would you say no to alcohol prohibition?
Would you say no to alcohol prohibition?
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If you want prohibition, you have to prohibit yourself. It's the only thing that works.
Alcohol prohibition is America's finest example of the folly in giving women political power.
Get away from my liqour muzzie scum
Prohibition has not ever, and will not ever work. A better solution would be to introduce real, severe punishment for crimes, even when drunk, to promote personal responsibility and self discipline.
They should have picked a boong to be the aggressor in this ad considering a tiny minority of aboriginals inflict the vast majority of alcohol related crimes
me makee da punchee inside headee
Fucking women
Degenerate alcoholics will be the 1st to be gassed.
out of my cold, drunk hands
this having an alcohol prohibition would just cause more crime plus gangs and mafia would just do exactly what the american mafia did and sell alcohol illegally and make a killing from it as well
I say eat my big Australian dick you communist faggot
I'm drunk and high stupid newfag.
>goes to Sup Forums
>brags about being drunk and high
>calls someone else a newfag
That garbage provides employment.
yes to prohibition. I am not some weak minded fag or shitskin that needs chemical stimulation and gets impaired to escape the realities of life or fit in and be cool. Purity of body is purity of mind, any that resist will be purged by the chosen ones.
Prohibition WORKS if done right. You need to think like a jihadist. Burn alcoholics alive, throw them in prison, etc.
The problem isn't stopping people but the means for many people don't justify the ends.
Yeah I would I love drinking, faggots
>would you say no to alcohol prohibition?
I couldn't care less, but I know Ill never have another drink again god help me. That shit is bad for people like me, while others have no issue.
Therefore I don't give a fuck.
No you'll be the first to be gassed you fucking nigger
Absolutely no to prohibition. Just like gun control and war on drugs, it doesn't fucking work.
It's just another thing for the mafia to make money off and the government will make money off that. All that'd change is that you'd be in more danger from unregulated processes and quality checks and could be drinking anything.
I don't smoke weed but who the fuck gave the right to a random group of people to say you can't touch that plant for instance? Think about how weird that is.
to be honest alcohol should be banned
this is coming from someone who has had an issue with it for the past few years I know of how detrimental it can be to yourself, your family and society at large.
It's a poison plain and simple.
it would be best to just legalize all drugs
too many people that have not tried LSD
literally a mind expanding drug
>I have no self control, so no one else should be able to indulge!
You're a nobody friend.
Prohibition creates black markets. It should be seen culturally as the trash drug it is though.
only if they legalized weed at the federal level and made it so you can't get drug tested for it at work
This. Get some self control fagget and let the losers fight on the street. It's not that hard to avoid either just don't drink in the city and don't associate with alcoholics.
>alcohol prohibition
>it worked so well in USA ninety-five years ago
it will work even better now in your country
>If you want a white country, just live in a white house.
Individualism wins again.
>muh economy
>Get some self control fagget and let the losers fight on the street.
I'm sure drunken oafs pissing themselves in public, falling over themselves in punch-ups, leaving rubbish everywhere, is great for a nation's self-image and pride.
No, drinking a fine glass of Merlot with dinner is for educated gentleman and should be a protected cultural practice.
The only problem with alcohol is that it's the only option. Ability to indulge in one substance is the critical fault.
Most people don't abuse alcohol. What you do with your life is your choice. If you want to waste it drunk and/or on drugs that's your choice. I don't think tax dollar should be wasted trying to stop this.
I'd say no. We had prohibition and got NASCAR out of it.
Fivhting is manly it should be legal...society is getting gay
are you mad? I love beer;
Have you ever actually seen a drunkard fight? There's nothing manly about it at all. It's embarrassing, and they know it is, which is why if you show them a recording after they've sobered up they'll chuckle nervously about it.
i dont drink anymore. i wish weed was legal though
yeah but if it was banned I'd just make my own and you would too as it is piss easy
>communist flag
didn't work out very well for you I see
Btw there would be less drunken ppl, if ppl would kust kill every governement agent who triws to forbid or try to enforce prohibition of cannabis.
Statist cucks are the problem.
And ppl who dont kill statists.
Killing statists should be humanities no one, cheerd and praised and cherished weekend activity.
I see the beta ruin everybodies fun because I'm a loser and want to drag you all down with me gang has arrived.
ancaps are literally right wing communist
OP is a filthy roach
That guy protecting his beer. Fucking ace.
I'm not OP you tard. I literally said drinking is good.
I binge drink for more than a decade, I've never been in a fight.
Growing pot is easier than distilling alcohol, it just takes longer. Hmmm... yeah sure, prohibit alcohol, I need a new hobby.
Yes. Sharia law please.
I know it's scandalous to hear, but the problem and it's solution lies in family unit's and upbringing, not prohibition by state. Only thing that does is open black markets.
So, since the state stopping something causes more of it, would you be willing to argue the case that we have less homosexuality now than when it was illegal?
Nah his just a beta who hates the taste. Muslims ban it because they get to aggresive on it.
m8 a kid can run a still, it's piss-easy
If you can read a thermometer you're basically half-way there.
Beer brewing is even easier. Or "soldiers kvas" just bread, water and yeast.
> not prohibition by state
What higher power is there in an atheist society than the state? Where would you gain the authority to say we should return to traditional morals?
wow i'm gonna buy a subscription to smithsonian mag
>would you say no to alcohol prohibition?
It was tried before and it turned out horribly.
muslims are really hypocrites when it comes to intoxicants, just because their prophet explicitly named alcohol they don't drink but then they think it is ok to do shit like pic related
I have no idea, only logical conclusions to atheism are going ape-shit, hedonism and suicide. With stick and carrot-system you can keep the most passionless and least intelligent people in complacency and acting nice, but not forever I presume.
learn history ya doofus
Oh I agree, but growing marijuana is even easier. Literally, water-plant-if-dirt-dry easy.
Having lived among Arab Muslims it's pretty obvious why. Mohammad wasn't an idiot, he could see what subtances are bad for Arabs. Arabs being already a fiery race become very aggressive on alcohol, weed on the other hands calms them.
lol I can tell you've never even smoked it.
So you admit that without God from which to gin morals, the only outcome is Communism?
they tend to use a lot of coke too which makes them insane
lived among them for 10+years in a bad neighbourhood
Yeah, I'm actually in favour of them smoking weed instead of other drugs. It actually makes them more resonable.
Communism is just one of the forms that nihilism takes, to it's victims aka communists themselves often hidden as a virtuous urge to transfrom earth into a paradise. So that's not really a deduction I would personally make from posts I've made ITT.
I should just binge drink water and binge drink juice.
I am pretty sure they are smoking heroin and not weed
Women making poor choices marrying awful men. First thing they do when they have the power to vote is have the government come in and save them from responsibility for their poor choices. It failed miserably just like the wellfare state and mass immigration will destroy western civ. Noice.
Except they were the ones originally fighting Hollywood degeneracy too. They were right until Jews infiltrated them
Yes, because fuck islam.
Stealth sharia shit.
In a free society, governments have no authority to force morality.
I was "dude weed lmao" for the entire 90s decade. I smoked a ton of weed and had a little grow op too. You don't know what you are talking about, kangaroo fag.
I brew my own beer from home and I'm not against prohibition because I could sell it like a drug dealer and charge people more for it