What if a dirty bomb or multiple went off in Europe and it's being covered up as an "accident" to stop a backlash?
What if a dirty bomb or multiple went off in Europe and it's being covered up as an "accident" to stop a backlash?
Seems like Israel has been doing that a lot lately.
Likely. The prevailing winds blow to the east. It's a bit of a story to say that the winds carried fallout from Russia to Europe.
didn't all of Europe get irradiated after Chernobyl?
even a few smoke alarms taped to a normal bomb would technically be a 'dirty bomb' and would mean millions of dollars in clean up and evactuation.
What's this in relation to user?
weird how it's Russia getting blamed again too... hmmm
radioactive particles are being detected around europe now with no apparent cause.
Wow aussies really are retarded.
mass immigration of European whites to America when
the isotopes detected have a 360ish day half life.
they had to have been created in a functioning reactor during the last year or two.
Oh don't worry. Those are the new code words for Muslims because we got wise to 'gas leaks'
Memba those weird towers in New York?
don't know
don't care
Aussie thinks nothing is something.
>didn't all of Europe get irradiated after Chernobyl?
Sweden let the world know something went wrong just from detection of c-114 iirc.
Technically he's correct. Nice waste of digits and a brain.
it just happened nobody knows anything right now
Nice digits
>mfw dirty bomb goes off filled with enhanced plague from Madagascar
>explosion placed in the middle of Europe
>forty percent of the European population gets infected
>at least half die
>mostly the younger generations
>Europeans actually on the brink of extinction now
>starts war in last ditch effort to maintain race and sovereignty
>lose war due to low population
>even more Europeans die
>breeding age population at less then point five percent
>overwhelmed and outbreed the last Europeans escape to Serbia
>never heard from for hundreds of years
>one thousand years later
>rolls now reversed
>white men discovered in log cabins out in the wilderness
>seen as savages by superior black man
>taken into slavery to build space ships at a low capitalist price
the plague would just depopulate the continent completely retard, niggers aren't immune
also a dirty bomb isn't biological it's radioactive
>detectors contain only 1 microcurie of Am-241
>Am-241 produces only alpha radiation
>Can be blocked by skin or 6 inches of air
>a few = dirty bomb
At least pretend to know what you're talking about.
I said technically.