>Be amerimutt-lover of capitalism
>get fined for fucking up Interview
>Be amerimutt-lover of capitalism
>get fined for fucking up Interview
That's what you get for violating the NAP by engaging in fraud
>Lying on your resume (attempted fraud)
>Wasting peoples time (resources) on purpose
VCAT is australian. Sage goes in option field.
These people sound like they would have been real dicks to work with
I don't see anything out of place here
This was posted earlier on /r9k/ where people said it was Australian dumbass faggot op.
This. It's Australian.
As an American software developer manager, I truly fucking wish I could do this.
Pick one, numbnuts.
If you stumbled into my yard I'd shoot you.
Enjoy your shithole 3rd world nation, Achmed.
That's Australian.
Although still curious if that's even legal.
offices go to shit if the people that aste everyones time don't or can't get fired
If you could fine Indians all you'd get is shit.
Pajeet detected
OP and his ass pirate flag
you can definitely sue for damages related to employment fraud. usually niggers dont have money, or they get caught early
I've even heard of this, fake applicants getting fined by the company for intervies involving higher ups that get paid a hundreds of dollars an hour or more
they deserve to pay
Well, are you, or have you ever been, an engineer of distributed systems? Or did you lie on the resume?
What a bunch of meanies.
How are they going to prove that he doesn't know Erlang in court?
You know, I've been on a number of interviews where I've wanted to punch the guy in the face or shoot up his office for not wanting to hire me for not having a degree, when I've been programming for 10 years. Just a non-descript letter like this when I'm actually trying to stave off homelessness.
Don't be that guy that I actually punch in the face.
Is it employment fraud if you aren't even employed there?
> during the interview became immediately obvious that you were unfamiliar with Erlang ever at a junior developer level...
> took them 2 hours to figure that out
no contract to pay, so whatever.
also, it's there job to deal with incompetent candidates. tough shit.
sage in option field.
Why is everyone suddenly using Erlang
>don’t respond
>get another letter
>don’t respond to that either
>nothing happens
Or if they take it further just put it on plebbit and shame the company and let normies save you. It’s pretty simple.
devil or not, I ain't reading all that shit.
nigger the job posting just said it involved Erlang. Didn't say it focused on it.
Assuming this pwrson didn't blatantly lie on their resume they should tell them to suck a dick and try their luck at the Tribunal, then if they lost he should sue their asses for wasting his time because they wanted to act like cunts. Really drag their name through the mud too, get ACA involved and let them feel the wrath of Grimshaw
I'm almost certain that is illegal.
Unless the person signed a contract to say that they would be liable for costs in the event that the interview was unsuccessful they cannot be 'fined' for the time. Otherwise I could set up a 'software' company, and make money just through knocking back and extorting money off applicants at the interview stage.
Apparently how it works in Australia if he doesn't show up to vcat the employer wins automatically. So basically the employer is just trying to make a quick buck even though if he shows they'll lose.
Even if they did lie, I can't imagine this being legally binding in the slightest. Wasting someone's time isn't fraud.
Please allow 24-48 hours between recycling posts, thank you.
> Head of HR only paid $5 less than head developer
Why are HR people paid so much?
attempted fraud is a crime. if you attempt and fail to rob a bank it doesnt stop being a crime
Because faggots think that Functional Programming is a thing when you literally can't do half the shit that you need to do if you stick by the rules of it, in addition it makes the fucking code unreadable by 90% of people who don't have a fucking clue what you're doing with that recursive loop when a simple if -then statement can do the fucking trick.
You have to be a good liar and conman to thrive under capitalism. Capitalism, like democracy, weeds out the amateur fraud, and ensures that only true sociopaths become the men in suits at the top of the hierarchy.
Not the u.s. and if it did happen here if sue for attempted swindle, "on principle". You can't charge me for a service that wasn't rendered. An interview is a negotiation.
>Even if they did lie, I can't imagine this being legally binding in the slightest. Wasting someone's time isn't fraud.
I think you are right. But I also think people who lie on their CV and get caught before they are hired should be fined. Makes it more difficult for people who are honest.
most legitimate companies just consider it a sunk cost and move on.
Only dumb hr bitches at shitty companies spend time pursuing fees for interviews.
Degrees mean shit to me. Best programmer I ever worked with was a high school dropout and the worst happened to have a masters degree. If you graduated back in 88, your knowledge of Fortran and Cobol means dick today. Don't sell yourself on being able to do stuff you can't do, though. You'll get hazed and harassed for it daily, and I encourage that environment. Know your shit.
And they didn't render a service but think they can charge for negotiations they ended.
Anyone can print out that piece of shit letter. Fake. It's their fucking job to interview as HR and it's in their own interest to find the people best suited.
jesus fucking christ le haxxing autiste mens are even worse than their reputation. whoever got this note should write something super snarky back or just tell them to fuck off in writing. how can someone prove intent on this? the terms "junior" and "experienced" are completely subjective. someone with a bachelors is an expert compared to some, but a pleb compared to others
do you know how many fucking sham indian software "engineers" live in boston alone? i'd guess thousands.
as if the rep for the people in i.t couldn't be worse. next theyll be mandating that people wear a butt plug to work
HR is nepostism central. Gotta keep the guy who approves the $22/hr hire of your retarded son in law.
A persons opinion of your skills does not constitute evidence of fraud you fucking kike.
You try to argue salary with the people who hire and fire, and who know every bit of office gossip to ruin a person. Plus most HR people network with other HR people so they can essentially prevent you from getting hired anywhere else with a few phonecalls if they don't like you.
There's a reason everybody hates HR.
>blame everything on America
>Be wrong
All fields
>Degrees mean shit to me.
Good. At least you know better.
>You'll get hazed and harassed for it daily, and I encourage that environment.
>Encouraging a hostile work environment
Jesus that's fucked.
>Best programmer I ever worked with was a high school dropout and the worst happened to have a masters degree
I'm so fucking sure you dumb larping cocksucker.
Surely no actual company would use a font so disgusting if they wanted to be taken seriously
HR people are all miserable power hungry women in my experience. I avoid them like the plague.
Can he get damages for a frivolous lawsuit or is that only an American thing?
lying and potentially endangering various things is definitely fraud. 500 dollars is not typically going to be orth suing over
if you had a decent job you'd kno that corporate espionage is a thing and because of it people like ibm often get people that lie on their resumes tossed in prison
That's Australian but it's also hilarious and if Americans did something similar I'd be okay with it. Stupid people who are also liars don't deserve money.
>Australian organization
Does that mean I can bill employers for fraud when they bring me in for an interview even though they have already selected their candidate and have no intention of considering anyone else?
t. Shlomo Sixmillionberg
Spend some time on places like LinkedIn and it'll become clear to you that HR types sink a lot of time and energy in justifying their increasingly complex hiring voodoo rather than figuring out how to simplify what ought to be an obvious goal: find the most qualified person.
Instead, factors like "diversity" are used as a smoke screen to justify their hype (and paycheck) to managers that are too dumb to see through their bullshit.
suppression of free riders at all times must be the goal of society or it is lost to kikes and niggers
I'd like to see them try to enforce it in court.
Literally no fucking way are they going to be able to make this guy pay for an interview. Even if he was lying his teeth off and he doesn't know anything. It's deplorable.
Also who the fuck pays people to go on an interview? Perhaps they're trying to throw away money? I think it's a scam.
No one cares about abos, Sup Forums is western board
Literally cuckoldalism.
Not surprised this (((trick))) was pulled.
>put it on plebbit and shame the company and let normies save you. It’s pretty simple.
in his defence this is probably the one and only time american bullshit has been wrongly called out
it's true. I wasn't the manager at the place. He was my coworker. The kid was arrested for unlawfully breaking into government computers and my boss knew that when he hired him. He ended up quitting because he had a side business selling Vicodin and other prescription drugs through email. He made $40,000 in one weekend then sent me an ICQ telling me he moved to Bermuda.
everyone sees through the bullshit. hr acts as a legal intermediary to limit liability to the productive sector of the company so that if something goes full nig they can nuke entire divisions and not change a thing
thats the reason there's a complete barrier separating hr and other divisions
This isn't legal here. Nice try europoor.
>head developer only makes $5 more per hour than the head of HR
What a shit company, no wonder it took those retards six man hours to realize a candidate was lying to them
Sup Forums too. no less retarded though.
> companies only wants perfect humans with every positive trait possible or person discarded out of hand
> embellishes resume
> get sued by (((Rebekah)))
>sue for damages related to employment fraud
this is one of those empty threats that they use to try to keep soccer moms from lying about the degree they never finished in 1988. its because hr barely checks anything other than criminal stuff. and the people who do check things relating to your competency (if they even do) are the sales managers or whoever else youll be working for that would make calls to your references. there is a big disconnect between those people and departments that make it really easy to lie about shit on your resume. thats why everybody does it
id love to see if anyone has ever actually sued. for non medical or other safety oriented stuff it seems almost completely out of the question
Good luck trying to prove that, goy
Was he Russian or slav of some kind? Russians love that shit for some inexplicable reason.
never 5get
anyone got link to that article about americans exporting cum to europe?
it does happen. particularly in information handling businesses or places that have corporate espionage.
it is 100% legal for both of the above to hire 0% chinese of even 3rd and 4th generation
programming is for degenerates anyway and will be done by AI within a few weeks so maybe get a real job like retail kiddo
Hahaha hahaha
This is the most important point.
> just said it involved Erlang
If that's all it says they have no basis for fining you.
You could apply and have zero knowledge of Erlang, your defence could simply be you were willing to learn on the job.
And "expert level" is extremely subjective
top kek. completely missed that
Lol 3rd worlders arguing as if fining him would even be legal. Reminds you that 3rd worlders dont know what freedom is.
>Spray paint someone's car
>No contract to pay, so whatever.
>It's your job to have vandalism insurance, tough shit.
What does this have to do with capitalism, you leftists nigger?
>And "expert level" is extremely subjective
for sure. and its not even all on the applicant. its also based on the autism level of the dude doing the interview. some of the pony weeb it faggots think no one is a subject expert other than themselves and possibly terry davis
I honestly have no problem with this. Also, as others have said, it isn't even from america, you memeflag nigger.
Ok so even if this guy was incompetent af.
The thing that strikes me is that they charge for 2 hours of "services"
Now first of all I never had an interview last longer than 30 minutes.
Second of all of it was so apparent that someone did not have the required skills you'd think these interviewers would call it a day within 5 minutes and do something else.
If there people aren't able to manage their time they are probably more incompetent than the applicant
This. You can just ignore it, they made the executive decision to interview you, not you.
libertarians will defend this
Fucking Australia, probably didn't want to hire him cause he was not ethnic enough.
>wow guys let me show you this bullshit thing so you all agree with me that it's bullshit
>now while you all agree with me that it's bullshit I will censor the names so that your anger cannot be directed anywhere
>but trust me it's real! so get pointlessly angry with me aarrghh!
Totally believable.
>spending 2 hours interviewing someone who "clearly is incompetent"
it's unsurprising they think this is a wise move tbqh
They most likely didn't interview him for 2 hours but they had to clear their schedule for 2 hours ahead so they did lose 2 hours of productivity no matter if the interview was complete or not
>I think it's a scam
could definitely be. people frivolously threatening legal action is one of the hallmarks of a scam. the only thing is they mostly do that over the phone because sending out a piece of paper with fake info on it gives the person being threatened extra information so they can research if youre legit or not. thats why bill collectors wont even tell people what company they work for when they call you. they dont want you to send a cease and desist letter to their office which legally ties their hands in terms of calling or threatening people