You're a fairly intellectual individual, a smart cookie, got a good head on your shoulders. Where does it *really* come from? Can you tell me?
Where Does Money Really Come From?
It's loaned by the private central bank known as the federal reserve to the US government at interest.
I know this! The answer is as strange as it is explanatory. Money is printed by the Federal Reserve at interest paid by the treasury dept. It's impossible to pay off the interest bc the Fed is the only issuer of the money. Backing the Fed and giving the right of the Fed to exist is the Vatican. This is also why the US does the bidding of the Vatican with wars and domestic operations. However, to not have people know the Vatican is responsible, the Jews (starting in the 1700s in Europe to date around the world) look like they are running the banks.
burn kike
It's true though. That is where the international bank of settlements is located. In the old days, it was just the Vatican Bank.
Sorry was located. I think it may be in switzerland now. Which explains why the swiss are not in the EU
It's printed?
If your asking what gives it value, it is exchanged for your labor, wherein you contribute a service, and get money in return.
Money comes from a complex system of transfers in order to obfuscate the fact that its value doesn't actually come from anywhere. People are told it is "backed" by a shiny metal which also has inflated value for no reason and no one understands how the system works so they just believe it. It's similar to how cryptocurrency is valuable -- because people are told it is.
All money is a gaurantee of either Sweat or Blood shed for something valuable. Fiat currency is a kike scam to get your sweat and blood for nothing in return
not it may be
but it is
I've only read up a little bit about money, labor, exchange but maybe someone can explain something to me. Why don't we create a money based on hours worked? Why do we print endless fake money or use a commodity (gold) as the store of value? Doesn't it make sense that labor (with which you add value to something in the world) is the real "currency"? Thanks in advance for any answers.
Looks like we've got some thinkers. How did you come to that conclusion?
it comes from anywhere, is a random value and the jew keeps it low with inflation
the moot point is the interest that the jew gets out of such thinly aired created value
>If your asking what gives it value
Obviously that question is implicit you fucking stupid sassy subhuman spastic. Your ending of statements with question marks is only to imply your "knowledge" is obvious as compensation for lack of any actual rational reasoning. Kill yourself.
We all have our ways of knowing things. I also know the truth of Lincoln, JFK, and 9/11.
Gold standard should br reinstated. I am also open to crypto currency as well.
>Why don't we create a money based on hours worked?
That has been experimented with, but would never work. Everyone would try and work as slowly as possible to get the most money for least effort.
did the vatican also does 9/11 under the guise of muslim terrorists?
That makes sense, not unlike modern gibme economy in the western world that's dragging us all down.
oh for fun, capitalism after the civil war when wage labor was normalized started in Chicago in the 1880s. The LGBTQ community spearheaded the operation of selecting our current elites.
Here's the crazy fact. Most money in the economy isnt created by the Fed, but by the bank when you take out a loan. The bank doesn't actually give you money they have when they give you a loan, they type it in a computer and the money is "created" out of then air. You are then liable for paying back that fake money plus interest. Banks only need to hold 10% of the cash they lend. They have 10$, but loan you 100, you owe them $120 later.
Basic research. The sad thing is Ive only lived in the US 3 years and I know this information. Meanwhile, 90% of the population dont have a fucking clue.
No, not the Vatican. Muslims are only moderately responsible. Look at the towers before 9/11 for the answer. Its a shame anti-muslim sentiment began from it. Bush is right Islam is peace, but some are not so peaceful.
it comes from eating the flesh of ancient jewish demons, then u fight over the flesh like an animal or something
i wish i knew the names of these jewish demons
How about signed posters of Penn Jillette?
Sounds like you are the idiot. Look up something called, "the coincidence of wants" for a 101. There are other reasons as to why currency or money is valuable (ie "properties of money") but you too smart fo' dat.
>aaii a dummy
>youssa so smaaaart
>the value of money comes from the value of other things that have value for no reason
easy kike. we have what's called a debt based money system. that is, all money is loaned into existence. if we paid off all our debts, there would be no money. that's right kike. that's how you shlomo fucks set this whole thing up. what's more, 97% of all money is created by commercial banks through a fractional reserve system.
for example:
if a large nosed kike walks into a bank to deposit shekels he stole from some white guy, the receiving bank takes his $100 shekels and uses it as collateral or as "reserves" to loan out $1000 shekels to 10 more kikes (using the original kike's 100 shekels as collateral). That means the banks are leveraged about 10 to 1. That is, they can only return 1 shekel for every 10 shekels that people have in their bank if the people all decided to withdraw their money all at once. This is known as a white-people-woke-bank-run. To combat this, the dumbfuck US .gov created what's known as bank insurance or the FDIC, but it can only payoff 4% of the entire banking system should banks draw upon the FDIC.
so you see, we are all debt slaves without even knowing it. we all pay the hidden inflation tax and we must continually take on more debt in order for the economy to function. this is modern day serfdom or indentured servitude.
i didnt even get into the fact that US dumbfuck .gov passed the income tax act right after they created america's FOURTH central bank, the federal reserve (which is as federal as the federal express)
the best type of slave is one who thinks he is free.
wow user. Ever looked into whether the IRS is a government organization or if it is an independent agency like the CIA? The answer is interesting.
Comes from the printer and its backed by literal jew farts (it is what they make out of it, according to the number in circulation).
Calm down there champ, you might blow a blood vessel. Judging by your other posts you obviously hate money, so would you mind addressing the content of my post, and not the punctuation you fucking sperg?
The concept of value is incredibly tenuous, and since we can't carry chickens around in our pockets, we as a society have agreed to use tokens to represent the abstract concept of value which can in turn be exchanged for various items of varying value.
printing money done by central banks & distributed by govts
Without money, people barter. So I'd say productivity is money.
This guy gets it
>Judging by your other posts you obviously hate money, so would you mind addressing the content of my post, and not the punctuation you fucking sperg?
You are stupid. Regarding your last non-explanation, it seems to be something like "Goods and services are valuable, and people exchange money for goods and services, therefore money is valuable," which is a non-answer. The question isn't if money is valuable, but why money is valuable. Your "answer" presupposes money is valuable (being able to exchange it for goods or services); it doesn't explain where that value comes from. You are either a kid or a female. Go away.
the IRS is a .gov creation, created by Abe Lincoln who was truly a certified lunatic. it has since been taken over by the j00z and is an important cog in the modern enslavement machine.
Thats not what that means. A currency based on labor would be based around socially nessisary labor time not simply hours worked but hours of productive work required to create something of value. If an individual works more than the average intensity then they would reviceve more money. Competition would drive everyone to work to an average base value of labor.
It's made up. Just pretend. Enough people believe it for the system to somewhat work.
just replying to my own post to further add that everyone should read:
The Creature from Jekyll Island
complete recount of j00 shenanigans over the last 300 years.
That's a really nice diagram user. The point of the central banks is to start the NWO. How do you keep the NWO or National Fascism from reforming. The NWO is the simplest solution. To defeat either one would need to live in complete anarchy with violations of the NAP. In the old days of hollywood, LGBTQ people were selected because they were blackmailable. Now it's other things. To ditch NWO or fascism at the national level, one must eliminate all taboos and have it accepted by all citizens.
Because the employer likes his profit as much as he likes his close friends and family (who will always receive more than you). Meritocracy isnt always the rule.
Here's something to think about Sup Forums
A country has a central bank. This country starts at 0$. The central bank loans the country the money to fund their government. THE LOAN HAS INTEREST.
All you gotta do is watch that,
Entry level primer:
I really hope that's a joke.
Close, it needed to be authorized, but it is an independent group like CIA. It took the place of London-based tariff collectors.
Alright you autistic dickbrain, you obviously didn't read my post, so I will reiterate. Money is a proxy for your labor. I'm assuming that we can agree that labor is valuble, so let start there. Even though you most likely have never held a job in your life, I'll see you as an example. You work for a certain amount of time, and produce a certain amount of material. People want this material, and will be willing to barter with you for it. Now we have for the sake of convenience, this thing called currency. Currency is meant to be traded for goods, as a representation of your labor. The concept is simple: you get out what you put in. Ow if you go full retarded and sar saying
>Goods and labor aren't valuable hue hue hue
Then I can only assume you are roughly twelve years old. So you wanna use more than three braincells in your response this time?
Maybe money is representative of "what you'd do in order to get what you want?"
im sure it has an interesting backstory. all these shenanigans do, and to your point, i'll be looking closer into it. thx for the recommendation.
Pic related is where money comes from and where it ends up
>Asks where money comes from
>Posts a picture of currency
mike maloney is awesome. everyone should watch his seven? part serious about money. its not actually money, its currency. useless fiat currency. good stuff.
How many usd exist, in total?
The printing press of the federal reserve. The value it represents comes from it's use in the economy as a way to avoid issues encountered when trading items for items. It is also illegal to not use it because the governemnt has to force us to keep using it why they devalue it to pay for leftist bullshit that doesn't work and/or give it to niggers. Gold, silver, and/or bitcoins should be our currency.
Money comes from people wanting to trade value without directly bartering goods and services for each transaction. It's just a convenience.
How much gold exists? How many potatoes? How much water?
Scarcity is related to but in no way the sole determinant of value.
That's not the question. The question is what gives money value. In regard to your question however, I don't know. Enlighten me.
The government makes it illegal to not use it too because they want to be able to print more and steal the value of our savings without us knowing about it.
>muh bitcoins
For those interested, here's a video of a printing press in action at the Federal Reserve. It's fascinating to see how things are made.
You can look this up on the internet instead of asking a bunch of Stormfronters and Russian trolls.
Didn't read the thread.
Wealth is created during any voluntary transaction.
"Money" is created out of thin air by the reserve bank.
Money comes from the retarded niggernotion that it's a good idea to abstract power into something physical that can be held by ignoble people.