/CBTS/ #223: RIP HISTORY, No Numerology or Praying, Thanks

1. The purpose is to log events as they happen over the coming days. All of the shit going down in the last week is connected, the sealed indictments, the KSA purge and Lebanon tension, Trump donning a bomber jacket in the Pacific. There's tonnes more, we are here to record and analyze because no one else will be able to do a better job than /us/.

Previous: Newfags, do not respond to anything at all.


Other urls found in this thread:



First for its been done

Hey fellow channers, newfaggot here, I know the rule of thumb is that I should be “lurking more,” but I think I might have stumbled onto something big here.
In one of the early Q posts he threw out some seemingly random numbers and I’m not sue if anyone deciphered them. The numbers in question were 4, 10, and 20. ran them through a couple decryption programs I wrote but got nothing, so I decided to try digging the old fashioned way.
Stumbled onto pic related, I know it’s not much but seems like a promising start.


bump because LOGICAL JUST PLAIN R4WX!!


If you can't dig or meme, then PRAY. Every positive thought helps!

Pic related.


that thread title tho lol

We have explicit instructions to PRAY, so please stop trying to prohibit it baker.

yeah but I ain't real sure how it relates to this series. it's not some "magical" code. it's algebrahh....


Would you like some wine?

Tucker tonight--NEVER before seen VEGAS tape

Cops/Feds haven't asked business owner for it.

unexplained helicopter



4 = D

10 = J

20 = T

DJT. Donald John Trump.

Anyone who continues to say this is spamming.



Jews killed 80+ million Christians under the guise of Communism.
Pic related.


Checked. Watching now- man the LV shit is so fucked. The lawyer on said fbi and police went totally radio silent on them. Narrative wasn't adding up. Too many questions.

The OP is severely lacking in information. Compare to Thread #221


He had a good story.
But Donald? Donald has the best story.
His story is the greatest.

Did you read the chapter called The Legend of Q?
Guy's a fuckin' holy hero!









Use this pic instead.

Charlotte WMD is only pipe bomb


Praying helps create the shill storm.


>When the sun is shining it's time to fix the roof.
-IMF bitch.
"The time to repair the roof is when the sun is shining." - John F. Kennedy

What the fuck.

Wasn't Q a character in Death Note??

yeah I said this the other day, but I haven't prayed in 20 years and I've been praying multiple times daily because one of these posts. I think it does make a difference. I say keep spamming it at least once a thread.


Death to the globalist cannibal child raping cunts





The time to repair a roof is when the sun is shining. – John F. Kennedy. A tiny leak in the roof would be a big problem if you were repairing it in a rainstorm.


le sigh. kek

Q is a member of Wammy's House exclusively in the Death Note film series continuity and in the novel L: Change the WorLd. Q is never seen in person, and they do not directly interact with the events of either the film or the novel.

Praise be

it's actually kind of crazy he didn't since TPP was his thing- even campaigning on it. It's globalism in a package and he sabotaged it? Kinda funky - one explanation is him being bought out by China

shes always cryptic - remember that magic sevens speech?

was there a feed that continued on after that point ?

Should I stay up? its 4 13 am I don't want to miss the end of the world

We are at ShillCon 1
Things are different for reasons..


>unexplained helicopter
From heli-pad on top of the building? (can't watch rn)

Who owns the top of the building?
Prince al Waleed bin Tahal and Bill Gates

Q said to reread it once news drops.
what all MSM news was there in the past 24-48 hours? binladin family arrested, anything else?



>>A silent travel flag was tripped today. PNM/LKL based. Thought it was (her) skipping town. Turns out it was somebody else. False alarm. Minor meltdown regardless. Flexing ensues. Reactive measures.

No if you find one post it.

There's that black sun again...
Colorado Map of their intended timeline.
You could call it a guide.
Like the guidestones.


"hurr durr 4/10/20 could be any date ever, regardless of how meaningless". tough code to break. keep trying.

DO NOT DO THIS. We are currently being swarmed by shills. It has died down in the last few minutes but it could stir up again any moment.
Praying silently or even saying it out loud to yourself is fine too, right?
It just adds to the post count needlessly. we are trying to get things done in this thread. I don't want to waste my time here knowing that we are encouraging spamming in our of fucking threads.

If there's one thing these evil people love more than destroying humanity, it's a nice comfy number in the bank account.




This bitch is up to something (always has been)

>We have explicit instructions to PRAY, so please stop trying to prohibit it baker.
>We have explicit instructions to PRAY, so please stop trying to prohibit it baker.
>We have explicit instructions to PRAY, so please stop trying to prohibit it baker.
>We have explicit instructions to PRAY, so please stop trying to prohibit it baker.
>We have explicit instructions to PRAY, so please stop trying to prohibit it baker.

The picture in question isn't real, the guy they think is hitler is just some dude in a band with the same stashe

Q can suck a niggers dick

They don't even try to explain the chopper other than acknowledge its causing shit to blow everywhere

>No Numerology or Praying, Thanks.
You dumbass, that's what the devil and the evil worshippers want you to do.
Prayer works and it is the most effective weapon we all have against the forces of evil.

You'd have to get it out of your mouth first.

from the stats . . . approximately doubles it.

Lets see if this timestamp works.
he was there, shows him before the stream cuts and repeats.

#QClearance #followthewhiterabbit #NorthKorea #Sup Forums #vault8 #Maga #KeK - Jay Dyer on Boiler Room


Podesta group is shutting down. Someone arrested with WMD in Charlotte, NC. Roy Moore political hit.

I loved that the see eye aay posted 12 hours ago that it was recruiting basically us (as freshmen)

That was cute.
Kinda like BO bin Laden being forced to suffer jury duty instead of be hunted down for attention.
Appearances... appearances...

This. And the thread graphic sucks, stick with the traditional one pl0x

I missed the past few CBTS and I must say, that graphic is amazing.

Just hiding her money I'd bet, imagine having to give money to your own government who actively hate you.

pray to yourself, speak out loud in your home. Just as good.
Wait for a hour or two before we start back with the mass praying in /cbts/ or go tell the christian generals that they are needed for prayer.

I read through Q spreadsheet.

One thing I don't get. If Obama and his Hillary CF cronies were bought out and paid by Prince Alaweed of SA, why does Obama give all this money to Iran and make a nuclear deal that SA hates?

Basically makes Iran strong (and NK too if money and tech is funneled there from Iran).

Was Alaweed against the SA kingdom to begin with and was trying to undermine them for Iran to become the new regional power player?
Where is the connection with Alaweed and Iran? SA should be Mortal enemies no?


Drudge was correct, eh?


the other post was talking about her opening line at the economic leaders conference - she stated the roof repair line and then the feed went dead.

* laughing because that rhymes *

So Q mentioned that President Trump would be giving some kind of National Security Address. Do we know when that was supposed to be and if anything else has been heard on that?

4 10 20

Mark 4: 10-20


"And he said unto them, Unto you it is given to know the mystery of the kingdom of God: but unto them that are without, all these things are done in parables:

That seeing they may see, and not perceive; and hearing they may hear, and not understand; lest at any time they should be converted, and their sins should be forgiven them."

The following are written as questions to test the medium.

>Are we here to change the course of events within the storm or to help comfort the normies when it's over?

>Why is it important for Q to set us apart and teach us before the storm?

>Has Q given us instructions specifically to guard against evil (shill bot algorithms / CIA)?

He means to pray OFFBOARD.
See Yes, everyone pray and focus your intention to the positive outcome. There is no need to pray in text on the CBTS threads. Prayer is intention so the words aren't as important. They're only important in aligning people's intentions. Not necessary.

what in christ is this.



Strong Iran will not be tolerated by Israel or Saudi Arabia. Strengthen it intentionally to, later down the line under Hillary issue an ultimatum alongside KSA and Israel.
Defeat Iran, congratulations you have knocked every major player out of the Middle East

Makes sense, thank you. I needed the context to understand why people would think it was a Saudi prince who was the target.
>perfect Gordian knot
Food for thought indeed.

sry, OP said we cant

If Obama was our president and weakened us the way he did, needless to say he was not the only one around the world that was in power

Then leave. The OPs of the last two threads are missing critical information and the official graphic. We can bake better than this.

To those praying out there: Keep it up. I enjoy scrolling through the posts and seeing a random prayer. I doubt I'm the only one. Your effort and prayers are appreciated.

Shhh no Christ talk, it upsets op.

Maybe this roy moore shit is a distraction. MSM is all worked up over it.

Trudeau is in Vietnam


The last non-pozzed President

Pheasants. You have to let the meat settle for a couple days before you can clean them. Please don't respond to shills.

all the subversive scum work together. and most of the Saudi princes arrested were on the outside looking in. if SA goes to war with Iran, thats the PERFECT pretext for those outsiders to make their way inside and take over SA.

This he fucking sucks. And now he micromanages posting about prayer, which is as essential thread laid down by Q.

You got me convinced.
