How does this image make you feel?

How does this image make you feel?

fuck off shill, god im tired of you faggots trying to make americans look bad. this has got to be a shareblue opp


worse. It's JIDF


Nigger thats how the image makes me feel.
Just like niggers stole other people property , black hole do the same it steals other star energy.

>t. John

Yup definitely shareblue trying to stop the trump movement. Fuck off we've got you pegged.

>tfw we are probably in some sort of virtual world stuck in a black hole or some sort of virtual cage

>tfw we probably aren't "real" at all and a literally civilization simulation

>the GM wanted to see what would happen if they set the rules a certain way and let things loose

>americans laugh at someone
>others laugh at americans
>"stop it guys it's not funny"

>SUPERTRUMPPAC has deposited $0.02 into your account



stop posting that picture of the US's future OP. KEK just doesn't have enough power to change it so why spend time on that lost cause?

I feel good seeing that now.
Europe is irradiated and it reminded me that people who hate america always get what's coming to them

Makes me feel as if I'm looking at shitty art

this, you just gotta remind yourself that europeans are just jealous of us

reminds me of mummy

irr- irradiated? Is something habbening here that i should know of? ghe.. hehe

>How does this image make you feel?

Never change Straya


friggin giygas keku

Like I'm looking at something I'm not supposed to...

makes me want a Nike smart watch

>Being jealous of this