How do we fix this? I say this because the South is characterized by poverty, obesity, niggers, rednecks, white trash, low life expectancy, religious zealots, inbreeding, anti-intellectualism, 'muh guns', trucks, dreadful accents, and basically all of America's societal ills pack greatly into one region.
I'm sure some retard is going to respond 'niggers' but at the same time even Southern States that don't have large black populations (e.g. West Virginia, Oklahoma, Kentucky, et al.) are still 3rd world shitholes because White Southerners themselves are nigger-tier white trash redneck sister-fucking opioid addicted trailer-park dwelling uncultured fat pieces of shit hardly any better then the African-American 'niggers' they hate with a vehemence as White Southerners are literally responsible for almost every negative stereotype about White Americans and America in general and they truly are a disgrace to the white race.
Just look at Appalachia -- that's like a white version of Haiti.
So explain why are your still are essentially 3rd world shitholes and the Northeastern states have a quality of life on par with that of Scandinavia?
Jordan Allen
northeast accents are worse
Elijah Butler
>sweden >not third world I seriously hope you're trolling, the south is probably richer than Sweden, especially if you correct for niggers.
Levi Rodriguez
leave it as it is I like their culture of dressing up in confederate uniforms and singing in battlefields
Jordan Williams
>Northeastern states have a higher quality of life How many muslims do you see every day? What's the crime rate like? GDP =/= Higher life quality
Dominic King
>White Haiti There is no such thing. Those "poor white towns" have lower average crime rates than the rest of the nation. You're literally safer in the "Appalachian third world" than you are in a middle class nigger neighborhood.
Jaxson Cox
Henry Kelly
>opioid addicted Hey! Doctor Rosenfarb said I NEED those meds you dirty shit
Cameron Lopez
Nigger neighbourhood --> niggerhood
Zachary Watson
exhibit A: Owsley County, Kentucky
Kevin Hernandez
fuck off cunt. -NW
Easton Brooks
Who gives a shit? It's still a fucking cesspool. Burkina Faso (a West African nation) has one of the lowest homicide rates in the world.
Is that going to change the fact it's still a 3rd world shithole?
Wyatt James
exhibit B: Beattyville, KY >"poorest white town in America" 2008-2012
James Sullivan
Because they can't report properly, there"s no functioning government there. If you want to determine quality of life you need to take in account more variables, like GDP per capita, life expectancy, safety, stability of legal system... I really hope you're trolling and not some self hating white or shitskin
Matthew Fisher
Louisiana is niggerville. Dumb niggers call me all day at work and I cant understand them. I hate helping those faggots who cant even unplug a piece of equipment. I hate louisiana niggers.
Jaxson Butler
Can take my guns from my cold dead hands, you limp-wristed cucked faggots.
Carry legally.
Carry concealed.
Every day.
Robert Cox
Hudson Wood
>who gives a shit about the statistics! This place is "le 3rd world" because I said so! When jobs leave small towns in the US it's the same thing as living in Africa!
lel no
Jordan Sanchez
>I seriously hope you're trolling, the south is probably richer than Sweden, especially if you correct for niggers. Look on a per-person basis. And the South are welfare queens. You suck up Federal income while producing little. You get all this funding to keep you afloat because your own GDP sucks.
Texas is the sole exception because they have oil to pump and the refineries are there too(cheaper at higher temperatures).
Ever consider that your Conservative economic policies are tied to this? Shitty policy leads to shitty results. The more Conservative a state is, the poorer. With Texas being an outlier via oil, and Michigan courtesy of being too dependent on the auto industry (which has outsourced). Texas is going to look like Michigan 2.0 once gasoline is phased out because they're also totally undiversified in their industry.
Oh and look what Kansas did, and how that worked out! Ha!
Henry Sanders
The post-industrial world clung to the northeast and western coastal states.
Florida has some luck with real estate, but it's basically a shithole.
Because we contribute a shit ton of this country's GDP and don't give a fuck about you or what you think.
Parker Gutierrez
hud duh > south is a bunch of hick the south has it problems just like the north > north cold smack addicted corn monkeys a southern gentleman > has a gun > works hard for his money > owns a truck > basedas fuck because of dealing with nogs for whole life >studies on his own because college is a waist of time > how can the yankee even compete?
Benjamin Ross
Looking at state GDP,
The south has Texas, which is probably the only real asset it has to brag about.
Florida is arguably not a southern state. I've lived here for three years and all I hear from anyone is that it's not a southern state. Florida is one of the nation's top five contributors to GDP, however.
George does good for the economy, too, but Atlanta is obviously instrumental in that and Atlanta is basically just New York of the South.
However, when you look at statistics per capita, the south is just an ugly shit hole, except for Texas.
God bless Texas.
Henry Anderson
Carter Sanders
A lot of that shit is related.
Religious zealotry, inbreeding, anti-intellectualism, "muh guns", low life expectancy, poverty, and obesity are all heads of the same damn hydra.
Religious zealotry is caused by, and creates, anti-intellectualism. Anti-intellectualism leads to low educational attainment, which is associated with low life expectancy, obesity, and poverty. Inbreeding is again related to religiosity, and white trash culture.
So you either have to make them more educated, or less religious, and the rest of it will sort itself out.
Gavin Green
Oh look, it's THIS yankees thread again.
Andrew Thompson
yankees >chicago.... black and mexicoon shit hole >detroit.... black hellhole > jewyork,jewyork
Nathan Rivera
Hurrr muh consititution and muh (((federal))) education
Ethan Nelson
The North is a cancer killing the planet. The majority of wickeds done by (((them))) and the Feds can be traced to Yankees tryna save dair shekels
Ian Miller
atom bombs
Aaron Lopez
Good job, you've read one book by Faulkner and imagine the 20th and 21st century through that lens. What GDP? You must mean the financial/Jew sectors of New York, other than that you have snotty children, snarky attitudes, low education and pizza parlors. Blacks and the military are the welfare kings and queens of America. The North is simply a credit card claiming to be real wealth. Wrong, laughably incorrect. Good bait. 6/8.
>The North is a cancer killing the planet Seceed then. GTFO. The South will envy Haiti within 10-15 years. You need us, but we don't need you. You suck Federal income at twice the rate you add to it. You drag us backwards in every way. The South is an anchor on the real USA.
Lincoln fucked up. Should have told you "don't let the door hit you on the way out". Sherman didn't go far enough, and why the fuck did we give traitors their statehood and right to vote back?
Tyler Torres
>So explain why are your still are essentially 3rd world shitholes and the Northeastern states have a quality of life on par with that of Scandinavia?
You've never visited the places that you know so much about. There are dumb shits in every place in america, or the world for that matter. There are lots of places all across the south that are as nice as any place you have ever lived.
It's a stereotype based on truth, but the same could be said about country shits in PA or NY or any other state. The main reason that it is still a stereotype is that making fun of white trash is still considered ok, because they are privileged.
Ayden Cooper
I don't know if I should suddenly feel ashamed that I've read 0 books by Faulkner... But I have lived in the South for most of my life and am a Texas native.
Southern culture has it's issues, just like any culture does.
LOL a Southerner doesn't understand what GDP is, or tax revenue. What a surprise.
Gross Domestic Product. The result of buying/selling goods and services. We actually have economic activity as a result of superior policy. More economic activity has us contributing more tax revenue than you. You get more of the Federal tax dollar than you put in - about double what you put in (aside from Texas).
So your shitty state is on Federal welfare that my state is paying for. YOU ARE TAKING FROM MY POCKET. Thus you are a welfare queen. And like all good welfare queens, you feel totally entitled without a hint of gratitude, shame, or self-awareness.
What's worse is how you're determined to force your shitty way of life on us. Instead of aspiring to better yourselves, you want to drag us down to your level. Sort of like the mudslimes who move into a country (always with a better standard of living) and immediately work to change the new place into the shit-hole they left. Not realizing that it is those very differences that create a higher standard of living.
It is a problem for us to be connected to you. I'd be more than glad for you to secede for good.
Jayden Torres
>poorest white town >still has an artsy hipster cafe
lol who slobs Israel's knob more than Conservatives? You have made our nation subservient to Israel. Tell me more about jews you APAIC lacky.
And look who's running the nation now? Jared Kushner. A jew is running the nation. Officially some guy is president who gave his daughter to a jew. Then the country.
Brody Gonzalez
>the South Doesn't include all of the south. Includes part of the east coast. >the Midwest Not mid or west.
Explain yourselves, cunts.
Kayden Murphy
You have obviously never enjoyed biscuits and sausage gravy. You will never experience heaven.
Christian Gonzalez
The mere mentioning of the North is enough to drive any reb into a spastic fit. They will then start shouting incongruities about the civil war and "northern aggression" this adds to the regularly accepted fact that southerners are stupid pieces of shit.
Joseph Hill
>Help, I don't know shit about history. Do you understand when the parts of the US got their nicknames? Because we didn't have the West coast then.
Austin Sanders
>the south The """west""" side of the country isn't America >the Midwest The middle of the Western Hemisphere Like the Middle East
Aaron Moore
Forced segregation, and the White people will go back to being normal whites again.
Xavier Cruz
Not true, not only did we rebuild all their shit and flood tons of govt dollars into the south post-civil war, but we also gave them the holy task of civilizing the negro, which they failed miserably. In the end they devolved into the very slaves they fought so heroically to hold on to. This time around they are slaves to insulin and nascar.
John Ortiz
south is bro tier > chick fil a > muh big truck > nice white families and ppl that would give the shirt off there back > muh chicken muh shirmp muh grits > sweet T
any other fuckery is butthurt kikes and blacks from the north butt hurt by the whitey still in the south lands
Caleb Howard
Amen brother. THIS IS NOW A /DIXIE GENERAL/ North Georgia Reporting in
Parker Cook
Are Sup Forumsacks really this dumb? Seriously, by what metric?
Michael Bailey
Dont forget the guns and shooting the shit with your friends while watching football
Ian Walker
The north is full of all the shit you just accused the south of, and if it's that bad, then why do you faggots keep coming here? I wish your kind and California would fuck right off back to your states. Also, many of your fellow Yankees have told me they came here because their home states are full of rude, unbearable cunts with nigger-tier aggression over every little thing, including someone just asking another person how their day is. Your niggers are also much worse than ours, so you have no place criticising the ones here.
Hunter Taylor
As much as i hate the modern south, i have a soft spot for confederate history, i just got back from GA, visited andersonville, stone mountain and the kennesaw.
Luis Sanchez
next time you should hit up Chickamauga. Its a beautiful battlefield, surrounded by amazing people. Considering I lived next to it for my enitre life
Jacob Martin
>Be Southeast >Be too lazy to do your own work/too Jewish to pay your own people to do work >Import boatloads of niggers to do it instead
>Be Southwest >Be too lazy to do your own work/too Jewish to pay your own people to do work >Allow tidal waves of illegal spics to flood over and do it instead
Imagine how white the US could be right now if the South wasn't full of fat lazy morons.
Ayden Gutierrez
That is not completely true actually they oppressed the southern people who fought in the Civil war for the south and people who thought like them. In many places niggers outnumbered whites and their communities were completely fractured, in the 1870s the niggers could even vote there, they got the whites in line and they ones that didn't got the message real fucking quick and they took back their areas from the niggers. The northerners literally went around burning peoples homes of people who supported White supremacy.
Josiah Evans
0/10 bait
Luke White
Where are you from dipshit? Georgia is the number one state for business in the country right now
Grayson Roberts
>you realize the US slave trade ended in 1810's. >this means all previous slaves were british imported, not american. >the south was STUCK with millions of slaves, since fucking jamestown. >cant give them rights because niggers. >North says give them rights because they dont understand the nigger brain >try to reason with them but only way is through steel >lose >now stuck with feral, free niggers forever. >try to hold back the nigger hordes, seperate races in relative peace for decades >more northern subversion.telegram >civil rights appear >niggers now officially let loose >cant do anything about it, lower class whites retreat to trailer parks and the mountains to avoid niggers, while middle class and rich flood to suburbs "hurr duurrrr the south kept importing slaves cause lazy" dumbass, if anything its the fucking british fault for being lazy asses
Alexander Perry
>Subsidize factory construction in the north using majority southern funds, with promises of jobs for the people. >Factory owner Jews instead opt to use slaves in the factories. >Labor riots errupt in the north. >Elect railroad lawyer shill Lincoln and his industrialists handlers. >Destroy some of the richest states in the Union so bankers and factory owners can seize more control over the needed raw goods for the factories and focus wealth and trade in the north >Make a big deal about freeing niggers so you look cool in front of Europe. >Leave niggers to die in the cold because it's illegal for them to work for free and the South's economy is fucked, so no one can pay them. >Allow carpetbagger Jews to buy up everything from under the people's feet >Wonder why the people native to the region have nothing. What a mystery.
Lincoln Cook
Thats a little into the tennessee, correct?
Michael Sullivan
>you realize the US slave trade ended in 1810's. >this means all previous slaves were british imported, not american.
What year were you taught that this country declared independence you drooling imbecile?
Isaiah Barnes
lets see here, which is the bigger number. British slave imports from 1607 to 1776 or US imports from 1776 to 1810
Adrian Ramirez
>30+ years of lazy rednecks who could have shipped the nogs back to Africa but instead imported as many as they could by the boatload before the ban was in effect >IT'S ALL THE BRITISH FAULT WE DINDUNUFFIN
Hudson Williams
Fucking this. Thank you, I'm glad someone else brought this up. Some of the first laws the US passed after the Revolution were laws against the importation of African slaves. Slavery had been under attack since the US was founded and by 1810, slave importation was a felony and piracy punishable by life imprisonment or death.
And only the super rich had slaves because even a sick or lame slave cost the equivalent of a fucking car now.
Angel Perry
>30+ years of NORTHERN JEWS importing slaves as fast as they can to reap the benefits of the agricultural south for their factories. >Plantation owners slaves date back far before the revolution, more than half of niggers today trace their ancestry to LONG before 1776.
James Barnes
There were laws in 1806, 1802, and the early 1790's against slave importation. Hostilities with the British forces fully ended around the late 1780's. Dismantling the slave importation market in the US was some of the very first laws the US passed, and the penalties were on par with RICO, where authorities can seize a bunch of your shit because it was probably related to your illegal activities as a slaver.
Robert Thomas
>We didn't even want them slaves, we only wanted to keep slavery as an institution now that we had 'em! Why send 'em back to Africa, we can just keep 'em slaves forever!
Angel Reed
>19th century capitalist america >AH YES LETS ALL COME TOGETHER AND SPEND BILLIONS OF TAX PAYER DOLLARS TO SEND BACK MASSES OF PEOPLE PACKED LIKE SARDINES. This will surely not cause any trouble in any way, shape, or form.
I enjoy the idea of deporting niggers as much as the next guy, but it wasn't feasible without THE ENTIRE COUNTRYS EFFORT.
and lets not forget the same jews that imported buttloads sure as hell werent going to release them anytime soon.
>because White Southerners themselves are nigger-tier You're full of crap. Most aren't anything like you describe. Its mostly intelligent, clean and kind white people living simple lives. The areas are clean, safe and nice. All these people want is a bit of land, their friends/family and freedom/liberty. No they aren't rich, they all don't dress fancy, some may not speak as if they were British royalty but most speak normally without any stereotyped accent not that it really matters. Just typical good white people except like our ancestors they are more religious, less obsessed with chasing wealth and ferraris and all the shit they lack which you think makes them lesser. Also they have to deal with a centralized world that dedicates itself to fucking over their areas and rural people in general so we can all be forced into the city hives as the elites prefer. In a country run by sane people they'd be far better off. You "big city" and "sjw college" fetishists make me sick. You aren't superior and you don't live better lives.
Hunter Lewis
Ban pseudoephedrine and oxy and make a free one way bus to nevada or something.
That's more or less what Calgary did to Vancouver and it worked for them.
Kevin Morgan
Nigger please, if you think that’s all the south consists of, you’ve obviously never been down here. Besides, how many niggers and junkies reside in your cities? I suspect just as many. If you ask me, our two biggest problems are niggers and northern transplants. Remove them and the south would become a much better place to live.
Andrew Martinez
Flyover Midwesterner here. The south has its problems just like everyone else. If you've honestly spent any amount of time south of the mason dixon and this is the conclusion you've come to, then you've obviously done it wrong. Maybe surround yourself with a better class of people,or stop buying in to the stereotypes pushed by MSM. The southern states have some some of the most beautiful scenery in the country, as well as some of the best damn people I've ever had the privilege of meeting. Frankly OP, people like you are why everybody thinks Yankees are assholes.
Easton Torres
I really enjoy the surge of Anti-Dixie/Southern Threads in contrast to our /Dixie/ threads. It means that (((they))) have noticed us and are feeling threatened. Can you imagibe if we were able to give the Entire american population the Confederate Pill? Americas original Redpill, it'd be near all lost for (((them))). They've spent the last 150 years shitting and reeducating the piblic against us, just like the Nazis, really, the truth about the Confederacy coming out will be one of the greatest victories in human kinds history.
Shills, keep shilling and crying. Dixiebros, do not EVER stop Dixieposting.
John Barnes
Why does NYC still need half of the federal funding directed to NYS? Why do NY citizens pay if not the highest than damn close to the highest in property taxes? Why are people and businesses fleeing the state in record numbers?
Charles Lewis
Stop lumping WV in with the south. We sided with the Union dumbass.
Asher Powell
White Southern towns still have higher crime rates than white northern towns, Cletus. -hick
Jose Ward
Here is the bigger problem, but thanks for blessing us rednecks with your estrogen filled opinions OP
Jonathan Foster
>farmers daughter drives a new mercedes because the farm is paid off. >meanwhile you live in moms basement and ride the bus.
Andrew Bell
Alexander Rivera
>college is a waist of time but at least college exposes you to the difference between waist and waste
Michael Campbell
Lol the south is awesome as shit I went north once it was horrible were full of niggers and spics and our people are WAY better
Aiden Perez
White people in the south who are surrounded by niggers have remained loyal to they're race and stayed homogenous for hundreds of years while surrounded by coons and Mexicans.
I can't say the same about California and union states. California turned Latino within 2 generations of being exposed to Mexico. Union states have never dealt with the nigger like we have. Southern whites are battle tested against coons. When the great collapse occurs yankees will flee to our southern ethno villages asking for refuge. And because we are indeed gentleman we will let them in and forgive them for they're ignorance and insolence committed against the last remaining bastion of White masculinity. Dixie
Jose Evans
Speak for yourself, I’d shoot at least 2/3 of them.
Jonathan Rogers
>muh guns So? Why is this not important to anyone? This isn't a north or south thing. Don't stupid and give up rights that's the most bugman-tier thing you can do.
Xavier Robinson
You retarded nigger, most Northern states have a higher consumption of opioid than southern states.
Jayden Watson
No thank you. I'm tired of big city progressive lefties invading the south, bringing with them their shitty politics, and turning the south into a shit-tier northern city.
Stay the fuck away from the south, fags.
Xavier Collins
I cant distinguish southern whites from blacks, they all sound the same. >we used to be X, but Y ruined us, thats why were Z.
Austin Rogers
If it's such a shithole than why do you faggots keep coming down here?
Dylan Baker
Fissile materials produced in centrifuges in the Tennessee valley (they still run a particle accelerator there), development and testing done at Los Alamos and the reactor piles built on the Hanford Site in Washington state.
John Hall
We fix the south by nuking the Pacific Northwest fags