Whats the best way to support Israel in its war against satanic Islamic invaders?
Whats the best way to support Israel in its war against satanic Islamic invaders?
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blocking,saging, reporting evil jews using ZA proxies.
ISRAEL >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MUSLIMS
>how to fight satanic forces with satanic forces
how about you just Deus Vult them
Uhm...no, sweetie. The Jews are the ones who are satanic here.
nuking Jerusalem
>pic related
to open its boarders
Boarders? You mean borders?
Uneducated mutt
probably just allow it to keep occupying foreign soil and killing civilians wantonly
JIDF is real.
JIDF uses proxies.
Israel has admitted to using photos of hot JIDF girls to get better international relations.
When this happens God will intervene for His people, as is written in Revelation
exactly. read revelations. the part about false jews.
By bombing it. Bomb Tel Aviv, bomb Los Angeles and bomb New York. Simultaneously. That should get rid of most of the filth. Yeah.
>God's people
God's people are those who believe in His Son, not those who put Him to death on the cross. The state of Israel, and all the Jews, have no place in God's plans.
They belong to the father of whom they do the works: the devil.
What if I tell you that we can nuke the entire Middle East and kill them all
The PETA way: kill it in order to prevent its suffering
God hates Israel and Islam. Supporting either one means Hellfire when you die.
Repent or die faggot.
report these spam threads.
It checks out.
Israel and Islam are one and the same.
Best way to support Israel?
STFU when they attack Lebanon.
No sweetie, let them kill each other and then we reclaim the Holy Land.
Have about 500 million blacks convert to Judaism and then aliyah.
Americans are just tired of funding your country.
Israel exports nothing useful.
We are tired of hearing how you are the chosen race, and have the right to kill Palestinian kids.
The real "white supremacists" are the Joos.
She is hot though.
Stop messing with Iran's nuclear program, all they want to achieve is ME stability!
I would support the kurds before i resort to supporting israel
Not to.
Israel doesn't deserve a single cent of taxpayer money. You're not powerful when Uncle Sam has to babysit you, and you're not an economy when every dollar is welfare.
We're well aware of 9/11, and every other false flag you animals commit.
join their ranks
How is that girl a jew? She clearly looks nordic, not semite.
>le bait and slide thread
Do you get gratification in making these kinds of threads? Or are you just so desperate and lonely that you think the shittiest of shitposting is funny somehow? You could at least try and git gud with photoshop and make some decent OC.
>Whats the best way to support Israel in its war against satanic Islamic invaders?
to just nuke ever square inch of sand from morrocco to pakistan including israel.
israel-country that started 90% of the problems we face today
muslims-just some sand people that would stay on their desert if not those fucking kikes starting fights between other people
We have done our Part.
Israel now has to Pay the Premium like everybody else.
Fuck Israel. Moust overated shithole on planet. They should open borders when they could. They should not rape Palestine. Fuck them. Fuck every jew in Israel and fuck every jew outside Israel. Jews are cowards and pussies. Destroy them in war should not be hard. Good luck Iran.
this. Iran ftw, the middle east and israhell is a shithole
USA sends them 30 billion dollars a year and they still aren't safe.
What do they spend our taxpayer dollars on - matzo and briss knives?
>Iran's gonna nuke us
>try and get the goy kids to jerk off more
Weren't they supposed to be god-tier schemers?
Sage this nig*er kike
Bumping for based Israel
Sup Forums will unironically support sandnigger mudslime terrorists because they oppose Israel.
>Bumping for based Israel
Bumping for truly the greatest ally.
Muslims can't attack Israel if there is not Israel left to attack.
Honestly, open borders for Israel. They need to embrace the religion of peace, just like they tell us to
not at all.
By convincing them they have to let them in in order to be diverse and to convince them to breed with them
This will affect Jordan who is friends with the usa
It might be more cost effective to move the entire population of Israel elsewhere. In the long run.
Pay taxes.
wrong ahmed
jews are not the race/religion that fucks up europe, take a look around.