This is what happens when you elect a BETA KEK to lead the nation.
This is what happens when you elect a BETA KEK to lead the nation
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that deal actually fell through today, thanks to Canada
Canada's PM Justin Trudeau sabotages Trans-Pacific Partnership, shocking leaders
Why would we be btfo?of course a commie faggot is buttmad he isnt getting cucked by gooks
>>TPP trade deal talks move forward despite Canada wobble
US is Canada's primary trading partner and exports to the US are at all-your-eggs-in-one-basket levels. If Trump called him and said shut it down Trudeau had no choice.
>a bunch of poor third world countries trading with each other
good "partnership" guys
Lol at a commie flag defending TPP
The universe has lost coherence
What the fuck does that even mean then, you retard? If Canada and the US aren’t a part of it, it’s nothing.
Way to skew things to suit your own bias you malevolent retard.
>they were supposed to ink the TPP deal today
>instead Canada balked
>the group renamed the TPP the CPTPP
>the group tried to soothe Canada, finish the deal but..........
>There was no plan at this stage for the CPTPP leaders to meet again at Apec.
>The TPP member countries were trying to find a way forward without the US, the biggest economy and, before President Donald Trump took office, one of its most assertive supporters.
In other words the planned to sign the TPP into existence but haven't, have no plans to meet again at the conference, and don't know what to do without the US
>Obama the luggage lad
>the Hill
Kys commies faggot
So Trudeau is a Chinese plant?
most likely scenario i'd think. perhaps Trudeau will absorb some testosterone and his penis will sprout
no. he's just realizing that the US dictates the terms of the trade relationship
literally white privilege
I'm fucking shaking in anger right now
Why can't Trump actually make America great? It's as though the rest of the world is laughing at him for being an idiot. Why can't we have some true leadership of international quality.