Las Vegas, Paddock and CIA niggers

I wrote a TL;DR narrative which attempts to explain what happened in Las Vegas. I did that because I'm autistic and bored. The general idea is that a cell of Saudi attackers was left behind with no support on american soil after a clash of internal politics and they had a psychological meltdown. I don't have anywhere else to share it so here you go. Also, Last Vegas thread.

Copypaste and post in thread for easier more appealing reading, notably on phones



Fuck off Israel did it. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH JIDF

This. Saved the image though and reading through it.

except the body is not the guy in the photos

Alright then.


In order to make sense out the events which transpired that night, we need to look at the CIA and the various alphabet agencies as a multi-headed hydra. The chaos in the official story can be explained by a change in the power structure during the events of that night. At first one group of american agents was in charge, then another, and this abrupt change caused a fatal meltdown. But first we need some context.

Once upon a time in Saudia Arabia there was a king and two princes. The king, King Fasal, has named one of the prince as his heir, Prince Salman. This prince desires a more modern country with a less rigorous interpretation of Islam. He is opposed by Prince Al Walleed, who covets the throne and has a different vision for the country. The first prince is a Sunni, the second prince is a Wahabbi. To keep things short, Wahabbi is a more extreme interpretation of Islam.

End of the context. Our story can now begin.

1 - With Prince Salman named as heir, Prince Al Walleed is losing political influence. He is growing desperate. He wants prince Salman gone, he -needs- him gone. It so happens that Prince Salman is gambling in America. Perfect. They're gonna kill him while he's gambling outside the country.

2 - Al Walleed's camp will now be referred to as the SAUDI ATTACKERS.

3 - To conduct an operation on american soil, the SAUDI ATTACKERS need support from american allies. Remember, the american surveillance agencies are a multi-headed hydra. Their loyalty is a spiderweb of corruption. There will always be someone willing to rake millions in exchange of adding a little lubrificating oil to international affairs. Someone, this time, who will get involved more than they can handle.

4 - The group which supports Al Walleed's camp will now be referred to as the CIA NIGGERS.


5 - The agreement which transpired between the SAUDI ATTACKERS and the CIA NIGGERS is something like this: The americans takes millions of oil bucks and agree to look the other way while the SAUDI ATTACKERS conduct their dirty business on american soil. They have several conditions. First they ask that no american citizen is harmed. Secondly they ask to be in charge of everything except the actual killing, which the Saudis will have to do themselves. Furthermore, if anything goes wrong, they'll withdraw their support and deny any involvement. The SAUDI ATTACKERS say fair enough.

The SAUDI ATTACKERS and the CIA NIGGERS shake hands.

The CIA NIGGERS then sit down, light up a cigar and ask what's the plan. The SAUDI ATTACKERS explain the plan. Prince Salman owns a hotel floor. They're gonna rent a room in the floor below. They're gonna stockpile weapons. They're gonna wait for the right timing, when Salman is back from gambling and doesn't have too many bodyguards around. When they get the ok, They raid the floor above them and shoot every son of bitches. Then they go on the roof and ride an helicopter into the sunset. The end.

The CIA NIGGERS listen to the plan in silence and shake their head. Life isn't a fucking movie. This a plan formulated by an overgrown baby with too much money and no real life experience. There are a million ways they could do this better. But the overgrown baby is paying top bucks for this fantasy. They just need to nod, pretend it's a great plan and they all retire millionaires. And if the plan fails, they run away with the cash and deny involvement. The CIA NIGGERS take a puff on their cigar and say it's a great plan.


The CIA NIGGERS ring up one of their guy called Paddock. He's perfect for this. The guy is a tool. He doesn't ask questions. He doesn't know anything. He just does shady dealings and then he waste money on overpriced food. He can be trusted with simple tasks and his name cannot be traced to them. He is the lizard tail. He's brings more balance to the operation and he can be left behind at the first sign of danger.

So, they call him.

Paddock is told his job this time is to rent a room under his name. A few people are gonna lay low in that room for a while. Paddock is gonna have to bring them boxes of stuff. That's it. Paddock says OK. He's a tool.

6 - Paddock does exactly what he's told. He rents the room. A few shady guys move in. Paddock brings them boxes of stuff. He realizes the people he's hiding are foreigners. He realizes the material he's bringing are weapons. He's sweating like a motherfucker now. He's too deep in this shit to go back. He hopes everything turns out ok. He works for kinda-government-looking people, he's pretty sure they're the good guys, maybe they're asking for help with a honeypot, maybe they are faking a weapon trade and luring a terrorist cell to catch the whole group. Something like that. Yeah there must be an explanation to all this. It's all gonna be fine. Poor Paddock.

>Fuck off Israel did it. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH JIDF

Las Vegas - the big show part, that was foiled - was supposed to be a new Israeli+Saudi 9/11. This nuclear 9/11 would be used to push the US into war to destroy not just North Korea but Israel's final target, Iran.

The Israeli consul didn't jet into Las Vegas desperately looking for a dozen Israeli "tourists" just to be nice. They were extracting the ops team.

Not only that, the "crime scene" photos were staged (with a real body, but staged). Notice how the ridges in the congealed blood and the shirt collar pulled away from the shoulder indicate the body had been dragged into position. This means the "leak" was actually *intentional government disinformation, to keep people from looking outside the suite while the rest of Las Vegas was scrubbed*. It worked beautifully, too, Sup Forums spent a week arguing about the "crime scene" instead of looking in the rest of LV.


7 - Meanwhile the Saudis in Paddock's room are laying in ambush. They are waiting for the best time to raid their target. They entered in secrets through service elevator, they barricade exits to trap their targets and immediately went into hiding. They hate being stuck in that room. They've been here for weeks. The lights have to be off because it's supposed to be empty when Paddock is out. They have to be quiet and stay away from windows. They have to be careful to not make any sound. Yet they're pumped full of adrenaline. Any minute they could receive the phone call that starts a bloodshed, possibly gets them all killed. They could die any minute, and they're stuck there in darkness and silence. With the little light they have they inspect the weapons over and over. They point them at the windows and dream of shooting the loud crowd outside. Fuck americans.

8 - SUDDENLY THERE IS A CHANGE IN THE POWER STRUCTURE. The hydra's heads are fighting among themselves. Another faction of the alphabet agencies has entered the game. They caught wind of what is happening and they don't agree with it. They are vaguely in a position of authority over the CIA NIGGERS so they get to call the shots. They want to reap as much benefits as they can from the situation.

This new faction will now be referred to as the PATRIOTS.

The PATRIOTS pay the CIA NIGGERS a visit. They knock down the door and asks what the fuck is going on. CIA NIGGER says they're taking down terrorists. The PATRIOTS say fuck you. I know what's going on. That's a feud between princes. You're sitting there with popcorn bags and 3D glasses and collecting millions in oil bucks. This shit doesn't fly. Get the fuck out. The CIA NIGGERS turn their eyeballs to the ceiling and lift their hands and say wow dude fine we're leaving now geez. The PATRIOTS say I don't trust these guys. Something's fishy. They send a team for extraction. Their job is to bring Prince Salman to safety.


9 - Sure enough, a few stranded agents try to cause trouble. Perhaps they are CIA NIGGERS, perhaps they are part of the foreign cell of SAUDI ATTACKERS, perhaps a mix of both.Whichever it is, they do a last ditch effort to intercept the target during extraction. They don't have a real plan. They are vastly outnumbered and outgunned. They get shot in the dick. Game over.

10 - Now it gets interesting: There are still Saudis in Paddock's room. They are still waiting and sweating and shaking and praying. They are stil pumped full of adrenaline and expecting to die any minute. They receive a phone call. It's the CIA NIGGERS. They say everything is over. The target is gone. Abort, abort.

Another phone call: it's the PATRIOTS. They say give yourself up. The building is surrounded. It's over. You'll never leave the country, you'll never leave the building, you'll never even leave that room. We're looking at you through binoculars RIGHT NOW. The helicopter on the top of the building, the one you were planning to use for extraction after the raid? We already flew it out. It's gone. You have no hope of escape. It's over. Give yourself up. We promise a fair trial. Over.

11 - After these two phone calls the Saudis inside the room are in a state of emotional duress. They were told by their boss to not be taken alive. Their boss who is a religious extremist nutjob. Even if they DID make it outside the room, outside the hotel and then outside the country, their boss would execute them on the spot for failure.


The brain of the SAUDI ATTACKERS is saturated with FIGHT OR FLIGHT instincts. Their adrenaline is maxed out with despair. They are trapped, they are dead men. They start breathing hard like frenzied animals. Their faces are red. They walk back and forth in the room, they yell obscenities, they break down furniture, they take out the guns, they load them up, they refuse to be taken alive, they wan't to fight, they don't want to fight, they want to die, they don't want to die. They start fighting among themselves, they point the guns at each other and start yelling back and forth. Paddock tells them to calm down. They shoot him. Fuck that guy. Fuck americans. This can't be over. Not like this. In their mind they are abandonned in enemy territory, they are surrounded by hostile americans, and they are barricaded in a room full of weapons for their final countdown. They take cover and point their guns at the door. They wait for the final battle to begin. The americans are gonna come anytime now. The americans will break the door and they will shoot each other to the death. It will be a glorious battle to the death, god be praised.

12 - Except it doesn't happen. The PATRIOTS are looking at the situation with binoculars. Now they're the ones wearing 3D glasses and eating popcorn. Why the hell would they want a firefight. This isn't a movie.

They're just gonna wait until the Saudis get bored and give up. Prince Salman is in safety, the situation has been disabled. They have all the time in the world. The whole hotel floor has been evacuated and room service has been suspended. These Saudi guys will have to give themselves up or die of hunger. Or maybe they'll kill themselves. The PATRIOTS would prefer they give themselves up, because then the Saudi Prince behind the incident will have to pay a hefty fund if they want them back quietly. Hellooo free money.


Meanwhile the Saudis are still waiting for their final battle. They have fortification material right there in the room, the stuff they used for barricades. They might as well use it. So they take out the power drill and the wooden boards. They begin barricading defensively their own room. A hotel clerk hears them. What the hell, he says. Is that driling I hear? He knocks on the door. What's going on, he says. The Saudis answer by shooting 200 rounds into the door. One bullet hits the guy in the leg. Is he lucky or unlucky? He limps away and wonders what the fuck just happened.

Now the situation just got a lot worse. Someone got shot, an ambulance was called, the hotel security is alerted, the local police shows up. The PATRIOTS are forced to reveal themselves. They show their shiny badges. They say it's a matter of national security. They say everything is under control. But deep down inside they hate it. They were forced to officially show themselves in full authority. That means they're stuck with the current situation. They took a dirty operation out of the hands of the CIA NIGGERS and it just blew up in their hands.

13 - When the SAUDI ATTACKERS heard knocking on the door they thought the americans were finally giving battle. It whipped them into a frenzy. And then it died again. They are back to waiting with heavy breaths, their blood pounding at their heads, with nothing happening.

It's unbearable.

The SAUDI ATTACKERS have reached their limit.

If the americans won't bring the fight, they will bring the fight to them.

They break the window. They start shooting at the enemy. At americans.


You have to read the absurdity of the context. These men are stranded in a foreign country. They are pumped full of adrenaline, they were told to not be taken alive, they are stuck in a room full of weapons. They expect an epic battle. The americans betrayed them. They are the enemy. They are in a state of siege. They are gonna die. They need to force the enemy to come to them. All these thoughts swirl in their heads. The Saudi come to the logical conclusion. They do what is natural. They open fire at the americans.

Even then, they are ill-equipped for the situation. They have automatic weapons. Light. Imprecise. They were were supposed to cleansweep a floor in close quarter. Now they are vaguely pointing their weapons at a crowd of their perceived enemy and spewing bullets in every direction. This isn't sniping. They are not armed for long range warfare. The equipment is all wrong. But they don't care. They need to shoot, shoot at the americans.

14 - Meanwhile the PATRIOTS are looking at the situation with their binoculars and they realize they're in deep shit. They told the hotel security and local police everything was under control. Now people are getting shot. It doesn't look like everything is under control. People are asking questions. Big people who are asking big questions.

15 - The PATRIOTS do not immediately react. They cannot react. They have to think first. If it was just a normal deranged shooter opening fire on a crowd then things would be so simple. They'd take him down in a matter of minutes, maybe seconds. But this isn't a normal situation. This is both international affair and internal corruption. Heads are going to roll and they're not sure yet which heads they are. They need to know. Because if they don't have a higher authority who covers for them, they go down, and if they go down, they start naming names. Everybody loses from this. It's a mess. They need a unified plan.


So they call their boss, who calls their boss, who calls their boss. Everyone swears a lot. They review their option. Should another team take over? How much should they be briefed? How much do people know, how much information can be contained, how many people can they bribe or intimidate or murder to cover for this. What do we tell the press? Who should leave the country immediately overnight? How should we proceed? How do we take them down, what's the worse case scenario? What kind of weapons do they have, I need the full list. What's that? The CIA NIGGERS say they have explosives? Something about a backup plan to blow up an airport fuel tank to take out Prince Salam in a potential escape. What kind of explosives are we talking about? Where are those explosives right now? Is it with them in the room? If we approach the situation wrong are they going to blow up the whole building? Should we evacuate the whole city block? Have you tried calling this Paddock guy? What do you mean he won't answer the phone? We need more information. Get me the CIA NIGGERS on the line. What do you mean they won't cooperate unless they are promised immunity? This is getting worse by the minute, what to do, what to do?

20 minutes have passed.

Finally the PATRIOTS, or perhaps another faction of the american agencies, or perhaps a mix of both, step in. They neutralize the SAUDI ATTACKERS. They inspect the room. Paddock's corpse is there. Perfect. What a tool. They snap a picture. He's the shooter.


The end.

If you read all this you're even more bored and autistic than me.

Wasn't actually a tldr but interesting story

I throughly enjoyed that

Thank you. There are probably a lot of details to adjust. I just wanted a narrative without the "Paddock is a gun seller and it went wrong" approach.

israel did it


Where is the new bread for “The Calm Before The Storm”? I can’t find it in the catalog, please?