What is "White"?

If you had a white ethno-state, would you base it off looks or genes?

Pic related (I know these are mutts, but its an extreme example to prove a point that genes doesnt not = looks)

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I am the only white person on Sup Forums

Obviously the genes. Genes make ethnic group, not looks

DNA tests. If your DNA isn't Germanic, Celtic, or Slavic. You aren't allowed in. Excellent way to purge Jews as well.

race is a spectrum. Guy on left may be 51% white, but 49% black.

Guy on right could be 44% "white" but maybe the rest is Asian or Native American. I'd rather have the latter than the former

Also, assuming you can't enough 100% whites to make up a population, and were froced to take in non 100% whites, would you consider other races as most similar to whites than others?

For example, would 80% white 20% asian be better than 90% white 10% black?

Or does it make no difference at all.. 90/10 and 90/10 white-asian and white-black be the same? (IF FORCED TO PICK)

This is exactly my point, in my post What do other anons think?

Would you prefer more genetically white people even if they had dark brown hair and brown eyes vs blue eyed blonde white-mutts? I know this is a very specific case but its possible, which do you give priority?

Ideally, an accomplished Ethonostate would have people who's roots are from within the shaded area, by and large. Others would be considered on a case by case basis, as not all human accomplishment came from this area, just most of it.

As for race mixed people... I haven't seen a study as to how much of that a homogeneous and successful culture can withstand.

80% or 100% if u wanna be a pure nigger
u can tell who is white and who isnt

I mean it also depends on the looks. My mom is white, grandpa on my dads side is white, and grandma is majority white and like 20% native. I ended up about 90%-92% white and the rest native american. I have a strong jawline, upturned nose, pale skin, green eyes(were blue as a kid), and red hair. I look whiter than some all white people. It really depends on phenotypes and how recessive the genes of the mixture are. Native genes are even more recessive than white. Look at Link Ray, he's half native.

The moment you accept mongrels you lose the fight you were fighting for. And even full chink are preferable to part nigs like Richard Spencer, since negroes are literally subhuman
Scarlet Johansson can burn in hell. I’m getting shitfaced with Sean Connery

>Would you prefer more genetically white people even if they had dark brown hair and brown eyes vs blue eyed blonde white-mutts
yes extremely so, not everyone pro-white is Varge tier autistic

>part nigs like spencer
you what

Being of European and ONLY European descent. Notice the emphasis on only?

>And even full chink are preferable to part nigs like Richard Spencer, since negroes are literally subhuman
Fuck off mongoloid faggot. Full chinks are not better than someone with .01 groid on a dna test from a company that is know to be inaccurate in the first place.

where do you draw the line? Even Europeans may be mix due to trade and invaders, itll be very little but how white is white enough? 99% 98% 90%?

Genes and no Immigration it will always end up with Slavs or other people swarming your Country because economically they are garbage


>I am the only white person on Sup Forums

They can’t be. Stop trying to present mongrels as Europeans
any amount of negroid must be wiped out from the face of earth. It’s literally non-human shit just like abbo. We can wiped out niggers and arabs with a biovirus, but said biovirus would slay Jews, ahMeds and those like Richard Spencer too. A price worth paying

stop hiding your flag canada

Anglos BTFO


Genes, majority european at least at first but once youre established increase the standards to 2 thirds european genes

fuck off nigger

A fucking slav nigger telling who is and isnt white

Do they identify as European? Truly? Most 75% white "African Americans" do nothing but ask for gibs and complain about whitey. If they are mostly white and are pro-white I am fine with not gassing them. That is a minority of these mutts though.

mong even castizos look and behave almost identical to mestizos
>regime that accepted half Jewish subhumans represents racial hygiene

Oh. Hey, Dick!

Says you're 0.1% sub-saharan African. Sorry m8!

No amount of negro or abbo must stay on the planet. Sterilization for useful, extermination for most. Geneticists have know for a long time we Whites are actually only about .5 or.6 percent away genetically from African negroids. Most people leap on this fact and claim their is so little difference it is pointless to consider. We as humans also share 97% of our DNA with daisies, 98% of our DNA with dogs and are only roughly 1% away from chimps.

What is not discussed openly is the fact that .1% difference in DNA is enormous. Sub Saharan negroids are literally closer in DNA to chimps then they are to humans. What is even more interesting is the idea that since we can breed with them and produce offspring we are the same. This is a logical fallacy, dogs can be bred with wolves and produce healthy offspring, as can horses and donkeys though it is always a sterile combination.

It is biologically possible for humans to produce an offspring with most of the great apes. Yet would such an act ever be condoned as moral or more importantly beneficial? Sub Saharan negroids much like abbos in Australia and pygmies in New Guinea are a separate branch of human evolution. The great divide of the Sahara both shielded them from more advanced peoples who would have gladly wiped them out in centuries past or more than likely the Sahara protected us from mixing with an inferior species and creating a sub optimal spawn.

Now with modern sensibilities where life in the advanced part of the world is bereft of real threat or danger we willingly allow the reversal of the triumph of nature to produce the greatest version of Humanity it possibly could.

shoot the nigger before you rip his teeth out

that is the essence of white