141 IQ

>141 IQ

What country do i fit?

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>141 IQ
>still believes in countries


Same as mine.

You don't fit anywhere.

Find a nice university, and wait to die.

Your IQ test was broken

You don't fit any country dumbass. You're 2-3 standard deviations from the norm. You are too average people as average people are to retards who can still read. Literally. If someone's 2 s.d. below normal they rude the short bus and read books about animal sounds.

I'm worse than you. It's a burden.

Pick any African country.

Stop being racist, move to the deepest darkest part of Africa, and allow yourself to be killed while praising diversity.

143 here. Don't belong in America.

Where go?

105 pseudo intellectual detected

Stop being racist and move to Africa. I am serious.

Pic is inaccurate, that is blacks with whites. Blacks without whites wouldn't even have that scrap with which to build their shit shacks

>141 IQ
>still worrying about countries

take it again because it's wrong


Would you morons seriously let your child grew up among Aboriginals with 65 iq on average, and have them mix up their genes with them when you know IQ is partially genetic and partially nurture?

If you do, then you are seriously retarded regardless of your iq.

what the fuck are you talking about. you are literally retard is and there is nothing you can do about it. consider suicide

Ukraine, I guess.


Go study biologi or something, you moron. Race is a real thing.

eat shit brainlets. my iq is 147.5622. also 6'4 chef.

race is irrelevant. it's perception of race that matters. seriously reconsider suicide

>having children in such a worthless world as ours

you must have more primitive instinct than you do intellect

>So smart your bloodline cease from existence
That's what people call retardation.

Is 117 iq or dead middle

I bet you enjoy Rick and Morty.

OP with that IQ you will fit nowhere.
You are doomed to be oblivious to normies. That is why you are on Sup Forums and that is why you come back to Sup Forums.

your own asshole. where you seem to be living quite comfortably already.

great argument. you say nothing and argue nothing. really high iq i bet

>IQ 158

The Earth is your home, forge whatever you desire you can from your environment, care not for petty rulers.

>race is irrelevant
Not for iq.

>it's perception of race
If you perceive all races as equals on average,, then you truly are retarded.

But since you love equality so much, let me know when you when you finally get fair about equality and let Asians and whites start ahead of everybody else in the 100 meter sprint sports.

>let me know when you when you finally get fair about equality and let Asians and whites start ahead of everybody else in the 100 meter sprint sports.

they already are. are you retarded? they are literally the most privileged races.

The only reasonable argument

>they already are.
Bope, see Asians have short legs on agerage, due to genetics. If you had a brain you would know that.

Where is your equality? Why aren't you letting them start 20 meters ahead of the niggers?

Someone redpill me on IQ.

I never went to college and university and mostly slept through high school, yet I'm fluent in two languages (Russian and English and demonstrated an ability to pick up Spanish quite fast but I kind of gave up on that because I don't know any Spanish speaking people or plan to travel there) and have my own library of books which mostly consists of philosophy, both eastern and Western. Although the eastern I've sort of picked up as a side interest so I don't have as much as I do of western. I can talk to doctors, lawyers and academics on even ground in some respects, and I generally come off as a well-rounded person and have a good intuitive learning ability.

But honestly, I don't think I'd do much more than legally retarded on an IQ test.

Am I stupid or does an IQ measure something else entirely and not intelligence itself?

you have no argument. asians are the most privileged group in america. your shit country has no relevance in the grand scheme of things.

See for yourself. Do it as fast and accurately as possible.
Post the results I am curious.

iq tests are irrelevant. they are only useful for people who want to detect patterns. it has no relevance on consciousnesses.

>I never went to college and university
You dodged a bullet there. Colleges outside STEM field will fill up your head with nonsense, like
>all races are equal
>that race has privilege
That's all the proof you will ever need

lol so inspirational

i have a degree in computer science and it taught be nothing about how race is irrelevant. you have no argument and you pretend you know anything. it's laughable.

>thinks that earth-bound things like "muh bloodline" even matters

keep telling yourself that when your bloodline gets halted like the father of this child has

>the most privileged group
Privilege isn't what you think it is.

The state gives more money to niggers and muslims right from birth.
You can see red line (muslim countries), and how much they cost the state over their life time.
Right from birth, they are privileged with more rights and more money, and yet they still fail miserably.

Africa, for falling to stupid online tests. How much did you pay? $2? That means no food this week for you I guess

So... what does that make me? I mean there are people who brag about their IQ but I honestly don't even register them as being intelligent, yet they have a number that they can use to validate themselves or something.

>privileged is what i define it is

wow i didn't know we have the sjw leader here. please let us know what privilege is and what privilege isn't.

>they are privileged with more rights and more money

asains make more money then literally any group but i'm sure you have a reason to hate them. please let us know what hitler though of them my fuhrer

So many geniuses in this thread, and yet it's still so retarded. What hapen?

You are literally a nutcase who convinced himself he is too "good" to live on this planet.

Is this a legit iq test? I thought you had to pay for it or that it was given out by psychiatrists/psychotherapists?

Brooo merkaba...

iq is irrelevant. you don't have to be smart to be a good person. that is the most important part of any person regardless of race.

What else could it be other than having more rights, and given more money without earning them?

That's niggers and muslims. They have the most rights in our society, and are given the most money, and take the most money.

Making more money doesn't make you more privileged. You're confusing privilege with simple wealth.

It's not privilege if you actually earn it, and most whites and Asians have earned their wealth.

you're right it has to do with race. just ask your local liberal. they'll 100% agree with you.

you need to understand that "giving money without earning it" is slavery. the minorities get to live on the plantation, the slaved get housing and food, while the masters get the votes. the answer is not to keep them slaves but to free them.

you're trying to make privilege fit the poor when the left clearly make it about the rich. you are against freedom as you wish everyone to be slaves. if you didn't, you would want black and minorities to be as prosperous as everyone else.

>Mensa is the organization accept only those who score in the 98th percentile on an IQ test.

Seems legit.

How did you learn Russian?

You're literally braindead.

The Rich has fewer rights than the poor. Some of them can't even afford to pass on their property to their children, because the children can't afford the inheritance tax.
The muslim shitskins has the freedom to reject the free money, but yet they still take what's offered. They in fact get 3 times as much money as a western immigrant in our country


What actual expertise do you possess?

My IQ is higher than yours but its my education, experience and expertise which makes me not worthless.

>rich has no power
>poor has all the power

what fucking world do you live in. you know the banks control everything right? how can you be so blind? the poor are merely a tool for the powerful to control. you are falling right into their plan if you think they should remain tools for them. seriously reconsider your brainwashing if you believe any of this.

>what fucking world do you live in.
A world where poorfags vote themselves into having more rights than the rich. We call it democracy, I think. Ever heard of it?

Rich people are suppressed to a point their children can't inherit property.

You'd fit in the country of your people. Your IQ is irrelevant

lol holy shit you're brainwashed trash. you should not wish the poor to be controlled. you should wish them to be free. the rich are fine. if trump's tax's plan ever gets enacted, they'll be no death tax but i'm sure you don't know that because you're an irrelevant denmark fag. fix you're country before you ever talk again.

Saying the muslims already get more money/rights isn't the same as wishing they become controlled.

You're not very smart, are you?

they are controlled because they get more money. what part do you not understand. money is used by the banks to control their slaves. if you don't understand this part, just stop. you are a part of their propaganda.

>they are controlled
By the mosques, and their sharia court. Not by the banks.

How braindead are you really?

hahaha. the mosques and courts are already controlled. you are so ignorant to the controllers, i don't even know why you're trying to argue anything. please reevaluate your life and your controllers before you speak again.

Why do you still answer to this absolute retard?

Paraguay, you larping sperg.

>201 IQ

Countries??? Try changing solar systems you mongrel, Alpha Centauri is where it is at, Lunar and Martian retards BTFO.

>not an argument

yes goyim believe us. we are only destroying equality for your benefit.

Actual evidence there is no equality.

Niggers are privileged with better running genes, an yet White people are denied a headstart.

yes, focus on irrelevant things. that will surely make your point.

Physical attributes are more relevant to race and genes than you are brainwashed to believe.

i agree. running faster proves that blacks are more privileged than any other race. thank you for your enlightenment. this will knowledge will surely solve everything.


Whichever country has a centrist government.

>this will knowledge will
You should relax.

you're right. racism should be the norm. no way the this is controlled opposition at all.

When you claim the brain is unrelated to race and genes. But agree genes are related to faster running, then you admit whites have no additional privileges over blacks.

Niggers have all the genetic privileges, and more privileges in the law.

you are completely right. blacks are superior to every race. we should bow down a worship them. the whites are irrelevant. thank you demark for enlightening this board.

You could probably play Mid-Lane or Jungler

It's obvious they have too many rights. Far more rights than anybody else.

You can start fixing the problem by stop giving them welfare bucks and schooling at the cost of white people.

hahaha. you are lost. they only have the laws given to them. you are completely controlled. you are just another pawn.

There has been a nigger in chief for 8 years writing your laws.

To be denying race would put you in the case of believers.
It takes faith to deny tens of thousands of years of natural selection and genetic isolationism.

Are we Humans able of the same potential? Maybe.
But we are not quite there yet and nordbro's argument on positive discrimination is valid, and quite good too, stolen.

>Are we Humans able of the same potential? Maybe.
>But we are not quite there yet and nordbro's argument on positive discrimination is valid, and quite good too, stolen.

only because you will it so. race is irrelevant. if you view everyone the same then those who wish to be controlled and wish the follow their slave masters are the ones you discriminate against. if everyone wished to be free, regardless of race, you would have no choice but to call them allies.

>race is irrelevant.
Where are all the nigger geniuses and all the aboriginal geniuses? And why are they hiding from the graduation photos?

African Pygmy country. You are a retard compared to true IQ ubermensch.

>i cherry pick my pictures which prove me right

yea real compelling evidence there. if there is an exception to the rule, it is no rule. i really hope you realize that divide and conquer are the techniques of your controllers. the only thing they would be afraid of is everyone working together against them.

147 and i'm pretty sure we fit basically anywhere
you just can't be a bitch
in terms of doing the best you can based on that circumstance of birth +some modulation during childhood, though, the US is still probably the best you could do
be thankful for what you have wherever you happen to be, my dude

>you are against freedom as you wish everyone to be slaves
All I want is equal rights and laws for all. The government robbing some and giving to others isn't freedom you fucking idiot. Freedom means having the ability to earn a better quality of life by working harder and/or smarter.

Considering the average iq of Abos is 65, I'm very confident to bet you can't find a single exception.

You will never be able to show me an abo graduate as a phd in Math.

government is irrelevant to freedom. they do not control you unless you give them control. if you want to be a slave, by all means give them the power to control you. stop electing those who wish to keep you a slave. tell your friends and family.

fair enough
be your own ruler, etc
just understand that there will always people smarter and dumber than you- richer and poorer than you- more and less attractive than you- and definitely more and less fortunate than you
embrace the chaos
it's not necessary to win every battle in order to win the war

yes, racism is truth. thank you for following your controllers. they wouldn't want you to think any other way.

previous injustices indeed can not be solved with present/future injustices

Look up your fellow Sovereign Citizens on youtube videos. They get owned by the government all the time.

>expecting slaves to know freedom

why do you keep pretending you know anything

OP is Atlantis Approved. Only the true divinest can settle there.

Give it a few generations, have a strong united family, value school, discipline and hard work and maybe your grand children will have a valuable college degree.

Are you white?
How about the cult I'm starting as a tax dodge?
Selective entry process, IQ moves you up the line.
No country will be a home to you only a mall community of similar standard will feel like home and settle your Hiraeth

small* community