Rose calling out Bryan Singer. Is it finally happening?!
Shes a retarded cunt tho, if she knows whos a rapist just say their names all at once or stfu
What about pedobama? (Alabama, not Obama since he's a gorilla fucker)
I have this bizarre feeling that Steve Bannon is feeding her the information over time and using her as a voice piece. Would make sense that he would know who is a molester in hollywood since he is an ex-hollywood producer.
I think were about to witness the biggest moment in history in over 100 years.
She talks all sorts of shit. Come back when there's articles.
I have tihs bizarre feeling youre a fucking shill defending a KNOWN pedophile named Steve Bannon.
she's hilarious
1000 years
She's a psychologically damaged leftwing roastie, but at least she's playing her part in draining the swamp.
What a shocker
Are catposters good or bad guys on this board? I dont know what to make of you niggers. Also another question...Is the cat supposed to elicit some sort of subconscious response when you guys post it?
>average semen
meme it
>if she knows whos a rapist just say their names all at once or stfu
it's obviously stage managed entertainment drama
good boys
she's completely batshit and a leftist, but she's doing god's work
this abomination has DEFINITELY had some dicks unwillingly thrusted in her anus
>they play Charmed at the gym I go to. Like reruns at 6 am. Really fucking hard not getting a boner while running on the treadmill with her and the other one's titties in my face
it's Sup Forums faggot, everyday is caturday
3, 2, 1
McGowan used to be such a semen demon
didn't mean to green text
2 always had the best tits
Are you new here?
Short hair on a woman can make a 5/10 look like 3/10. yuck.
At what point did the beauty get raped out of her?
I have this bizarre feeling that you're a fucking retarded faggot.
Well I know catposters are government intel niggers. thats for sure.
>it's Sup Forums faggot, everyday is caturday
we Caturday thread now
the 'I had cancer" haircut doesn't help
3rd wave feminism is literal cancer.
Apparently dude went into hiding a few days ago.
Bryan Singer's pedophilia has been an open secret for years. But things are probably heating up. He closed all his social media accounts, and the Crazy Days and Nights blog has been hinting that something big against him is coming.
>Implying the gov pays me to shitpost cat pictures
Now wouldn't that be a dream come true... Thank you for that nice thought.
>Fuck, my life didn't turn out the way I hoped.
>Wait a second, I've got a pussy.
>Ted Scrotum prodded my left shoulder when I worked in his laundromat for three days sometime Around '92.
>No ????, just profit.
Brian Singer is honestly the one iv been waiting to fall for weeks and still it hasn't happened.
Its blatantly obvious he is as bad as Spacey. He doesn't even hide his behaviour like Spacey has either. Its out there for the entire public to see.
the loki pics are def CIA NIGGERS
short hair knocks 3 to 4 points off,
Ladies, if you're not a dyke, don't chop your hair off.
Someone tweet this to her.
>paying this much attention to damaged whore
she used to date marilyn manson. she's a mess, a waste. she's a jeb
good lord. She's garbage. But she is a temporary ally
Yeah, this is much bigger than anything that happened between 1939 to 1945. Idiot, go back.
>literally is the seed of life
and this is why no one cares
It is. Cuz it's gonna reveal that Hitler was right.
I literally don't know who Rose McGowan is, and I couldn't be happier. Now abandoning thread.
CATS ARE FUCKING GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
milky milky from mommy rosie
At least you picked the right place to display your autism levels.
Now go back.
She only takes Jew semen.
All in a days work friend.
>Are catposters good or bad guys on this board?
good guys duh. we're the true contrarians. when everyone else posts murder and mayhem, we post kitties
is this supposed to subconsciously pacify the intended target?
Nice feet!
She looks like some hotter version of St. Vincent
She got into a car accident and fucked her face up. Now she’s bitter.
meh. OP is a faggot.
Well she was brought up in the 'children of God' cult. So that's pretty much 100% on the anal by uncle
>destroying a millionaires life who hires ex mossad agents to keep his secrets secret
Funny how the girl Weinstein was worried would call him out and was followed by Mossad got into a (((car accident))).
Guess it checks out.
oh god. that zipper. Old school Rose is one of only a few girls that is legit gorgeous to me
I have literally never given a fuck about my own semen. This bitch is projecting her semen fetish I'll bet.
It activates the sleeper cells
That sounds about right
not so much anymore desu, that's nostalgia you feel
feels bad man
The look on her face as she ages shows what never having genuine interactions with others does to a person over time. It eats your soul and makes you go crazy.
medicated out the wazoo. i sort of feel bad for these washed up “celebrities”.
I hate this fucking smug cunt and even more after that interview. She's just an attention whore who did anything and everything to be famous.
Psychopharmacology exists to put a chemical leash on the people.
>Are catposters good or bad guys on this board?
Best post of the week
So whats the verdict senpai.
its a clone
Good blogs by a ex-hollywood director/producer...who knows many of the pedos/rapists.
in her defense she was in a car wreck and that's (one of the reasons) why the change is so drastic
you forgot your pic
I'm drunk; what does this mean?
"Unlimited access to sex with whomever you desire is the greatest prize afforded to those who make millions and achieve high status." - Duncan Roy (ex film director/producer)
This mentally ill bitch is like Winona Ryder's character in The Crucible.
"Another ‘open secret’: fashion photographer Bruce Weber continues to behave like Harvey Weinstein toward young male models. Taking pictures of them naked for his ‘private collection’ molesting and assaulting and promising big campaigns if they give in to his gentle caress, taking the campaign away if they refused."