A mormon couple I'm friends with is having dinner with sister missionaries and they invited me along

A mormon couple I'm friends with is having dinner with sister missionaries and they invited me along.

What should I ask the mormon missionaries, pol?

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now I am getting weirded out that there really is some subversive kike pushing christianity on Sup Forums

Ask them if their favorite position is...

[dramatic pause]


Let us know what happens.

Who knows. Just ask them whether God was once a man.

"How do Mormons make so much money?"

I'm pretty damn sure they are raiding from /christian/ or something. It always comes in waves too also mods are deleting christian threads because they are spamming the board.

Didja want to troll 'em?

Ask about the white salamander

Ask about the magic underwear - the garments.

If you want to join, ask them if you have to really believe and tell them you're phobic about public speaking.

Ask them about where they've been, also you should marry one of them. Lds girls are traditionally loyal to the core.

>will you be my irl gf?

Sup Forums is, and has always been, a Christian board.

ask them about kolob

A fag who grew up with mormons here, don't engage them at all. Mormons are weird and are either overly happy or really fucked up socially.

Ask how many of their blood related sisters have they fucked and knocked up.

I fucking hate mormons. The only redeemable trait is how they live their life and raise big families. Ask them why the fuck they read a book of heresy made by some faggot in the 1800s who wanted to be the next jesus his mammy told him about

Tell them they'll burn in hell if they don't renounce their ways and return to mainstream christianity (aside from cucktholics cause they're also going to hell for worshipping a devil-pope)
Anyone who reads or listens to anything other than the unadulterated true word of the bible ought to be fucking hung. Christianity wasn't made for me to sit around going to fucking church and donating bucketloads of money to some corrupt jew pastors. The only thing a good christian needs is his bible.

Don't worry, they'll do all the talking.

ask them how they're enjoying their missionary positions

also, ask them about their magic underwear.

Sodomy...Liveliest conversation I ever had with a Mormon started with that..

Ask the following questions.

Ask them why all the previous prophets of their church were openly white supremacists saying it was God's will to put whites on top but one of their recent apostles said white supremacy is wrong and against God.

Ask them about the press rep nightmare their church is going through because a lot of Mormons are popping up online admitting they are white supremacists.

Ask them why all their prophets and apostles are white despite whites being a minority in their worldwide church membership.

Ask them why they excommunicate feminists as apostates on the spot but never excommunicate white supremacists. In other words why hide, they are white supremacists and not just embrace the truth?

Do you mean to ruffle some feathers? Because if you want to ruffle some feathers, ask them why they carry the Book of Mormon with any weight compared to the Bible. Why does the author of the Book of Mormon think its more correct than the Bible?

And if you want to keep going, ask if they think Jesus is subordinate to the Father, and if they are both God, or there are two Gods (even though Jesus calls himself God and the Father God throughout the Bible).

Or you could decline their invitation, or just go and not ruffle feathers.

I'm a Christian Sup Forums apologist (that didn't feel good to say), but even I admit that the Christposting tonight has a weird feel to it.

How about just enjoy a nice meal and avoid discussion about religion

Ask about under age pictures I'm sure they have some

Why are the so Anti-Trump?

If you are having a meal with Mormon missionaries religion will come up no matter what. The missionaries will attempt to set up a meeting with you to teach you about their religion.

Ask them if the Seer Stone is the seventh infinity stone.

t. Mexican

Pussy grabbing comment scared them away. That and his divorces. Plus his interracial relationship in the 90s. The only person that disliked more than Trump was Hillary.

I don't understand the hate. I'm a non-believer and I don't feel any hatred toward Mormons.

Ask them if they're single. Mormon chicks are perfect wives.

I love Mormons too because they are closet white nationalists. I just wish they were more open about it.

If they are missionaries they are single by default.

Doesn't every Christian religion believe that Jesus is God and that Jesus was a man?

t. Married a mormon girl

Mormons =/= Christians

Mormons are based and have a lot of aryan qts

Jesus existed before Mary bore Him on Earth.

>I'm a non-believer and I don't feel any hatred toward Mormons.

Mormons believe there are 3 gods that are separate beings and a goddess. Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, Jesus the Lord God, and the Holy Spirit. I know this because I am surrounded by Mormons and they keep telling me this.

Digits confirm.

I once was a missionary for the Mormon church and became an atheist while doing it. Some if the things that bothered me were blood atonement, the mountain meadows massacre, Joseph Smith having underage wives, and the obviously Masonic temple stuff. Plus before you can really do anything significant in the church you have to commit to giving 10% of your income. The community isn't that bad though and most of them are nice, gun toting, red blooded conservatives. Ooh and no coffee or tea. That kinda sucked too

Blood atonement is pretty badass if you ask me.(AKA murderers have to be killed with their blood spilling on the Earth in order to be forgiven by God.) Almost converted me over that.

Haha, it's just fun watching missionaries eyes bulge and make a b-line for the door. They hear those words and go straight to "shut it down"

>Just ask them whether God was once a man.

almost all traditions believe you will become a god. early christianity and islam both said as much. #dieficationofman


Ask them why Black people didn't fight valiantly in heaven.

Could also ask them if Cain the first murderer was also the first black man. Since all blacks are descended from Cain according to them.


That doesn't solve Plato's unmoved mover. It just pushes it back. It's also the rejection of a true God.

Ask them if they're having a competition with the Jehovah Witnesses.

for their hands in marriage. Both of them. Mormons are cool w/ that. Grow your beard out and shave your stache

Nigger that's four

Ask about their religion and atleast fake you're interested.
Or don't ask nothing at all and just listen. Don't be rude. Don't act like an autist, there will be other topics other than religion, given it's not a specific religious dinner.

Sup Forums is not a christian board.

Ask if they have named the planet they get when they die

Better yet, find some JW missionaries and invite them along.

Are traps gay

I've been visiting my local LDS meeting house lately and not once have I ever been asked for money. I even asked them about it because I heard about the tithing and I was told it was strictly voluntary

Ask them about "soaking"

Reread what I wrote.

You should ask them when the last radio message from God was, then ask to see the magical golden tablets that you can only read with seeing stones. Is Joseph Smith really on planet Kolob, or did his starship accept another assignment to the delta quadrant.


Only for two years. Once they get back, they get to choose a lifelong fuck buddy from a pool of eager young virgin babes. Not a bad trade-off if you ask me.

- What are the Five Points of Fellowship and why was it removed from the endowment?
- When you went through the temple, did you say "Pay Lay Ale" or "Oh God hear the words of my mouth" during the True Order of Prayer?
- What is your New Name?
- Who was Fanny Alger?
- Could Joseph Smith read Egyptian?

I could keep going if you want. Was Mormon for 25 years.

Must be a new thing then. It was required in the baptismal interview questions to commit to "paying a full tithe" of 10%. If members are on hard times the bishop would usually have them continue paying the full 10% while simultaneously giving them help with groceries from the bishops store house, so "blessings" of tithing could continue. It's really up to the bishops discretion once someone is a member though.

Ask why they cucked out and let have blacks have the priesthood even though they blatantly don't deserve it and can't handle the responsibility.

It was Reformed Egyptian, wasn't it? Kek

Or you could simply offer them some coffee or a Coca Cola.

Also, voluntary like taxes are "voluntary." If you are a less active member they won't jump on the tithing thing until you feel more acclimated to being back, ie propagandized.

If they are qt be nice and keep in touch while they larp in Africa or whereever. Mormon qt trad wife could be ideal if she isn't a complete prude in the sack.

Mormon chicks won't do dick unless you convert.

Book of Mormon was supposedly "Reformed Egyptian".. Book of Abraham was straight up Egyptian. Smith said he made a "Grammar and Alphabet" from it. Complete nonsense.

>not knowing Sup Forums is a christian board
Go away newfag

>When you went through the temple, did you say "Pay Lay Ale" or "Oh God hear the words of my mouth" during the True Order of Prayer?
>What is your New Name?

What does this mean for us Non-Mormon Gentiles.

Why have they chosen earth to spread their message?

>trying to claim Sup Forums as christrian board

No. It's time for nu-Sup Forums to leave.

I believe when mormons go through their temple they're given a "spirit name" or some shit. My girlfriend told me hers, it was just a different common name. She also figured out the system to how they name people. I can't remember off the top of my head, but they're really lazy with renaming. Sometimes they just name all the people the same name if they go through the temple on the same day.

What's it like to believe in a book that was written by a known con artist?

Part of the temple ceremony is instruction in the "True Order of Prayer" where a bunch of participants stand in a circle around the altar, holding in secret handshakes and chant. The chant used to be "pay lay ale", which was said to be in the Adamic language. They changed it several years ago to remove any reference to Adamic language. Now they chant "Oh God hear the words of my mouth".

How do magnets work?

I'm a Mormon. Don't ask any of this, you will look retarded.

user above is correct re: the New Name. A wife will reveal hers to her husband, as she can not reach exaltation without him. The husband is never to reveal his own except at the veil of the temple before entering the celestial.

You dated a Mormon? Or an Ex-Mormon?

>Sup Forums is not a christian board.
strawpoll.me/12664749/r If you follow the link, you can see that there is IP duplicate checking. There are also many similar polls you can google that yield similar results. Just because you like to be racist on an anonymous image board does not mean we are like-minded about atheism, that you are in good company, nor that we want you here. Seriously, go away newfag.

Ex-mormon. I've dated a few ex-mormons.

You're a Mormon. You ARE retarded.

What happened to all of the white Christian Indians before Columbus?

What seems to be the biggest issue for them to leave?

I suppose treating them like normal human beings and not being a dick isnt an option?

Forgot pic for the lazy

Don't talk about religion at all and don't let them talk about it. It's like letting a used car salesman in your house. Missionaries are 100% high on the koolaid and have mealy-mouthed responses to any gotcha you can think of. It's like trying to talk sense into a Sup Forumstard. Just stick to secular stuff and end things cleanly.

Do yourself a favor: just shut up and listen to 'em.

shit shes gorgeous

The ones I've dated have all left for various reasons. But I think the main thing is that it's easier for them to see the hypocrisy in their church from online resources and groups. Especially now that the ex-mormon community has grown so much and is readily easy to find. I think the pattern is that there's a major life event in which the girl usually butts heads with the ideology of the church. Then they'll get opinions from relatives and friends (also in the church) that convince them that the church is right. However... now that they can search online to see if anyone has butt heads with the church in such a way, they'll find people who agree with them and whom they easily empathize with. That seems to get the ball rolling and eventually makes them turn on the religion.

Really interesting stuff. I've spent a long time in Utah and promised myself to never date a mormon, but ex-mormons are really awesome. You're dating a woman that left a cult willingly. Hell, I don't even know if I'd have that same perseverance if I was LDS and I came to a crossroads. So you get these crazy strong women that can deal with being attacked by their parents, siblings, and peer group. Sup Forums might mormon women for their traditional values, but I'd much rather marry an ex-mormon for the characteristics above.

Mormon here:

It's not magic underwear. Catholics wear their religious garbs, Jews have theirs, Sikhs have their own. Mormons just wear theirs concealed under the clothing. Makes life easier: one of the benefits is it's a measurement for modesty - if the garments are showing with the outer clothing, don't wear that outfit.

If true, ask them why they believe that satan, a created being, would be brothers with Jesus Christ, the infinite God whom created all?

As opposed to what? Paganism? Fedora-tipping nihilism?

It's official name is "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints". We believe in Christ.

It will soon be a Mormon board

You do not believe in Christ. Belief in Christ is contingent on acknowledging His divinity. All you idiots are lying when you say "We believe in Christ." It's doublespeak.

Hey! Mormon here too!

Let's take over Sup Forums!!!

Ah, they were mostly slaughtered; the rest were integrated. It's mentioned in the last two parts of the Book of Mormon: very sad.