thing (((they))) would do so I'm going to call this story credible.
>naturalnews is good for anything except the latest "miracle" quackery to send to Grandma so she dies quicker
* naturalnews * = Not news = GTFO
Shut up and go get your flu shot.
They are destroying herd immunity at an amazing rate
Nigger genophage is something everyone should support.
>Nigger genophage is something everyone should support.
Actually it isn't mercury you kiwi retard, it is a chemical that includes mercury much like table salt includes fucking chlorine. It is bound though, therefore not damaging in that state. Congrats on being scientifically illiterate as well as inaccurate as they got rid of that preservative years back. The study was faked, the scientist that did the study was shown to have faked data and lied.
Oh I'm going to remember this one.
The world is over-populated, this isn't really a bad thing.