I'll stay in this thread until somebody can give a valid argument against this.
I'll stay in this thread until somebody can give a valid argument against this
yes but does japan accept immigrants?
check mate
Yes...Japan accepts immigrants you fucking moron.
Gotta admire the basic geopolitical comprehension skills of an amerifat.
Japan is culturally and ethnically homogeneous. Look at Switzerland which has gun laws comparable to the US.
they admitted less than ten last year fag
fuck off shill
You might do that in a society where there are not blacks, no Mexicans, no jews, no PoC or people who are different at all; Where you live in an ethno-state where the people are racist even against other asians.
Op ignores cultural differences. Japan has been feudal longer than not, and firearms were outlawed by the ruling class long ago, and the people killed for being disobedient.
Make US of A a monotonic white state, and OP has the beginnings of a bad argument. As it is, it's just a absurd comparison.
how come everyone in yakuza has a gun then
Are deaths caused by a firearm injuries supposed to be less moral? Also Japanese society is very different than the US so it’s really not comparable.
Here's your argument. Now fuck off with your shitty slide thread.
Shall not be infringed. You can leave now.
Japan doesn't have millions of violent, dysfunctionally retarded niggers.
Fuck you, asshole.
America is stuck with a shitload of niggers. Why the fuck do you think we have lots of deaths from guns?
Check the fucking news once in a while. We got niggers shooting niggers 24/7. If they weren't here, we'd have the same gun crime rate as Luxembourg.
Japan's immigrant population is less than 2%
OP's name calling covers a fundamental difference between the US and Japan - they're an Enthostate. We're not.
>Japan had 11 gun deaths in 2008, the U.S. had 12.000
Sounds to me like Japan had 11.989 too few.
African countries are ethnically homogeneous also. Difference is always niggers.
how many of the 12,000 deaths were blacks killing each other, OP? I don't know. Genuinely asking
The Japanese are subjects of the Emperor.
Americans are citizens of the Republic.
this. its the only argument. to even accept a debate is an infringement and pisses on the 2nd amendment. also, im saging this reply as for obvious reasons.
Japan is notorious for having low percentage of foreigners. If you don't read there are even youtube videos about it.
>All day class
>Mental health check
>Agree to Gov't intrusion
>..enjoy your new air rifle
What makes you think you're part of a well regulated militia, you idiotburger? And what part of 'well regulated' sounds like no restrictions whatsoever to you, you fat, buttery-fingered dumbass?
Gun control doesn't do anything. If someone wants to kill someone he can just ram a truck into them like what has been usually happening.
We could make it harder to get guns but people will continue to die from other methods of terror. If anything having a gun is a good thing since it allows a citizen to defend himself in such situations.
>homogenous population
>pic related
>you must store the ammo separately
>its a gun free zone why would someone bring a gun to
Every argument I see people make refuting this kind of thing never touches on what I personally feel.
Guns are American. It's not even the 2nd Amendment that I care about, it's the fact that guns and the ability, the desire, to have and use them is American. I don't want us to be like Japan. I don't want us to be like Europe. It's the same thing when people bring up healthcare and other government support that European countries have more of. I don't want that. That's not our way. We have our own way of doing things, the American way. The way of doing things yourself and supporting yourself, not being like a European. Sadly this has been lost by many in recent years and especially the younger generation wants us to become more like other countries instead of them growing up and becoming strong on their own.
It makes me think of how James Braddock gave back all the money he received from welfare after making a comeback. He was ashamed to take that money in the first place, as all Americans should be, and he made it right later. But Americans today don't feel the same way.
[[[ , ]]] the Right of THE PEOPLE
>one is a part of normal living
>one is a boom boom stick that only does boom boom stick things
>I'm going to compare the two in a reducto ad absurdum way
And you thought this was a trump card?... Retard.
that's gay as fuck and Japan's a shithole. /thread
Maybe less nigger spic.
You think nigger and spic will attend a full-day class talk about gun safety?
Japan is a fucking island with extremely strict immigration policies with a strong homogenous honor driven culture. And they are on top of the IQ bell curve. You're a fucking idiot for not acknowledging those facts, dickweed.
>somebody can give a valid argument against this.
An argument against what, you fucking moron? The right to own and use firearms is a right. Blind people in America have a right to own and use firearms.
lol, you know nothing of the Constitution you complete trash heap. the 'civilization' you are apart of, and the one i am apart of are completely different, in that yours is a history of cuckoldry, mass idiocy, and servitude while mine is one of victory and manifest destiny and self determination. filthy fuck, fuck off back to the fucking tundra faggot.
Most 2nd amendment advocates agree that strong background checks and training are good things. Not sure what argument you want an answer to...
Asians don't commit violent crimes anyway.
>one is a luxury that le 30% obese america would be better off without
>one is used for hunting, sport shooting, home defense, keeping the nigger population at 14%, and protection from a tyrannical government
>i'm going to pretend these aren't the real definitions
Shoo, soy boy.
>Every argument I see people make refuting this kind of thing never touches on what I personally feel.
I agree with everything you said, user, but we can't fight feelings with feelings. We win with facts. Again, I absolutely agree with you.
Also I've never heard gun nuts say proper storage procedures are bad either
They dont have black people
Or just be yakuza.
in 2015 of the 13,455 homicide victims 7039 were black, and Among the roughly 6,000 cases in which the race of the victim and the offender were known, the number of blacks killed by blacks were 2,380
>Japan's crime rate is way lower across the board than it is in the US
>Somehow gun crime being low is because of gun control
We can't link gun ownership to psychiatric evaluations in this country, because Jews control the psychiatric industry and they want to end gun ownership. If you doubt me, look into what's happening with the definitions of words sensitive to trans people. They are corrupt and nefarious and cannot be trusted, especially with anybody's capacity for self defense.
If we can kick the Jews first out I'm all for psychiatric evaluations. Compulsory training and background checks are also a fine idea, but we can go no further with this because again, there are people in this country who will seek out the slippery slope and abuse any sound regulatory apparatus to make it difficult or impossible to keep and maintain a gun for any legitimate purpose. This year's "locked and stored separately" is next year's "locked and stored by different members of the household," followed by taxes on the containers they must be stored in, a waiting period to buy the containers, and so on.
Fuck that and with all due respect fuck you. Shall not be infringed.
There are more guns and munitions in the U.S. than there are people in the U.S..
There are more guns and munitions in the U.S. than if you took all the guns and munitions from literally every military in the world.
You could completely stop guns being sold in the U.S. and it wouldn't make a difference.
They will never be taken because the attempt alone would spark the biggest civil, bloodiest, most long reaching, and many other -est war ever.
There is no solution.
Grow. Up.
Ask a liberal why there was so much looting after Katrina and not after the Tsunami that hit Japan in 2011.
>leaf reading comprehension
The founding fathers deemed it necessary that American citizens have the ability to own and use firearms that it might facilitate a well functioning (well regulated) militia.
And with that it Looks like it's time for you to go to bed, OP
Right. They aren't comparable.
Well done, dude. You managed to understand it! Also cute with the soyboy may may. I've got guns, bruh. I'm cool like you
Japan is one of the wealthiest countries in the world and it is devoid of dindus for the most part. No one has any need for a gun except for farmers. I hear people regularly leave their doors unlocked when they leave the house even for long periods, and that fruit stands can operate on the honour system.
>any other arguments
let me know what the gun death rate is when Japan is 14% niggers.
if we enforced these rules on Americans, most Americans would not be able to have guns
What japan lacks in nigger guns shootings it makes up for in suicides
>Guess I'll use my pasta
In 2016, 68% of gun homicides were committed by Democrats. (Sources; The Center for Disease Control WISHERS Website, US Department of Justice’s Homicide Report, and Cornell University)
In all American History, mass shooters are Dems/Leftists/Socialists. If you say something about the white supremacy shooter, white supremacists are SOCIALISTS. Everything for their own race. Leftists.
Refute me.
After amending and amending and further re-amending their own wording, yes.
A well regulated militia being composed of the body of the people, meaning that people drafted to serve shall be granted the right to bear Arms, not all people just willy-nilly sporting open-carry guns in supermarkets like goddamned idiots.
Who gives a fuck what the political affiliation of the shooters are? The issue is the shooters. Lol. This isn't a "my team" argument.
How often do niggers do car jackings and home-invasions in Japan?
This, which is unconstitutional
>soyim living predominantly white privileged life in upper class nieghboorhood argues driving a car and not riding a bus is more normal than defending yourself from criminals
Mentality is just as important as motivation. Understanding the driving factors of why people would commit such acts is a big step in preventing them. How could you not understand that?
The whole point of the second amendment is to overthrow the government and protect your own land.
>not all people
Read the fucking Amendment again, and come back directly after you twat.
The second most common crime foreigners commit in japan is literally homicide. The first is the smuggling of weed. I'd be willing to bet that literally every one of those cases wasn't done by a jap.
>1 post by this user
you all know what to do
starts with SA
and ends with GE
>what's happening with the definitions of words sensitive to trans people
Since this was an awkward way of putting it, here's what I was referring to.
I live in a military city. It's 150,000 people. Keep strawmanning.
Motive is equally unimportant, bud. The issue is access for those people. Motive doesn't matter. Political affiliation doesn't matter. The topic is their access. I'm not worried in the slightest about "muh guns." If they make some restrictions it won't bother me or anyone around me. So long as they aren't as absurd as these strawmen that blot this topic.
>all blacks fail the writing test
>all blacks fail the shooting test (You get disqualified for holding it sideway, Tyrone)
>blacks fail the mental and drug test at the hospital
>blacks fail the background test because of multiple felonies
>this is why blacks buy guns illegally
>use this to justify taking the guns away from whites
Protip: Japan isn't full of niggers so they have no gun problems. And our gun problem is currently metastasizing into a liberal/gun problem not just a nigger/gun problem.
So liberals would fail the background test for links to terror groups: i.e. antifa and the many spinoffs.
Sucks to suck, nigger
But African countries are not culturally homogeneous, they are a bunch of differently cultured clans and tribes constantly killing each other.
I hear that obesity is not much of a problem for North Korea.
A sane individual capable of passing a simple background check and safety course should not fear failing said background check and course.
No matter how much you don't want it to be is not going to change things.
Also the 2nd amendment was influenced by the wording of other laws. When you actually look at the history of how it was written, the meaning is unmistakeable
>After amending and amending and further re-amending their own wording, yes.
That never happened.
>A well regulated militia being composed of the body of the people, meaning that people drafted to serve shall be granted the right to bear Arms, not all people just willy-nilly sporting open-carry guns in supermarkets like goddamned idiots.
It doesn't mean that now and it didn't mean that then. If it did why the fuck did Americans have the right to own and use firearms the day the Bill of Rights was ratified and then for over 200 years after?
The people who wrote it meant exactly what I said. We know this because of their other writings on the subject at the time and the way guns were regulated after the Bill of Right, you fucking stupid leaf. You can try and reinterpret the meaning, God knows the Left has been doing since the 1930s, but it doesn't change the history since the ratification of the Bill of RIghts. Americans, according the wording of the 2nd Amendment, have ALWAYS had the right to own and use firearms. It's a right of the PEOPLE.
>starts with SA
>and ends with GE
African countries are probably, on average, more ethnically heterogenous than all of pre-modern Europe.
It's not like they don't realize this, either. Look at the Hutus and the Tutsis, Africans are capable of far more granular anti-black racism than anyone on Sup Forums
>Conflict and compromise in Congress produce the Bill of Rights
All the aforementioned amendments are there.
>Motive doesn't matter
>Political affiliation doesn't matter
>The topic is their access
This is why the left looses the argument.
>Motive doesn't matter?
So you're saying poor black lives don't matter?
>Political affiliation doesn't matter?
The history of mass shooters in America would beg to differ.
Stealing firearms isn't a thing, is what you're saying.
>If they make some restrictions it won't bother me or anyone around me. So long as they aren't as absurd as these strawmen that blot this topic.
>So long as they aren't as absurd as these strawmen that blot this topic.
Then, refute me.
The 4473.
CHL/CCH Licenses.
do you think well regulated has the same meaning today as it did in the late 18th century?
>give a valid argument against this.
Homogeneous society. History proves it. When outsiders come in is when crime shoots way up.
>one is a part of normal living
No citizens needs a personal car, we have public transport 24/7 operated by professionals that know their job, you can argue that a car is more convenient but my right to be alive trumps your right for convenience.
More than 37,000 people died from car violence last year (no, it doesn't matter the circumstances they died or which of those were crashes were only the driver died, we will lump it all together in "car violence" statistics), how can you possibly argue you have a right to own a car which such numbers, how many kids have to die for you to stop supporting the motor vehicle lobby.
Our funding fathers didn't realize we would have 100 mile per hour giant metal boxes capable of running over crowds in the 21st century, have they known that human invention would take us further than carriages pulled by horses, and have they known everyone would be able to own one they would have surely put into our constitution a ban on cars.
Look, I don't mean to take a away your rights, but clearly we need commonsense car control, a way to make sure only very specific groups of people can have access to cars, a way to make sure they keep the tires or motor in a separate garage when they are at home, and it is ridiculous this open carry ticket we currently have, clearly there should only be very specific streets cars should be allowed in.
Japan v USA == Oranges v Apples
Correlation does not mean causation.
gun deaths in the us come from niggers. remove niggers and we no longer have a gun problem
Most crime in japan is unsolved and unreported
they have no niggers
they're a series of islands, not north of fucking MEXICO
they got nuked AF, twice
their criminal underground, the yakuza, runs shit, they can literally kill whoever with no repercussions
How many sudoku by sword tho?
>that '97-'98 jump
What the fuck happened, Japan?
So, it wasn't at all fiddled with after everything was signed in, eh? Making correct.
We will literally kill you all of you try to take our guns
Also, you may be a youngin, but up until the 1980s kids in most states of America could still drive to high school with their hunting rifle in their car and it was no big deal. Up until the 1960s (perhaps as late as the 1970s) schools had rifle ranges for shooting classes and the kids would use the guns at school in the class. There were never school massacres and very few gun deaths.
>literalists argueing the wording didn't literally mean the same thing in the 18th century
There's like no niggers here other than the 5 Nigerian Guys in Shibuya trying to trick foreigners into going into their shitty overpriced bars. Gun violence isn't america's issue, nigger violence is.
Guns just make it easier for poor people to kill each other. BLM isn't the gun argument. You just jump from hot button to hot button issue hoping to connect them....
Right. Comparing the two is stupid. Well done.
Does Japan have a clause in its constitution that guarantees citizens the right to keep and bear arms?
IPHONE prototypes.
no niggers
>Fighting the left using logic, facts and reason
Nigga you just went full retard.
>I'll stay in this thread until somebody can give a valid argument against this.
NEWSFLASH OP, Japan doesn't have fucking NIGGERS godamnit, you fucking triggered me you goddamed motherfucker. Fuck you.
It's almost like, education and culture are important.