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Where does Tucker find these lunatics
Poo poo pee pee
I'm ready to replace wymenl
She is the living embodiment of the content aware scale
Such cowardly sniping body language showing from her.
Hint to women: don't do interviews when you're PMSing.
When your a feminist since childhood
Im counting on you cockroach to behead them when you invade us
>she teaches gender studies needless to say
Tucker "...if a man says, bam, I am a woman. Does that that cure him [of toxic masculinity]?"
Guest "Well, I would hope so. He would be the better gender"
how many rapes does it take for the feminist to become a raging lunatic sexist
This is why the dyke is so happy btw:
0. Because they lie about being raped for victimhood
This bitch is a CLEAR example of a chick’s brain on birth control, y’all.
If women stopped taking birth control pills starting at 14 and men stopped drinking the water and getting their dicks pruned at birth in the masses, women would be women and men would be men again. It would be fucking great.
what is wrong with her eyes?
She is obviously woke
We really need to accelerate this shit. First things first, all white or straight anchors need to be memed out. Get rid of all of them.
White straight blonde roasties will be roasted above the fire of the fourth Reich
she's a woman who drank the feminist kool aid and really believes she's entitled to a man's life, without any of the harsh realities men face.
tdlr penis envy rears its ugly head
we are all women now.
Crazy eyes.
t. knower
B...but I wanna be non-binary
>boys can't be boys
and there you have it folks
We really should give more attention to /our-gals/.
Haha! She shouldn’t strive for a fucking man’s life or the reality of such, brah. She’s a woman, not a man. We are not the same. We are not equal as “they’ve” tried to force us to believe we have to be! We’re not supposed to be!!! It’s just not fucking natural, y’all.
That would be a worthy memewar, to be meme them out. Imagine CNN, MSNBC, CBS without any white or straight anchors. Funny as fuck. Something wouldn't sit right with normies, even if they couldn't pin point.
I'd say Fox too but Hannity and Tucker are useful.
Hannity is alittle full of himself but I respect his shit since after the election more. I just wish he didnt act like he had some amazing new revelations on Twitter that is gonna change the universe like every damn week. Tucker is fun tho.
Anyone notice that about Hannity?
>we need to raise men right
Who's raising these men? Perhaps single mothers?
University teaching positions.
actually, watching it, I thought that this must be fake. They pulled out some lunatic to make the left look retarded. Which I find problematic because it's easy to refute and call Fox "fake news". They should not put these kind of baiters on TV, I think it hurts more than the cheap laughs are worth it
jeezus you can see the crazy a mile away in this one
I don't think they are per-say fake but people that FOX knows that will make the left look even more retarded by having them on every now and then. Low hanging fruit is the easiest and most profitable.
BUT the left is this retarded so I dont see an issue with it
>women are better because they statistically commit less crimes
tucker should have shortwired the conversation and just said whites are better than blacks because they statistically commit far less crimes.
Tucker is a great debated, but when your on (((fox news))), you have to be really good at debating shit narratives. This woman was absolutely right in every one of her claims, but because tucker cant go down the biology and genetics path hes forced to debate shit tier narratives.
she looks fucking insane
Well not when her statistical data is strawmens and complete fabrications of the truth
god the dead wide-eyed liberal stare just causes my hair to stand on end. You can see the unhinged ideological behind the glossed over stare.
Perfect example of why these demons deserve to be killed as brutally as possible.
It's the eyes, always the eyes.
Ever notice how people on the right are always squinting and people on the left always have big wide open eyes?
>all that shit
>picture of white woman
I don't think they are fake either. You can track most of these people down online and see that they do have a real presence.
But I get the feeling that most of these people are nothing more than PR agents for the left. They come out to keep pushing the same few talking points and just ignore any real argument that Tucker has to make.
"per se" sorry to point that out but this annoys the heck out of me. Didn't you have latin in school you uneducated swine?
But, of course the left is retarded. The problem I see here, though, is that it is difficult to attack that stupid argument when you bring up a total moron like that women that can't even properly articulate herself. Any lefty that is a bit smarter will just dismiss it like "she's a fake strawman, toxic masculinity is more complex than that but still a serious problem" thus totally avoiding a real discourse
I think she was trying to bait him into saying that. He steers clear of that line in every interview he does. Can't say I blame him, if I was getting paid millions per episode I wouldn't throw it away to tell the complete truth either.
ok ladies, your better than men in every way. now make me a sandwich.
>>boys can't be boys
>and there you have it folks
Yep. The really seem totally unaware of the backlash this misandry is about to provoke. By the time it's over, they won't be allowed to LOOK at shoes, much less wear them. ;)
dont be confused this is what the majority of feminists think
but she has actually followed their agenda to the logical end: that men are inferior and they must be controlled by women and that is the only solution to society
to add, I don't think she is fake, there are people like that. But this doesn't make it better. It's like having David Duke on a show on the left media to ridicule us
>y to point that out but this annoys the heck
I was never taught latin in school. Blame the education system not me!
>Gender is a social construct
>Men are inherently more violent
>Being violent makes you inferior, but that rule doesn't apply to blacks
Gotta love left-wing retards lol
>university professor
>"needless to say"
you said it tuck!
>But I get the feeling that most of these people are nothing more than PR agents for the left. They come out to keep pushing the same few talking points and just ignore any real argument that Tucker has to make.
Nailed it. Listen to every one of these leftist shills Tucker has on. ALL they do is recite their scripts.
Tucker: "Question about X."
Guest: "Talking Point #1."
Tucker: "Okay, bu I asked about X."
Guest: "Talking Point 1 & 2."
Tucker: "You still didn't answer my question; those talking points have nothing to do with X. Answer the question."
Guest: "And I'm saying, Talking Point 1 & 2. And another thing, Talking point 3."
Tucker: "That has nothing to do with what I asked you about. I specifically asked you about X."
Guest: "Talking point 3, and also, you know, Talking point 1 & 2. And we can't forget Talking point 4."
Every. Fucking. Time.
I've got to give Tucker mad props for repeating the question like h does, though. Most hosts repeat a question maybe three times in total and then move on. He draws a big red line under their shilling agenda by refusing to let it go, which does wake folks up. He seems pretty damn redpilled for a media personality.
They are better than men.
At being cunts.
You don't have to look very far unfortunately...
Ok, I'm a transgender lesbian then. +2 for me
That's ok I'm a woman now.
Checkmate bitch
>Women are better than men
>Just look at all my evidence of this statement
fug, their actually retarded
>when the MK Ultra hits
nothing to see here
I love the fact that this so called feminist ended her argument with " We need men to find a way to protect women from sexual abuse "
Jesus Christ, someone needs to start compiling lefty eye syndrome pics.
There's gotta be a correlation, could be an easy way to identify mental illness.
>doesn't know science is a tool invented by the white man yo oppress everyone but white men
I couldn't get past 2 minutes, it is just nonsense.
Better at getting raped, sure.
Tucker missed a great opportunity to get a liberal to say that black men are more prone to violence. He could have also gotten her to say that men are better at math and science.
>women are infallible
>men aren't raised right
What's she's saying is that the state needs to raise your children for you.
t. canada
most criminals are raised by single mothers and shes talking about how we need to raise boys better
Nice tripcode
there's no way she's not taking this piss here, surely?
She's got a Kool-Aid IV, user. It's just off camera.
The majority of women like that are single and miserable. Only God can cure that level of ignorance, pray for her
She does not seem to be urinating, no.
how to be a feminist 101
1). Hypocrite
2). perpetuate victimization when called out
3). rage suck tuckers cock
It's always in the eyes.. Look how she gazes like a psycho mindlessly spewing into the camera.
NEVER trust a fucking retard that has a lisp.
She was trolling and he vaguely knew her. I think he caught on after a couple of minutes but figured, fuck it, it's Friday.
sure she is, kid.
She looks like she was fat as a kid, and is now slowly getting fat again. Explains the anger
"women commit less murders"
Somebody forgot abortion.
>i want more minority babies and welfare recipients!
fuck off retard
Being this mad haha yikes
>being australian
Okay but how does any of that make it not murder?
Rather be australian then live next to niggers
>abortion is murder
t. white trash christian
>lives with abos instead
lel sure told me, MATE!
You don't have to be white trash or Christian to realize killing children because you don't find them convenient is murder. Even if it makes for good policy. You just have to not be a retarded person.
Wouldn't it be great to pin her down and fuck her silly opinions right out of her
>a fetus is a living child
>tucker should have shortwired the conversation and just said whites are better than blacks because they statistically commit far less crimes.
And lose an 8 figure salary because of it
>says men commit the most murders and violent crime
he should have asked her to explain abortion
These are called "believe-me-eyes"
That would just derail the conversation and isn't even a good zinger.
If it's not alive then why does it need to be killed during the abortion? You don't do much thinking before you speak do you?