The FBI paid me another visit to grab my #Charlottesville files, and repeatedly ask me the same few questions 4 times in a row. They REALLY didn't seem to want me filming this interaction. Like, at all. The agent also refused to provide me with any paperwork from this exchange. I popped the vids onto their little space agey FBI thumb drive, and off they went. I have the agent on video stating that these video files should satisfy the subpoena, so hopefully they stay gone forever. Fuck.
The FBI Is Interrogating Me At My House
land of the cucks
I watched your other video. FBI have an interesting history..
>The FBI Is Interrogating Me At My House
I don't trust those cucks
what did the Charlottesville files have?
>using an "FBI" thumb drive
>by someone who refuses to hand you paperwork
The smartest thing for you to do is get rid of that laptop immediately.
You're fucking awesome Duerst. That is all. Have a nice day.
wtf is going on in this thread? is this user known? why the phrase another visit, does pol know of and verify the first visit? what was on the fucking 'files?'
He posted a video a couple days ago.
Why are these fucking investigators so fucking robotic and spooky. These people do not seem to be anything but fucking NIGGERS.
Duerst was at Charlottesville as an independent journalist.
The FBI seems to want his vidz.
You talked way too much dude, next time get a lawyer, tell them that you will not speak to them without a lawyer present. If for some reason they were to charge you with something any and everything that you said in your interaction would be used against you. Don't fall into the trap of "oh I'm not a bad guy, so I'll help them out. " They're not your friends and they're gathering evidence for something. Evidence that was on your computer that you allowed them to plug their space-agey USB drive and probably put some type of spyware or otherwise. Get rid of the laptop, and get a lawyer ASAP or you might run into trouble.
Key logger at the very least. Always use a trusted drive hand that over then never ever reinsert. They made him nervous he made a mistake and now they have the whole laptop.
>Like, at all.
Your decision to extra emphasize that they didn't want you filming shows that you are a tremendous faggot. Is it really that surprising that they didn't want you filming? The post-it notes were pretty weird, but you are a dumbass for not looking into it more and having them come back to harass you. You have to learn to stay ahead of the game and cover your back better if you are going to be doing this YouTube journalist shit. You are fucking super stoner sloppy and it shows and is obviously why you are getting harassed. Learn to handle your shit better and be more unassuming or you are going to end up in some serious trouble people can tell you are an amateur from a mile away. You are a dumbass and it shows. Especially when you open your mouth and show those disgusting teeth. You probably think this is good because you get YouTube hits from the video content, if it actually is real and you are not just faking this whole thing. I wish you the best of luck, but you need to straighten out your life if you want to actually last long.
yet no one says what was in the videos
They're federal law enforcement they're nothing but plain clothes cops, with better training in interrogation tactics.
FBI plz.
Why are you talking to the police retard?
No, no one says what was in the videos that they wanted. Or why they wanted them. But apparently their reasons are good enough for a judge. Which is why if OP weren't a retard he'd lawyer up.
Robotic and spooky
Cause their masters have that shit on em.
Cannot act like a human anymore.
Why are they interested in the tiki torch rally exactly?
This. They repeat the questions and throw them out there at odd moments because that's when it will be hardest for his brain to make up a lie.
Daily reminder to any spooks shitposting here that we are a board of peace but on the day of the rope the normies are going to chimp out and hang everybody in a uniform first.
Fuck the Feral Brainless Imp's. One day very shortly the FBI is going to do some thing unthinkably retarded and soon will face severe and unyeilding, unrelenting, and unstoppable national backlash and will be put in they're place. Or they will piss off the erong retard and embarrass the FBI. Soon the FBI will lose everything.
nothing we can do to stop them.
why not just post the actual videos before the 'fbi' came? i just dont know anons....
good job letting them put malware on your computer. never let the feds place a thumb drive into your computer. Furthermore, the fact that you are speaking to the fbi without an attorney present is absurd.
t. lawfag with a PhD
You plugged an FBI device into your computer? Burn your computer, dude.
Because independent journalists make peanuts and can't afford legal representation.
Seriously bro you need to handle what you say a looooot better than you are. Basically don't fucking say shit man you gotta up your game or you'll find yourself in jail. I kind of think this is fake and you are just looking for YouTube views because if that isn't true then it means you are a big dumbass bringing trouble on yourself.
You know its illegal for your friends to impersonate an FBI agent, right? No matter how many views it gets you on the youtubes.
Maybe they're looking for evidence to declare antifa as terrorists. See: @ThomasWictor on twitter.
dafuk? whatsamatteru?
you can tell he is fearing for his life you can hear it in his voice you fucking tard. I'm sure hes fucking aware of what these FBI faggots do.
Opie you talk too much
Remember the words
I have nothing to say
Five words easy
post the subpoena
they want to find out what all he captured that can be used to unravel their narrative further and identify their crisis actor niggers in that stupid ass psyop
I thumbed the video down for dudeweedness
Unless you are tipping them off to something you need done its never worth talking to them. Getting arrested makes you look guilty not having them deal with your lawyer.
i can tell this is your first time, OP
you don't have to do shit
they ALWAYS attempt to portray that this is a "simple matter" and they're "trying to help you"
If they haven't told you that you're being indicted for a crime, you don't have to do dick.
I've had the FBI come to my house several times like this, "trying to do an investigation"
they eventually give up because it NEVER is about shit
WHEN you get an indictment, THEN you get a lawyer.
Until then, don't say shit, don't engage in a dialogue, tell them to fuck off
FBI are complete incompetents. Your local PD has more wits than these faggots
Its too late for OP, but anyone else should wise up.
>talked to LEOs, especially FBI
Let us know when they pick you up for perjury.
You're not aware of badusb?
Burn PC.
The biggest difference between the FBI and your local cops is the fact that anything you say to an agent that is proven false can land your ass in prison. Ask Martha Stewart about that. They are normally VERY, VERY, nice to the person they are trying to talk to. That is in fact to make you feel comfortable and engage in conversation. The more you say, the more likely you are fucked.
they did not marandize him and he was not under arrest.
Doesn't matter what if they recorded what he said or point back to it and said, hey remember when you said you gave us everything on your youtube page, well we found another video that didn't match any of the videos you gave us, so now you lied to federal investigators. We're gonna slap you with obstruction, and now you're under arrest.
Plugging in a thumb drive from a TLA is a FUCKING MISTAKE!!!. Burn the laptop, change all of your passwords, get new accounts, consider everything compromised.
>You are fucking super stoner sloppy and it shows and is obviously why you are getting harassed.
I want to know about OP's previous "demands" of a salary and health care
honestly what I hear in his voice is that this shit is fucking fake.
never happen.. he says to the best of his knowledge there was nothing else.. and he cooperated which is all evident by the video.. they;d get nowhere and he is not in any way in jeopardy of any criminal charges , he did nothing illegal in either being there , taking video or the way he dealt with the subpoena..
you give OP and the real FBI too much credit
both are fucking retards
but thanks to OP for actually delivering content.
he just fucked up is all
this guy thinks the FBI ONLY builds CSI criminal cases.
lol - they don't give a fuck. FBI exists just to make the FBI looks good. They are a bloated bureaucracy of inefficiency.
You're either an idiot or you're law enforcement.
I'm starting to have trouble telling the difference.
So I think it'd be best if you stopped talking before you really embarrass yourself.
well, technically he had to produce the evidence. There is a subpoena for his videos, although it's probably fake af
That's all they wanted from this slob. They will only bust him only if he lied, which he clearly didn't.
the HRT has botched numerous times and deserves scoren, but I wouldn't doubt the FBI's investigative abilities
>no documentation
This is the type of shit you need to get ahead of instead of remaining ignorant. That seems highly suspicious to me you should read up on that subpoena shit and maybe even ask reddit about it and maybe contact them first about it instead of just assuming that they won't come back. It seems pretty clear to me that they are going to come back. You neeed to prepare for that instead of remaining woefully ignorant. When you talk too much you are feeding them info to use against yourself.
I'd really watch this video and a lot more and do some fucking research I'm pretty sure they are coming back. You are what they are interested in, not the videos you gave them. They obviously think you were there a day early. I would consider calling that guy and asking why he thought you were there the night before because it's pretty clear that's what they thought.
>There is a subpoena for his videos
that was a Chinese take-out menu
holy shit FBI is practically secret police at this point - wtf
>I wouldn't doubt the FBI's investigative abilities
Well if they were looking to come down on this guy then it was probably just disappointing that he wasn't there for the tiki rally- that would make it easier to vilify him. I am really unimpressed with these videos, and can't seem to find the related Charlottesville ones that are supposedly on youtube.
Again like I said your last post, you are an idiot.
Tell them to get a warrant and go fuck themselves.
Do you have a lawyer yet?
Sage this lying sack of shit.
That wasn't an FBI agent. You're likely going to get robbed.
>You're likely going to get robbed.
hopefully they clean his apartment when they break in
It's just an intimidation tactic. Sounds like it worked too.
>FBI shows up at house
>doesn't even clean keyboard
>space agey FBI thumb drive
i'm totally on their side but I just had to post that's hilarious, do you do drugs?
>he inserted an FBI thumb drive into his computer....
Real smart...
They are.. literally.. the federal.. police..
You need a new computer. Any media you connect it to is also virused.
This is the boring truth of the matter. The FBI is little more than cops with a national jurisdiction.
The hyped up image of mystery and murder just makes their jobs easier.
I fee like being upfront and honest and discussing thoroughly what the situation is would be a lot easier. Especially for a dude who just happened ot be there videotaping.
You are such a fucking cuck. A real man would never talk to the FBI. You republican faggot.
They prob planted some za on you bro, best enjoy your freedom while it lasts.
Reformat now
As you're an American, be prepared to get shot at any time.
Obviously they are compiling a list of people that were part of the event. A watch list. They consider them a hate group so everyone that was at the tiki torch event will now be cross referenced from the videos/photos with facebook profiles and will be spied on by the FBI.
Assuming they actually did their homework on their target they decided you'd be most compliant to the approach they went with.
Would you have let them do everything they did if they approached you in a very friendly manner?
>FBI come to house
>hey we need your files
>just plug this FBI USB stick into your computer
Are you fucking RETARDED? Are you sick in the head? You let the FBI pluck a USB into your personal laptop? Jeezus Christ you are dumb.
>space agey FBI thumb drive
that computer belongs to them
>the HRT has botched numerous times and deserves scoren
No, the thing is they're really a death squads. "Hostage Rescue" is for normies' so they don't realize that the FBI are essentially secret police and at this point operate no different than the Cheka.
Smells like bullshit, "Daniel".
You have the videos of the drone?
if so, rip in peace, OP.
Alex Jones?
Like we are some hidden spy shit here that is "anonymous"
At any given time the pressing of a button on a keyboard can be rerouted to any number of the 5+1 Eyes Group......tracking your ip to the home its at and be there withing less than 30 minutes with a full set of agents to take everything,.....
But don't fear, there is the chance that they come through and find the woman who recorded the video with her finger over it and get the WHOLE video showing the first segments of the IWW leader in glasses and red shirt triggering the start of the march caddy corner to the blonde who was recording.......
She was coordinating with the IWW to create a chanting march to take the streets as a car is directed down the lane?
Its obvious as the blocked tire, the parked cars, the multiple "signs" that were there and the presence of "jesters" (shriner foot agents) in the truck, as well as the men holding bike box signs and the sign with the rte 76 there that the whole thing was staged to appear like a massive attack crushed her
yet nothing of the sort happened.....but a rubber doll was used to be inflated on site to be later pounced on by multiple people all doing their best to make it look like they were not really trained in CPR....
The basic psychological tactics employed were not only tactical but coordinated with members in all the small groups including the unicorn riot guy on the news trying to save a space for himself when the shakedown happens....
these FBI are examining evidence to find specific protestors that were involved to see if they can track them to foreign agents' identities
I have no idea what the backstory is to that, OP, but when you plugged that drive in you just gave the FBI your computer. Sell it on Craigslist, it's theirs now.
You better hope you didn't lie, either. It's actually illegal to lie to them, as unconstitutional as that is. Don't talk to them without a lawyer.
Why didn't you burn a CD and tell them to fuck off?
Or track them to media companies that are fronting stars and their images.....
Where did all the white powder and snowflakes come from...?
>these FBI are examining evidence to find specific protestors that were involved to see if they can track them to foreign agents' identities
FBI = Keystone cops
don't hold your breath.
The only thing the FBI is capable of doing is wasting vast amounts of resources and employing remarkably dull agents who couldn't find a clue in a crime lab. They are highly successful in foiling terrorist plots that they devised and sold to literal retards
Read up in the FBI and the Chechen Boston Bombers.
Also YT of Putin saying the FSB alerted US about tsnarev brothers..
FBI said stick in your ear....
Lot more to the Boston bombing and FBI ..
Look at The Intercept among others for stuff the MSM will never report
the MSM did report that the Russians alerted the US about the brothers though.. many times.
>all that crust on your keyboard
This is not how you do it. You immediately say, "I assert my right to remain silent and won't speak further without the assistance of legal counsel." Then shut up. You don't open the door or give them anything until they produce a search warrant signed by a judge. Then