Hey, Sup Forums. I have a question about the "Golden Age" of Sup Forums. I wouldn't really call myself a newfag as I started lurking these boards about 4 years ago, but that's beside the point. I hear Sup Forums was very different about ten years ago. What exactly was it like? What made it so good and so talked about? Red pill me on that.
Sup Forums's Golden Age
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As much as people will pretend that Sup Forums was sooo muuuch better before (to try and sound like oldfags), I think the Golden Age of Sup Forums is now.
What makes you say that? The number of Meme Wars that occurred? The mass triggering of libtards and commies?
The best was 2009-2011ish Sup Forums
I actually agree.
We moved on from closing the pool and trolling Scientology to affecting elections worldwide, taking down the intelligence agencies and exposing the pedophile rings.
The Golden Age was post-Cracky, pre-That Fucking Cat. Everything after DESU is cancer.
2011 was tits.
As in "tits or gtfo" or just tits?
I seem to recall it simultaneously being a lot more edgy in some respects and less edgy in others. I feel like this pic sums it up pretty well. Posts were a little more creative compared to the rest of the net at the time. There was a time where virtually every meme came from Sup Forums, and this is no longer the case. That's about all I remember.
I heard about the pool closing. That shit was glorious. I haven't heard much of the trolling of Scientology
(Lurked here since 3.5 - 4 Years) This seems like a Revolutionary Surgance than a Golden Age.
That's not to say this isn't our Prime. But a Golden Age could only be determined in hindsight. Much like trying to evaluate one's peak. I suppose we'll see. Never the less--What a Time to be alive!
We're living in the Golden Age right now. We create most popular memes, and get mainstream media attention all the time. We were really just a reclusive little swamp back in 2008.
I dont know... I heard of the pool closing and that shit became internet legend.
I suppose time will tell
this is the opinion of someone who came here under 2 years ago and is basing their viewpoint off of encyclopedia dramatica or jewtube videos
Either that or a serious case of rose colored glasses
It was literally the place you go late at night, incredibly comfy.
What memes don't come from here?
From what I can tell normalfag memes last around a week and then die.
I came here from Burichan in 2006 when they banned me for leeching dickgirl porn. It was a glorious time.
I get that sort of feeling now actually. Even when I browse Sup Forums or looking at that questionable paranormal shit on /x/.
I heard a little bit of burichan.
4chans golden age will begin in 3 years when trump gets reelected after we "hack" the election again. about the same time most of us who joined here as teens and have grown up here will start entering our 30's. Same as every other generation we wont truly come into power until we are about 35.
We will be a household name at that point and anyone who doesn't take our concerns seriously will deeply regret it.
been here since 06. what you wanna know? was it better? yes. It was more of fringe clique that wasnt well known. just think how much the internet has deteriorated since then. The same has happened to Sup Forums. once in a blue moon you see a glimpse of the old breed. Its the only thing that keeps me coming back.
>inb4 traps are why i come back
It was a clone that was mostly about porn. There were other chans we would go to when Sup Forums was down.
I think the left already does. The name "Sup Forums" already strikes fear into the hearts of many a commie, libtard, or other form of blue pilled individual
Sup Forums was a bit different in that we all did events together, games, landing on mars, etc. Didn't matter really what it was, you did it as a group. Similar to how Sup Forums does happenings.
of course, they were much, much more lighthearted than the happenings
Like eightchan in a certain sense? My friend who is a fellow user showed me it.
What exactly make someone like the old breed?
I think it's not so much what the topic is about but what makes this place great, perhaps the understated value of Expression of Passion toward anything offered to those who valued it.
Politics, Video Games, Anime, Porn, etc. This place brings people together, yet we challenge each other.
Were a consensus and it works.
It was weird not being able to talk to other people about Sup Forums for fear they would not know what you were on about. I met one guy irl once and it was awful. I mumbled something about mudkips and responded accordingly and we both just laughed uncomfortably becsuse we knew we were looking at another guy who has seen traps, image macros, and cp. Good times.
Sort of. They were little communities that were about niches in a nich community.
so rose colored glasses then? as someone who was already 18 when the migration from something awful started i must tell you that early chan (especially Sup Forums) is so fucking overrated these days its unbelievable. We have come very far since those days and most people who consider them superior only do so because they were underage or completely wasted the entire time
Haha. It was a friend who told me about the wonders of Sup Forums. He told me of the shitposting aspect, but when I got on for the first time. I saw what it really was: a place where people of common interests can congregate and "talk shop".
It was always shit
I dont know people tend to talk so highly of it
I was in my early 30s. What can I say? I enjoyed it.
>been here since 06. what you wanna know? was it better? yes
this statement basically proves that you are a retarded newfag who came here post 2010
thank god theres still a couple of og fags left
I'm here so it's now it's the golden age. When I leave it will be over.
Book it
Nothing has changed but more shills and less pingas.
I remember when the pingas jokes were actually funny
The only normalfag meme - whether it's a Twitter screenshot or a Tumblr comment chain or a Vine - is setting up a normative social environment and then making a joke about deviating from normative behavior.
This place was always a shit hole anonn and you should know that.
Double nigger days...some of the best days of our lives.
>"Sup Forums was never good" is a meme from when Sup Forums was good
Riddle me that, sempai
I miss when Sup Forums was for guro and /i/ was for coordinating the invasions of other sites.
But Sup Forums is too public to do that now.
old Sup Forums got more done.
The issue with normalfag memes is they're too inhibited by the constructs they comfortsize within. It's like trying to run with a broken leg. Some can't because they recoil from the pain. Where as others find the instinct to do so regardless of the pain.
It's not called Weaponized Autism for nothing.
I was a teenager 10 years ago and would go on Sup Forums. I, along with Sup Forums, was fucking retarded. I remember the Boxxy shit and the PedoBear shit being funny to me.
I'm glad this site has grown up along with me
I've seen some good points
Tumblr dogs was 4plebs peak. We were posting tumblr dogs like there was no tomorrow. Tumblr dogs meems tumblr dogs coins. So much coins. Then facebooks frogs had to ruin it. Raise kekles
Wow can’t believe how far down I had to go to find this
1 pinned post on forum
>dont make "redpill me on X posts"
(you) make your first post about "redpill me on x"
guess where sage went
The same thing when a friend brings in new friends into a group.
The same thing that happens to most things
The same thing happen when there's a hard press for originality , due to incredibly fierce competition
mute all the real people on your facebook feed and follow all the meme pages you can
this is what it was like
10 years ago Sup Forums was the tip of the spear of the internet. Today Sup Forums is the tip of the spear of the internet.
hell yeah realchina
Sup Forums is the superego of humanity's collective consciousness. it is natural. there is no alternative. it's the path of least resistance.
>you're going to get tired of winning
this, Sup Forums and Sup Forums gets nonchalantly thrown around by everyone now. There was a time when you REALLY didn't talk about it, or want to be associated with it
It wasn't shitposting and people cared enough to elaborate on their opinions. Then nazis took over; then m00t turned out to be a literal cuckhold (hence the insult's popularity, starting on 8ch), then FBI and dataminers took over; then CTR (now Shareblue) took over and Sup Forums is just shitty memes.
Sounds like heaven
I don't think there ever was or will be a golden age.
I started browsing around 2009. Back then, if you came in/or after 2007 you were a newfag. This date has moved and keeps moving as the years pass.
Back then it was more secretive, and in a way, smaller. Either people didn't know what Sup Forums was, or they did know and thought it was a horrible hellhole. As the years go on, the internet has been overran by "normies" and so has this place.
It's not that Sup Forums was different back then, it's that the internet was a much different place back then.
Here since 2007, you're only an oldfag if you've been 06' and before.
Sup Forums was just as mean, but a lot more was allowed.
lol xD
>lurk more faggot
Every refresh was something new and alive. I'm sorry if you didn't have a good time, but you you should have lurked more and stayed out of the containment threads. You read the wrong things and learned the wrong lessons. I'm laughing at the idea that you metastasized the cancer and are still posting here though.
Well, I think we took the rules more seriously. I friend who I called a weeaboo all the time and I think he knew what I was hinting at but we never actually brought it up until years later. He liked what the Chanology guys were doing but I didn't because there weren't enough lulz involved. Conversely I love the Harry Potter raids because they had msny lulz and wete doing some good but he hated them. Go figure.
To get to the gold you have to get through the stones, right?
Back then we were just allowed to exist as a social experiment. Now we're an independent power that only exists because people fear GamerGate times 100 if we were attacked/censored.
And honestly the worst time for us was right before GamerGate when we were so demoralized from the CIAniggers stealing anonymous during chanology that we unironiclly hated memes and considered them a sign of redditors.
I started browsing Sup Forums back in 2007. Maybe I just new to Sup Forums or just really any new internet community, but it was just very interesting to me. Every single thread on the board was interesting in some way and there were no cuck posters, nowadays that just doesn't happen.
And it's funny because we're still just as edgy except we stopped posting CP all the time.
We bent society instead of getting tamed by it.
I browsed /b a few times many many moons ago before the containment subs and it was pretty much just 99% degeneracy and gore so i didn't stick around long as liveleak wasnt cucked back then and provided a decent community and content. I came to Sup Forums around the election hype and it just felt like home.
Honestly I think that we've push back to a degree where we're the only powerful remnant from the old internet.
Besides the Goon SJW Illuminati of course.
Tits or gtfo
Current Sup Forums isn't bad, it's been worse overall.
2003-2008 Sup Forums was the big boogeyman board
2008-2014 Sup Forums was the big boogeyman board
2014-current Sup Forums is the big boogeyman board
My theory as to why these boards get like this is because of all the OC created by the board's community. Early Sup Forums everything was made on Sup Forums, the anonymous there were known as Sup Forumstards to the rest of the internet. Sup Forums was a pro free speech place where anything went, most of the internet back then was not used to that concept at all, thus Sup Forums and Sup Forums got a reputation for being a really scary place.
Can't say why but the demographic eventually shifted to Sup Forums. Might be because Sup Forums was putting out some good OC back then. Old Sup Forums was one of the comfy boards (even when Sup Forums reigned supreme) the only bad thing was every other post was a trip fag
Then finally GG happened and as we all know, the rabbit hole that GG led us down wound up redpilling ALOT of Sup Forumsirgins who just wanted to play video games. That coupled with the fact that Sup Forums and Sup Forums in general was being censored made all the oldfags who realized it's importance goto 4+Sup Forums (where all the OC is made these days) while retards from R_tD, shills who think this place is important and runoff from the election come here.
If I had to describe what Sup Forums was like back in the 05-07 times, I would say just really fun and laid back before normalfags got onto the internet and it was only video game, anime, tech nerds on Sup Forums.
Post Chanology when Sup Forums got super edgy and fucked over random people for lulz.
This guy gets it
We're leaking into real life, we still haven't peaked yet
Sup Forums was never good. Anyone who says otherwise wasn't there.
t.04 ancientfag
yeah but it gets old, and you mature memetically i guess
Believe me, it wasn't all that special compared to now. Less happenings. The good thing was that it was more Nation Socialist, it still is, but it was better before you reddit niggers came. However, wouldn't trade it for today.
I see
Friendly reminder that over half of the people posting on Sup Forums cane here during the election.
Anybody who didn't lurk Sup Forums a minimum of 2 years should not post.
Fuck off double nigger
it's just the lifecycle of memes. danker memes have longer lives until they ascend into their own memetic categories. e.g. there is a pepe of every other meme.
memes are mostly manufactured here, and they flow out to shittier sites and are sanitized until they finally die.
meme death is when you're bored of a meme
the anons that say Sup Forums or Sup Forums was never good are 1) repeating a meme from that era and 2) reflecting on memes using their current bias described above
basically, you have to always keep moving, just like life
>I wouldn't really call myself a newfag as I started lurking these boards about 4 years ago
You're a newfag, newfag.
Mcfucking kill yourself
So memes have a sort of ripple effect?
Sup Forums day was 11 years ago
And you're African. Your point?
it's all just culture, so yeah. it's like growth, which is all life does. expand, devour, metabolize
This is an obvious info gathering thread for an enemy of this community in some capacity
Shill thread
I notice some memes go through a form of resurgence as well
That you're cancer and the popularity of Sup Forums is 100% making Sup Forums worse.
Especially since most of you dumbfucks are normalfucks who think you're in good company.
>"but that's beside the point"
Then why did you mention it, newfag
You would be horribly wrong. I'm just a guy curious about Sup Forums's history, user
Been here since 2006.
We produced more memes on Sup Forums back around 2007-2010 and were more edgy and shock based and would raid shit to look cool
Now we're edgy without trying because most people here hate niggers and nazis instead of just using the word nigger/faggot and racism for shock effect.
I think the main thing that's changed is we're less humor based and more logic and political based now that we're on Sup Forums. We still have plenty of lulz but we get more shit accomplished than WE R LE ANONYMOOSE WE DID IT FOR THE LULZ. God, looking back old Sup Forums was cringey.
think of things in terms of a hivemind, an aggregate being. relate it to yourself. you are a part of it and it is a part of you
A lot less normalfags since using the site on a mobile browser was inconvenient as hell
anons didn't take things so fucking seriously that it would bleed into real life, outside of fucking over people dumb enough to kick the hornets nest or be a flagrant newfag
Talking like you just hopped off twitter or facebook was ridiculed, ergo the current wordfilters in place