>be me
>think i can contribute to the alt-right, think ive interesting perspective
>want to make videos
>too scared that pol will bully me like they bully Lauren
>dont want to be bullied by moarpheus on a daily basis on twitter
>dont want to have long head memes of me
>dont want pol to somehow manage dig an embarassing moment of my life
>dont want to be called an ''eceleb''
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
There's enough tossers making videos already
maybe you can be the team mom and bake us cookies or something
Make interesting Sup Forums threads instead; this isn't one of those
are you a hot girl? if not you can sod off
Such is the price of being a coward
You could do a cool self torching political statement or something and live stream that.
You should focus on improving your own life before telling people what's best
call out israel for white genocide or globalism and i'll promote you
If you want to make videos - you can. But I doubt that you will get any traffic within oversaturated market, unless you go clickbait like ''drama alert'' or h3h3 making content out of other people's hot content. Or just do pure quality, wich won't be the case since you yourself don't believe in it being the case.
nobody but reddit watches those videos
then reddit and the creator post them here because we're apparently cool
if you want to contribute to the zeitgeist write down your thoughts, idiot
Hide behind an avatar like Sarcuck did before he didn't. The more people talking about Sup Forums ideas, the better.
Fuck you sargon, I'm going to make an account named hymie shecklegruber just to spite you
All those bullying threads are probably created just to discourage people from making effective videos.
>taking Sup Forums bullying seriously
If you post you're already a faggot so not much else changes desu
If you are that worried about ppl making fun of your face, just make videos like The Alternative Hypothesis.
“If you're not catching flak you're not over the target.”
Listen, only the strong survive. Nature is fascist, be stronger.
You're clearly CIA controlled opposition
Dude just do what makes you happy. The thing about Sup Forums is that most of them are to fucking lazy to bully anyone who isn't popular. If you try to post videos most of the shitheads here will just say "cringe" under their breath (even if it's good content) and go back to masturbating to /ss/ or something. The worst thing that will happen to you is that you will get no views or comments and you will probably just get ignored.
you sound like the person who decided not to become a millionaire because he would have to pay higher taxes
first try to get any audience with your shitty videos and then worry about problems that popularity brings. chances are you won't have to worry at all because you won't make it to the point where any worry would be warranted
>dont want to be bullied by moarpheus on a daily basis on twitter
The fuck is his problem anyway?
There's enough of that shit already. Do something else. There's tons of other things you could do. Why not try to get involved in local politics or something? If we're going to make serious changes we need to embed ourselves in positions of power. Even just becoming a police officer or something could be useful. But yeah there's enough youtubers already
If you truly want to do this you have to be a content warrior. You have to give your ideas to the world for free. You have to let thieves steal them.
>tfw made 0 video and im already called a fed plant
ive a current theory that he's not white and a civic nationalist. ill post them later in one of the thread he ruins when ive enough evidence
ill post proof later*
I have a pretty small/unknown channel and I've had much bigger people use my work without crediting me. Shit sucks but at the end of the day I just want to redpill people. And them doing that spreads the content to a much larger audience
Wear a cool mask - And make up a cool name - Like a pro wrestler - Sargon didnt show his face for a while - Helps you keep your mental distance from any abuse your "character" might get .
>I-I-I-I dun wanna make bideos because the other boys will pick on me mummy
The only threads which leafs can produce are ones which just make them look pathetic, or unfunny and uncultured shitposts which do not hold a candle to the Australian artposts.
the makings of an eceleb are cringe and arguing with people on twitter
just do vids but dont be an attention whore and normie about it
I don't say this to many people, but you are truly pathetic. First, your contributions WILL be shit. There are only a handful of people that ever make meaningful contribution to anything. But, the fact that you don't even try because you're afraid of what strangers on the internet will think of you is the most pathetic thing I've heard in days. Go punch yourself in the head until you get some fucking perspective. Fuck you.
Write articles instead of making videos. The most valuable contributers are writers.
I don't really want to post it here. I'm not looking for popularity, I just do it for fun and the memes and shit. I also haven't really made any new content in a while.
imagine taking my OP seriously
imagine not understanding that it was just a funny way to get a content creating thread. I thought the last line of my OP made it clear. nothing is too obvious to the brainlets
can you tell me what you did roughly then im curious
If you're not already objectively successful to some degree, then it's the blind leading the blind.
How old are you, OP?
The reason I ask is because I plan to get involved in politics in the future - but not until I'm in my 30s or 40s, at the very least. Even Hitler said that even the most exceptionally intelligent man shouldn't consider getting involved publicly in politics until he's at least 30.
Life is long. If you really want to make a difference, focus on building yourself up into someone who can be respected and admired by a young person that's just getting acquainted with the real world, and learning about the real nature of politics.
That pasta that goes around here sometimes isn't just a meme; if you want to do anything for your race, your country, or your world, first work on yourself.
Are you a guy or a chick?
If you're a guy, quit being a pussy. Quit jerking off and allow your test levels to rise. Fag.
If you're a chick, well...
My suggestion would be to bully your audience and your detractors if they bully you. Basically, learn how to counter punch. The art of counter punching can be learned by lurking on Sup Forums. Also, you'll have to desensitize yourself to the shame from your insecurities. Good luck.
You need to get your parent's permission to join the AltRight first
Dont be a fag and save white race, lauren gets bullied cus she is a civic nat
you have to be deeply stupid or not follow anything at all to believe lauren is a civnat
Absolute /thread
In the long run all those ecelebs are just capitalizing on the movement for money. They don't actually care. Want to make real and lasting change? Improve your own life, and your life will speak for itself to others and inspire them to change there's
you get turtle head memes cause you wont come out of your shell.
ps, you wont put forth any effort so neither will I. this is you in your shitty shell, its blocky from all they beatings it took while you hid inside.
Download some editing software and make funny videos. The culture in the alt right (and internet culture in general) moves pretty quickly so when a fad or a meme comes along you have to act quickly. And if your content is any good people will take notice and spread it around. Just do it for fun and you'll never be disappointed because it was fun to make
/Pol and the alt right in general is not going to achieve its goals until they fucking take the unity redpill. Everytime there's a discussion on this board we divide and start insulting each other, by country, race, etc. If only we realized this is not about countries, or skin colour, but about protecting western civilization and it's culture, imagine how much fucking strength would be earnt.
As long as you've never got POO'd or fucked other non-whites you're good to go
If you don't name the Jew I will bully the fuck out of you.
Then make videos and stop being such a pussy faggoty leaf for fux sake.
She is a civnat you filthy fucking reddit clown.
Second leaf has it right. If you weren't a coward, those things you mentioned would turn from excuses, to challenges to be overcome.
Fuck, she really DID burn the coal
>I don't want to be bullied.
Then stop making threads.
Knew she was too good to be true.
That she is.
He is Med, dont arab or mexo.
Fuck off shill. Just because she had a non-white boyfriend, you think she's not good enough for our movement?
When it comes to politics, Lauren is extremely beneficial
It doesn't matter who she dates
>The Finnshill
I wish I could fight you IRL.
It has to be a parody.
stop pretending to be me
t. the real white knight
She's simply an opportunist and a fan girl. She has no political beliefs. She's an idiotic woman who is wasting away her prime breeding years and collecting patreon from kekistani neckbeards. She's exactly the type of person who should be ignored. If she wants to be apart of the movement she should be married and producing white children. Because as it stands now all she's doing is making a quick buck, obfuscating the facts and creating drama
I've always said that I never cared that it was possible that she may have had a brown boyfriend
I'd say these pictures pretty much confirm it
And guess what? I still don't mind
It's none of your business what she does in her bedroom
It is over, white boi. The brownies is mor hot for womies. Eat your fish and chips (your pleb white boiii animal food) and serve to kike and faggots (your aristocracy owners)
So you want to be the millionth guy making videos with a shitty webcam.
Either you have to go full black pigeon speaks, making videos that are approximately five minutes long with good animations etc. or you have to be a hot girl.
t. the indian guy who tells her what to say based on reading Sup Forums posts
ive got a girl who would be perfect as the aussie lauren southern, even better in many ways, but it's such a stupid ''''''''career'''''''' if you have any actual skill or knowledge or ability to earn an income
The fact that shills are working so hard to slander her is proof of how much of a threat she is to the left.
A pretty girl talking white nationalist points scares antifa.It's so obvious you are pretending to relate to us by acting ''racist'' and saying it's wrong for her to date outside her race
Guess what? We don't care. We support Lauren because she helps our movement, we don't care about her personal business
sorry this post to
Maybe you should start giving a shit less user. Fuck everyone, do what you want, quit trying to mold into what they want you to be. Idiot.
People participating in this kind of threads should be gassed.
90% of being great means enduring criticism
If you cant get over the criticism bump then you will never be successful in anything
Did you do that with some new, 3D-face-from-a-picture, software? Such stuff exists, now.
That's awesome, however you did it.
that schnozz on the guy on the right though
Unless you actually have a platform for something bigger, which most of us don't outside of shitposting here and anime avi twitter accounts, the best thing we can do is be a responsibile adult (preferably with a family) and get involved in local politics in your communities
> I was only pretending to be retarded
You're a disgusting cuck
leaf dreams about being an eceleb
doesn't want to be called an eceleb
wants to be a popular personality
worried is ugly and has no personality
user - stop using other people's issues as a proxy war for your own faggotry
stop being a faggot
if you've got something to say, say it
but don't be a cunt and hold it up like a black cdr, desperately trying to legitimize a shitty unity3d appstore to appstore project as a real product, smiling like a glass-faced nufag, and claim your faggotry is defined by how others are treated
say you want to be popular but are scared
and leave it at that, you stupid weird fuck
protip: 110% sure you have absolutely nothing interesting to say
proof: say something interesting, right now.
you can't
because you're a faggot
I always knew you were a disgusting cuck when I sensed what a whore she is from the beginning. Now we have proof and you're still cucking for her
> be a "volunteer but dreams of being the guy in charge who comes into our smelly little hovel and tells us what's on the script" shareblue nigger
> have to look down at my approved tacs pages
> must call someone a cuck if they point out that shills are going literal ad hominem on people that have different ideas
> this is my life now
> t. fat and desperate for the release of a total welfare state that will erase all my personal responsibility
please don't kill yourself you evil goblin
we need you fatties to add more fuel to the human pyre that we'll roast the rest of you commies on
good luck
the tides of blood will reach the poles and eternally stain the most remote parts of this planet red
i promise you this you commie
your blood flowing like a river will be the only red you manage to get into washington now
we are ready
>white nationalist woman that opposes the great replacement but burns coal and births brown children
Laughably hypocritical and repulsive to non-liberal whites
flag clicker must be waiting for their break
What about a self touching video?
>defending a shitskin burner
I'm curious. Why is it leafs that are trying to break into this internet sphere?
Lauren, Black Pigeon, and now apparently this guy, so what exactly is going on with Canada? Are they actually surrounded by too many Trudeauphiles or something?
defo some recessive ashkenazi genetics going on there.
Well u shoulf wprry wayyyyyyyy more about leftists.
I mean how inexperienced even are u, that i have ro even tell u dat, son ?!
So u better dont.
U still need to lurk more in life first...
Who even is this?
>ctrl+f "lauren"
>enter thread
>look for the 5 posts by this ID cataburger (and others)
Like clockwork.
This is
>based black men sieg hailing alongside him
>he REALLY likes Loomer
Someone who gets blamed for all the anti-Spencer and anti-Nazi larper sentiment on Sup Forums.
Don't fall for his calls for debates, he shuts down everything that does not confirm his pre-existing biases.
Someone who is guilty of shilling here every day against Spencer (and every other still living figure on the right) on Sup Forums*
Fuck off nigger leaf you can't even make good posts, yet you think you can make good videos and will somehow become popular 4 some reason.
You're also a leaf so...
Yeah don't do it.