Why does pol hate israel so much?

Why do you hate us so much? Have you not realized that the degeneracy in western countries is coming from googles, commies and diaspora kayks?
Nobody in israel is thinking "damn I want whites to go extinct" no one.
This just doesnt make any sense.

Other urls found in this thread:


It's a meme. But Nazis fought for the white race, so the Nazi symphaties are natural.


Everything that happens in the world is being read as a jewish conspiracy to out the whites. Ive seen a thread yesterday of a white american that had black girls give him their number and he asked why jews do that. Also israel is to blame for the rapefugees crisis? Despite most of them being nogs from africa coming with boats to italy and spain..

some of us are Christians and have read the relevant parts of the Talmud

They are jelous because unlike their shitty countries Israel knows how to deal with muslims. Big wall and shooting any cunt muslim of any age that comes close to it with a rock in his hand.

In the US there is a large subset of leftist writers (and an intellectual class in general) that they think actively conspires to enslave the US with debt via third world immigration (third worlders vote on big gov (gibs) to drive up the deficit)

You mean the fake or taken out of context Talmud passages that get posted on here by the stormfags?

Oh I forgot to mention they're like all Jewish (the writers, etc)

As I said in my first post, diaspora kikes have nothing to do with israel. we dont want them. they are commie trash.


Personally I believe its not solely Israeli fault ... As a matter of fact the whole going to take Israel thing seems more so like they traded some control of the upper classes of society temporarily in Europe to establish this foothold on the promised land that wasn't actually promised to the people calling themselves Jewish today... The problem mostly comes from the idea of Jewish people mostly being in control of nations of goy that don't get their own say of their nation ... Jews in jewland are good just when Jews leave jewland and make up all the upper class of a nation .well its just unfair to those that are nationals of that nation really ... Although with the number of Jews in the world in power ... Definitely feel Israel is a bit of an unfairly small space ... But it's like how /pol is a containment board really

I know that. Collectivists on both the right and the left are idiots. Basically the oppression narrative worked on poor blacks so now its rearing its head with poor whites and "the Jew" is the oppressor instead of "the white man".

>(((diaspora kikes have nothing to do with israel)))

This board is filled with perma-virgin larping losers and muslims. Only a fool would take this place seriously. Sup Forums is just Sup Forums but with autism at this point.

Schlomo, have you already started reconstruction of the Temple?

I know right why would people hate the Jews?

I mean it's not like God hates the Jews right?

No. Idgaf about the temple honestly.
Never thought about it this way

I don't hate Israel. I don't care about you. You don't affect me in any negative nor positive way. The only time I'm reminded of your existence is when I see a thot Israeli soldier cutie dancing video online.

This board... Your here ... May the autism be with you my son

>No. Idgaf about the temple honestly.
stop playing with me, how many years left?

7 more years of trump and maybe just maybe we will start building the temple

Child sex trafficking

kk, thanks

Your country is an artifical construct that requires continual money, angst and blood just to maintain.

Why does pol hate israel so much?

I wonder why we don't like israel...

I like israel, and israeli posters are my favourite

I Love Israel

God bless you guys !

Based Israeli, don't you think Americans that don't like to give you their tax payer money, military support, nukes and lives for you should be upset on how you close you are with the Chinese? Or you killing american marines? That kind of shit sticks ...

I don't hate Israel, I think it's a wonderful place, and I would love to visit it someday, but your way of doing politics is very shady...

>Nobody in israel is thinking "damn I want whites to go extinct" no one.
And hardly any liberal, leftist or diaspora Jew thinks that either. There's a thing called context - which low IQ stormfags (and your typicall low IQ Israeli) don't seem to understand.

Reasons to love Israel:
>It's based
>It's strong
>It's unapologetic
>It's ethnocentric
>It evokes strong religious, racial and national feelings of unity on it's citizens
>It's smart

Rasons to dislike Israel:
>They import minorities to Europe
>They keep putting americans to fight their wars
>They were formed on the holocaust history who is already known to be greatly exaggerated
>They run the most powerful lobbies around the whole world(ADL, AIPAC)
>They fund multiple NGOs of rapefugees, while putting theirs in concentration camps
>USS liberty shady shit
>9/11 shady shit
>Central banks formed Israel, Rothschild was literally the guy who got the document
>Two world wars were fought for Israel

>>Two world wars were fought for Israel
The fuck you bitching about nigger?

Hate is a strong word. I am indifferent to isreal. I’m tired of Jews telling me how important isreal is and how it’s in my countries best interest to have it around. I could care less if it thrives or dies

>continual money
K. No one's forcing other countries to give money to Israel
Jewish and Arab angst. If you're not from that region you're likely indifferent to everyone there
Shitskin blood so who cares

At least one was
Muh holocaust and all that

it's easy , islahal is made of kikes and tamud kikes hate us nonetheless so take back what you give

And so how is it connected to Israel?

DUNNO, full of jews maybe?

Because this board just looks for somebody to blame for their nation's own willingness to succumb to "degeneracy". It just so happens that Jews are the ones who are blamed.

You're occupying christian lands. Israel is the land of the follower of the messiah, not of the pharisii.

WW1 already was over, parts were making peace, when the (((Balfour declaration))) scheme shit went on.

kek You are kidding right?

Balfour document. Diaspora jews made the american golem to war against Germany in ww1, in order for their land in Palestine. Without that, there would be no ww2.

Israel is born on the grave of the european deaths that happened from this document forward.

>Why do you hate us so much?
because you're jews

Its a satire board.
Pol is not one person.
80% of pol is jewish anyway.

Fucking kikes created communism that killed over 100 million peoples around the world

Fucking kikes destabilized the whore Middle East

Fucking kikes created concept of Central Banking

Fucking kikes were responsibled for black slavery

They need to go back into ovens

the jews cut my foreskin off. i hope assad or the Iranians or hezbollah kill them all.

Also, I love Israel.

I think the correct term is 80% of Sup Forums are kikes

Oh, I don't "hate" Israel. I hate the politicians who have sold their souls to Israel and allowed our foreign and domestic policy to be controlled by that country.

wow your flag is hidden, what a surprise!

What sort of context could ever justify instructions to lie to goyim, to steal from them, to molest their daughters, and worse?

Is that supposed to hurt my feeling or something? I don't really care how you call it.

Here is a list.
>pic related
What happened?

It's just dumb people who blames Jews for their mistakes

you can't out-of-context "you can kill a non jew by omission, by taking his ladder when he falls in a hole" or " what a jew takes from non-jews he can keep" or "kill the best of their sons if you can"

pitchforks eventualy

Arab Emirates greatest ally.

well once everyone hates muslims for real and we are on the verge of kicking them out, someone could make a graphic showing how the jew religion is the exact same or worse as muslims and we can get jews thrown into the exile as well

>I couldn't pay some Jew merchant/banker his money back so I kick every Jew from this state

>Jews are more successful than me so I blame them for my incompetence

We don't hate Israel, we hate the diaspora. Israel is what all strive for. Every human human race. Zion. A homeland for our own people. Unfortunately the tribe/barbarian dichotomy of most people is inadequate against Judaism because the Jewish identity is based on a strictly adversarial relationship. There can be no equality or peaceful coexistence between humanity and the jew. It is a zero sum game. A struggle of spiritual beings against materialist animalism. It is not by coincidence that communism is a product of jewry. The jew has no concept of the transcendent God who exists beyond this wretched hell promised to them by the devil, which they have. Which is their grave. A damned raced cursed to endure an identity valued by the universal hatred of their fellow men. Binded by a blood oath to Satan by the mutiliation of innocents. Genitals torn to shreds under the fangs of devils.

isrealis are med bros

>not naming it bigifgabu

trips of truth, it's a legit plan, madagascar it is then

actually i'm a Palestinian

What about the little dungeon jews there.... huh?



Because Palestine is cool!

It may be best merchant i have ever seen

The scale of failure to pay back should be massive...
Successful in what?
Ok, here is another with attached lead.

Why are you not living in Israel then? It treats good arabs well/the same way as jews.

Btw, I'm not blaming jews as ethnicity but there is something wrong with religions declaring outsiders gentiles or kuffar or untermench.

But Isreal is like the most badass country there is.

>Successful in what?
>According to pol Jews run the government the media and the biggest corporations.
Choose carefully shill

Do you jews ever consider maybe taking a vacation from all of these subversion attempts? I mean for fucks sake. You've been at this shit non stop for thousands of years. No wonder you people are so neurotic. Just calm the fuck down and take a breath. I know you love it. The thrill of injecting yourself into a civilization, mind fucking the majority while you slowly gain control, milking it for everything it's worth, and finally running for dear life when you've been found out. It sounds fun as hell. I get it. But you can have too much of a good thing. Take some time off to recharge your batteries. Give it about 500 years before you start your shit again.


I'm sure JIDF made it....

Jew, once someone finds you out no one cares anymore about your appeal to emotions or twisted arguments.
You have no idea what will happen when then majority starts to hate you as much as we do.

You are such a rogue and self destructive state (as well as a source of inastability in the region) that literally everyone no matter their political leanings can finally unite thanks to hating you guys guts.

I am Jewish (atheist but from Jewish ancestry) so unlike a lot of guys from here I don't hate Jews but the day Hezbollah/Assad/Iran/Whoever takes you out it will be the hardest orgasm in all my life.

wow people like Einstein and Niels Bohr sure were parasites for their accomplishment for humanity


>using conscripts
>expecting them to have balls


the op is probably partially correct
lets say europe becomes a shitskin hellhole, they will oppose israel at every turn, shit they are already swinging that way. now imagine the usa also is overrun with non whites, then aipac and the like are gonna have a hard time getting help from white folks.
maybe low iq peeps will be easy to trick, but they are more unstable

its like asking a farmer if he wants his dairy cows to go extict

>Just calm the fuck down and take a breath.
Easy to say when you're not surrounded by angry muslims from all the sides that try to conquer you at every opportunity.

Europe was always against Israel, before the migrant crisis in 2000-2009 I remember they were marching on their capitals for "children in Gaza" for "poor oppressed muslims". Europeans in their ignorance thought it's all fun and games, they were sorry for the muslims, they loved them, wanted to help them and condemned Israel every day every time a rocket was fired at Sderot and Ashkelon, Europeans pitied the children in Gaza that were hiding behind weapons and rocket launchers.
Now they have it, now they finally got what they wanted, they got their muslims, they got their poor poor refugees.
Because no one of you knew that before, how it feels to live in terror, how it feels. You never thought about muslims before, you were just quick to judge. Now you finally have it, so enjoy it, suck it up, open your assholes and take the muslim dick deep into your pink effeminate insides.
Do you like it white boy? Does your wifes son love it?

Why do Jews take shitposting so seriously?

Because the Jews made up the Holocaust story

look at france
used to support israel with weaponry
then algerigan swamped them along with the other shitskins
then support ended
2000 wasnt the begining of the invasion
its been happening for decades, they had to start slowly to get the foot in the door, its only recently that they tore the door off the hinges

That is true.Blaming jews is very common because this an actuality that grates against all human dignity. Indeed, the people of Palestine are to blame for not ingratiating themselves into European finance and poltitics 3 centuries ago in anticipation of the inevitable push of Jewry (I can't imagine the irony of being an actual semetic race who's conquest and genocide is justified as as a reaction against anti-semetism by a race almost purely non-semetic. This is jewry of course in it's purest form.)
TLDR; you're a fucking kike scholomo. Nobody is fooled.


Don't misunderstand me I'm not happy about what's happening now in Europe, I wouldn't wish anyone to live in such hell that we experience every day. I have friends and distant relatives in Italy, Germany and France. But I just think that it's justice, that's only fair. Before 2013 we had countless argument about refugees and Islam with them, and they simply refused to belive me, closed their ears. Now they don't argue with me anymore. Everyone gets what they wish for. And Europe choose this fate.

Wish we both didn't ho to war 2bh

After all we both are semites and er should share the land like the old times

Don’t tell me you fell for the (((MSM))) propaganda. Take off your meme flag.

Daily reminder that THESE are the Talmud kikes everyone here complains about.

The feeling is mutual. Radical elements are dangerous to both sides.

Mostly because the way most of you practice your religion by deliberately trying to setup gentiles to fail and go to hell so your people can have more real estate in the Kingdom of God.

its due to american black and white mentality

they cannot see shades of gray thus if some kikes are bad all are bad

Why are there no reactionary jews then? Good kikes are like moderate muslims.