when did Sup Forums become christian?
Christfags, why
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It's never too late to accept Jesus Christ into you're heart user
Daily Reminder: Shariablue shills are out in full force causing infighting and sliding threads.
Just sage and move on.
yeah but why
when did it ever stop being so jewish? nailed what? a beautfiul story of the ultimate sacrifice made for by God whom created you and for your fat stupid ass?
my parents created me, jesus just watched. what a perv.
allahu ackbar
you cant save yourself. your parents made shit
they tell me im a nice young man though
>when did Sup Forums become christian?
Since its inception.
>Shariablue shills are out in full force causing infighting and sliding threads.
So what are they sliding?
Christ had nothing to do with that stuff so stop blaspheming and being edgy. you need to put more brined salmon on your bagels and cut some holes in your sheets. i dont care what either of you say. bye
i remember it being a pretty vile place. it still is, but now people are christian. what happened?
cant help it, i'm the edgiest. just wanna talk bout jesus, aint got time for that?
Reminder: the only reason you'll go into hell is if you deny the Lord Jesus Christ, repent, it is the age of Grace and there is no better gift than eternal life
>“He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God. And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.”
John 3:18-19 KJV
Sup Forums became Christian precisely when that set of beliefs became the contrarian views to proclaim, as measured against the background of an increasingly secular mainstream society.
Christianity is a religion for wimps. Just turn the other cheek! I have more respect for Pagans than you sheep.
you cant even beat a shitty state with 10 million jews and you call others wimp. go kill yourself worthless animal
Moore, hollywood scandals, happenings in Lebanon, etc.
nope, but we are at least trying and not being ruled by them like you faggots. quran is very clear on what will happen to them.
When we realized the jews were pure evil thereforrrrrr jesus is christ
>nope, but we are at least trying and not being ruled
LMAO your peopple live in little more mud tent under their iron boots. youre not trying shit unless you call an attempt at stabbing a month ''doing something'' you trashy dune coon.
You should be fucking celebrating everyday how nice you are to you animals we could wipe you and your disgusting cult from the face of the earth in a month if we really wanted. Hopefully fascism will eventually retake over id like you to still talk shit at that time subhuman
It never did. It is and always will be Egyptian pagan
keep moving atheist, this here is a christian board.
your country is becoming more muslim no matter how much you kick and scream. fascism will not come back, deep in your heart you know this. stop fighting with god and together we can be brothers in islam.
It started as a troll
Then a bunch of 19 year old retards believed the memes
Here we are
Because he's our Lord and savior and doesn't want the Jews to cut off our foreskin.
>your country is becoming more muslim no matter how much you kick and scream.
keep taking those pol memes seriously its pretty funny.
>fascism will not come back
maybe maybe not but still i wouldnt call victory too soon if i were you. being cocky is the best way to have victory snatched from your jaw
We are all anonymous here. The Lord himself could post on Sup Forums and you wouldn't notice.
And they're more free than you'll ever be, leaf
Hes the AntiJew.
His whole tale is him freeing the minds of the people form the Jews grasp, and undoing what they have caused.
Some people simply don't care much for America's boring domestic affairs.
whoa so d33p d00d
How else are we supposed to finally conquer evil? We ain't got power over Satan... But saying His name sure seems to ward off the demons.
Jesus Christ is Lord.
It's not. Just larping faggots.
Just tell that yourself, Satan.
This explains it
When he showed up here.
when it became contrarian