Nuff said

Deal with it

Faggot /leftypol/ at it again


Pagans were barbarians, even worse than Muslims with their razing and pillaging.

Byzantines did call for help in the First Crusade. Then in 1182, they massacred tens of thousands of Catholics in the Massacre of the Latins. What's more, they sided with the Muslims in the 3rd Crusade. Wasn't too hard for the Catholics of the 4th Crusade to justify their dislike of Byzantium.

One siege didn't beat the Muslims, and the Muslims were tied up in the west during this time, allowing the Mongols to attack them. A large middle-eastern Christian force also participated in the siege.

The Cathars refused to take oaths making them useless to countries and started it themselves by murdering a Catholic emissary.

The thirty years' war wasn't about religion so much as it was about land and power. France fought on the Protestant side.

Barbarians and Pagans caused the fall of Rome, Christianity created the Renaissance and brought all westerners together.

The majority of the image has nothing to do with the Crusades.

That death cult nearly destroyed Europe. The Roman Empire was better off before the Abrahamic Semites infected it with their wicked ways.



>That death cult
Barbarianism was a death cult.

>The Roman Empire was better off before the Abrahamic Semites
Yet Rome fell after Germanic Vandals overthrew the Emperor. The Christian part of the Roman Empire called the Byzantine Empire existed for 977 years after Rome fell.

Wikipedia? Are you serious?

Autistic Screeching everywhere

Wow its almost like human beings do fucked up shit regardless of religion or ideology

>proto-turks massacre romans by the thousands
>surprised when they exact revenge

sure thing goy. Byzantium owed Venice money and blood on account of th eLatin massacre

>be Vlad Tepes
>Muslims rape you as a child
>decide I don't want these fuckers in my country raping my peoples children
>defend ALL OF EUROPE and hold the flood gates towards Europe through your entire reign
>Muslims rape, murder and torture non-muslims in the most horrific of ways
>only realistic way you can make them afraid of invading is by destroying their morale
>so you stick them up on pikes and butcher them just like they butcher your people
>several hundred years later the entire world thinks you're literally a demon from hell
I fucking hate Jews and Muslims.

>uses wikipedia as only source


Semites bully others until they feel wrath. Then they scurry and weasel their way until they feel brave again. Then they bully and repeat until they get expelled or shit kicked

Muh Islam is peaceful.


Usa is the first root of all this shit

I just read every post and there is not a single instance of screeching. It seems you must be suffering from minor delusions. I recommend seeking help.

Kill yourself pagan cuck

>only using wiki as a source

that was too long ago to give a fuck about now. kept the dogs from the door and technological societies boomed not long after, so glad they did it