Let's have a pagan hate thread.
Let's have a pagan hate thread
My ancestors smile down upon me, can you say the same?
You're ancestors are screaming up from hell at you faggot.
Latvia, atheist nation. State funded NatSoc parades.
Beat and kill nonwhite tourists for fun. How can christian subhumans even compete?
Fuck Jesus, Heil Hitler!
>my whitenes is all i have
Listen up here you literal morons, those who actually believe in god must be fucking sterilized so their low intelligence genetics don’t contaminate the gene pool
“Based Russians” are almost exclusively atheist and most of the Nationalists want to have a goooooood big blood bath for christcuck leadership
Nonwhites are subhuman
Our homelands belong to us
Russians are subhuman.
>starts the thread with an unreadable thumbnail
Christians, everyone.
Said a subhuman nonwhite under a flag created by a subhuman nonwhite Richard Kalergi
What is this, a thread for ants?
Stop cherry picking pictures of our neighbor.
fuck off roach
>tfw cucked, Christian and mixed race
t. tatar
Russians are the worst kind of human on Earth, and their country is an undercover dictatorship which sucks major international dick.
t. urkish gypsy mongrel
Keep screeching subhuman armeno-gook
Christ is risen!
Jesus christ man could you not fucking save thumbnails next time?
If they don't attack Christianity, I'm okay with Pagans. The problem is that most "Pagans" are just fedora tippers shamed into having a religion and think they can translate their anti-Christianity into a new vessel. That's not necessary or tolerable to protect the European race.
>the absolute state of anti-Nordicists
Time to get on your knees for the "King of the Jews", bud.
isnt it time for you to get on your knees to suck some black bull cum , cuck german shitskin
So you hate Christians right?
Wait arent you that same guy? I asked you a question!
Pagan fagbois BTFO
Nigger, do I fucking look like an ant?
Russians have very small dicks.
Truly the best thread. Love the 3 pixel pictures.
>state funded
>state funded anything
Get out statist. Sup Forums is an ancap board.
Fuck your false god and your fake Judeo christian slave religion faggot. Your just as bad as Muslims.
Go put on some face paint and lipstick faggot.
How interesting that these pagan hate threads aren't being pruned. Odin is the Allfather
>saving thumbnails