Top Kek. Nobody believes fake news WaPo
seems decades of lying to people for political purposes has finally run its course
The only ones who believe it are RINO bastards that want an excuse to get rid of a usurper.
name of that blonde?
Aren't there polls showing the Democrat tied with moore? Who the fuck is running the polls?
It's simply too fake. It's obvious that it's a political stunt and people are completely desensitized to these ploys. It came out now because it's a coordinated attack and even dumb normies get it.
liberals on suicide watch
Democracy dies in fake news
Hottie McHotfuck
but we elected trannies in viriginia you shitlord!!!!
Hillary will surely win the election
>dyed hair
into the trash
>Who the fuck is running the polls?
Nate Silver?
This. They've used it too much. I can't believe it's the only weapon they actually have
Polls have never been more useless. It can't be too long before they're simply not referred to at all anymore now that they're not the effective manipulation tool they once were
originally they were legitimate and polling can be statistically sound but since the media just became an arm of the DNC it's all shilling
Nate silver had good numbers, but he refused to listen to them. I think he was at 2:1 favoring hillary that night by his model, which was more than the 99% that the New york times gave out. Problem is that you can only guess voter turnout based on previous elections and pre-election polling, and so you can't easily account factors like people's excitement for obama or the demographic turnout difference.
Roy Moore will never win.
>I stand with HER
Police reports, rape kit report, videos, audio... anything?
>They have witnesses
They're no better than an acting troupe without physical evidence.
This is "He said / She said"; not worth investing time and energy.
>I stand with her
Will you stand with her at the Clinton's trials and take some of the blame yourself?
Didn't think so.
Learn to /satirical/, user
well instead of electing someone pretending to know what he's doing you just go ahead and take the mentally retarded one, things can only get more exciting that way
Based Bama is safest red state there is. Roy Moore is /theirguy/
>being this dense
God this place sucks since plebbit has overrun it.
>not one
The Washington (((ComPost))) it really reliable.
Please these confederate rednecks probably just got a news station last year in budweiser ass rape Alabama. No way they compare with a newspaper nearly 150 years old.
Jesus.....Republicans truly are demeneted, low IQ, degenerate low information voters.
Kalergi was right, white genocide is necessary for humanity.
Yes I should believe a propagand outlet for Roy Moore.
Imagine how many kikes are literally shaking that the goys aren't believing what they're telling them to believe.
Not even the deep state leftist GOPe kikes believe their own lies.
This post is part of a concerted shilling effort to erode support for Roy Moore before the election. Listen to the Hannity interview.
Kikes are for Moore. He’s the most pro Israeli POLITICAN ever. So is kikebart
all conservatives are pedo lovers so its not surprising
So what?
>believing kikebart
When did old ragging boomer faggots take over this board?
I get it you love pedos and Israel like Moore.
You've convinced me.
Relax, ID: y cum squirL
also, we both forgot to check that one dense nigger
Bet it's a Amy or a Rebecca
Just look at her face
>So what?
You threw out the term kike but admit you don’t care about kikes. You are a disinformation agent.
I guess I'm no longer right wing because you called someone a kike. Well done, checkmate.
>the anti-Bannon deep state shill appears
Say hi to your comrade Moarpheus for me.
>We must remember that Israel is the United States' most important ally and partner in the Middle East and should reject agreements or policies that undermine Israel's security. We should pass the Taylor Force Act and move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem.
Thank you for sharing your blue
You must be an Ian.
Now do his opponent.
Fuck off bannon
How Virginia go for you? Child lover
Hello Jew
My poor naive child
The fix the polls to get the fellow right wingers to turn against them fearing backlash from their constituents.
Lauren Walsh
Bannon is alt lite, still better than GOPe and cuckservatives we have now. Fuck you, shill. It's been an absolute shitstorm of shilling today.
The only pedos here are you and your leftist Reagan Batallion comrades.
Nobody believes anything anymore for better or worse. Oh well can't blame em
WAPO = Wipe All Poo Off
The response is too fucking scripted and robotic. The most bullshit of scandals ever.
Sanctimonious attitude of CNN
Even Jake Tapper looks like he can barely contain himself, reading the bullshit he's told to spit out.
Acting like the past 2 years didn't happen.
Acting like neocons, establishment GOP, Democrats, and the mainstream media have had their reputations run through the mud.
They just tried and failed pulling this sort of shit on Trump last year.
The reason we think Podesta is a pedo is because he is widely reported by neutral sources (with photos), from long before the election, to enjoy deliberately disturbing art (which overlaps pedo stuff, in its subject matter).
The reason we think Hillary is a pedo is she spent much more time on Epstein's plane than Bill, and she went out of her way to rescue a child abductor in Haiti, and whenever her organization leaves a country there is a string of pedo arrests -- all of these depend on undisputed, publicly available documents.
The reason they want us to think that Moore is a pedo is this one time this one chick said this one thing.
See why we win?
How does it feel like to yell your bullshit and be dismissed as the little shit you are?
Seriously, it must get you so mad that people in this board won't just listen and believe like anyone else:
Not even normies will follow like sheep anymore, even they realise this is typical democrat playbook and won't give you 10 seconds to talk about your bullshit accusations..
lol fuck you jew
lol. these "people" just don't see what's coming there way, from the elites to the retard morons posting their inane drivel on Sup Forums, and God knows elsewhere. rest assured brother, the day of the rope for ALL of them is coming nigh....
It was such an obvious hitjob. Literally the only people who believe it are people who want it to be true. And even they probably know it's bullshit.
These people had a machine that worked perfectly for over a century -- public experts, celebrity endorsement, mass media, organized opprobrium -- and then tech sped up.
No shit nobody belives it. Its fake as fuck. It happened way too quickly. Also its in alabama. The least shitlib state there is. If moore loses, its rigged as fuck.
The main claim is from Leigh Corfman. Says she was 14 back when this happened almost 40 years ago. It appears all traces and breadcrumbs of her have been scrubbed.
Here's the big kicker: Roy Moore is as controversial as they come. He's been a pain in many of asses for years. His major haters would have loved for this to come up during his Ten Commandments stand, or anti-gay marriage stand, but not a peep at all back then.
all she could find was lizards!
Come at me bro
this is obviously a failed hatchet job, with the complicity of the GOPe swamp, bc they are starting to see the writing on the wall, and are very scared.
on a related note, original research I just put together. add more fuel to the suspicion fires.
>in the last 9 weeks of 2016, there was only 27 total indictments in the US District Court (i.e. podesta, manafort, et al Court). in less than 2 weeks in Nov 2017, there are been almost 30 sealed indictments filed. that number is orders of magnitude larger than last years workload. there’s no fucking way that’s random.
I bet this is (establishment) bipartisan effort to fuck Moore over. The neocons jumping on this so quickly makes me believe that it was a coordinated hit job between the Dems and EReps. The Romney tweet was a dead giveaway. Both democrats and establishment republicans hate Moore and are pulling out all the stops to get rid of him. McConnell spent how much money running against Moore?
quit reading my mind
We both see the writing on the wall m8. Moore’s best option is to take a play out of Trump’s book and deny everything and move forward as if it’s all complete bullshit. If he gives them an inch, it’s over.
they're getting scared. i'll spam this again bc it's important and show why they are getting this desperate.
>in the last 9 weeks of 2016, there was only 27 total indictments in the US District Court (i.e. podesta, manafort, et al Court). in less than 2 weeks in Nov 2017, there are been almost 30 sealed indictments filed. that number is orders of magnitude larger than last years workload. there’s no fucking way that’s random.
Got links on that material? I’d like to read more into it.
>The neocons jumping on this so quickly makes me believe that it was a coordinated hit job between the Dems and EReps.
Also Evan McMuffin is a dead giveaway.
They are not subtle, even basic normalfags I know at work deduced this was dirty DNC/deep state fuckery.
You’re right. If they would’ve slow rolled this and let it develop more it wouldn’t be so unbelievable. But they dog piled it so hard that it reeks of fabrication. Normies are starting to get wise on the MSM fuckery, the only people that are pushing this are people who despise Moore. They went too big too fast.
Who is she? Hothothot
>They went too big too fast.
My theory is that they are getting gaslighted by the hordes of dumb lefties on their twitter pages praising them, funny how liberals are all about sucking neocon dick now.
i put it together myself using a couple different sources.
for historical records from the court, i had to go to website, and Court calendar, and filter to hearings from 2016 and count up.
for their being 34 sealed indictments, i've seen screenshots but been skeptical. BUT lawnewz, which is actually a pretty reputable legal site, has a story about "34 sealed indictments causing a lot of rumors in DC".
out 2+2 together, and we have a picture that is getting very, very inderdasting.
I love adopting Alinsky tactics. The left has fucked us for too long, and now we are finally the smarter group overall (thanks for kicking out the white men, kikes).
>funny how little liberals are all about sucking neocon cock these days
This itself is such a telltale sign that this is all bullshit. Liberals are fucking idiots, obviously. I just wish they were honest idiots.
Interesting. Thanks for the info buddy. No wonder these fucks are pulling out all the stops.
The same people that all jumped on Trump after that coordinated access Hollywood tape
>does a man on the street segment in Columbiana.
My god why? Alabaster fag reporting in.
top fucking kek. never went to alabama but it sounds based as fuck
Well of course, they're breitbart plants. Are you people really that fucking dumb?
About fucking time too, but still some boomer faggots are still too used to the same old failed tactics
>he thinks breitbart has plants
Columbiana is also the place full of retards who voted for Bentley so i'm not surprised
my pleasure. forgive the poor "their" grammar. good bourbon and researching is helpful, but not for spelling.
but the more dots we all help each other connect, the closer we got to bringing this cabal to its ignominious fucking end. just playing my small part. keep up your own good work based leaf. Castro straight up ditching the TPP is a step in the right direction for you lads.
Local news ABC 33/40 did a segment which the media ignored and brierbart picked up and covered. That's why the segment way done in a sleepy part of Shelby County Alabama most people haven't heard of.
Montevallo here, fuck Shelby County
Yeah the timing and coordination with these “allegations” is very suspect. Moore has been a prick in the side of the progressives for fucking ever without a peep of this sexual misconduct but as soon as he makes a play for federal office, dirt magically appears. The trump tape was no different. (((They))) waited until the moment they thought they could optimize damage.