*Breathes in*

*Breathes in*

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oh my!


Stupid, sanctimonious son of a bitch!

As if he has any career left to ruin.


>36 years ago
>only groped
this train is going to go on for years if we are digging this deep into the trenches

>OOOOhhhh, mmmyyyyyyy!

I think this one is expected by everyone. He is a vocal sexual predator also known as every rich liberal.

The curse has fallen upon him, it was foretold.

Good. The kikes in Hollywood need to be burned out of their nest and this is the perfect vehicle.

Degenerate fuck. Is anyone surprised?

Okay this is getting fucking ridiculous. You stayed quiet for 36 years and are only now speaking up?


a lot of these people are much richer than they probably were back then, wait for the payout to be worth it.


warning: cannot unsee

karma's a bitch

Launch all gundams, we are go status.

I'm not the only one loving the domino effect happening in Hollywood, right?


ewww wtf, what a faggot, of course he "hates" Trump too.


If one goes to a concert, state fair, strip club, bar etc . . . who the fuck hasn't been groped by now. Get real. I mean, the trekkie faggot deserves a beating for being a smug cunt, but 3 decades ago he grabbed someone's ballsack? Blow my fucking world away, already.






Just listen to this shit. He's basically admitting that he has pushed people into it by groping them and power was involved.



The method is questionable but it's pretty fucking hilarious to see all of these hypocrites get blown out like this.

Library here enjoy it just as much. Fucking overpaid monsters are getting what they sowed.




Umm, sweetie, it's okay to molest anything if you're a liberal.

You realize they are doing this on purpose to circle back on Trump right?

>this somehow never took off
>he winds up accused of sexual kikery
Almost makes ya think twitter shadowbans certain posts

Holy shit the prime minister of japan!! How deep does this thing go?

most conservatives politicians are rapists too. get ready for the cleansing



>hasn't noticed all the liberals going after abusive liberals
>still thinks sexual assault is a partisan issue

It's the method they've always employed against their own adversaries whom were innocent. Now they, the guilty, get a dose of their own medicine....as a suppository.





We hit 'em it up on 8ch awhile back


>Not thinking this is some weird ass SJW scheme
They're mad because they couldn't get Bill Cosby.

>Be me as a kid
>Love star trek, especially TOS movies
>Look at the crew of the Enterprise as role models
>become adult
>Learn actor playing Sulu is gay
>Ok.. well it's just the actor right? And wh...who cares right? He can be gay, it doesn't matter.
>Starts being activist
>Tweets, posts supports all the same lame far left crap
>Ok... ok... this is bad. but... it's Sulu man.... and he's old. Shit. I really don't want to hate Sulu.
>Starts posting the same inane anti-Trump garbage as all the other libtards
>Read today that he also molested some dude
>pic related

Jones was right all along!

>all the liberals going after abusive liberals
we might be seeing the traditional feminists push back, going after actual rapists.
white women turn on mudslimes when?


Why do perverts and pedos hate Trump so much?

jones always get proven right eventually

Taco bell, Pedophile, Hollywood, Democratic Party, George Takei, Sulu

please. he just heard it from my man

Trump's their nemesis, an alpha male

Has he mentioned on twitter him groping another man against their wishes was exactly like WW2 Japanese American internment camps? Also that it's Trump's fault?

The twitter garbage can largely be ignored if you don't go looking for it.

t. someone who watches lots of movies, but is also aware of the cancer that actors spew from their mouths and on social media.

George Takei is a ditzy old queen who ought to be dead.


>the fucking audacity
How do these people manage to look themselves in the mirror? Are they ALL just psychopaths or something? I expected this sort of thing from the kikes.... but not Takei

>be George Takei
>plead and beg Trump to be on The Apprentice
>finally get on
>call Trump the greatest businessman you've ever seen
>fuck up on the show
>get fired
>spend the rest of your life shitting on Trump on twitter every single day

What a pathetic life.

It was a wapo hot piece jerk just like trump tape came during the important time. You liberals are the only pervs and pedos who fuck kids. Roy moore dindu nuffin.


Because Trump isn't a pedo pervert so they can't control him

dont loose heart. we still got the only one that matters

Doesn't this gook do commercials for pizza hut? If they cut him he can always make commercials for comet ping pong pizza.

Agree on principle. But since I dislike George Takei, I hope he kills himself over this.


> Bitch about trump grabbing women pussy
> turns out being a perv himself
What a crazy timeline




I want to be a time traveller.


Exactly bastard left is degenerate and filled with child molesters and sick pervs

>pooloo talking about rapists

Oh My...


Good. Conservatives are impotent shabbos goyim. The shoah must go on.

i thought weinstein got taken down by his brother over who was going to run the company? what's the connection between all the celebrities being accused of sex crimes? have they all lost favor with the same jew?


The difference is Trump doesn't give a fuck and will always control frame. He doesn't have to virtuesnivel and sacrifice his ball babies to PC Moloch.


Ching chong tiny penis up butthole - George Takei

Eat shit you irrelevant gay ching chong.



Its all there


You forgot
>in interment camp
One fucking job!


That faggot votes for the same people (FDR) that put his family in the camps in WW2. Dumb jap had it coming.

>groping is not enough

LISTEN AND BELIEVE asshole. Liberals deserve their own culturally appropriate justice system. He is an underprivileged minority and shouldn't be subjected to your white male racist concepts of justice. Give him the system he advocates for: listen and believe. When it's a conservative you can start talking about how he should get due process or whatever. It is RACIST to deny liberals their right to a listen and believe system of witch hunt accusations.

Everyone knows there's no such thing as sexual assault if you're gay


Play the Takei meme game. Fuck Alex 'Zionist Gatekeeper' Jones. Heil Saint Hitler.

Is it possible to overdose on Schadenfreude? I'm serious, I've been taking an unhealthy amount of pleasure watching these cockwaffles fall one by one and I'm getting concerned.

>*Breathes in*
This and making threads about twitter posts should be a bannable offense