Why is paganism suddenly becoming so popular?
Why is paganism suddenly becoming so popular?
Haha, no. It's only popular in your little internet virtual fantasy land of a safe space.
Most religions have an sworn obligation to responsibilities. Paganism doesn't.
This is also why it's very popular with women and emotional wrecks.
No suddenly in my country.
Japan has over 1500 years of paganism.
Because Wotan is rising to defend his people.
Because modern "paganism" can mean whatever the hell you want it to. That's why it's ultimately unsatisfying and those that practice it are justly rewarded by being fat and miserable
suddenly? It always was, Hitler built whole doctrine on paganism.
We are returning stronger than ever.
That's not paganism, its a modelling shoot.
Because european people desperately urge for some kind of belonging and return to cultural and ethnic roots in a world that demonises them for this natural urge so some turn to paganism as a politically ‘safe’ outlet for these frustrations as it hasn’t been demonised yet by our enemies.
Hispanic here. I converted to paganism because it's based as fuck. Plus a lot of Mexicans already practice their own version of it and it's way better then kikestianity. I'd rather worship a religion that is close to my ancestors.
Polytheism > monotheism
Although I interpret paganism in a metaphorical way, there's no need for religion in the present.
Science explains what is and what is not. Religion is not provable.
Isn’t the type of Christianity Hispanics follow anyway already heavily altered by the native pagan beliefs that existed before Christianisation? Much like how us Europeans have ‘christian’ traditions that actually stem from a previous Germanic pagan beliefs.
No, Hispanic kikestians actually believe in their bullshit. I was smart enough to grow out of religion by the age of 6, and got over fairy tales early on.
Do not dare to compare a metaphorical interpretation of paganism with one that makes people use religion like a drug.
I am actually smarter then your average Hispanic.
Wiccans have convinced emotionally unstable women and SJWs to gather around and do drugs
European paganism had a strict code of honour and obligations, responsibilities, coming of age rituals. Don't let this guy fool people, the precursors to European Christian Morality was pre-christian.
Also do not forget that christians murdered pagans and destroyed and stole their culture.
The same thing happened to the natives in North and South America. We were developing our own beliefs and then christkikes appeared like savages.
It fucking pisses me off.
What do you mean metaphorical interpretation? Paganism is still a belief in a higher power just one with an established doctrine?
Yes this is called syncretism and some groups are so deluded they literally worship the devil alongside jesus.
Jesus, what’s the point of being a ‘christian’ if you do that?
No it isn't you disphit. Some people, including myself, use it as a means to discourage semitic religions while encouraging culture.
Although I label myself pagan, at the end of the day it's just another fairy tale story with lots of characters.
I prefer it over a non-western religion though.
That's just proves how delusional and contradicting it is to worship any religion seriously.
Yes European Paganism was very sophisticated as you would expect from a belief system that emerged from the European mind. However it was demonised by Christians naturally, it was convenient to portray the previous religion as sinful and amoral, to portray all the deities as demons or goblins or whatever they came to be remembered as. Even when the Heathens invaded Christian lands in the early middle ages, they were not acting any different to Christian kings were yet they are uniquely portrayed as evil violent barbarians.
>We were developing our own beliefs and then christkikes appeared like savages.
Imo it is indisputable that Christian evangelism around the world has been to the disadvantage of both parties involved. The natives lose their traditional belief system and culture, and the colonists end up with a universalist religion that facilitates other races to flood their nations in the name of religious brotherhood.
I think it's more about understanding that you're a part of a cohesive group both genetically and culturally. People need a collective identity, but multiculturalism is diluting it to include everyone. You can either be an important part of the group your ancestors fought to preserve, or you can be an insignificant easily replaceable little ant among 8 billion others like you. People are simply reaching out to the past to find again the group they really belong to.
Hitler != Rosenberg
It would be better if religion were just banned in general.
The implementation of a new identity via a state-religion that parallels paganism would be a superior idea
My christian friend was arguing about this with me last time and eventually showed his real christian self.
- That he would rather want 10 000 christian negroes than one Polish pagan.
- That he would burn pagan temples and holy places like in middle ages.
- Called me a racist and said that everyone is equal in God's light.
Chrsitians, Jews and Muslims are behind 99% of Europe's suffering.
Paganism literally is a religion. You can’t call yourself a pagan and get mad when people ask you about faith. Paganism is a term for all religions that existed before the established ones. It’s like calling yourself Muslim then going mental when someone asks you if you believe in god.
That's how I feel about it. It has been very interesting to research and think about my ancestors.
Oh and the guy is a nationalist voting for nationalist party, but believes in le based black man things.
So, like most Christian he is a civic nationalist who would destroy European culture just to defend his fucking Jewish god.
Remember, Jesus literally said himself that he is a king of jews.
So, a quick question to christians on this board, are you jews? No? Then Jesus is not your king.
I agree the only solution now is a state-religion that combines elements that were strong in both pagan morality and christian religious heritage, its a cynical manufactured materialist religion but I don't see our modern population being able to adopt any transcendent belief system any more.
Christians ruined the planet more than the other two though.
Did you forget about the dark ages, the inquisition, crusades, and other crap they did. Muslims are just a modern day version of how Christianity stated.
It was a religion made by savages for savages. Not civilized people.
Christianity is probably one of the most uncivilized religions if you objectively read the book.
You are fucking dense dude. Did you happen to have a christian upbringing?
You remind me of kiketians that can't understand basic ideas
That applies to all semitic religions.
Desert negroes were attacking Europe since the beginning, our goverments succumbed to the Jewish god and now we suffer.
One has a history that was worst than the others.
Christians actually killed the other two groups you consider the same (Muslims and Jews). Like I said Christianity is the worst of the worst
Because christianity got cucked.
Most people would be proud to be old school christians -le deus vult and crusades stuff but that no longer exist. Now you have bunch of heretical fags,that's all.
Christianity was never a good religion to begin with.
dark ages wasn't result of christianity.
dark ages were the result of lack of order and rules.
after collapse of roman empire barbarism spread through whole europe and med.
it resulted in dark ages
which made people go back to order
which was christianity
which made all the advance of western world possible
since we abolished christianity we are being colonized by niggers
it speaks for itself
I hate Christianity but larping as a Pagan is pretty pathetic desu. Unless you're a Lithuanian or something and you have an actual connection to your pre-Christian religion.
>dark ages
I hope you realise that this is a massive renaissance myth.
because it's God's religion and God's incarnation recently made itself known.
and here we have an incompetent retard
The vast majority of people have this void in their psyche that must be filled with a religion or equivalent. In order to provide a sense you are part of something greater, a higher purpose. Something that gives meaning to your life and a moral framework.
With the decline of Christianity, it is being filled with other religions like Paganism, Buddhism, and new agey bullshit. Also science inspired Secular humanism. Finally there is the big one that is the cult of Social Justice.
because we're Rebuilding A Nation.
Paganism, Buddhism, and new agey bullshit.
Those are better alternatives that require people to study the religion and apply it to their lives in either a literal or metaphorical manner.
It isn't "new agey"
Christianity has been demonized and criticized to and hell and back in the West (particularly America), but people still seek meaning and spirituality in their lives.
Eastern Religion is also popular for this reason, though it's become watered down to hell and back stateside over the past 50 years. It's also why many white liberal Europeans have become so cozy with Islam, even converting.
Christianity has been demonized and criticized to and hell and back in the West
How is that a bad thing?
>dark ages
>the inquisition
Unless you are a liberal I see no argument that can be made against the inquisition.
The idea of a holy war has always existed and will continue to.
>Muslims are just a modern day version of how Christianity stated
Not really unless they have produced the muslim equivalent of Notre-Dame and Allegri's "Miserere mei, Deus".
if there was ever a time to tip a fedora to a post, now is that time
It isn’t.
Can you define good religion?
The way i see it:Christianity kicked the other religions back then, that proves that it was good at some point.Now christianity gets his ass blasted and likes it.That proves that its no longer good religion.
It's trendy.
The most savage parts of the bible, and the vast majority of it, is the Jewish Old Testament. The New Testament is pretty tame actually. The most evil things in there would be the eternal punishment for a finite crime and slavery being endorsed.
This. Same reason I became a Christian - I do believe in god, but not the Bible's god. But saying that I'm Christian tells everyone where I stand.
"Kicked" the other religions back then? Eh. Christianity, like the other Semetic religions is an insidious force that seeks total control over people. That'd obviously "kick" a naturalistic/pagan faith where you see a priest talking about Jesus and go "Ayy he seems like a good dude let's put his idol next to Wotan in the temple"
>dark ages
>the inquisition
Unless you are a liberal I see no argument that can be made against the inquisition.
The idea of a holy war has always existed and will continue to.
>Muslims are just a modern day version of how Christianity stated
Not really unless they have produced the muslim equivalent of Notre-Dame and Allegri's "Miserere mei, Deus".
Oh yes, let us ignore history. The dark ages never occurred.
The inquisition killed people on the basis of religion. As I've stated before, Christians are human savages as they praise a violent religion.
You do not have to be a liberal to understand how vile Christianity is.Christians were the first to act on forcing religions or punishing others on the basis of their faith.
Oh, the Taj Mahal, the dome of the rock, Mecca go against your narrative?
Because in the absence of an organic tradition - particularly religious - as the basis of our values and to guide our more qualitative decision making, there emerges excess of law and government institutions to fill the void, and in the meantime, there's social chaos and related malaise.
History disagrees with you.
as the basis of our values
The simple solution to that was already addressed.
Although it seems like you believe "values" have some sort of truth. They are purely subjective and artifical.
This was my other comment
It would be better if religion were just banned in general.
The implementation of a new identity via a state-religion that parallels paganism would be a superior idea
>Oh yes, let us ignore history. The dark ages never occurred.
Not in the way meme humanist philosophers presented "the dark ages".
>The inquisition killed people on the basis of religion
As did the Graeco-Romans, as did the Gauls, as did the Norse pagans, as do Muslims.
>You do not have to be a liberal to understand how vile Christianity is.Christians were the first to act on forcing religions or punishing others on the basis of their faith.
Are you a kid or is "American education" not a meme? Sorry to destroy your dreams but pagans were not what your hippy movement imagined them to be.
>Oh, the Taj Mahal
Built around 1650 and still not as architecturally impressive as Notre-Dame for example.
Is this a joke?
Yeah okay. And no I’m agnostic. You said you’re smarter than other Hispanics but you’re still hostile as fuck for absolutely no reason like the rest of them. I don’t understand you not because I’m dense but because you make absolutely no sense you wetback.
>Oh, the Taj Mahal
Built around 1650 and still not as architecturally impressive as Notre-Dame for example.
Is this a joke?
I knew this was going to go against your narrative.
For your other crap, I do not have time to waste with some meatbag that slef-consciously decides to ignore factual evidence
Well insidious approach works like it or not.
You can see it even today,many of the early christian methods are used by left right now and with great effect.
Subvert the women and weak minded,replace loyality to the kin and traditions with loyality to external ideas rewrite history etc.
>moral relativism
Oh, so you cannot make up your mind between human delusions and artifical meaning when compared to the scientific inquiry?
I am not being hostile, I understand that having your views challenged can cause you to assume I'm being hostile.
But respect for your mother and father and love of family were core teachings of the church I thought?
So you’re ‘culturally pagan’ then? Is that it?
Christianity is a mesh of multiple religions. It isn't unique to Christianity.
How long did that take you?
Because it is seen as a viable spiritual alternative to dogmatic institutions with shady histories.
>Internet virtual fantasy land
Are you too stupid to realize that the Internet is literally just a communication tool?
>Most religions have a sworn obligation to responsibilities
Yeah, most religions are full of sex offenders, too. Is it your sworn obligation to defend them at any cost to protect the integrity of religion?
Why didn’t you just say that then. What does that even mean what would that even involve? Sounds like hippy shit to me. Mind you people still gather to worship the winter solstice here, guess that’s similar.
Solid argument friend
Do you go to collage?
Quality bait.
Either that atheism didn't give them what they wanted(left), or people are looking back to their tribe's identity and thus also the spirituality connected with that tribe(right). You can easily tell the difference between these two kind of pagans, too.
I'm sorry to inform you, but Europe was under Christian law for more than a thousand years, and all they ever did was fight each other over family drama and whose church was best.
In fact, Europe's best period came when the Catholics realized that maybe pre-Christian Greeks and Romans were better than them, so they commissioned great works to revitalize the spirit of antiquity.
Because as people realize we've had spiritual blinders on, it gives a more complete view of existence.
Willingly applying artificial meaning and values to life via a metaphorical interpretation of a religion. I also support paganism for the sake of getting rid of christian identity in the west as I previously stated throughout that it is an uncivilized religion.
More specifically, I would not mind the implementation of polytheism through the state. As long as it keeps out any other religions such as christianity.
What lowly pagan creature edited the original?
>I'm sorry to inform you, but Europe was under Christian law for more than a thousand years, and all they ever did was fight each other over family drama and whose church was best.
Very simplistic and childish. By your logic what was Caesar's campaign in Gaul and Britain? Or the Germanic tribes sacking Rome?
>Christians were the first to act on forcing religions or punishing others on the basis of their faith
Completely wrong. Romans were extremely religious. Their empire had a sacred basis from the start. Wars were only fought with the permission of the gods. etc. etc. etc. All you think you know is merely rationalization for your antipathy against Christianity.
>You do not have to be a liberal to understand how vile Christianity is
but it certainly helps if you don't have enough feelings of inferiority yourself. Don't feel bad about it, you can't help it that medieval Christian civilization was by far the best and most just, Muslims just cannot compare on any level.
>The inquisition killed people on the basis of religion
Meme. People preferred inquisition trials over regular trials. People were persecuted because they lied about their religion. "yes I'm a good catholic now, goyim, pls don't kick me out".
Paganism is the only option for fedoratippers who are "spiritual" but too smrt for a religion that isnt wishy washy horseshit.
>Why is paganism suddenly becoming so popular?
Man is fundamentally religious, as much as they are fundamentally male, or female. So when the whole Western world disobeyed proper spiritual authority and secularized, paganism jumped into that gap. Together with tons of fake new-age religions and spirituality.
Are you going to say no to a beautiful naked aryan woman with flowers in her hair?
Christcucks fucked up badly when they started thinking quantity is better than quality when it comes to followers.
Paganism was retarded and still is
Athiesm got mocked and associated with neckbeards. So they've moved onto paganism
>Why is paganism suddenly becoming so popular?
everything under the sun, except christianity. That should make you suspicious.
Forces in the west are hellbent on selling everything but christianity to those who are not gullible enough for atheism. But do not touch christianity. Seems like they fear it the most.
I believe a pagan revival can exist but not by us people from today whose connection to those ancient traditions are long severed
even 300 years ago people had next to nothing to do with the pagan roots of europe, how are people today going to do a revival? How much do they understand of those things?
I think it's BS designed to lead you away from the last religious center we still have in our society.
Paganism will easily be dead and buried under modernity, but christianity can live, if we make an effort.
Can't we have both?
Christians won't let us.
It’s a sign of liberalism.
In Iceland homopaganism is becoming very popular, they even have a Norse pagan marriage ceremony:
>Gay Iceland reports that the full legalisation of same-sex marriage in Iceland in 2010 has prompted many couples to choose the country as a destination to tie the knot. Increasingly, many of those couples are opting to skip having a church wedding and go full Old Norse, joining together in sacred matrimony in a ceremony conducted by Ásatrúarfélagið.
>“There has been a massive increase in demand for same-sex wedding ceremonies in the last year, an explosion really,” Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, high chieftain of Ásatrúarfélagið, told Gay Iceland. “The pagan belief is very inclusive and we are open to all opinions. So we welcome all, gay or straight, Icelandic or foreign.”
Probably because more people are openly gay.