Holy Shit - 100% /Our Prof/


"Peterson, who rose to fame in right-wing circles after his outspoken refusal to use gender-neutral pronouns, says he wants to use artificial intelligence to scour university curriculums for what he "calls post-modern neo-Marxist course content.""

>calls post-modern neo-Marxist course content

"I'm hoping that over about a five-year period a concerted effort could be made to knock the enrolment down in postmodern neo-Marxist cult classes by 75 per cent across the West. So our plan initially is to cut off the supply to the people that are running the indoctrination cults.""

"Women's studies, and all the ethnic studies and racial studies groups, man, those things have to go and the faster they go the better," he said. "It would have been better if they had never been part of the university to begin with as far as I can tell."

"Sociology, that's corrupt. Anthropology, that's corrupt. English literature, that's corrupt. Maybe the worse offenders are the faculties of education."

>"Women's studies, and all the ethnic studies and racial studies groups, man, those things have to go and the faster they go the better,"

"So you can consider this a prophecy from me if you want. Inside the collective is a beast and the beast uses its fists. If you wake up the beast then violence emerges. I'm afraid that this continual pushing by radical left wingers is going to wake up the beast," he said.

>I'm afraid that this continual pushing by radical left wingers is going to wake up the beast

Clearly, /Our Prof/.

Other urls found in this thread:


they've created this monster. now there will be consequences

Digits confirm

>"So you can consider this a prophecy from me if you want. Inside the collective is a beast and the beast uses its fists. If you wake up the beast then violence emerges. I'm afraid that this continual pushing by radical left wingers is going to wake up the beast," he said.

LOL what a weenie.

Hes a hack


>implying we want them to stop
Shut the fuck up Peterson. Let them go so far even normies go full 1488. We’ll lose a few weak minded indoctrinated limp wristed faggots, sure. Collateral damage.
Also, being in Brazil reminds me how much I love the white race. We truly are head and shoulders above the rest


How soon will it be ready?

Is Brazil worth visiting? Patrice O’Neal used to heap praise on the whores there. Is City of God a meme?

I wonder where feminists, cucks, and niggers all get this false sense of security, that they think they can continue, escalate even, their efforts to flagellate whole generations of people who were in no way connected to past crimes without things turning violent on them?

Beat and kick a dog for long enough, drive him into a corner and heap upon his back abuse and all you'll get in the end is a rage-filled furball with teeth who wont hesitate to tear out your jugular at the first opportunity.

Peterson speaks from a place of genuine concern as to where your communities are headed and all the libtards can do is point their crooked finger of scorn, laugh derisively, and alternate between circlejerking each other and cannibalizing their disparate movements with internecine bickering and fighting.

tl;dr Leftards will be first ones targeted and, seemingly, the last ones to know about it coming.

How long until the university shuts him down?

I just rubbed off a girl to orgasm, while licking her ass the whole time in the Men's restroom. We were dancing for about 2 hours before in club. My knees have urine from previous slob's mess.

Did I do bad Sup Forums?

>this is the "person" calling you degenerate

He's damn right they're cults.
Why do you think they push people into "coming out". It's part of the cult process.

Brush your teeth and say your prayers

>says he wants to use artificial intelligence to scour university curriculums for what he "calls post-modern neo-Marxist course content.""
Emphasis on the neo part. There may be some useful knowledge yet we can learn from Marx, albeit, a small amount.

>stop learning what I don't like
Doesn't he realize he's doing the same thing? He's basically a cult leader at this point with a cult following, it's so ironic it hurts

he's pretending to be a doomsayer but you can tell he actually wants it to happen

The problem is these fucktards don’t actually read Marx. Thomas Sowell’s Marxism is a pretty comprehensive overview.

Getting indoctrinated =/= learning
But of course it's the fucking leaf that has to protect the cancer killing society

Power level concealed? “Strengthen the individual” == become the ubermensch?

the problem is that Marx has reasonable criticisms of capitalism, but everything else he says is retarded, including his solutions to the criticisms he wrote about

Well yeah, he has said that himself.

Except his process would just be documenting and publicizing the contents of classes and involves no coercion. Think of it as the ingredients list for classes. Do you call it cult like if people stop buying or supporting products in mass? Because that's all he's encouraging.

>I'm afraid that this continual pushing by radical left wingers is going to wake up the beast
There are NO brakes on this train.

>The problem is these fucktards don’t actually read Marx.
If they studied old marxism, they wouldn't be what they currently are.

I think new thought taking in all ideologies on production - like capitalism, marxism, even facism and technocracy - needs to occur.
We aren't redeveloping our productive system quickly enough and the more it lags, the worse it get's for people.

Gamification for example may be near the right track (though I fear it will be misused).
Furthermore, people don't seem to get that hoarding money doesn't actually improve your situation, and that it needs to be invested in order to fulfil it's usage as a thing.
Otherwise it's just paper and it is a wasted opportunity to stimulate production.

He does.

Marx was a thinker.
His followers were not.

>Clearly, /Our Prof/.
No shit dude

>"As a science professor, I'm not specifically targeted, but I still believe this website is morally wrong,"

Wouldn't it be morally wrong to indoctrinate young people into the cult of sjw?

It's okay to be white

He's going to go blanco!

Ayy cabron, tu tries triples tambien wey!
Anyways, I do a little regret, but a guy is horny with a 7 month dry spell.
>tfw have pungent smell deep in my nostrils as I digged and scraped in a sludge of her coagulated ass sweat

Jordan gives me hope for this world

Fascism sought to create a balance between individual development and collective but not sure it was ever around long enough to be properly realised. Communism succumbs to the collective whilst we live in extreme individualist hyper capitalism currently which is assisting in destroying ancestral lands and ethnic identity through corporate multinationals relentlessly pushing globalism.

Remember this moment as you call someone else a degenerate


>makes over $50,000 a month on patreon
it's so obviously a scam it's actually infuriating that more people don't see through it

>yfw a large portion of Trump's base would sign up for RWDS. We've got more guns too.

t. Sociology major


He does clinical work with fucking millionaires, he doesn't give a shit about money.

Peterson is doing so much for Canada. It's a shame there isn't many people like him

already tried, (((The Rebel Media))) set up a go fund me that got him $100,000s of Canadian monopoly queen bucks.

This is the only thing our country has that I can be proud of. Peterson is the man

moron huckster

>licking a strange girls ass in a nightclub bathroom

>It's a shame there isn't many people like him
There's not that many people in the world who are biologically capable to be like him.

Marx actually had some very interesting things to say about his vision for people being free to explore and reach their full potential as individuals rather than as mere wage earners. It’s hard to read him as a collectivist at all in some passages. I think he would have hated the USSR, Mao, Castro, etc.

is he our goy boy

>doesn't give a shit about money
>has a patreon
You can only choose one.

>while licking her ass
What a kiss ass.


>Terrible meme
>Not a shill

>he works with millionaires
>that means they give him millions

>reeeeee how dare he exchange value for currency

People kept trying to send him money so he set it up to go toward his research projects.

Why is it bad that he is getting money for providing a service for free?
All of his lectures from like 2014 forward are online and he is doing more than anyone else to save the west right now
Are you against people getting money from hard work?


What are you talking about, American's love him. He filled a 2000 seat theater in McMinnville Oregon after Linfield College got triggered and cancelled his talk.

You're incredibly retarded. Really, I was thinking to refute your point, but, you are not worth the time.

Do you know how expensive psychiatric treatment is?

What do you mean by value and what do you mean by currency?
t. Jordan Peterson starting an endless loop of ironically post modern bullshit

Marx I thought you were dead.

Also in Britain

What benefit is there to using super high-tech-sounding AI (actually just simple Bayesian document classification) to evaluate the likelihood that a class is neo-Marxist indoctrination?

We all know which classes are such. People take them because that’s what they want to study, not because there’s any question as to whether it’s SJW bullshit.

This, WLP said if there'd been 1000 men in the US like GLR, we'd be living in a white ethnostate right now. Thing is, some people are singular.

You think this is a joke? I started lifting weights, learning martial arts and combat training to deal with the hard times again. You're fucked, soyboy.

The beast is the cursed one the jews worship in the Synagogue of Satan.
They are a cursed people, not only cursed by Jesus but he also said that even the wicked men of Sodom would be judged less harshly than the jews.
Even the men of Sodom will be disgusted by the jews and ask god to punish them.

And we are the beast.

Left Wingers are forcing us into this. We have no other option.

And it's hard to read Adam Smith and imagine how it implies an aggressive militaristic foreign policy acting as an international police force for big business but that's what happens.

Is any of his shit worth buying?


>city of god

You would not leave alive, lol.

Some parts are worth visiting, except not really. There's no culture to take in going there, it's just Latin America. The nigger parts suck, the pardo parts suck, the white parts are Europe Lite but still in shit hole Latin America. Go at your own peril.

Future authoring program I guess but you can DIY and it really is helpful

OP I would be upset if your the one that put that " before "calls post-modern".

Get out cunt

MFW and Checked.

I am if their main goal is to inform people and make them think. Molymeme has millions in Bitcoin and still e-begs in every video. That is unseemly and takes away from his cause. AFAIK, Peterson never shills his Patreon and he was asks by his supporters to create one so I see no issue with what he's doing.

(you) know anyone who has used one?

Nobody has any worth other than being wage earner. Earning a wage ensures you are contributing functionally. The first thing that would happen if people could do whatever they want is that they would become lazy and invent useless irrelevant things or nothing at all, a financial medium ensures that the things that are created are functional and useful in a more collective manner and not a manner that a "council" decides. Useless shit that is created is weeded out under this system collectively and works very good. It ensures there's no waste.

I coulden't imagine how someone could industrialize something under a Marxist system without money and have it be properly judged as it cannot be bought or measured as useful in any way other than by council which is shit.



he is a total fucking jew

look at his paytreon and you can tell


No, I am just a lonely costarrican trying to sort himself out


Now pay attention Sup Forums. THIS is a leaf.

So he literally is one of us.


>post-modern neo-Marxist
Shit, nigga, I'dve been down if you had just called it Marxist or postmodernist, but that buzzword salad just sets off my bullshit detector.

Peterson has some good ideas (especially about the increasing irrelevance of traditional higher education for the masses), but sometimes he seems more like a snake oil salesman/controlled oppositon plant than a genuine person.


The digits, not the ass licking

>not because there’s any question as to whether it’s SJW bullshit.
you talk about these people like they're well-read and well-educated. They're college students

Oh no! Struck too close to home for you, did he, creative writing major?

If you've ever heard him lecture, you'd know he's likely one of the great psychological minds of this generation.

Guarantee his book "Maps of Meaning" will be relevant in his field for generations to come.

How dare people voluntarily give him money in exchange for goods and or services. He has full courses on his YouTube for free while I pay 10k a year to go to university I dont mind throwing him a few bucks here and there.

Do you hate jews, or do you just hate success?

>anyone who gets any prominence or money is a shill

Should this man run for prime minister in the future?
Who knows?
But most likely WILL NOT!

He wouldn't care. $60+K / month ($720K / year), and a world-wide audience already.

That's probably why he's getting so bold.

he hates successful non-Jews

start at 4:30
He explains how they're in relation

>I wonder where feminists, cucks, and niggers all get this false sense of security, that they think they can continue, escalate even, their efforts to flagellate whole generations of people

Marxism is a religion which, like most religions, predicts its own inevitable triumph over everything else, though their Rapture comes with a veneer of semi-scientific terminology.

Its believers necessarily believe that history is a mechanical process, a machine that is moving inevitably towards pure Communism. That's why you get stuff like "the wrong side of history" from them. They think the whole world is PROGRESSING towards a preordained conclusion, and everything that hastens that is good, and everything that delays it is bad.

So, that's where they get it. They think the entire Universe is pushing them towards a guaranteed victory.