Why aren't people talking about Mexico? Considering how things are there now

Why aren't people talking about Mexico? Considering how things are there now.

No word of to improve the country. Is there any hope for that place?

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read it and weep

Not until they get rid of the narcos. Which won't happen without a lot of innocents dying at this point. Basically, that's what's migrating here if we wait 50 years or so.

We talk about Mexico all the time. Liberals don't because they have zero interest in objective reality.

Can the president of Mexico do anything?

there was no need to fix the narcos, they didnt do shit before 2008 when your country pushed us to the drug on wars

absolutely pathetic, thinking that a nation with no national security infrastructure would be able to deal with gorilla warfare

we infact had a lower murder rate than canada, look it up

i have a comfy life, only retards in pol think that avarage people face problems because of this

Why did all of your cousins come here then? Can they fuck off back down there?

just body parts littering the street

notin to cee hear signor

the whole country is a mass shooting

2nd worst place on earth next to Syria

goddamn mexico is a disgrace. latin america is all shitty, what is the common denominator of them all? fuckin latino shitskins

>gorilla warfare
I really doubt you have silverback gorillas roaming with gun turrets strapped to their backs just hurling grenades all over the streets.

If the US calls off the War on Drugs, Mexico's violence will subside.

>objective reality.

Objective reality would be accepting that gun control doesn't work in America because it's a nation of savages. A barbaric nation under a thin veil of civilization.

i have another
us intervention
let me repeat, i dont understand what your elites expected by pushing us to a war when we hadnt had a war for a hundred years, even worse, a guerrilla war

unless a massive purge of the government is done I don't think it will improve any time soon

Yeah it's almost like we give the cartels unlimited guns and money so we can perpetuate an endless border war while continuing to let through all the illegal labor and drugs we need to function as a nation. It's almost like that's fucking dangerous.

>Why aren't people talking about Mexico? Considering how things are there now.
People do talk about Mexico and its violence epidemic but that talk does NOT help those who are pushing mass immigration and/or illegal immigration.

>No word of to improve the country. Is there any hope for that place?
No. Mexico must fix its own problems and that is impossible as it would require a restructuring of entire government and removal of the gangs/cartels. That will not happen.

Also, Mexico is not alone in this as what I said applies to most of Central and South American countries.

some parts of mexico are actually becoming havens for north american expats. there are huge communites forming mostly because of the acquisitive power of the dollar exchange and the basic privileges of just being a rich white person. I can see it happening clearly in my city

Who's funnelling guns into Mexico?


How about you kick those rich white people back up to America and we will send all your fellow Central and South Americans back your way. Sound like a fair trade?

Seriously, those rich white people do NOT need to waste time or money in Mexico when several 10's of millions of illegal immigrants can return home and take their place. Who wants rich white people when you could have 10's of millions of illegals that the Mexican government does not mind having transit their side of the border.

why aren't we talking about this?

Mexico doesn't have white kids on Adderall.

You're fucked up and your shit's all retarded.

which is why its trash adderalls great
vyvanse better
still checkt

Fine whatever just don't stop taking your meds.

CIA niggers gave guns to cartels so they would kill each other off, it was called fast and furious.

thanks, wars on non living things