Was Sup Forums Sup Forums always like this?? With racist white supremacist??
Was Sup Forums Sup Forums always like this?? With racist white supremacist??
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Hitler & National Socialism were and always will be right, Israel did 9/11 and is behind White Genocide world wide. End Israel to End White Genocide, only way.
Sup Forums has always been predominantly racist. Anyone who says otherwise is new or ignorant.
the internet was always like this. fuck off. good day.
Since when did not wanting your race to be murdered or breeded out of existence = supremacy? I just want to be left the fuck alone.
Right! Because look im not politically correct and i due believe in a jewish conspiracy but alot of these guys are neo nazis
No, a lot of were lolbergs at first. Then the red pill hit hard.
If you were aware of the Jewish conspiracy, or cared, you'd be a Nazi too.
according to critical theory, everything in western culture is thanks to white supremacy, so...
nigger hate threads used to be on Sup Forums all the time back when Sup Forums was the go to board.
I remember when niggers posted on /r/ got OP ridiculed and ignored.
It sucks! Im not politically correct and im aware. This is why we're always promoted by the media to be racist its because of people like you!
Sup Forums was the pinnacle of counter culture and anti-pc. The harder (((they))) pushed the harder we pushed back. In fact we're so counter culture that a lot of us adopted traditionalism as opposition to the radical individualis popularised right now.
Its bred dingus
>Was Sup Forums Sup Forums always like this??
Yeah. Had to pretend to be edgy just to appease m00t then Sup Forums harbor happened and we discovered immortality.
Just because you want to fuck mud bloods and shitskins doesn't mean anyone gives a shit about your opinions about Sup Forums.
See this is what im talking about! And you wonder why the Media is promoting you guys to be racist and a big problem to our society!
Outside of saying nigger as a joke there was almost no talk of racism on Sup Forums. When saying nigger stopped being a joke and people actually believed it, that eventually led to the creation of Sup Forums. i don't know how Sup Forums was early on because like the new racism on Sup Forums it was mainly younger people who were new the board. What I do know is that the pre-trump era was totally different than what it is now. Yes there was racism but it was more about conspiracy theories.
Sup Forums and Sup Forums are always changing. Saying it was the same before is truly the sign of a newfag.
Ok thank you! I wish it was more about conspiracies than white supremacy.
Op is a faggot nigger
>noone gives a shit about your opinions about Sup Forums.
You don't read well do you.
>sign of a newfag
Yes you reek of one.
Are you saying there wasn't literal stromfront faggots on Sup Forums before Trump ran for office.
Kek get out of here summerfag.
fuck off buzzfeed
So your saying that it was only when Trump came in that people on Sup Forums started to mix conspiracies with white supremacy? In that case no wonder the media is promoting alex jones as a white supremacist!
If you take anything that newfag has to say as truth then I have a bridge to sell you real cheap.
What are you?
A bridge sells-man I thought I made that clear.
What? Are you saying?
Judging by your posts I don't think you have the funds or anyone willing to give you enough to afford any of my bridges,user.
You Shitskins do realise you can be Nat Soc in your own countries too right?
Kick the parasites out and we can all work together to build a better world.
/pol is a board of peace.
Well then dont call me shitskin! Even if the world were all NA SO, if you keep with that we would all be fighting too see who is the better race. The fighting would never stop!
Clearly not! Did you just see what the BRIT said!?
>if you keep with that we would all be fighting too see who is the better race. The fighting would never stop!
Prue nigger logic.
The same time Sup Forums was raiding Hal Turner the white supremacist for being an ebil racist it also raided and defaced one of the most popular rap websites at the time with swastikas for being niggers. Nigger hate threads were common, there were also rare decent Christian threads.
Im not black im actually white! I guess i got my answer you guys asume im black just because im asking a question! Man you guys really are fucktards!
Wow! You guys even ruined that!
I've been on this site since 2007, and I can assure you that most people weren't racist back then, Sup Forums had leftist overtones without the modern SJW stuff that gets people triggered over language and other bullshit.
Serious racists were prompted to GTFO back to stormfront on most cases.
Now Sup Forums as a whole is flooded with stormweenies and edgelords because of Sup Forums users trolling and false flagging as liberals to make people swing to racism/authoritarianism/etc, not because of actual shills or liberals.
That's exactly how a 'Christian' userbase also appeared on Sup Forums, if you asked anyone back in 2007 about what they would think if Christian threads popped up ok Sup Forums they'd laugh
Stormweenies are a bunch of faggot newfags
>Im not black im actually white! I guess i got my answer you guys asume im black just because im asking a question! Man you guys really are fucktards
Faggot so stupid doesn't understand how some nigger lover can have nigger logic without the shit skin.
Yeah, I guess wanting to prevent America from becoming a mestizo filled shithole where white Euro descendants don't have the political clout to stop literal Communism or the eventual destitution and miscegenation makes me a white supremacist. Can't ignore the facts after all.
Storytime there lads
Interesting blog but he didn't ask about 4chins just 4chins/pol/ you cancerous faggot and stormfront has always been here.
And since you're not a "newfag" you would know Sup Forums wasn't around in 2007 ,nigger.
>Was Sup Forums Sup Forums always like this?? With racist white supremacist??
Worse, much much worse during the /new/ days, Stormfront 24/7 everythread, wall to wall kikeposting, it was bad, really bad.
So bad moot closed the board, reopened it again, closed it again and then Sup Forums was born, which is pretty much /new/ but with 70% more variety of threads
Alot of people hate Christianity was it always like this mr. Aleister adolf?
This, only correct post about Sup Forums and it's predecessor I seen in this thread.
They got shut down once? They were that bad holy shit!
>claims I didn't mention Sup Forums
>immediately implies my story doesn't match up because I was talking about Sup Forums
How do you tie your shoes every morning, stupid newfaggot nigger?
I didn't say that stormniggers weren't around as early as 2007, I actually said they were ridiculed most of the time, the userbase simply don't care about politicizing bullshit like that, it was more about having fun at the expense of people.
I don't believe you are a real person. I believe this all to be a ruse of some sort, likely of semitic origins.
>immediately implies my story doesn't match up because I was talking about Sup Forums
Are all spics fucking retarded as you, hector?
I never implied anything other than what you posted which was a year not related to Sup Forums in the fucking slightest.
But I guess it's hard for you to understand Engrish,right?
Yah because you guys are so down bullshit rode you guys think everything is a jewish conspiracy! Im just asking questions!
>They got shut down once?
Pretty much, there is a pic of moots top-of-page warning that if the board carried on being stormfront 24/7 he would delete the board, I can't find it though
I think it was just called /n/ back then, then changed to /new/ and then Sup Forums my memory is a little hazy though
quote is fake bruh.
dude is still evil, dont be tricked by (((them))) into low quality.
Again Correct.
Glad to see someone remembers the truth and not the SJW version all the nigger lovers push.
Hmmm interesting history about Sup Forums
Who's evil? Vladimir Lenin?? Hell yah! Hitler? Hell yah!
(((racism))) means intelligence. leftists & liberals are dumb people.
Oxymoron. It's isn't racist to acknowledge whites are superior.
Not really /n/ was basically moots attempt to push stormfront to a containment board but they were more then he bargained for so he deleted the board that just pushed them all over the site causing a shit storm.
That's how we got /new/ than you heard the rest on how Sup Forums came about rinse and repeat.
Remember when Sup Forums was considered a left wing extremist site?
that's why IQ doesn't measure intelligence and is only used by idiots on this board
Actual old fag here. I'm 44, happily married with 3 kids and I'm a Democrat. I don't know why I keep coming back here and getting into the same pointless arguments. But I do.
I started browsing Sup Forums in 2006. There was no Sup Forums
I helped dox Kenny Glenn and various Scientology fags. I was too late for the pools full raid but definitely helped fuck with Gaia haha that shit was fun.
The board was mostly left but rude and edgy. Lots of racist jokes and sexist jokes. I remember the entire board hated Sarah Palin. I was on Sup Forums the night her Yahoo email got hacked and actually signed in and read her emails. I didn't go through a proxy first and I was scared I'd get into trouble. We also doxxed the kid who broke into her emails and got him busted haha he was some Democrats son so that was coincidental and hilarious.
In a roundabout way it was our fault she had to resign as governor. Troopergate only became a thing because we shared the emails of her conspiring to fire a cop over some divorce/custody drama bullshit, with the media.
It was 2009 I think when moot created /new/. I guess he recreated it but I don't remember ever seeing it before. First post on new was "all right you faggots you can have your board back but if this turns back into stormfront I'm taking it away again"
It did, and he did. It was weird seeing a board full of Nazi racism shit. Then /new/ was gone then it came back then gone again, followed by what is now "politically incorrect"
For the longest time Sup Forums was super libertarian, almost sovereign citizen level silly. Lots of conspiracies about both Obama and also Bush. The board looooooved Ron Paul and kept assuring themselves he'd win the 2012 nomination. Even asserted that he'd won the nomination at the 2012 convention because a bunch of Sup Forumstards showed up and shouted nay really loud when asked if Romney was approved.
> America
> Presidents are elected by shouting really loud
Today it's a bunch of jobless Nazis. Gay.
it's not (((racism))) anyway, it's counter-semitism.
learn the difference you fucking faggot
Right! Moot shut it down and then it appears again and then /new/ was born and became Sup Forums
Kek I found it
Its about time! Now i have a clear picture of the history of Sup Forums!
Yeah pretty much, and now you are too
Yea that's the post. I remember seeing that shit and thinking "wtf is stormfront"
Googled it a few days later. What a bunch of retards. Skinheads are fucking morons
Till this day you'll get faggot denying this basic fact,user.
Stormfront was /n/ which turned into /new/ and they were still here when Sup Forums came around.
I hate leftist with their shitty easily proven lies.
I think your right! Ever since i started to use Sup Forums Sup Forums ive started to think like them! And i have a very false stereotype that all Trump supporters like my self are kkk nazi shitholes! After all the first post here after i posted my two questions was from a confederate guy
Dude chill! I think your right you have been here londer than i have! And im not a leftist im a conservative.
Well it's you faggots who came to post in our shithole not like we invited you.
Now all you faggots do is try and get shria law instated her like you're a bunch of rapefugee Muslims in bongland.
joke racists gave room to actual racists gave room to stormfags
Im just saying i started to become like you guys and its weird cause im Hispanic! And no im not Muslim! God its impossible to have a conversation with you guys!
>Till this day you'll get faggot denying this basic fact,user.
Aye lad, when the admin threatens to close a board AGAIN, you just know it was really that bad lol
>I hate leftist with their shitty easily proven lies.
it's one of the most angering things about leftists, nomatter how much proof you show them they just won't reason with you, it's bizzarre
Im a fucking Trump supporter i hate leftism
>Im just saying i started to become like you guys and its weird cause im Hispanic! And no im not Muslim! God its impossible to have a conversation with you guys!
It's not you personally you just don't understand how many times that leftist faggots have tried to change the history of Sup Forums to fit their views,user.
You're not fucking joking mate I have seen leftist calling Sup Forums all sorts of shit for years but always denying that racist was it main posters and always were.
I'm going to let the CIA answer this one
Wrong newfriend.
I'll tell you the main thing that motivates me at this point: spite.
I live to spite the world where numale faggots have social status. Anything that would make them gain status, I want them to lose. Anything that would make them lose status, I want to laugh in their face about it.
Hmmm ok? What ever your goal is as long as it dosent affect me!
(You) included. Numale faggot.
>With racist white supremacist??
Back in the day Sup Forums went further and just attacked everything and caused pure chaos.
>because Sup Forums is one person
Lurk moar, or even better, go back
In one of the only places left with free speech and anonymity you'll hear unpleasant things if that's what you're looking for. You'll also find good discussions if you're looking for that instead.
Lurk moar cannot be overstated
It started off as being ironic. Even today most people are being ironic however it is not censored so a lot of good points are made regarding other races in particular niggers.
Anyway most aren't nazis. But majority do hate niggers. Not black people. Niggers.
Its nearly impossible to define Nazi today anyway. Its so over and misused by loud mouth leftists it basically applies to anyone who opposes their views.
My bad. You said white supremacist, not Nazi.
No most aren't white supremacist. They simply believe white culture is by far superior to the majority of other cultures.
Excluding nips and Koreans.
Well then good thing im not talking to you in person! Who knows what youll do to me.
So whats a nigger according to you?
Basically a black person who has given in to the brainwashing and thinks being a gangster is something to aspire to. Someone who believes living within the laws and working to provide is lame. Someone who feels like they are a victim and aspires to be a predator. Someone who looks up to entertainers and role models and refuses to make any sacrifices to benefit their future. Someone who doesn't respect or understand the nation they are living in. Whole bunch of other stuff too. Basically a black person who glorifies crime and views society with disdain all while listening to shit music and dressing like a retard.
Hmmm ok! Good i guess! Screw those niggers!
I don't think so, but with freedom comes the ablity to say whatever, and really, whatever is the most edgy and in-mainstream and shit gets here
Damn straight black person
>i started to become like you guys and its weird cause im Hispanic!
That's pretty normal
t. newfag leftist who actually believes everything is Trump's fault
Years before Trump this place was pretty much the same, the only difference being it wasn't so infested with obvious shills and newfags, or maybe it was, I don't remember. Point is your post is ill-conceived and a lie.