>A source close to the negotiations said there were “a lot of very angry people, a lot of very pissed off leaders” at the meeting.
>“The Canadians screwed everybody,” they said.
A source close to the negotiations said there were “a lot of very angry people...
Is that the infamous Canadian powerbomb?
Bret screw Bret.
Anyway isn't kevin Owens old finishers?
can we be a country yet?
I want to live in this timeline.
Leafs have upped their shitposting game to new heights
TPP is a fucking globalist cancer, it needs to die, who cares.
>what the fuck is JT doing to that kid? Trafficked Haitian?
Didn’t Trudeau literally call up Trump directly and begged him not to remove TPP?
Ya he's a fucking globalist mascot for crissakes. Of course he went to bat for his ((bosses)).
>try living in a country with this cunt at the helm
I remember some guy on Sup Forums claimed he had a good friend who's father worked for the canadian secret service or the cia or some shit, and he had a dossier of dirt on different politicians. Supposedly, the picture that emerged of him with that kid in the forest is a screen cap from a CP video that had surfaced. They scrubbed the video and then released the news story about him coming across a family in the forest to cover it up.
Even if it was a LARP, tradeau has an extremely rapey expression on his face in that photo
Why's everyone trippin? Justin just got a little fucked up & couldn't go. He was afraid that they would all know.
no wonder china will invade the mountain jews
they'll be mounted & screwed
another piece of the puzzle just clicks into place
ww3 is coming bitches, bet on it
He probably did this because his Chinese masters told him not to sign.
Any sauce? I doubt the story really but the photo is weird. Still his family's foundation sports a confirmed FBI pedo logo per my previous post. When I stumbled upon this it really freaked me out.
>The Canadians screwed everybody
Our shitposting is too extreme that we piss everyone off, even world leaders.
Diversity is our strength.
But seriously. Didn't even turn up? Wtf? Its a massive conference, you're a world leader, everyone is waiting on you. Where the fuck was he? Looks so amateur.
Fucking gold.