What is the capitalist version of

What is the capitalist version of
>from each, according to his ability
>to each, according to his needs

From each according to his need to each according to his ability. Simple. Need something done? Pay the guy with the ability to do it.


"From thousands of losers to my patreon, because I have a vagina. Now go clean toilets, bootstrap boy"

Fuck you, pay me.

Read Ayn Rand's novels, all 1500 pages, a$$hole. Or a fucking Kipling poem. We aren't here to help you with the most basic thoughts.

take what you want and pay for it

>from each, everything he has
>to each, that which they can hold onto
>greed is good

>What is the capitalist version of
>>from each, according to his ability
>>to each, according to his needs
Fuck you, pay me!

Reward the hard workers and punish the lazy by getting rid of handouts.

I think it's the one about teaching a man to fish

Hard work isn't a guarantee of monetary success. More like the ability to manipulate the economy to profit off it, in other words greed. Capitalism is inherently Jewish.



Fuck you got mine

That's a farting sound.

Caveat emptor?

Freely sell what free people would want to buy.

The fucking interview that you tanked.

Get the job, be good, do good.

"We have leftovers, and beer in the fridge, and you're in line for bread crumbs?"


Wew lad (unemployed noises)

From each, according to each
To each, according to his ability

this is the original version


from each, according to what they choose to supply
to each, according to the demand for what they choose to supply

From each according to his ability, to each according to his ability.

From Each according to their capability and desire.
To each according to their capability and desire.

>A man must always live by his work, and his wages must at least be sufficient to maintain him.
-Adam Smith

>Get a job you fucking bum
Seems appropriate

social security

To each according to his wants. Anyone who says otherwise does not understand economics.

From each according to his toil, to each according his earning.
Now fuck you, and pay me for my words of wisdom.

from each according to his perceived threat level (penis size) to my big fat mouth

from no one, to no one

unless they willing engage in mutual exchange

>There's no such thing as 'free'

No one will make a trade they think will make them worse off.

The capitalist version is, "Those who don't work, don't eat."

Basic economics is the capitalism red pill.


If you want a real answer it's this, pal.

>can't even post lewds in pol anymore

No one may threaten or commit violence ('aggress') against another man's person or property.