Why do people believe this happened?

Why do people believe this happened?

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Kys abo

yes. look at this stabilized moon rover footage. seems pretty hard to fake.


why do niggers believe it didn't? kek

because it did you fucking wog

Sound stage on Uranus.

>I manually launch this rocket under my butt
>then I manually enjoy rendevouz in the orbit of moon at 25000km/h

only dumbasses believe it happened.

shits fake

That's so obviously fake.

I love how the camera guy standing on the moon, basically taking his own life to remain behind and capture the module as it leaves the moon. He even does us the kind favour of following the module up and into space. What a brave man. I hope we find him next time we go there.


The dust is all the evidence you need. You can't fake that with props. You can't simulate low gravity and a vacuum unless you actually are in low gravity and a vacuum. The moon landings happened and it was beautiful


Amazing engineering desu

it didnt happen.


Oh no, your glasses are clogged up with nostalgia.

I haven't been alive for 50 years


People accept the reality of the world with which they are presented

You won, but for how long


Probably another 25-50 years if documents get released. If they never get publicized? We were the first people on the moon and it will stay like that until all books are burned. When there is another space race, possibly to Mars or to create a colony-scenario on the Moon, it's up in the air who would win that, but the US will always be imprinted within history as the first nation on the moon, assuming new information doesn't eventually come out or space travel is impossible period.

i guess for abo it seems like fairy tale, just like electricity, internet or steam engine

They could never develop a camera that could look up.

Yeah that's just way out there, a moon rocket is fine but a camera like that would just be unthinkable

Because i can point a laser at the moon and the reflector they placed on the moon will reflect the laser back.
Because the time and effort and amount of people to silence would be so much more expensive than doing it.
Because not even americas enemies have denied the legitimacy of the american moon landing.

If I remember correctly, a soviet probe even made an appearance in the footage of LEM flying overhead, but their autonomous mission was almost a complete failure.

If you ever get the opportunity to stand next to a Saturn 5 rocket you will believe it was real. Why do you deny the white mans greatest achievement to date? if we did it today it would be some black trans muslim"woman" planting a world flag.

>what is slow motion

Slow motion doesn't remove the atmosphere. Watch how the grains just fall down because there's no resistance like on Earth. Regardless, you can't shoot for two hours straight with a film camera, let alone in slow motion

Space is probably fake too.

Stop it anons!

It did happen 2 failures and then in 1963 it was done and they returned safely.

Between 1963-1969 it was all redone and openly in the public as NASA replicated what American-Nazi scientists did under the DOD and black budgets.

Slow motion filmed in an airplane in free fall


The moon itself will reflect the beam,what difference will your placed reflector make since its not bigger than a ps4 case? Exactly,none.

Shill differently,the moon reflects on his own and these reflectors could be placed there by Machines and are therefor no valid argument for the moon landing


There wasn't machine capable of doing that 50y ago

that's because you're not 50, you're 60!

false! emus are its worst enemy... and 3 china super carriers!


i know nothing about science, but if they actually fooled people the 1st time they did the fake film, then why film the other 5 fake sequels?

that's my reason to believe it happened

What was controlling the camera then?

Was it the 5 minute delay from earth?

If it was fake do you think Russians would be silent about it?

1.3 s

guess it's a lot shorter than i thought.

A mechanical timer

>if they actually fooled people the 1st time they did the fake film, then why film the other 5 fake sequels?
>If it was fake do you think Russians would be silent about it?


>The dust is all the evidence you need. You can't fake that with props.

I always wondered about the dust though... Shouldn't the landing gear leave some crater on impact?

it's more than obviously fake
but new brainlets are being born every second and the system is prepared to indoctrinate them right away so it will never reach masses

>The moon itself will reflect the beam,what difference will your placed reflector make since its not bigger than a ps4 case? Exactly,none.
>Shill differently,the moon reflects on his own and these reflectors could be placed there by Machines and are therefor no valid argument for the moon landing
This is correct
>There wasn't machine capable of doing that 50y ago
You are an idiot

They landed on solid rock, so the thrust engines weren't powerful enough to dig into the soil

Why do people think that back in the 60s,they had the technology to fake this?

It's funny. Movie effects are so good these days that I guess people must assume it would have been easy 50 years ago too. Even disregarding the special effects, just the cameras that were available back then would have been a huge obstacle

> Being this dumb


2001 by stanley kubrick was released a year earlier

Yeah and look at what the moon scene looks like compared to the real landings youtube.com/watch?v=b75EpoF1W88

The "moon landings" were filmed in a warehouse in Piscataway, NJ. Bell labs in Holmdel, NJ faked the telemetry data.

Obviously,the russian space program has more holes than good swiss cheese aswell. Gargarins flight was fishy as hell,go listen or read the transcripts of it "i see big mountain,this is good,hooray".
They eventually stopped to try and send people up there,knowing that they would die and it can't be done. This is their way of saying "we both know its bullshit but you guys win,USA,lets just say you did it"

Spacerace has to be looked at from a different angle and don't forget to read between the lines

It looks like people on a sounds stage.

who filmed this?

Because faking it takes more effort than just fucking doing it.

people also believe in free elections and free market. space travel is more believable tbqh

wow you're right, how could i have been so dumb
this proves it for sure
you're so scientific, i'm jelly

Directed by Kubrick. Look at "The Shining" to find the clues

Well how is 2001 relevant to the moon landings then?

Like a war movie is harder than actual war.

Of course not. Never did. Even when I was a kid, I did not believe it. Simple logic.

Yeah it's ridiculous.

>Simple logic

What is the logic?

So we went from directing in a studio to an airplane? Lol make up your mind conspirafag

Where did the rockets go with people on them? People witness men boarding the Atlas V and watched them ascend into the upper atmosphere. Theres uninterupted video of the launch all the way to orbit.

You really have no good reason not to believe it.

Kek. Fuck that like Kubrick, people give him too much credit for this shit. I don’t believe in any of NASAs shenanigans, but if you genuinely think it was ALL Kubrick, you’re just as wrong.

None of it was kubrick, because its real. None of the conspirafags can come close to debunking it. They have NOTHING.

show me this uninterupted video

Yes that's exactly what happened.

>this is what the good goyim have to swallow

And why is that? Are you referring to the shadows that are not perpendicular? I might ask why you would assume a person standing straight and an object that lays on an angle should cast perpendicular shadows you imbecile.

When checking for perpendicular shadows you trace a line from the top of the shadow to the same spot of the object casting it

>yfw when we didn't have the GCI and video tehnology to fake that shit
>yfw when we did have the tehnology to send someone to the moon and back


I've got a fucking conspiracy for y'all smart faggots
If USA didn't land on the moon, why did NOBODY say shit about it.

The regime that hated the USA, the SOVIET UNION SAID SHIT for wut 40 years? Note they were the first in space, they had the first statelite in space, Soviet union was cucking the shit out of the USA.

But hur hur USA was first on the moon, and no KGB agent send a report to soviet union saying it was fake, no nothing from the soviet union USA enemy said shit.

And some fat tard on pol is smarter then the people who worked on the inteligence angecy and space programs of the soviet union.

REALLY MAKES YOU THINK user, you faggots can't even build a nuclear reactor or launch a ICBM into space,but you sure can see a conspiracy behind the moon landing.


Explain to me where those men, who millions of watched board the rocket, went after traveling over 2500 m/s into the uppet atmosphere?

>hurr durr look at this clearly marked animation as evidence the real footage is fake! I can tell by the pixels!


all i see here is an ICBM launch followed by a silly animation and storytelling
you promised an uninterupted video to the orbit

>if you label your animation, you don't have to provide actual footage

People believe it happened because they have been brainwashed and lied to their entire lives.

>moon itself reflects the beam
So if you send a lasor to send coordinates where the alleged mirror was put the size no bigger than a ps4 case, you get a single
If you send a lasor to pretty much everywhere else, it won't

really makes you think about that aleged reflecting properties of the moon you talk about mohammad

so how does sending a lazor to the moon work, you need shitloads of power to send a huge lazor, and you only get like 10 photons.
said lasor has to push through the atmospher and back

secondly everything is relfective, but only a mirror can reflect more since its designed to reflect as much as possible even when looking at it directly especially when you are looking at it directly.

fuck... even heat almost reflects perflectly when you are looking at from a low angle under the index of reflection

The Moon Landing Hoax Theory was created by the Jew.
In this theory (((they))) also take credit for creating it in a Hollywood studio.

Destroy the greatest accomplishment of Whites and take credit for it all at the same time, The Big Lie Technique Hitler warned us about.

People believe it because they want it to be true.

Lolol Let me see the proof then, prove the mountains of video and photographic evidence, and dont say
>Hurr durr it LOOKS fake!

Get me an expert on photographic forgery to say that.

You're not paying attention. People were there IN PERSON who watched the people board.

You if believe ICBMs can exist, the moon landing shouldnt be that far fetched.

People don't believe it because they've been brained by the Jew who deny it happened and take credit for creating it in a Hollywood studio.

Who was going to photograph them? The flying man outside the spacecraft? Lol im sure they could send two rockets: one to go to the moon, the other to record the first one.


It was the rover filming, halfbrain.

Many experts on photography have already said that the radiation on the moon would have made the photographs unrecognisable, the same is true for the iss station.

Mfw waiting for someone to actually debunk the evidence

Yes, listen to the (((experts))) goyim.

>What was controlling the camera then?
>Was it the 5 minute delay from earth?
You realise the entire mission is on a tight, second by second schedule, right? Even if there was a five minute delay, they're not so retarded as to not incorporate that into their planning.

And besides, it wasn't perfect. If you're unaware, it's filmed by the camera on the lunar rover, which was programmable from Earth. It took them three tries to get it right.
Apollo 15 - the camera didn't tilt.
Apollo 16 - the angle of the tilt was calculated wrong because the rover was parked too close
Apollo 17 - finally got it right

you're the one not paying attention, ignoramus
random people told you a story of their boarding
you have no fucking idea if anyone was actually in that rocket and you have no idea where that rocket went
all you know is what they told you on tv

>moon landing shouldnt be that far fetched.
that's what you think, because you're literally an ignorant brainless moron

So the jews take credit for lying ?

It did happen youngfag


Wearing tin foil on your head doesnt make you an expert. Give me a link to the most qualified person making this claim.

No i am gonna listen to the shill that (((you ))) arem

then next time use an argument that there's a video of the rocket launch, not a video of all the way to the orbit, mong