What was gamergate like?
What was gamergate like?
>Sup Forums here
>[ctrl-v plea for assistance]
Then reddit came.
the fuck did zoey quinn do?
Shitty enough to make even moot fuck off
Gonna need sauce on that image
She fucked five guys and cucked one more. A few of the guys she fucked gave her shitty "game" good reviews. n33ts on Sup Forums figured out all of game journalism collectively lies to its consumer base and regularly takes kickbacks from publishers.
Started as bitching about bad game journalism then it was over run with incels complaining about pretty girls who won't fuck 400 sacks of lard.
Remember 1919 when DAP was formed, year before it was renamed as NSDAP. Yea, just like that.
gg showed the world that the video game industry is being led by and catered towards leftists. it also showed us Sup Forums was and still is run by leftists. Gamergate became the first real time Sup Forums censored speech. No one was allowed to talk about it here or on Sup Forums. Not only that, but we proved moot's mom was Jewish. He couldn't handle all this happening at once and nuked Sup Forums. Everyone then fled to 8ch. Then we found out moot had his gf stolen from him by some guy, but that's really how the word c.uck started to spread. Sup Forums was using it as a revenge on moot. And now the word is censored and this board is full of newfags.
Sup Forums finds out some cunt is sleeping with game journalists for positive game reviews while she has a boyfriend. Starts uncovering that game journalists are taking money from groups run by George Soros and money from game publishers to give them good reviews. Finds out game journalist have a mailing list where they all plan together what types of articles they will release to promote social justice and release at the same time. Find out that actual news journalists are giving them ideas. Start talking about until a mod on Sup Forums who is literally fucking the same cunt from before starts banning threads. Convinces moot these threads aren't videogame related and need to be stopped. Moot starts attending sjw conferences run by known sjws. Censoring the shit blows up in their faces and spirals out of control from there. Right-wing grows massively because game journalists start calling gamers sexist which turns the people playing games against them. Ends with moot selling Sup Forums to a Japanese guy for lols. Ends up creating an army of formerly apolitical guys into a force that helps elect Trump. All because some fat bitch cheated on her boyfriend by fucking some journalists and Sup Forums mods tried to cover it up.
GG was the first trend of leftism that was defeated. It showed that a lot of people weren’t ok with the general trend of PCism and drove a lot people from the online community to reject a lot of leftist principles.
>Not only that, but we proved moot's mom was Jewish.
>tfw I used to post that infographic all the time
Salty coins and milk...
A lot of salt on both sides, and both sides milking the whole stupid thing until we wound up hearing all companies and journalists going full McIntosh, and Sup Forums trying to meme Vivian a like pathetic waifu fanboys.
so if you "support gamergate" are you supporting sjws or not.
Horrible. It was the single biggest reason that Sup Forums is now such a leakage to other boards.
Stay in your containment board, you fucks.
here's a pic.
Ben Garrison came to 8ch and we befriended him and got him to hate on moot with us. This is still on his website.
if you support gamergate you wish every communist sjw was dead
sjws haet gamergate
Sup Forumsharbor and ranks of moderators being taken over by SJW's. Cuckening of m00t, luggage lad. Gaming sites/blogs losing their credibility and bleeding fucktons of ad-revenue.
remember when people got banned for posting it? fuck.
SJWs attacked gamergate for being misogynistic (because of the incels in gamergate who attack women on twitter) so all of gamergate including the non-misogynists began to hate all SJWs.
I'm still not sure what it is.
fuck off, Teresa. go blog somewhere else.
Game journalists were dishonest and being paid or given sexual favors for positive reviews. Started with the Kane and Lynch 2 review.
don't forget we saw gamer 'news' sites do what the MSM always does. they all ran the exact same articles trying to push their narrative while ignoring the other side of the issue. almost all the articles even had the exact same headlines as well, and were released at the same time.
>gamergate misogynists are losing
>gamergate is pro misogyny
>gamergate is ruining womens lives
>whiny manchildren need to grow up and stop playing video games
Yeah they banned me a few times but I have a dynamic IP
I'm also partly the reason Dreamcast is allowed on/vr/ now me and another guy spammed it until they gave up
>"Gamer's Are Dead"
yeah, we even found that email list. they were all in touch with each other. and definitely still are. Just look at CoD WWII and Wolfenstein II
Pretty goddamn funny
Okay no problem, now get the fuck out, hypocrite.
>GG was the first trend of leftism that was defeated.
Did you word that poorly or what? GG was literally slut shaming SJW triggering shit.
And that dumb slut was merely the hook, the real point of the whole thing was to expose how gaming journalists were, and still are, totally at the mercy of big studios and their money (site ads), promotional bribe shit (that journos have been found to ebay straight after receiving), and blacklisting journos from receiving early and review copies.
you are the man
I remeber the cuck moot threads. Good times.
moot was cucked by some gamergate bitch?
Zyklon Ben was the real winner in gamergate, he fully embraced his meme status and audience and went from strength to strength
At this point I'm entirely sure that the entire gamergate was just Zoey falseflagging herself into fame and patreon bux.
it was a test to see if Sup Forums was cucked or not. Turned out to be less cucked than people thought
So Sup Forums not russia?
something from amateur allure
W-what is that white stuff in her mouth!?
i was never big into gamergate, saw the first few threads, but never took too much notice.
But the next day on IRC I was amazed at how seriously people took it. Instantly radicalized most gamers. Also made "cuck" what it is today, and we all know where that took us.
what does cum taste like, Sup Forums?
>I'm also partly the reason Dreamcast is allowed on/vr/ now me and another guy spammed it until they gave up
That place is so confusing because of the DC. Everything is "retro", then you have this absolute futuristic powerhouse machine running windows.....
I petitioned for a new forum for the Non-retro-non-supported systems. (Xbox/360/wii/ps2 &3) and was pretty well shut down. Repeated attempts.
Youcannot discuss a PS2 in v, vr OR in vg and that sucks.
Besides, Vr is all about spending excessive amounts of money for perfectly square pixels. I was a CRT expert (so I thought) before I went there.....Good god.....You think the Jews are bad here....? Post a picture of a SNES running on an LCD & they will crucify you.
A bunch of sweaty kissless incels got pissed to find that women could make decent games.
No moot was just a cuck
It was fun. Mods had to nuke Sup Forums once or twice.
It was fun to expose corrupt lefties responsible for fucking up video games for a bit, but then everyone moved on, gamers went back to being spineless cucks and the left continues to shit in their collective mouths to this day.
looks like swallowsalon
It was good times.
A lot of REEEEEEE. Only people who cared about gamergate were neckbeards and Tumblr SJWs.
lol eat shit, it literally got donald trump elected. let me guess, she let you eat her asshole so youd give her a good score on metacritic?
t. ignorant faggot
Moot became full sjw
the shortest and most accurate explanation
whether or you you want to say it led to trumps win is up for debate
So Thats how donald trump happened
It was like the apocalypse in real time virtual space
is there a name? i want the video. i need to masturbate.
Found moot wass up cuck
It was fun and pretty eye opening too. I'm still surprised how many of the things I thought were "unique", for lack of a better word, to GamerGate applies to rest of the world. Many people have said it in the past, and many will say it in the future, but it redpilled millions of young people before redpilling was even a used term.
Well, there are Russians on Sup Forums. So in a very very VERY broad sense the Russians did hack the election. But so did pretty much every other country too.
>Sup Forums figured out all of game journalism collectively lies to its consumer base and regularly takes kickbacks from publishers.
It was known for years but just like with NSA spying before GG it was relegated to jokes and conspiracy theories, main thing that shocked everyone is mainstream journos reaction, instead of writting about it normally or ignoring it they went full on damage control with their "gamers are dead" bs.
That really got people thinking just how interconnected all of them are.
Gamergate, aka the battle of Little Big Hoe
>get raped by Takei
This might be historically accurate in 10-20 years if the left doesn't stop being retarded.
Well there was this one time Jim fingerbanged some Gook live on stream
gamergate is the reason why trump won
I'd say it did. Gamers make up a large % of the population, and most gamers sided with gamergate. Gamergate turned many gamers right wing, even if it wasn't during gamergate but some time after. It also made a lot of gamers wary of the media. Trump only barely won several states, if gamergate never happened, I think Hillary would have won.
Also, Sup Forums was a leftist website until gamergate happened, and Sup Forums has a some level of influence over internet culture.
GG led him to handover the Sup Forums to hiroshima.
BTW, recent NEO FAG meltdown and how it was initially curbed down in Sup Forums reminded me a lot about GG.
Few dedicated shitposters from around the world can cause twitter shitstorms. Tiny minority of them are controlled by Russian troll factories. Ukraine is a place where they might overwhelm normie posters and local trolls due to similar language.... on world wide scale I have my doubts over influence Russian or maybe Chinese government sponsored shitposters can do. Weaponized autism is surprisingly effective if you have bunch of people with too much free time.
What was Sup Forums like before gamergate? More censorced because of moot? It used to be libertarian/Ron Paul supporting board right?
Anyone have the vid for that, by the way?
Theres good history of gg videos on youtube
you should watch them
they are well made and will teach u a lot
big redpil::
"fabricate a crisis in order to create the solution"
gg was a fake crisis
solution was to inject sjw culture in gaming
response from user was to elect trump
It was fun. If we are the it was our Spanish Civil War in a sense.
>lol who cares if the Left makes power plays to dominate every single form of media, like literally who cares it doesn't matter it's not important only losers and sheeple care xD
>oh no hurrr durrr how come da left won the culture war guyz how come it's so hard to discuss right-wing ideas in our society these days it's like everybody only knows left-wing talking points :(
Why is the Right so fucking retarded when it comes to this sort of thing? I'm serious.
This is pretty much dead on. It redpilled a bunch of Sup Forumsirgins when they say mainstream news covering it by basically making a bunch of shit up and coordinating narratives to cover each other.
"If they lie about something as small as this, what else is fake?"
Gamergate was brave and troubled days when we band of brothers stood bravely against the socjus hordes holding hope in their breast that one day, one St. Crispian's day, others would see our scars and say what bravery we showed. Then we elected the president, took down scientology, destroyed the DNC, and burned hollywood to the ground.
BTW, has anyone asked Moot how he feels about lending to the creation of the environment that got Trump elected?
Right wing genuinely tolerate opposing viewpoints and admit to mistakes, while generally seeing their opponents as people who are just mistaken, and being forthright/honest/playing by the rules.
The left has hated on, violently and surreptitiously suppressed, and dehumanized the right while breaking their own rules.
There seemed to be more intelligent discussions going on desu. Less shilling
It started out as a glorious campaign to fight corruption and social justice in gaming media and ended with revealing a gigantic plot by Microsoft to socially engineer for gaming to be for more than just gamers in order to turn it into a tool for education, from which Microsoft would capitalize and profit billions and trillions.
>and Sup Forums trying to meme Vivian a like pathetic waifu fanboys.
>She fucked five guys and cucked one more. A few of the guys she fucked gave her shitty "game" good reviews.
None of them actually reviewed her shitty game, but they had it listed on some lists of good stuff on steam green light by their co-workers.
>n33ts on Sup Forums figured out all of game journalism collectively lies to its consumer base and regularly takes kickbacks from publishers.
That has been known since 90's, but then it was actual journalists in actually print press. How widespread this was on blogs and shieet might have been a thing. Even bigger thing was how heavy handedly the media reacted and how coordinated that reaction was with "gamers are dead" on every major blog and website.
Then professional victims like Anita Sarkeesian, that tranny John Flynn and Randi Harper selfinserted themselves for pity $$$$$ and general attention whoring in actual mainstream press.
>and ended with revealing a gigantic plot by Microsoft
It was DARPA.
What I find interesting is that the mods have been fucking with us far less than they used to. In the past they banned RWSS and GamerGate and now we can organize things without them getting in our way. Hell we even cucked them when it came to discussing NeoFag on Sup Forums.
Did someone lean on the mods or are they scared of us getting royally pissed at them?
Which was initiated by Microsoft.
Hiroshima doesn't care
GamerGate chased m00t away. Sup Forums as a whole went downhill since, Sup Forums became even more racist, the prduction of happy merchant memes quadrupled
Can you post it?
I want to see it