why should young men contribute to society instead of playing video games and masturbating when the best they can hope for is some used up stacy thats sucked a mile of cock? these whores will be the collapse of society, mark my words.
Will women ever be modest again?
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t. Virgin betafuck
I thought she was naked from the waste down in the thumbnail, fuck you.
I would modestly lick her ass, though.
We can lick it together :3
degeneracy enabling bottom feeder
t. Beta virgin neet
ew :3 faggytwat.
No u
I agree user
Friend , do you have source for this grill?
Saying "No u" doesn't make much sense in this context, does it, fatass.
bless the man that invented yoga pants
No u
>will women ever be modest again?
Now that we're only 50 percent white, no. Our nation has now entered the endless cycle of brown whores shaking their asses. Twerking is now the dominant culture and it will never end. Modesty is a white and Asian trait. Blacks and Hispanics do not have that in them.
t. Beta orbiter
>When 2D is now an unironic better choice
Fuck this gay planet
Ah, yes. That's good stuff. ii.yuki.la
Islam is the answer.
I have to sadly check that user.
Even in muslim countries in Africa they participate in a traditional twerkfest in the village centers. BAKA I want to cry.......
You then them dress like whores and then cry when they get treated like whores.
Nobody said it?
You're trapped in an idolization of a brief period of humanity. There is nothing shameful about the human body.
No White sharia is....
dat ankle
>not being a Virgin
Enjoy hell
>being this retarded
Go fuck yourself you nigger, yours is the kind of degeneracy that has turned this country in such a shithole.
"youpoor" education everybody!
>why should young men contribute to society instead of playing video games and masturbating
Beacuse you are expected to act like a real man and fix those issues.If just sit on your ass and all the other men do the same nothing will change now will it!?
When society colapses its the mans fault,you know why?Because women cant get shit done,its always the men who fix shit,build shit.And that is why women follow those men.Now women have lost their way because you all have become weak faggots.
First change yourself and then comes the world you dumb limpwristed weak,self indulging and self centered cunt.
Islam is the answer.
>Why doesn't this instagram whore stop taking scantily clad pictures of herself and become my gf
Just type what you really want to say next time.
That's a statue. What's more, it's a statue of a mythical race of women that never existed. Real Greek women didn't dress like that (I know it's a Roman statue of a Greek, but Roman women didn't dress like that either). They dressed way more modestly than our women. More importantly, they didn't cross-dress. Anytime you see a woman in pants, she is cross-dressing. We've just gotten so used to we don't even see it that way anymore, but that is what it is.
Kiss me senpai
>More modest
I can't see the entire shape of their body in those dresses retard
show VaGine!
My gf everyone
Guaranteed kikery.
Their breasts and legs are not bear like in the statue of the Amazon you posted. And if you think a flowing, high cut, ankle length dresses are less modest than what the average roastie wears on a daily basis, you need to go outside more often.
Fuck you. Seriously. Fuck you.
check my trips!
>talks about degeneracy
>has pictures of underaged girls saved on his computer
ach sven
That's not katsuragi or shiki
indeed , how moral the women are shows the morality of a society
we let the liberal media and education system tell us how women should be and therefore reshape all of society into Babylon
now it's too late , only drastic intervention will change things ,which was the plan all along..
ya blew it
Why should young women be modest virgins when all they can hope for is a manchild who doesn’t have a job and does nothing but play video games and masturbate all day?
And? There is nothing degenerate about that. What is pure and valuable must be protected.
How do you convince girls to be muslim? Or should I just go to indonesia?
Every force in nature creates an equal counter force.
It's not too late Babylon will soon flush itself down the drain like the last time.
lol look at those big gorilla feet
Feel free to drop out of the gene pool then. Life is hard work and fighting for the smallest gain, if you dont want to be part of it you dont have to. You'll be the first one of your ancestors to have ever given up though.
sounds good
They shouldn't they should go MGTOW
yes, keep telling yourself that its normal to have pictures of children on your pc. i mean you "proctect" them afterall
would love to take a long whiff of that ass, then proceed to lick and tongue fuck it.
Maybe women are whores because society tells them that's what they should be.
Maybe since men like lewd whorish girls, girls do lewd whorish things to produce value for men.
Maybe if men stopped looking at/posting whorish lewds, women wouldn't do whorish lewds, which that tells them it's okay to be a whore.
Your image doesn't help at all, OP.
They should do it for the hope of a better future. Impart all the red pills you have learnt to your future sons and daughters. The "used up stacey" is not ideal. But this is what you have to deal with. I could lie and say you should keep looking around for that perfect girl but she just does not exist. Be the best man you can be and you will overrule the propaganda we have been fed our whole lives. Apparently the next gen is going to be more conservative.
>Watermark at the bottom right
Fuck it.
I don't give a shit. When I'm 50 I'm going to snatch an 18 year old virgin who who isnt even born yet. Until then I'm just gonna keep fucking whatever comes along. Its not as dramatic as some of you faggots make things out to be
i fixed it up a bit to make it more realistic (inspired from what I saw irl)
The point is that we dont live for ourselves, you have your teenage years for that. From that point onwards you should understand that what is right and good is self-sacrifice for family. You live so that your children might have a better world and so on and so forth.
The lives our ancestors lived were far more brutal and miserable but we should be eternally grateful for their souls because it has given us the world we have now.
then go sacrifice yourself
Women are apparently so egocentric that they do not notice how society is transforming around them. There's a strong negative correlation between demographic decline in quality (browning) and quantity of thread worn by females
I hope not.
Also true.
They are the beautiful sex, they are made to be this way. These whores you are portraying are not representative to the average woman.
I do, i work stupid hours getting ready to marry my girlfriend and i have a nasty disease that will kill me early but i dont mind so much knowing that it will be worth it so long as my impact is positive.
>nasty disease that will kill me early
wow your future children are going to be psyched
Do they have punctuation in England?
Do they have single spacing in Reddit?
It's a casual discussion on Sup Forums. Though i do accept that was a catastrophe.
Techincally they never have been, same applies to men. You really have to be a retard to unironally generalize like this.
Kids are only 20 years of your life. What about the last 20?
Well my mother had the same disease and im very glad to be here. The worst that can happen to set the sum balance to zero would be me dying, every second of life is a gift.
well congratulations then
i still dont care though
Well kids aren't just for 20 years, that's when university starts and then they'll likely move back for a year. However then you see them succeed and eventually have children and most people say having grandchildren is the happiest moment of your life.
Positive impact. Doubleplus good.
society would have to collapse
Doubleplus reatrd.
Giving women equal rights as men was a huge mistake. Women are breeding machines, and think with their feelings. Men on the other hand is more logical.
The worst thing is that they often don't change if they're married or otherwise taken. They still dress up just like their free whore friends and do all the same shit. Too many people don't want to sacrifice the free and degenerate single life for a relationship - true of men as much as women though.
It's no wonder divorce is so common. Marriage is little more meaningful than a summer fling.
< otherwise taken
wtf???? by the hair?
>one literally has her tits out
>can't see how the other is more modest
Leafs have to be raked.
What? As in with a partner but not married, memeflag.
Start raping them and they'll be in line.
he's right tho. pussy worship should stop. it creates nothing but weakness.