Polacks deserved it.
Polacks deserved it
Other urls found in this thread:
>falling for g*rman propaganda
Polack killings in danzig happened whether it was as high as 58 thousand or not.
>took place AFTER the war broke out so not a reasonable casus belli as it's often claimed to be
>no evidence i've seen of these sorts of incidents taking place prior to war (plenty of false flag incidents though, see operation canned goods)
>"Polack killings in danzig" were the polish army shooting at german irregulars
>any of this justifies the germans killing millions of ethnic poles and intelligentsia, and seeking to completely dismantle them as a nation/identity and reduce them into a slave race subservient to germany
muh hitler dindu nufin tho
not mine
"The best source for the Hitler and Heydrich-promoted Gleiwitz incident is SS officer Alfred Naujocks who defected to the Allied Forces in Belgium in Oct. 1944. While detained as a war criminal (which he was) he gave sworn affadavits in 1946 to the Nuremberg Tribunal of his leading involvement in the Nazi false flag provocation at Gleiwitz. He was under orders from Gestapo head Heinrich Mueller. SS Oberfuhrer Dr. Herbert Melhorn was originally tapped to command the provocation but wiggled out of the assignment. The top commander of the staged fake invasion was Reinhard Heydrich who was in touch with Admiral Canaris about its progress.
Information on Naujocks and the Nazi provocation at Gleiwitz can be found in W L Shirer's "Third Reich," pp. 518 -20, which reproduces his affadavits; and Heinz Hohne's "Order of the Death's Head," pp. 259 - 266; and Walter Schellenberg tells of his knowledge of the incident in his memoirs.
Nazi war criminal Naujocks escaped prison shortly after providing his affadavits, quietly working as a businessman in W. Germany until his death in 1966 when his whereabouts and true identity became known.
Contradicting Veronica Clark's attempt to re-write history is the 1976 book by the German authors Alfred Spiess and Heiner Lichtenstein: "Das Unternehmen Tannenberg." The translation of the title into English is "The Tannenberg Operation," Hitler's name for the false flag operation to deceive the world that Poland had invaded Germany. See also Donald Cameron Watt's 1989 "How War Came: The Immediate Origins of the Second World War." The Gleiwitz provocation is treated on pp. 532 - 534, and two other lesser known and similar incidents at Pitschen and Hohnlinden.
It is key to understanding the Gleiwitz Incident that the Germans did not allow the foreign press access to the "invasion sites" after the so-called hostilities."
>danzig massacres is propaganda
>Believes general plan OST bullshit
Anyone who believes that bullshit doesnt know who Pilsudski was and the hitler peace agreements he had with him.
You are one of those retards who just pick a side, takes all their bullshit for granted, and anything from the other side that confilcts with your cognitive dissonance is automatically fake propaganda.
Like tumblr commie faggots who say your a maniac if you dont believe the entire 6 gorillion bullshit but the holodomor and purges were all nazi propaganda.
You're a shit posting retard who isn't even worth debating with outside of just calling you a shitposing retard.
>s-slavs w.....w-aTCH OUT!
The fun part is how history is taught in German schools
> Everything the Nazis did was wrong.
> Americans were liberators.
> Germans did all the warcrimes, the allied forces just reacted.
> If a bad case of allied warcrime comes up, it's just "war is war and it was our fault to start it".
> The Japanese deserved Hiroshima and Nagasaki because it's like they ate Chinese babies.
> Don't question the Holocaust (because that would be a crime). Believe whatever you are told about it.
fuck germans. they are the plague that keeps europe down.
This. Poleshits like to cry victim all the time, but refuse to accept their crimes!
>believing anything from nuremberg torture what you want out of them fest
Are you even trying?
I wouldnt even care that much if they actually gave a shit about broader Europa and not just their nigger bullshit victim status.
Hey there, shlomo.
Daily reminder Polack=Jew.
Just imagine the world without g*rmans ...
Ironic that you say "the general plan OST is bullshit" yet proceed to say "You are one of those retards who just pick a side, takes all their bullshit for granted, and anything from the other side that confilcts with your cognitive dissonance is automatically fake propaganda." You literally just debunked yourself. Also you're an imbecile, the genocide of Slavs is well known of.
Ah the troll crawls out of it's cave and posts nonsense. Also heads up bud if you want to believe Veronica Clark's story she basically says the somebody (forgot who) lied to Hitler about the massacres, leading him to rage like a bull and invade Poland. Whether or not there were casualties of german immigrants I don't remember before the war broke out. Either way there's that, hope my words were like pearls thrown to a pig here.
Also you're on very shaky ground making such vague claims. Really shaky grounds since you undermine your validity in the process as well. Well like always with nazi apologists.
>multicultural commie utopia
Neck yourself.
Nothing in those pics are as horrifying as when your mom's boyfriend use to diddle you every night when you were a kid.
weren't* lol
Ukrainians aren't even human, fuck off khohol
No such thing as U*rainians exists.
>Polacks deserved it.
You mean Sup Forumstards?
It is bullshit all you have to do is be familiar with the Hitler, Pilsudski peace relations and the fact that Hitler's original intention was to ally with poloand and aid them as a wall between Europe and the Soviet union which you obviously know fuck all about.
Get fucked.
General OST was maybe a written idea by one guy but there is no evidence what so ever that it was even taken past written down bullshit.
if Generalplan Ost wasn't real then why did Hitler make no effort to figure out who was responsible for the "massacres" instead of just attacking Poland and assuming control?
really makes me think
>Shit copypasted to forums i screencap really makes me think
>General OST was maybe a written idea by one guy but there is no evidence what so ever that it was even taken past written down bullshit.
You see pindos the tremendously high amounts of atrocities, anti Slavic and anti Jewish propaganda, murder and rape make Generalplan Ost seem like it was a true thing. All the atrocities committed by the red army in total was like 1/3 (if not 1/4) of all that we've suffered from the nazis. But I suppose this fact doesn't sit well with you, does it really not, hmmm?
That pic was posted by /nsg/ nutters in arguments during the previous months as an argument to supposedly prove that germanization was a good thing for us Slavs and that somehow the kidnapping of polish children was a lie....? Yeah I'm not sure, you see I'm not a psychotic nsg nutter to literally use evidence against my viewpoint to somehow attempt to justify my viewpoint.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA its like you're trying to be full of shit!
Sorry the reality scars your ego, should I be though? You want me to babysit you redditfag?
Poles stole German lands after WW1. ((Prussia)).
Pioles with ANTIFA kill almost 65000 mostly German farmers in Danzig,
Germans Blitzkrieg Poland.
Then the Poles kill more in Bloody Sunday.
Warsaw falls in less than one month.
Poles start WW2, millions die.
Poles owe us reparations.
Nazi mass shootings were strictly against partisans you fucking dolt.
Stalin the batshit insane maniac forced all civs in to be partisans and in some cases even refused to allow civilians leave cities that were being under siege to force the Russians to resist harder.
You need to go back and stop lying shamelessly through your teeth like a the true vermin which you are.
Not really, many times civilians were massacred. Also nazi brutalities encouraged people to join the partisans, they really did shoot themselves in the foot. Also this video and my read to post copy pasta swiftly debunks your preschool tier understanding of ww2.
8:07 If the Germans were liberators why did they massacre civilians who recently join the partisans to escape execution during reprisal operations? Why did the Germans give the civilians a corridor out of the encirclement of the partisans only TO MACHINE GUN THEM DOWN?
9:00 Why did the Germans kill children and throw them down drinking wells? That's the type of superior european enrichment Slavs needed? What the fuck?
A Stranger to Myself: The Inhumanity of War: Russia, 1941-1944 by Willy Peter Reese
>murdered the jews
>Strangled the women
>Killed the children
>Everyone knows what we bring
From a German soldier who fought in Russia :
“Do you know how we behaved to the civilians? We behaved like devils out of Hell. We left those poor villagers to starve to death, thousands and thousands of them. How can you win a war in this way?
We shoot villagers on the slightest excuse. Just stick them up against a wall. We order the whole village out to watch. It’s a vicious circle. We hate them and they hate us, and on and on it goes, everyone getting more inhuman.
The civilians were all ready to look on us as saviours. They had had years of oppression from the communists. What did we do? Turn into slaves under Hitler.
If the Russians should ever pay back one half of what we have done, you won’t smile or sing again.
We were quartered (living) in a house outside the town. Our dwelling for the night was a wooden house occupied by a Russian family of five children and an old grandmother. We were bitten by fleas all night. We opened our tins and made coffee, sharing what we had with the children and the old woman.
The man of the house was a soldier and the mother had been taken away to dig trenches. The children all had protubing bellies of long-term malnutrition. The reality is that after 22 years of Communist rule, a salted fish is the height of luxury. How this country depresses me.”
If the soviets were to get the casualty numbers even they would have had exterminated like 12-17 million Germans in 1945 and onwards which we didn't do. Communist Slavs more humane and civil than German nazis? Surprising?
Yeah fuck em it was a war they started because Great Britain made them think they would help them burn Berlin.
Polacks threw away all of Pilsudski's peace proposals and started butchering and persecuting native germans in the danzig strip. After Pilsudski died Britain found the opportunity to stick their nose in the issue and lead Poland to believe that they would help Poland burn Germany to the ground if they tried anything.
Thats why Hitler made the pact with Russia so that Britian would think twice about jumping in and Poland got their shit pushed just like they deserved.
And to this they the white nigger fucks bitch and moan like they are victims.
>Smigly Rydz
You're lying OP, there's no way that's a real name
CLAIM 6:"Hitler's invasion of Poland (Polenfeldzug) was justified because Poland was being genocidal toward ethnic Germans (Volksdeutsche) in its territories."
WRONG! The event alleged in TGSNT as "the Danzig massacre" is a hoax; what Dennis Wise is most likely referring to is rather an event known as "Bloody Sunday" which took place in Bromberg (today the city of Bydgoszcz) and firstly happened three days AFTER the German invasion of Poland and secondly many of the involved Volksdeutsche were in reality part of a poorly trained Pro-Nazi paramilitary force called the Selbstschutz who attacked the organized Polish Army during the German invasion and got the shit wrecked out of them as a result. When the Wehrmacht came across this, they reported their deaths back to Nazi leadership in Germany who used it for propaganda purposes ("muh innnocent defenseless German civilians hacked to death by Polish barbarians") to justify their invasion of Poland that had already begun via false flag (Gleiwitz incident[10]) and subsequent reprisals against the Polish populace once the nation was erased from the world map for the next 6 years and turned into a new entity known as the Generalgouvernement. Also, Poland never owned Danzig during the pre-war time. It was a free city under administration by the League of Nations. The war started because Hitler wanted the Danzig corridor. When Poland refused to just hand the area over as had been the case with Czechia ceding the Sudetenland and getting entirely annexed in the progress while the world remained silent, Hitler invaded.
CLAIM 7: "Hitler offered a 16 point peace plan to Britain after the fall of France which the warmongering British refused."
The world had learned Hitler's "peace offers" werent worth the paper they were written on after what happened with his Munich Agreement[11]. In any case the peace plan was shitty because it effectively gave Germany control over all areas it had conquered.
Why most of us eastern Slavs hate nazis and will kill them again, again and again.
5:01 All sick patients in the hospital were to be eliminated. "When I went into the courtyard I saw a horrifying scene. Near the women’s section there was a large gray truck into which were lead undressed women. At first they didn't understand what was happening. Soon they realized and there arouse a horrific wailing and screaming. Later the sick were continued to be lead into the truck.
5:57 The nazi went through…. then the kids were loaded. Many kids didn’t want to crawl into the scary van. One girl cried and pleaded that she be left.
10:46 Soldier: Please say, we’ve been told the story, which of them do you know best?
Woman: That one in the pink shirt. Pyshkarov. There was a building behind the new marketplace with 300 arrested people in the basement. And he was guarding the place, armed. When the building was set ablaze there was horrific wailing of people who knew they’ll burn and the neighbors could not stand the wailing and screaming and they ran to the burning building and pleaded and their knees with the guard. “Please open the doors, we’ll give you as much money as you want”…… (later) the relatives could not recognize the burnt victims.
>Communist Slavs more humane and civil than German nazis? Surprising?
The very testimony you used literally said the opposite you fucking retard.
Nitpicking some atrocities here and there doesnt negate from the fact that Communism in itselt was one gigantic atrocity. Stop being a giant faggot. All sides commit atrocities in a war no matter fucking what.
We Slavs didn't plan on exterminating a large chunk of Germans and interbreeding with the rest that would have been deemed desirable. Sorry, you're a spoiled brat, I know it's hard to grasp reality when you've been an unserious spoiled shitbag all your life. And no dear shit brain, his testimony solidifies the obvious well known fact that it was a genocidal war.
The following is a particularly telling excerpt: "We went to the village near the town of Gatchina Rozhdestvenno - told who served on the Seversky airport Private Peter Shuber. - We had a mission: to bring the girls the officers. We have successfully carried out the operation, all cordoned off the house. We collected a truckload of girls. All night the girls kept the officers, but in the morning they gave us - the soldiers. In large cities, organized stationary brothels. It was standard practice Wehrmacht. "There were soldiers' brothels," puffs "were called - remember shturmbannfyurera SS Avenir Bennigsen. - Almost all fronts. Girls from all over Europe, of all nationalities, from all camps collected. By the way, an indispensable accessory of a German soldier and an officer were two condoms, which are regularly issued in the army. " But while in Europe the Wehrmacht brothels staffed with more or less voluntarily, on Soviet soil invaders such delicacy is not going to show. Girls and women for the German soldiers for the most part collected by force - a scene that will forever remember the people trapped under the occupation. In Smolensk, for example, women dragged by the arms and hair, dragged on the pavement - in the officer's brothel, organized in one of the hotels. In case of refusal to stay in a brothel followed the shooting. After the Red Army drove the Germans out of Kerch, views of Red terrible sight presented itself: "In the prison yard was found mutilated shapeless pile of naked girls' bodies, wild and tortured by the Nazis cynically."
The estimate of 2 million women raped by the Red Army were made by Hanna Schissler and are based on the number of abortions preformed in Germany immediately after the end of WW2. This is not a number that accurately represents the reality of the situation.
Regardless, estimates of German rapes of Soviet civilians go up to 10,000,000. War crimes of the Wehrmacht - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Soviet crimes were a reactionary move and done in revenge for much greater brutality.
One of the greatest crimes in Western Europe was the massacre of Oradour-sur-Glane, in which 642 civilians were murdered by a Waffen-SS battalion. But just one region in the East, Belarus, with 20% of France’s population, experienced the equivalent of more than 3,000 Oradours – some 2,230,000 people were killed in Belarus during the three years of German occupation, or a quarter of its population. At least 5,295 Belorussian settlements were destroyed by the Nazis and more than 600 villages like Khatyn were annihilated with their entire population under the cover of anti-partisan operations.
While rape is obviously immoral, it is not hard to see how young men who had just lived through 4 years of hell on earth, a very high chance of death, and saw their best friends and family killed by the Germans would display cruelty towards the citizens of the country which openly stated its goal as the ethnic cleansing and genocide of Ukraine and Russia and the replacement of its native population with Germans (Generalplan Ost).
Other sources estimate that rapes of Soviet women by the Wehrmacht range up to 10,000,000 incidents, with between 750,000 and 1,000,000 children being born as a result.[84][85][86][92]
84, 85, 86, 92 in order
Gertjejanssen, Wendy Jo (2004). Victims, Heroes, Survivors: Sexual Violence on the Eastern Front during World War II (PhD diss.) (Thesis). University of Minnesota.
Kehila Kedosha Janina Synagogue and Museum. "The Holocaust in Ioannina". Retrieved 5 January 2009.
Zur Debatte um die Ausstellung Vernichtungskrieg. Verbrechen der Wehrmacht 1941–1944 im Kieler Landeshaus (Debate on the War of Extermination. Crimes of the Wehrmacht, 1941–1944)
Grossmann, Atina. Jews, Germans, and Allies: Close Encounters in Occupied Germany. p.290.
Hitler's final peace proposal was that he would hold the positions against the soviet union long enough to allow the western allies to fill in the pockets and they surrender.
Which they should have done. It would have stopped alot of problems today in the west if America went ahead and stomped the fuck out of your shithole country when they had the chance and cleaned out the commie jews before they could infect our country.
Even to this day your precious dear leader ultra Christian Putin, under the surface, is nothing but a KGB kike who is completely controlled by the Chabad and you thick skulled white niggers are too stupid to know you are still being duped by the same judeo bolshevik kabbal.
Examples of mass rapes in Soviet Union committed by German soldiers include:
• Smolensk: German command opened a brothel for officers in which hundreds of women and girls were driven by force, often by arms and hair.[82]
• Lviv: 32 women working in a garment factory were raped and murdered by German soldiers, in public park. A priest trying to stop the atrocity was murdered.
• Barysaw: 75 women and girls attempting to flee at the approach of the German troops were captured by them. The Germans first raped and then savagely murdered 36 of their number. By order of a German officer named Hummer, the soldiers marched L. I. Melchukova, a 16-year-old girl, into the forest, where they raped her. A little later some other women who had also been dragged into the forest saw some boards near the trees and the dying Melchukova nailed to the boards. The Germans had cut off her breasts in the presence of other women.
• Kerch: imprisoned women were raped and tortured; breasts were cut off, stomachs ripped open, limbs cut off and eyes gouged out. A mass grave full of mutilated bodies of young women was found after Germans were driven out of town.
• Lviv-Germans soldiers raped Jewish girls, who were murdered after getting pregnant.[83] It is estimated that over a million children were born to Russian women, fathered by German soldiers.[84]:56 [85]
Source: en.wikipedia.org
so... why did hitler invade poland?
>under the surface, is nothing but a KGB kike who is completely controlled by the Chabad
Do I care? Why should I care? If it's true well one thing for sure is true, which is it pisses people such as yourself with inferiority issues off.
>you thick skulled white niggers are too stupid to know you are still being duped by the same judeo bolshevik kabbal.
If most of Russians are white niggers then it would make the ameriturd storm-ignobles 10,000x worse scum. You really shot yourself in the foot AGAIN as really should be expected of nazi apologist lemmings LOL.
>The estimate of 2 million women raped by the Red Army were made by Hanna Schissler and are based on the number of abortions preformed in Germany immediately after the end of WW2. This is not a number that accurately represents the reality of the situation.
You're right because you can't be sure that all of the rape victims would have gotten an abortion.
But then here you are going out of your way to be completely retarded and ridiculous.
>Germany invaded with roughly 3 million
>well known fact that rapists were punished severely
>totally raped 10 million
>Soviets who openly promoted rape in their propaganda totes couldnt have raped the supposed 2 million figure.
Its like you just grasp on to the most ridiculous bullshit you can to reassure your cognitive dissonance and just roll with it
Surely you hold the Soviet Union to this standard as well with their holocaust on Christians and orthodox followers? Or is that just anti-communism propaganda and the fact the majority of the Bolsheviks were actually jewish.
So you think a soldier was capable of only one rape and that's it? So probably failed 1st grade math didn't you?
>Its like you just grasp on to the most ridiculous bullshit you can to reassure your cognitive dissonance and just roll with it
Again you accuse me of your own crimes because of your, your very own cognitive dissonance because you hate Slavs and are intellectually dishonest. You favor sweet sensational lies over truth, which might be hard to admit. Because you're a mental prostitute. Also please don't cry the internet rivers of tears about soviet crimes if you deny and condone the genocide of Slavs which was even more severe than reprisals against the german population who were in bed with the nazis. The internet and places like youtube has had enough of your ego centric anti Slavic bullshit.
Shouldn't I be asking you that question, huh? Right? I mean if you larpers have it all figured out ya know, you probably read a lot about the subject, bought Veronica's books too didn't you because you seem to want to know unbiased truth right? Well feel free to enlighten me, thing is I go with Veronica's explanation or either the operation Himmler scenario, don't have a solid opinion but anyways go ahead. The onus is on you know. Also feel free to mention the subjugation of the Czechs as well.
If you use tragedies such as the Holodomor to justify the nazi invasion then you shoot yourself in the foot, if so to you Ukrainians merely are a pawn, a propaganda asset to promote the lie known as nazis and likewise condone the genocide of eastern Slavs.
In setting up the educational system, the same principles apply to both Eastern territories and any other colonies. We do not want any of this enlightenment nonsense propagated by an advance guard of parsons ! What is the use of talking about progress to people like that? Jodl is quite right when he
says that notices in the Ukrainian language "Beware of the Trains" are superfluous; what on earth does it matter if one or two more locals get run over by the trains?
I am in favour of teaching a little German in the schools simply because this will facilitate our administration. Other- wise every time some German instruction is disobeyed, the local inhabitant will come along with the excuse that he "didn't understand". For the same reason, the Russian script must be replaced by the Latin. The greatest possible mistake we could make would be to take the local population too much under the wing of the State ; and to avoid all danger of our own people becoming too soft-hearted and too humane towards them, we must keep the German colonies strictly separated from the local inhabitants.
Page 589 - KNOWLEDGE IS DANGEROUS HITLER’S TABLE TALK 1941-1944 His Private Conversations Translated by Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens
The Ukrainian Insurgent Army - Chronicles 1942-1954 (Part ONE) | release 2015
2:20 Why did the nazi Germans forcefully send Ukrainians as eastern workers to Germany where a portion of them would eventually die as did they with young adults from Belarus?
5:58 Why did Germans execute Ukrainian patriots at the beginning of their occupation, did they pose a threat for the German occupants, weren’t the Germans supposed to be wonderful liberators?
7:50 At the beginning of the occupation why were Ukrainian nationalists considered dangerous IF they didn’t oppose their occupants? Because Ukrainians were to be slaves under nazi German rule, colonized and subdued into submission, viewed as second class human beings.
C. 9 June 1942, Heinrich Himmler: Geheimreden 1933 bis 1945 und andere Ansprachen. Edited by B.F. Smith and A.F. Peterson (Frankfurt/Main: Propyläen Verlag, 1974), pp. 145-161.
“This war makes no sense if afterwards … Bohemia and Moravia, the German eastern districts of southeast Prussia, Danzig-West Prussia, the Warthegau, Upper Silesia, the General Government, the Ostland (inc. the Baltic States and Belorussia), the Crimea, and Ingermanland aren’t completely settled with Germans within twenty years.
This is the task that we have set out to accomplish, for as long as we still live, once peace is established … the land is Germanized when the populace is German.”
volunteers of every nation in europe were fighting the various arms of the german military (including ukrainians/poles/belarusians/balts/etc.)
these soldiers wouldn't have fought for them willingly while they were mercilessly killing/raping them
everything you say reads like a soviet textbook
any information on this veronica explanation? no idea wtf you're talking about, also I was just asking
Holodomor is not the holocaust I'm talking about. I'm talking about the Bolsheviks deliberately targeting people for their religion then killing them or "off to gulags" within Russia itself. (1917-1921), (1921-1928) and (1928-1941)
I guess you are right that the Germans did shoot themselves in the foot as they were the ones who released Lenin into pre-soviet Russia. But the Jews who released him must been pretty happy with the result, pre-WWII that is.
Surely you are not a hypocrite and will hold the SU and the nazi's to the same standard?
She claims a high ranking guy lied to Hitler. Whether or not there was actually massacre of Germans before war officially broke out I don't remember her saying but what I do remember her saying is that she claims Hitler wanted Poland in his sphere on influence yet raged like a bull when the fraudulent or over exaggerated report of Polish atrocities were told to him. Either that is true or the official story aka Operation Himmler is true. Don't know about criticism from actual historians on her, also she is a historian herself.
>Surely you are not a hypocrite and will hold the SU and the nazi's to the same standard?
I don't deny soviet savagery. Baltic nations percentage wise suffered horrendously from soviet (((liberation))) for example, Poles and Germans who sought political asylum were pretty much all shot in 1941 when the war began. I don't deny such things.
who is her
what is her name
>haha why are you struggling instead of buying a cabin in the woods? Only losers assert themselves.
OK Varg
pic is wrong Germans were majority in Danzig at that time
Over 90% of population were german.
State President and Senate were NSDAP members.