PSA: If Roy Moore does not win the election in December, it is absolutely going to be a bloodbath for Republicans in 2018. That is undeniable. That said... what is the chance that Moore loses even after the false rape allegations against him?
Roy Moore - December Election
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The media and the scandal are halfassed, old fashioned, and too transparent. Mainstream media, liberals, and the establishment GOP seem to be following a script.
One of the worst executed smear campaigns in history.
GOP in 2018 is only in danger of losing because of the establishment Never Trumpers.
The primaries are going to be nasty. But I'm not sure the Trumpian superPACs and Bannon have enough people to primary enough cucks this cycle.
The only silver lining is that the Democrats don't have shit outside of blue states.
Red seats in California, New York may go blue.
But a good deal of blue seats will go red.
You might be right, but fucking McCain needs to die of his brain tumor before we can move on. Anything in the WaPo is undoubtedly from him.
The only way Moore will lose is if they kill him. People aren't stupid enough to believe false rape claims that conveniently come out of nowhere.
He's in deep doo doo. It is not so much that people are going to vote Dem, but that they will not show, or write in Strange.
I don't think their smear campaign is working.
>what is the chance that Moore loses even after the false rape allegations against him?
Zero. How fast people forget that the leftist kike media and ANTIFA stooges like John McCain and Bill Kristol did the same thing to Trump and he still fucking flipped SAFE BLUE STATES.
Here is some to the point OC I made last year that goes along with what you're saying.
People don't do write ins in significant numbers like ever.
Mccain bonfire
We need to look closer into arizona cps and mccains fake child trafficking charity.
Remember the bullshit part kutcher played for mccain and the girl laughing while he was pretending to be a caring citizen? Not a cent goes to the cause. But they were trying to tell us they do stuff and stuff is happening and no need to look into it coz experts have it covered. Same with dr phil's show with the actress claiming to be a sex slave. That was utter fiction.
I don't understand why Hannity and his guests were practically condemning Moore tonight. Just last year, Hannity was accused of molesting a woman, and he came out swinging against that accusation. He talked about it for a week on his show, and said Republicans should never kowtow to these accusations, and instead fight them head-on. He frequently complains that every 2-4 years Liberals accuse Republicans of being racists/sexist/homophobes/etc.., yet tonight he hopped right on board the Moore-is-a-pedo train.
We'll see...
Media kikes forget that Alabama goes red every time, and they're sure as shit not gonna trust some cosmopolitan propaganda over one of their own
>I don't understand why Hannity and his guests were practically condemning Moore tonight.
I was listening to the interview on the radio and I was thinking he's fucked. But then people in Alabama will still vote for him.
thread reminder that voting for a bad man with a good agenda is better than voting for a good man with a bad agenda
>he hopped right on board the Moore-is-a-pedo train.
I'll try to watch a clip if I can find it, but can you give an example of this? Like a quotation? You sound like you're exaggerating. When I heard him on the radio he didn't sound so bad.
The race is tied. If Strange enters as a write-in candidate, like Murkowski said he should do, then Moore will lose enough votes to cost him the election
Yeah but he's not even a bad man. They're literally just lying about him. It's a hitjob like they did with Trump's October surprise.
I mean Hannity seemed fair.
Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.
The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.
Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.
What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?
How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?
And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?
But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.
They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.
Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.
probably im just telling that to the fags who are on the fence. its gonna be fun to see all the complaints disapear a day after his victory
It's fucking Alabama, the Dems have no chance
One of Trump's random speeches got a crowd of 40k people over there
Nice novel.
Ah, but Roy just admitted to it. That's got to be demoralizing.
>trusting polls
>trusting a snap poll after the allegations came out
Huh? Sauce?
admitted to what
Yes, that may be the case but the question now becomes how many leftists are whipped up into a frenzy and willing to vote now rather than assume their guy will win and stay home, like they did last year.
>tfw Republicans would rather lose than accept Moore
Perfectly sums up why leadership needs to be thrown out
If we are talking about actionable crimes, I don't thing the Republicans are the party with the most worries.
You think he's far enough ahead that if Strange came in he could still win?
They were never supposed to take both houses of congress and the presidency, that wasn't the agreed script. They were supposed to keep being the controlled opposition to keep the right-leaning independents and conservative base mollified.
They are setting the groundwork for the 2018 flip now and have been since Trump won. If they can't have a Dem president and complacent Republican congress, they'll have Trump president and an obstructionist democrat congress, then complete the reset back to complete swamp control in 2020.
Japan is fucked if they don't start bringing people in (or giving all males dick pills). Other Asian countries are full of morons and are happy to get white people (read: talented smart white people, so not the Sup Forums kind). Africa is just a shithole.
Prior to the fake news WashPost story Moore consistently polled 10 or 11 points ahead of Jones. Even if Moore voters are leaving him in droves, it's too early to reflect such a swing in polling. Best case is this would begin to show next week.
This is further backed with the reason 'surprises' like this are dropped further out from the election. It takes time for it filter through the population and actually change votes. Also, you will see a drop in Moore numbers first, a rise in undecided, and no change in Jones - and this is assuming it has any impact at all. Real people don't flip sides that quickly.
That doesn't matter. There are too many republicans in AL. They only win by massively depressing turnout which won't happen now because everyone's pissed because they know it's fake
I hope you're right. I'd hate to see this bullshit obvious smear job work yet again.
Hopefully Moore learns from Trump's example that the way to fight this is to challenge it head on and not shy away.
Hannity needs a fucking clue with all that weak "muh innocent until proven guilty!" bleating. That statement doesn't challenge the falsehood in any way, it's as bad as getting bullied into dropping out of the race.
Republicans only have 8 seats to defend in the senate
>it's okay when our guys do the raping
you're all sick hypocrites
I've been thinking about polls lately
I don't understand what the Trump fake polls endgame was to start with, but bear with me
If republicans were all encouraged to always lie about voting democrat, wouldn't republicans always have the advantage of motivated turnout?
With the added side effect of destroying even more trust in polls and media
This is important, and seems to have been passed over
I sure as fuck hope Strange fucks right off. If he comes in, then it's absolutely obvious the Republican establishment is trying to lose.
On the one hand I don't want to be cocky, on the other the polling said Sanders would lose vs Clinton in states he won or came close to winning (and polling said it'd be a landslide), polling said Trump would lose, and it's scientifically attested to about the shy tory polled.
That a democrat is coming so close in Alabama is definitely cause for concern since I never heard of any major Atlanta/Nova style weight to turn it liberal. But I think it's more and any milquetoast republicans will just snub their nose.
UYMOyM5A raped me when 20 years ago when I was 5 years old. How can you stand there and lecture people when you raped me 20 years ago?
Altho it seems obvious that Moores accusations are bullshit it seems like a small pawn to sacrifice for the crazy amount of outspoken liberals going down
Let alone the wider public consciousness of elites committing abuse
0, me and my dead grandparents all my illegal friends are going to vote for him twice.