My school's Young Americans for Freedom group does a mock tear down of the Berlin wall on the diag every year. Throughout the day, students can come and write abhorrent things that are prevalent in university/higher education on the wall. At the end of the day, students go at the wall with hammers and tear it down. This year, Black Lives Matter thought it'd be a brilliant idea to vandalize the wall by spray painting/writing "BLM" all over it not realizing the incredible irony in doing can't make this shit up. Why are leftists so fucking stupid?
You Can't Make This Shit Up (BLM)
Other urls found in this thread:
>9/11 was bush's fault
KEK fucking michael moore must be fucking ass blasted these days about his film.
How is it vandalism if people are encouraged to write on the wall?
>be black
>hate socialism
>vote for Hillary over Bernie
>this shit happens
Should've put vandalism in quotes. They thought it was vandalism and was also somehow going to "show all those conservatives" on campus.
what actually happened
>be black
>hate jews because of historically poor shopkeeper/landlord-tenant relations
>vote hillary
So you are not even saying that it was vandalism. But grafitti on a board full of grafitti is known to you to be intended as vandalism?
I don't you understand what is going on.
No, they somehow thought by spraying "BLM" on the mock wall that they would be causing damage to the event/message that was being conveyed. They believed that they were defacing some "symbol of hate" by spray painting their messages on the wall. In their mind, they were justifiably vandalizing/defacing a conservative student group demonstration. They clearly did not understanding the point of the wall in the first place...their thought process is what makes zero sense.
>going to UM
>paying 60k a year for undergrad
You keep attributing motives to grafitti on a wall made for grafitti.On there I see a Reagan quote, socialism sucks, and freedom. Either you didn't convey the concept appropriately or you are projecting animus on actions that are not hostile. I think you just find the BLM movement as hostile to you for some reason.
>Going to UM in-state
>Having merit based scholarships
>paying just under 20K for a real degree from a public IVY
Wew lad is right. Personally, I consider that a steal.
Look at it this way, user. For one day at least, you prevented them from painting swastikas on their own cars so they could blame wypipo for being rayciss 'n sheeeit
It's not worth the daily Jewry anons, don't listen to him.
t. UM undegrad student
>The hand is yellow
Communists individually came by and wrote that other stuff on there too, but it was BLM that came in a large and loud group. They harassed and tried to intimidate the guys running the set up to leave. When they wouldn't, they spray painted their messages on the wall. What I'm trying to convey is the fact that BLM has been very hostile on this campus and no one has done anything about it. They have legitimately defaced property here at UM. They've chalked and painted "BLM" inside halls and continue to deface the large "M" in the center of the diag. Also, their lack of awareness of what the wall represents was humorous to me.
I didn't hate a single kind of person until I was exposed to all these fucking kikes.
> Michigan attracts large numbers of Jewish students both because it is one of the most outstanding universities in the United States and because it enjoys a national reputation for being one of the best schools in the country for Jewish students. The 2012 Fiske Guide to American Colleges cites the quality of Jewish life as a significant factor in campus life for only 2 schools. One of them is the University of Michigan.
>T. nigger
I mean, you have to be if you can't grasp snekbro's whole thing after having him explain it to you more than once.
Too late. They've already pulled this stunt at UM and EMU. Waiting for the confirmation that this one was a false hate crime.
Time for you to IOKTBW the campus. If you're not on the news tomorrow you're a grade A faggot.
Of course it was fake. Whites don't talk like that. The niggers are just pets of the kikes here at Jew-Mich user.
Not sure if anyone has put any up here yet...might have to.
Actually you can make it up. The Russians are doing it constantly.
You fucking gullible mutt.
> Oy Gevalt: An examination of how modern TV normalizes and secularizes Judaism
So. Much. Jewry.
It is once I have that degree is on my wall.
Thinking about infiltrating AEΠ (Jew frat) for the massive connections and to expose any nefarious activities.
The Jews who run the Michigan Daily recently wrote an editorial saying that Richard Spencer shouldn't be allowed to speak.
> “Spencer is a disgusting and dangerous man. This has been expressed by many members of the University community,” Regent Ron Weiser (R) wrote in an email obtained by The Daily. “I hope we are successful in keeping him off Campus.”
Are you a UM student too? I haven't met any overtly Jewish kids yet.
Don't be a faggot. Do it for your race and our future. Maybe is not an option, cuck.
I know who AEΠ is. Those fucking kikes are always raping the goyim.
Yes. How the fuck have you not seen all the Jewry?
Look at all of the art on campus this is obviously meaningless. IE: The Cube, the new thing they put. All made by Jews.
Read the Daily, so much Jewry going on every day.
Of course they did, the Daily is insane...I miss the Michigan Review.
Checked. OSU would respond to these levels of kikery and niggerdom with IOKTBW.
t. Bobcat
I try to not read the daily often because of how bullshit it is. Maybe I've stumbled upon a decent friend group, but I've seen more jewry in Ann Arbor itself than UMich
Commies wrote a Regan quote? A quote advocating the tearing down of a wall that was built to be defaced and torn down. I really think your group has a problem with interacting with other students.
People use chalk drawings on campus grounds with high foot traffic for all kinds of announcements and messaging.
I understand that conservatives on campuses get a lot of shit at college. But pointing to grafitti on a mock Berlin wall is not a great way to point it out. Maybe just skip the mixed metaphor and mention the hostility you experienced.
The statue was created in 2007 by artist (((Dennis Oppenheim))).
The only problem I have is being outed by other students here, because they absolutely will.
There are 4,500 Jewish students at Michigan.
> University of Michigan offers the third-most Jewish college courses in the country, behind only Yeshiva University (138 courses) and Jewish Theological Seminary of America (150) — which both have 100 percent Jewish student bodies. McGill University and Ohio State University are tied for fourth, with 100 Jewish courses each.
Bravo for logic and sanity
They have the money to beat the cases.
These guys have done way worse (better) than It's Okay To Be White signs.
this detroit movie will respark the blacks.
muh revolution.
I hope you do realize that the real Berlin wall was not covered in grafitti supporting the wall and communism. Considering how much BLM triggers you guys, it seems appropriate to write on a wall of political correctness that is to be torn down.
I been trying to imply that it is snekbro that doesn't understand the symbolism.
It's not my group and you clearly missed the point of the point of both this post (pointing out BLMs stupidity in spray painting on a wall meant to be torn down) and the demonstration. Intimidating other student groups unprovoked is not a sign of interaction problems on YAFs part, what the fuck are you talking about? Either you're defending BLMs intimidation tactics and vandalism of UMich property or you can't understand what I have conveyed after explaining it yet again.
God dammit, I have to pass this piece of shit every morning heading to classes.
lmao I pay 7k a year for masters at EMU
Once you notice it, you can't stop seeing it everywhere.
Pic related. (((Taubman))), the man who designed the modern mall to get your sheckles.
>Considering how much BLM triggers you guys, it seems appropriate to write on a wall of political correctness that is to be torn down.
Holy shit, this is literally the reason why I posted this. I was pointing out the humor/irony in them doing this. How are you this fucking dense?
> Go to EMU
> Get raped and murdered by Ypsi niggers
Yeah, no.
UM is so overhyped
I don't mind this one or the cube as much, but shit like this just pisses me off.
t. beta skeletal 19 year old MAGA zombie
you little autistic undergrads are so fucking stupid at UM, I work there and you stupid fucks were laying out fliers about race mixing
How so? Top public university and great environment minus all the liberal bullshit. I'd rather go here than an IVY or a UC school. The only other university I'd want to attend is UT Austin.
I have tried to make it clear that it is stupid to call some one stupid for doing an activity that was requested. As for hostility, open with that next time instead of the mixed visual.
what are you like 19?
its just a basic bitch uni dressed up in jew clothes, you are paying out the ass for nothing special
20k instate, thats a load of bullshit right there its like 28k per semester at LSA
It's all the same: world class Jewry meant to demoralize you and get you used to subversive ideas.
Modern art is Jewish art.
There's a reason why the Germans would not tolerate it. It undermines society. It's why the CIA used it as propaganda in the 60s.
unless you are doing grad work or studying engineering UMich is basic bitch
We agree here. LSA is a Jewish institution. If you major in anything LSA you are a sucker.
so you are some asian autist in the buisness school then?
Because you called it vandalism when they were doing what you asked them to do.
> Studying (((business)))
Yeah, no.
Yeah, i'm 19 (good guess), so what? UMich is what you make it. If you spend your time doing basic bitch activities, than of course you won't get as much out of it. If you're smart, make connections, and do well in school, you can have a massive advantage over those who went to other unis simply becaus of Mihcigan's name.
>20k instate, thats a load of bullshit right there its like 28k per semester at LSA
Re-read my post. I have scholarships and spent very little on books (factored into that 28K figure at $1000).
How red-pilled are you on the JQ user?
>Implying the natural sciences are for suckers
Nigger, how could chemistry be Jewed up?
>TFW I don't have to put up with their shit anymore.
Fuck Ann Arbor, fuck UofM, I'm glad I'm done with that place. Thanks for the degree, niggers.
I'm talking about the institution as a whole. But so is all of U-M.
The Ivy Leagues wouldn't let the Jews in back in the day so they all decided to make Michigan their school.
Considering I don't know what you mean by JQ, probably not. Jew Quad?
>>Young Americans For Freedom
Are those the guys who wore diapers?
Sorry BLM ruined your diaper thing user
I can use that to my advantage though. Who would suspect a Sup Forumslack with an LSA degree?
Read the Culture of Critique user.
What was your major?
Again, I said I should've put the word in quotes.
How are the natural sciences basic bitch?
Mechanical Engineering.
> claims to be Sup Forumsack
> doesn't know the JQ
>minus all the liberal bullshit
>complaining about liberal bullshit
IOKTBW, you ultimate nigger.
Do you know of the connections between radical leftists and Michigan?
The Weather Underground, a terrorist organization, was started by a bunch of UMich kikes in the 60s.
>Doesn't sense my irony in using the term "Sup Forumsack"
I've heard of the Jewish Question, just didn't know the abbreviation. I don't browse Sup Forums religiously.
I'm not ignorant of UMich's history. I know about Ayers and WUO. BAMN is the new leftist cult.
Seriously, explain. I'm heavily leaning toward a major in chemistry and want to know how that's basic bitch.
Have you seen the Commie propaganda being put up? Look up Revolutionary Youth Alliance, A2/Ypsi on FB.
I literally have the "Why study the Russian revolution" flyer sitting on my desk right now.
Seriously, will you two fags get together and fuck already? If you're not going to do anything fuck off, this thread is useless.
Wasn't planing on entering job market right after undergrad. My plan was to go to med school with an extremely strong science background.
Yeah a thread on some bullshit made up conspiracy is so much better.
Hitler was right and the holocaust never happened
>Implying any Sup Forums thread not dedicated to live coverage and identifying individuals is useful
You forgot muh wooden doors.
Posters or fuck off. What's the point of a circle jerk? Do you expect some other user to be more brave than you? Do something. Breaking down a cardboard "Berlin wall" does about fuck all.
Whoever runs Iron_Mitten will do it eventually. I mean they put up happy merchants on anti-white posters all across campus.
So they have nuts and you're a cuck. Neat. Nice faggy thread, niggermouth.
How many do you suggest get put up? UMich is huge and I'm really not trying to get branded as some sort of "White supremacist" during my freshman year.
>Implying there's a difference between BLM and Commies
If we organized it properly, we could knock out a decent amount of campus. Are you on central or north?
Doesn't matter, especially if the campus has a shitload of undergrads. And how could you be branded as such? It's not racist, it just pisses shitlibs off. Do it at the right times in the right places. I believe in you. It's for the future.
Iron_Mitten only hit a few places on Central Campus last time.