Is it red-pilled to live in conservative ethno-state like Poland and vote for conservative parties...

Is it red-pilled to live in conservative ethno-state like Poland and vote for conservative parties, but travel to London to fuck cute traps like pic related during weekends? Asking for a friend

Red pilled is to resist your own degeneracy. Your desires don't dedine and it is deeds that count after all. So keep, you dick in your pants, find a qt gril, made few children and live with honour.
T. Repressing tranner who resist this urges

>find a qt gril, made few children
but girls are evil and sadistic and children poop and scream

She's cute, got a name?

If your not married then whatever. If what I keep hearing is true then your wife will be cheating on you in no time while ass fucking you in court and eventually there won't be anything worth from stopping you to fuck that trap.

Tell your friend to stop being a degenerate cunt.

liking traps is redpilled, don't fall for the roastie meme

>Being gay is redpilled

Honestly can’t tell if you are serious or not with the current state of Sup Forums.

Even if put aside inherent degeneracy of it do you really want a partner who probably have tons of other mental problems, I mean, dysphoria fuck you up badly, and very few trannies are mental stable. Thrust me, qt sweet traps are utter meme, and I am telling you this as borderline suicidal person with gender dysphoria.

I had a trap "girl friend", he had a life long issue with being mistaken for a girl as a child / teen / young adult. He even had some masto / breast growth and this squeaky voice.

From what I could tell, instead of continuing to get into fights and getting beaten up, around 13 he dropped out of school for a year, changed school and dressed "gender neutral", and sort of took on a girl persona to keep from being picked on. Eventually dressing like a girl in late teens.

With friends he still demanded to be called HE, and you could see a bit of anger anytime someone did call him a she, even though he would introduce him self as a she at school or anything public.

in private he would try to start fists fights with me over nothing, break his stuff. Would hit him self in the head, start crying randomly, had cut scars all over his breast and balls he tried to hide. He also would get like confederate flag tattoos and other shit that would draw un-wanted attention at like, the beach and shit.

The most traumatic thing for me, and the deal breaker, is he'd have these sex panic attacks. If he had like too much of an orgasem from anal, he'd literally like start screaming and shaking and just like curl into a ball and make noises for like 5-10min.

How does Sup Forums define a roastie?


Girls who have recreational sex, typically with chads and niggers.

So just any girl whinenjoys sex for anything but breeding?

Is a roastie just a new word for a slut or is there more to it?

>so this is the life of an ancap

You are and you fag fiend are disgusting beasts. Enjoy your fucking aids.

*who enjoys

who cares? it is your money

As long as u dont fall for the 'women are humans' meme, youre fine.

>scars all over his breast and balls
and you know that


Why would you even share that story you gross faggot? Jesus. Why do the mods never fucking move this kind of shit over to bant like they are supposed to?

Pretty sure he killed him self or got him self killed. This is something most people don't want to talk about. The cute ones get them selves killed frequently. They will engage in risky sex with risky partners, start fights, and end up getting beaten to death.

It really is upsetting to think about what might of happened to the kid, but yeah, he probably died in a pretty bad way.

This whole thing happened when I was much younger ( like 10 years ago ) , stupider and still "liberal". I told my self that I "accepted" his "life situation", not that I was fucking some boy who had been raped / beaten into thinking it was a girl. Looking back, I feel really bad for the kid, and I feel bad for butt fucking him and playing into the whole farce.

Incase you haven't noticed, this isn't a happy story. This is not a story meant to promote this kind of behavior. They may look cute, but they are extremely sick people who are going to live very short sad lives unless forced to get extensive psychiatric help.

Toppest of all Keks. Pls share more.

I mean for me it was different, I kind suffer cause I am not the girl and try to not give up to degeneracy and it fucked pretty badly. I manage to larp as a straight male (attracted to women) and so on, but shit is coming after me, I mean, those are fucked up things and most of trannies (and represors) eventually an hero. That's why sweet traps are a fucking meme, this is horrible uncurable mental illness.

How are people even born like this.. fuck

Because people here try to idealize traps / fag bois as the ultimate escape from roasties.

They need to hear how bad it really is.