And you guys think he's on our side?

And you guys think he's on our side?

Source for that quote: 1988 in an interview with LETTERMAN just after the presidential election, policy discussion.

Even if Trump uses Sup Forums that still dosent change the fact that he is a jew loving zionist! For all the shitlords out there who constantly post pro-Trump trash.

Other urls found in this thread:

Here is the quote i was talking about


I fail to see the problem, stormfag

what's wrong with jews?

There disgusting! Trump is a jew puppet

>There disgusting
their's certainly are my friend

You have no racial pride! Piss off

Racial pride doesn't make me irrationally hate jews. Only a nigger would justify hate in this manner, are you a nigger?

Fuck! Calling me a nigger! Jew sucking nigger lover! All im doing is pointing out the fact that Trump is a Jew puppet

No (You) for you. Have a common cooking spice, however.

>All im doing is pointing out the fact that Trump is a Jew puppet
The only thing you've presented so far is an interview on Letterman from 1988... you think this is enough to marshal the brown shirts? Moron.




Lol ok here

What's wrong with not letting muzzies into the holy land? How antisemitc can you be? I can't believe you would even make this post, i'm contacting my lawyers.


More proff trump is a puppet

the trump family loves their jews, so no. he is not our guy

Kys kike. We know Truml is not perfect but he's ourguy you nigger dick lover.

Thank you!

Gtfo this board degenerate

He has no pride

Jews are not a problem anymore. The greatest threat of today are sandniggers and liberal cucks that allow sandniggers raping and killing our children. No jew ever did what sandniggers did to the world.


The oven awaits you.

Who do you think funds the sand niggers?

>being this new
>being this naive

You know how I know youre young? Jews are ALWAYS a problem.

hm... let me guess...

Its important that people realize that!

>dosn't bring a point

Your ignorance to the real threat is how liberals managed to take over.

Think again!

Fuck off, demoralization kike. Your faggotry is tired as fuck.

Benjamin Netanyahu also said before congress that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction!

And what is wrong with this picture?

So, Israel profits from the war against islamic terrorists and that proves what?

Of couese they profit from it, because it's a common enemy.

Israel was the first one who warned about the "arab spring" because they knew what was luring behind the dictators, Obama and Clinton bombed away everywhere in the NE.

Gaddafi, Hussein, Assad, Mubarak ect at least kept the backward sandnigger extremists contained.

It proves something

Yeah and they also spreaded the idea of weapons of mass destruction

As far as I know it was Powell who tried to get the UNO to bomb Saddam.

Oh, and guess who organized the biggest protest march against Trump, featuring whole Hollywood and literally all media except for some far right sources.

Right, it was a sandnigger woman who is buddy with Palestinian terrorists.

Watch the video i linked up

And read this Benjamin Netanyahu said that 911 manipulated public opinion

So True.. that is the major mistake of the left.. they assume that everyone is as nice as them

So you telling me that Netanyahu rather supports Palestinian terrorists than western lifestyle?

God! Its almost impossible to have a conversation with you!

>assume that everyone is as nice as them
I don't think that they are nice at all. They hate the western life and want to destroy it and the muslim invasion just comes handy to them in this process. They even shit on their own principles like women's rights in order to get muslims invading the west.

>God! He brings facts that don't fit into my hypothesis of zionist conspirachy.

amount of meme flag off the charts
also this

Nope look at the facts! Benjamin Netanyahu said 911 manipulated public opinion in our favor. He also spread weapons of mass destruction lies

Weapons of mass destruction lies

Sorry wrong link here

That doesn't say, that he organized or funded the attacks. He speaks about the American public oppinion. It just says that he supports the war on terror, that these attacks followed. And it was 2008, before the "arab spring".

>Meme flag
Opinion discarded

Why are you defending israel? What do you believe?? Who's who in this elite world?

We might would believe you weren't a jew if you didn't use one of their flags. Fucking shitstain.

I am not defending anyone. I am just pointing on the real enemy.

Obama and Clinton wanted Gaddafi and Assad gone. Clinton celebrated when Gaddafi was killed "We Came, We Saw, He Died"

Despite Mossad and other sources warning them about what would come after the NE dictators, who seemed to be the only force that was able to contain the muslim terrorists that far.

Israel just wants their state, islam wants to conquer the world and put everyone under the claw of a kalifate ruling by the laws of the Quran.

I am actually German and we are currently flooded with these sandniggers thanks to Merkel opening our borders and letting them in without any vetting.

I know Clintons fund terrorists groups, but he can at least addmit that israel gains a lot of money and power over wars!

What do all these guys have in common?

>know Clintons fund terrorists groups
K and now guess why Clinton won't shut up despite losing the election against the last experienced and politically educated candidate of all parties?

They are not done yet, they still have powers and from russian dossiers to constant slandering in the media, they still try to get Trump out of the way because he's blocking their plans.

Trump is not the enemy, Israel is not, despite their own plans in NE, we have a different elite working behind the curtain today.

>Merkel visiting Israel
Wow that proves exactly.. what?

>Jews are not a problem anymore

khazar milkers need 2 be protecc at all costs


Putin you mentioned! This proves that all leaders supportisrael and try to help them with all their problems. Even though israel dosent contribute to their nations

no one's gonna comment on how they googled searched the fucking thumbnail?

State leaders visiting Israel is a normal process. What should they do, declare war with Israel?

Israel does not contribute to their nations. The only thing they do is create zionist organizations and give money to congress to support pro-israeli policy. Almost all nations give there money to israel. Rothschilds have also givin much money to them. Just because George Soros hates israel dosent mean you can ignore all that

Just remember what trump said in 1988. "I will not let filthy Muslims hurt sexy jewish women"

Israel is contributing. Besides of economy, Israel, being the only democracy in NE, is an important base for western world in NE.

Kek, this guy is a legend



>29 posts by this ID

There are some license plates at the local Blue Lodge (96822) that say Zionist and the locals don't know shit because it is not something that registers from a news channel or MTV.

i'll take a jew over a muslim any day.

What is it with this shithole and your "with us 100% or against us 100% mentality"?

>$0.00001 into your account

I know you guys have better tactics than this fagoot

>everyone I hate tells the truth when it suits me
Show me on the doll where trump made you great again